MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 185 185

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Lin Yi felt that he was lifted up, other cages screamed for unknown reasons, Lin Yi knew where he was going to be sent, he kept silent, waiting for his mentality to slow down get better.

Although he lost the bet, at least he was not completely dead, and he could still stay here.

Lu Jin previously said that as long as the buyer dies, he will be free. After he was bought out, he also learned from the 5005 housekeeper to encourage the buyer to gamble. As long as the buyer cools down, he will be free.

Then Lin Yi thought again, he should be bought, except for a hole in his arm, he is also considered healthy limbs, handsome in facial features, no matter how he can be a Class C slave .

If no one buys him, he's just locked in a cage and not gagged, he can sell himself!

Lin Yi thought about whether he should perform a talent, such as singing a song when he was auctioned. His singing is not good, but at least he is not out of tune. He can also tell jokes, or tell a joke, this city that never sleeps is too depressing, maybe those honorable guests need him like this.

Haven't figured out what talent to perform, he felt like he was put down.

It was finally his time, Lin Yi heard the host walking towards him.

At the moment when the red cloth was lifted, he cleared his throat and prepared to sell himself according to the situation.


The red cloth was uncovered, and the host said: "The limbs are healthy and the hands and feet are beautiful, the facial features are beautiful, the arm is slightly injured, and the first-class slave. The starting price is 10,000 gold."

Lin Yi was stunned.

It's not that he was judged as a Class A slave and the starting price reached 10,000 gold, but...

He saw Qin Zhou in the audience.

Qin Zhou did not sit at the end, but this time in the front row. This 'front row' refers to the first row, and Lin Yi can see him as soon as he lifts his eyes.

He suddenly felt a little hard to breathe, and his fingers trembled slightly when Qin Zhou looked at him.

Qin Zhou raised his hand: "Ten thousand gold."

Immediately there is a premium customer: "Twenty thousand gold!"

Qin Zhou: "Thirty thousand gold!"

Lin Yi was terrified, he looked at Qin Zhou motionless, he didn't know what Qin Zhou pawned, and he couldn't guess. All the organs in a person's body can add up to 5,000 gold, but Qin Zhou is sitting in the position representing the highest class.

Someone added: "Thirty-five thousand gold."

Qin Zhou kept looking at him: "Fifty thousand gold."

Fifty thousand gold?

What did Qin Zhou do!

Lin Yi was flustered for a while, he suddenly felt that he was too reckless, why did he think that he would not be bewitched by the mermaid's singing, and now he wants Qin Zhou to catch him!

Lin Yi suddenly did not dare to look at Qin Zhou, he hurriedly looked away and curled up in the corner of the cage.

The slave has no clothes, Lin whimsy, he must be very embarrassed now.

The trading hall was quiet after Qin Zhou shouted 50,000 gold, the host was confirming the transaction amount of 50,000 gold, "50,000 gold once, 50,000 gold twice, 50,000 gold... "

"100,000 gold." An abrupt and harsh voice came out of nowhere.

Lin Yi didn't look at Qin Zhou anymore, so he had to look in the direction of the sound from the stage.

It is also the first row, and it is in the center, and the prince is bidding.

Found that Lin Yi was looking over, the prince showed an expression of "I didn't expect it", he thought Lin Yi was interesting, he wanted to buy Lin Yi, and he would wrestle with him every time he came back to Never Sleeping City.

Lin Yi immediately went to look at Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou did not blink: "200,000."

Lin Yi panicked.

"Three hundred thousand." The prince didn't care about the money at all.

"400,000." Qin Zhou said.

"One million gold." The prince was too lazy to play a boring auction game with Qin Zhou, so he called out his reserve price, and then glared at Qin Zhou: "I haven't seen you before, you just came here. Right? I just have a lot of money, you can’t compete with me, with these 400,000, just go to the Mermaid Hall and play, what is my name?”

Qin Zhou ignored it and raised his hand again: "One million two hundred thousand gold."

The prince's face sank: "One and a half million gold!"

Qin Zhou: "1.7 million gold."

The prince said angrily: "One hundred and ninety thousand gold!"

Qin Zhou: "Two million gold!"

Lin Yi looked at Qin Zhou without blinking, two million gold…

It is impossible for Qin Zhou to bid and not give money. He must know that there is a loophole in the malicious bidding in the city that has so many death rules. Qin Zhou can bid two million gold. so much.

The prince was stunned for a moment, and wanted to bid again, but suddenly thought of something, and finally retracted his hand angrily, staring at Qin Zhou: "Two million gold to buy a Class A slave, you are crazy ?"

Qin Zhou urged the host: "Don't you knock the hammer?"

The host glanced at the prince, and the prince said angrily: "Look at me! Do you still expect me to pay two million gold to buy a slave? I'm not taking advantage of it!"

There will definitely not be a higher price than two million gold, the host directly finalized: "Two million gold, deal!"

The red cloth covered the cage again, Lin Yi was confused and didn't know where he was carried.

He could only wait anxiously for Qin Zhou to take him away.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yi heard the sound of knuckles knocking on the cage, "Little genius."

Lin Yi's nose was sour: "Um..."

The red cloth was then uncovered by Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou squatted down and opened the lock with the key. Then he stuffed Lin Yi with a set of clothes, "Put them on first, we'll talk about it when we go back."

Lin Yi lowered his head: "Yeah."

The clothes are also new. Lin Yi got out of the cage and put on his clothes. He said to Qin Zhou, who had his back turned to him, "Senior, I'm fine."

Qin Zhou turned around and wanted to say something, but it turned into two words: "It's okay."

Fortunately I caught up.

Lin Yi asked, "Senior, what did you do?"

In fact, I should go back and talk about it, but Lin Yi couldn't wait.

Qin Zhou's Adam's apple rolled.

After Lin Yi left, Qin Zhou paced back and forth in the room. He didn't feel that Lin Yi was able to resist the mermaid's singing, and he was not at all worried that the 4-4 monsters in Lin Yi's body would protect him Lin Yi.

It's a monster after all.

But Lin Yi told him to wait for five hours, Qin Zhou couldn't leave the room just because he was worried, if he was bewitched, it would cause trouble for Lin Yi.

Waiting so restlessly, he heard footsteps outside the door.

But the footsteps stopped at the door of room 5005 and there was no movement.

Qin Zhou's heart sank, and he opened the door.

There was only 5005 housekeeper outside the door. What happened is self-evident.

Qin Zhou asked directly, "Is he still alive?"

5005 Butler said: "The friend of the distinguished guest was taken to the seventh floor of the city that never sleeps."

Qin Zhou nodded, it was good to be alive.

He turned around and ran to the **** shop, cut the queue to the **** locker No. 8, Qin Zhou said directly: "Where I am most valuable, I will be there."

He knew that no matter how valuable he was, he couldn't do anything. He had to go to the left trading hall with at least 10,000 gold, and he had to have extra money to photograph Lin Yi.

Then only go to the Mermaid Hall.


So he had to come to the **** cabinet to trade, he wanted to buy medicine to shut up the 'Miss Mermaid', and this time it took more than five minutes.

The guy in the **** cabinet No. 8 glanced at Qin Zhou, "Your partner didn't come?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I will do it everywhere." Qin Zhou's tone was not good.

Guys don't mind Qin Zhou's attitude, gamblers are like this when they have no money. He looked Qin Zhou up and down several times: "The most valuable place? Yes, it's his love for you."

Qin Zhou was stunned: "What?"

The guy said: "It's your partner's feelings for you, it's the most valuable thing in your body. I'll give you three million gold, seven days in the current period, 30,000 gold per day in interest. ?"

Qin Zhou twitched his fingers, he knew exactly what kind of deal this was.

Put Lin Yi's feelings for him, if he doesn't pay, then Lin Yi doesn't like him anymore.

But three million gold, he doesn't have to race against time to go to the mermaid hall to gamble, he can catch up with the slave trade for the next hour, and he will definitely be able to buy Lin Yi.

The guy lured: "Every time you redeem your things within the current period, you won it in the Mermaid Hall, you are lucky, maybe it will be the same this time."

How possible, this is a very clumsy lie.

He participated in the two rounds of gambling and finally won 12,000 gold, and now he has paid 3 million gold, then there are seven days in the current period, and the interest is also 30,000 gold per day. Even if he spends all day in the mermaid hall, there are 12 rounds of gambling in the mermaid hall for twelve hours a day, and if he wins all of them, he will only have 72,000 gold a day. After deducting the interest of 30,000 gold, he will only get 42,000 gold.

The principal of three million gold, he has to stay in the mermaid hall for 71 days.

However, Grade-A slaves have always been in demand. The last Grade-A slave was auctioned for 500,000 gold. Are you afraid that you won't be able to earn it back in the Mermaid Hall? Hey, seriously, you hesitate for a second. I'm going to be worthless for that beautiful little brother, you just lost your love, and he lost..."

Qin Zhou hoarsely: "I will."

The guy smiled and immediately opened the bill: "Three million gold, seven days in the current period, 30,000 gold per day in interest, and the money is not paid within seven days, what you pawned..." After a pause, the man said loudly : "It can't be redeemed again."

Lin Yi's chest was heaving, he suppressed the emotions in his heart and followed Qin Zhou back to room 5005.

As soon as he entered, he turned and locked the door.

Then looked at Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou asked him, "Are you hungry? I'll call you..."

"Senior." Lin Yi and Qin Zhou looked at each other: "Can I get the two million back? If I can't get it back, I'm going to love the bald guy in the **** locker No. 8. "

"Little genius." Qin Zhou clasped him tightly and assured: "I will definitely find it."

Lin Yi lowered his head and whispered, "Senior, did you find out?"

Qin Zhou asked hoarsely, "What?"

Lin Yi took a breath and said, "The mermaid's singing is no longer needed to attract you to the mermaid hall, you have been bewitched."

Qin Zhou suddenly fell silent.

The difficulty of the 1-3 rule world is that those involved will be eroded by the desire for money for various reasons.

The culprit of the abyss.