MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 90 Interstellar Prisoner's Secret 13

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The uncle who was tasting wine suddenly sneezed, and he said strangely: "Which girlfriend is this thinking of me?"

Yan Ge didn't know what to say, he was fifty years old and still had so many girlfriends. Uncle raised his glass to Yan Ge and said, "Let's have a good drink today."

Yang Ge picked up the wine glass and touched it, while his uncle was cutting the steak, Yang Ge suddenly said: "I have something to tell you."

"Speak." The uncle said indifferently: "Are you worried about your job after you get out of prison? Don't worry, your parents bought you a planet in the year you were born. That planet is now It is already very prosperous, as long as you want, you can go to that planet to be a king."

"No..." Yan Ge said in embarrassment, "I want to ask if I can move back the time when I get out of prison?"

"Huh?" Uncle held the wine glass and asked suspiciously: "What did you say? Can you say it again?"

Yan Ge: "I mean, I want to stay here for a while, I... I can't bear you... Ouch!"

The uncle slapped Yan Ge on the head, and his neck became thicker in anger, "If you have the guts, just say it again? We have worked so hard to raise you from childhood to adulthood, just to make you like going to prison?"

Yan Ge stood up covering his head and stepped back a few steps: "Uncle, calm down, listen to my explanation..."

"There's nothing to explain. Back then, I shouldn't have agreed to your father with a wattless brain to let you be a prison warden, which has caused you to have a wattless brain now." Uncle pointed at Yang Ge and said, "Say, do you want to stay here?" ?”

Yan Ge: "I don't want to stay here forever, I just want to postpone leaving for a while."

"You still dare to bargain with me?" The uncle stepped on the dining table, and then flew up and kicked Yang Ge.

Yang Ge was shocked and said, "Good skill!"

Then he was kicked and fell to the ground. His uncle's feet landed beside Yang Ge, squatting on the ground and grabbing Yang Ge's collar with one hand, and said, "Are you going?"

Yan Ge said with tears in his eyes: "Uncle... I have some unavoidable difficulties."

"Sorry? Tell me." The uncle sneered, "If you don't satisfy me with what you say, I will take off your clothes and let you take a bath in front of thousands of prisoners, so that you can enjoy the prisoner's life." Really treated..."

The moon quietly climbed up the office building and stuck to the outer wall of the warden's office like a gecko. As soon as I crawled over, I heard a man inside who seemed to be saying who was going to take off his clothes. As soon as his brain exploded, he poked his head out of the window to look in, and saw that Yan Ge was being held down by someone, a middle-aged man was pulling his collar, and Yan Ge was holding the old man's hand with both hands, as if he was struggling .

Taking a closer look at the corners of Yan Ge's eyes, there seemed to be tears, oh my god, what a cold and strong person, he was tortured and cried?

Yan Ge grabbed his uncle's hand and said, "Listen to me..."

Before he could start speaking, he caught sight of a figure out of the corner of his eye. Yan Ge's eyes widened instantly, and he exclaimed, "No!"

"No?" Uncle asked suspiciously, "What's your name...ahhh!"

In an instant, his uncle flew out, Yue Yue went to help Yang Ge excitedly, and said sadly: "I'm here to play!"

Yan Ge screamed, "Uncle!"


"Uncle?" Yue Yue was puzzled, then thought of something, and pointed at the warden who was thrown in the corner with a distorted posture, "Is he your uncle?"

Yang Ge didn't know what to say, so he rushed over staggeringly, "Uncle, are you okay? Are you still alive? I'm sorry!"

The moon, which was standing stiffly in place, had only one thought at this time, luckily it didn't kill her, luckily...

Half an hour later, the warden of Mars sat crookedly on his single sofa, squinting at the two youths in front of him. He tapped lightly with his fingers, pointed at the moon and said, "In other words, the reason why you don't want to leave is because of this murderer?"

Yan Ge said cowardly: "You can't say it's a murderer..."

"Isn't it the murderer who beat me up like this?!" The uncle almost jumped up from the sofa, if it wasn't for the pain in his back.

Yue Yue, who has never experienced such a battle since she grew up, did not dare to say a word, and she was not at all as murderous as when she was beating someone before.

The uncle asked the moon again, "You went to prison just because of him?"

Moon: "Yes."

"Why?" Uncle said: "If he can't get out for a lifetime, you will stay with him for the rest of his life?"

"Yes." When it came to this topic, Yue Yue stopped being cowardly, and he said firmly, "I will accompany him for the rest of my life, and I will protect him from any harm."

"Hehe." The uncle said with a sneer, "It's nice to say, what are you doing? If I'm really an evil warden, what can you do? Even if you can kill me, you can't escape with him .”

Moon said in a muffled voice: "Anyway, before I die, no one will hurt him."

Yang Ge's heart moved when he heard this, and he wanted to say something, but because the warden's uncle was still here, he held back his words.

Uncle hit the wall when he flew out before, but now half of his face is black and blue, and now he grinned in pain even if he made a slight expression. He hated iron and steel and said to Yan Ge: "You want to be with him, can't we be together after you get out of prison? Why do you have to stay together in prison?"

The main reason was that he didn't want Yue Yue to know his real situation, but Yang Ge didn't dare to say it, and his uncle said angrily, "You are really as stupid as your father."

Yan Ge rubbed his nose, didn't refute, and said to his heart that uncle, every time you see my dad, you will be so angry that you don't know who is more stupid.

"Okay, I'm almost clear about the matter." The uncle pinched his brows tiredly and said, "You should prepare to get out of prison as soon as possible, I really don't want to see you again."

Yan Ge walked out of the office with a heavy face, and immediately returned to his expressionless face as soon as he went out. Yue Yue cautiously followed behind Yang Ge, and said regretfully, "I'm sorry, I caused you trouble by doing something wrong again."

"Hmph." Yan Ge said, "You are pretty smart, you know how to speak nicely to my uncle."

Moon blinked, and said with some doubts, "What I'm telling is the truth."

Yan Ge looked into the moon's eyes and said, "Is it true that you said you would stay with me for the rest of your life?"

Moon: "It's true."

"Naive." Yan Ge put his hand on the shoulder of the moon, and said again: "Do you know what kind of person can be with me for the rest of my life?"

"No matter what my identity is, I will follow you." Yue Yue said, "Now that I have an identity, I can go anywhere."

As soon as the hand on the moon's shoulder turned, it pressed on the back of his head. Yang Ge pressed the moon's head to his side, tilted his head slightly and kissed the other's lips directly. After they separated, Yan Ge said, "If you want to stay by my side, you have to do this."

Yue Yue licked his lips and said to Yang Ge: "Can...can you do it again?"

Yan Ge: "Huh?"

Moon: "It was too fast just now, I didn't... didn't feel it."

Yan Ge and Yue Yue were released from prison quietly. According to other prisoners, Yang Ge went to the warden's office that day, and then Yue Yue went to find Yang Ge murderously. After that, the two never came back. Thinking about it, it's really frightening.

After sending the two of them on the spaceship to Earth, the warden's uncle immediately called his sister on Earth, "Hey, sister, your son is finally not alone."

The beautiful lady on the screen was doing skin care, and she frowned in confusion, "What do you mean?"

The woman beside her said: "Madam, Madam, you can't frown now."

The lady immediately returned to her expressionless face, and said, "Speak clearly."

"You will understand soon." Uncle smiled complacently, "You have to thank me for this."

"Huh? What's wrong with your face?" The lady's attention was attracted by his face, "Why does it seem like someone beat you?"


On the spaceship, Moon told all the reasons and consequences of going to the Confessor Prison to kill people, and also revealed his identity. After he finished speaking, he looked at Yang Ge anxiously, fearing that Yang Ge would dislike his identity. But in fact, Yan Ge knew everything about him better than himself. After listening to it, Yan Ge just nodded, and immediately grasped the point, "You said you don't like Cen Feng?"

"Yeah." Yue Yue nodded with certainty, "I don't feel that way about him anymore."

Hearing this, Yan Ge's mouth curled up, and he stroked the moon's face with his hands and said, "Then who do you have feelings for now?"

The moon blushes...

He stammered, "I... don't... don't feel it now."

"Really?" Yan Ge said, "Do you still remember what I told you that day, what you have to do if you want to stay by my side?"

Moon: "Remember...remember."

"Then come on." Yan Ge said, "Behave better."

Moon blushed and lowered her head, and lightly pecked Yang Ge's lips.

Yang Ge raised his eyebrows, the moon kissed him lightly, and the nervous hands of the killer began to tremble. He carefully grasped Yang Ge's clothes, and rubbed them on Yang Ge's lips, breathing in a mess.

Yang Ge put his arms around Moon's shoulders and waist, and pressed Moon on the seat as soon as he turned over. The moon looked at him without blinking, and there seemed to be some kind of expectation in the eyes of confusion. Yan Ge said, "Put your **** up."

Yue Yue obeyed, and Yan Ge said again: "The legs are around my waist."

The moon still obediently obeys...

After getting off the spaceship, Yan Ge said to the moon: "Take me to your house."

Moon: "Yeah."

When he came to the gate of Yue Yue's house, Yan Ge said, "I'm hungry, please cook for me."

The moon said embarrassedly: "I don't cook well."

"Forget it then." Yan Ge said, "I can't eat bad food."

Yue Yue didn't think there was any problem. In his opinion, Yan Ge shouldn't have been wronged. As soon as the door was opened, a person appeared at the door, "Moon? You're back!"

This person is Cen Feng. Cen Feng looked at the moon that came back suddenly in shock, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

"He is Yan Ge." Yue Yue said, "I'm back."

When Cen Feng was still in a daze, Yan Ge grabbed Cen Feng's hand and said, "You are Mr. Cen Feng, right? Our Yue Yue told me about you. Thank you for taking care of him these days."

Cen Feng: "...You're welcome."

The author has something to say: Good night! !

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

two 136 bottles; Linyu 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion