MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 156 Yan Ge with a conscience

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Yan Ge had a good rest at home for two days. He used to be so eager for money. After so many long tasks, he suddenly felt a sense of wanting nothing.

When he got up and was about to go out for dinner, Zhao Meng, a good friend of his college classmate, contacted him and asked him to come out for a gathering at night.

At this time, Yan Ge had almost forgotten Zhao Meng's appearance, thinking that now that technology is so advanced, he still has at least one hundred years to live, and his former friends can't just give up like this. What's more, for Zhao Meng and the others, they met a week ago, so Yan Ge agreed.

He ate, took a shower after returning, opened the closet, and suddenly realized how bad his taste was before. It was too late to buy clothes now, so he managed to match himself with decent clothes, tidied his hair casually, and went out.

No matter how humans develop, as long as the desire has not disappeared, some places will not disappear, such as bars and nightclubs. After all, the purpose of most people going to bars is not to drink.

As night fell, Yan Ge went out.

As soon as he entered the bar, he felt a little worried. When he left the company, he forgot to go to the technicians to strengthen his memory, so that he couldn't remember many things in the past. When we get together to chat, what should he do if he can't even remember his friend's name? After all, the content of the company's mission is confidential, and he can't leak it out.

Looking for someone absent-mindedly, a person walked by and knocked Yang Ge sideways. Yan Ge looked over, and saw a tall and beautiful woman with strong makeup smiling at him, "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Yan Ge had already seen a few acquaintances at this time, and was about to walk over.

The woman posted it up and said, "Are you alone? I happen to be alone too, why don't we have a drink together?"

Yan Ge pointed in one direction very straightforwardly and said, "I'm not alone, my friend is waiting for me over there."

The woman's smile froze immediately, and she looked in the direction Yang Ge was pointing at. It was a group of stinky men. She laughed again and said, "Why don't you introduce your friend to me?"

It's so obvious that I've already refused, can't she see it? Yan Ge found it hard to understand, "No need, I don't know you."

Saying that, Yan Ge left quickly, and soon got rid of the woman's entanglement.

Zhao Meng and the other big brothers watched Yan Ge come over with teasing faces, "Hey, who was that beauty just now?"

"I don't know." Yang Ge sat down and said, "I accidentally bumped into it while walking."

"Is she alone?" Zhao Meng looked at the past stupidly, "Why don't you invite her over for a drink?"

Yan Ge said with a straight face, "I don't know him."

Opposite him, a buddy who is very familiar but can't remember the name said: "Yang Ge, you have changed. You were so hungry in the past, but now you are willing to offer it to your door, and you actually refused."

"Is there?" Yang Ge recalled carefully, was he really like this before?

"Yes." Zhao Meng said with a complicated expression: "I haven't seen you for a few days, what changed you?"

Yang Ge thought about why he wanted to work for GD Company, and he sighed, "It's money."

The brothers all knew that Yan Ge's previous job was gone, but they didn't know that he already had a new job, thinking that he was under pressure due to lack of money. They all comforted him to eat and drink even if he didn't work these days, and told him not to have too much pressure. He also said that they had invited him for tonight's wine, and promised to introduce him to a job.

Yan Ge was very moved when he heard that, and decided not to tell them that he was going to get a large sum of money soon.

In order to make Yan Ge happy, Zhao Meng said: "Did you know? When we were in school, the department flower of our department liked you."

"Ah?" Yan Ge looked confused, who is Xihua?

The big brothers didn't notice Yan Ge's bewilderment, and thought he was dazzled by happiness, Zhao Meng said enviously: "She gave you a book on the day of graduation, and put a confession paper inside it In the end, you turned around and gave the book to the class monitor."

"Ah?" Yan Ge looked confused, "Isn't that book the monitor's?"

"What class monitor?" Zhao Meng said: "It's from the department of flowers. I met her on the street two days ago, and she asked me about your situation."

"Ah?" Yan Ge was stupefied the whole time, "I thought it was the monitor who left it behind, so I gave it to him... Wait a minute, how do you know that I gave the book to the monitor?"

"Why didn't I know?" Zhao Meng and the older brothers all said with complicated expressions: "At first, the monitor thought it was a graduation gift from you, and after taking it back, he found a confession note inside. It scared him I thought you had been secretly in love with him. He couldn't bear to hurt you, so he didn't dare to contact us classmates for two years after graduation, and he didn't solve the misunderstanding until a few days ago."

Yan Ge opened his mouth wide, is there such a thing? It seems that his previous life was not as boring as he thought.

Not knowing what to say, Yan Ge drank a glass of wine.

Zhao Meng said: "How is it? Do you have any ideas? I still have the contact information of Lihua, which I can give you."

"No, no, no." Thinking of himself who was so desperate for a girlfriend in the past, Yan Ge sighed vicissitudes of life, "It's too late..."

"What's late?"

"Hey, look over there." The brother opposite Yang Ge pointed in one direction and said, "Is that man looking at us all the time?"

Several people turned their heads and saw a man sitting and drinking alone. She was wearing a fitted black silk shirt on her upper body, which set off her fair skin. The cuffs were turned up a little, revealing a smooth and beautiful forearm. He turned sideways to this side, his bangs were a little long, his brows and eyes were shrouded in shadows, and the curve of his exposed jaw was graceful, hitting Yan Ge right away.

The image and temperament of this man perfectly fit the aesthetics created by so many worlds of Yang Ge.

The man looked sideways at this side, his eyes were a little blurred, as if he was looking at them, and he seemed to be looking at the distant universe through them.

Yan Ge's throat moved. Although he is in the real world now, he will not forcefully change his sexuality. The life of a rich man is so boring, why doesn't he find a man he likes to comfort himself? For example, the one in front of you is very good.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Meng patted Yang Ge's shoulder and said, "I think that man's eyes are very provocative."

Yang Ge turned his head around and said, "Whatever he is looking at, let's continue drinking."

Several people were chatting without saying a word, talking about work, relationship, and games. The topics of single men are so boring. Yan Ge was drinking, the man just now reminded him of those male partners. Just when he was feeling sad, a person sat directly beside him.

Turning around, isn't this the woman who bumped into him?

The woman leaned on Yang Ge and said aggrievedly: "Really, would you rather drink with these stinky men than accompany me?"

Before Yan Ge had time to speak, the expressions of the men present all changed, and they said with a hint of lewdness in their enthusiasm: "Yes, yes, he won't drink with you, we will drink with you, what do you call a beautiful woman?"

Yan Ge felt uncomfortable being leaned on by her, and was about to stretch out his hand to push him, when the woman wrapped his arms around him, smiled and handed him a glass of wine and said, "After drinking this glass, I will let you go."

How could Yan Ge bear this grievance with his violent temper? Just as he was about to use his venomous tongue, suddenly his eyes blurred and the woman disappeared.

Yan Ge: "???"

Everyone looked up in surprise, only to see the man in the black shirt grabbing the woman's arm and dragging him away from Yan Ge.

The first thought in Zhao Meng's mind was, is he this woman's boyfriend? Is this catching rape? The atmosphere suddenly froze, and several people said that it was none of their business that this woman came here on her own initiative, and even if they wanted everyone, they would not be afraid if there were too many people.

Then I saw the black shirt pushing the woman aside, frowned and said, "Stay away from him."


Everyone: "???"

Afterwards, the black shirt was turned over, revealing a handsome and elegant face. He smiled at Yang Ge infinitely, then bent down, stretched out his slender fingers to pinch Yang Ge's chin, kissed him lightly on the lips, and said: "Who do you want to hook up with again?"

Zhao Meng and the others looked at them with their mouths wide open in horror.

Yan Ge blinked, and asked back, "I want to hook you up."

"Heh." The man laughed and said, "Hook me up? Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know." Yan Ge said, "But you've already been hooked."

The man straightened up with a smile, and said, "I'm not a casual person."

"Me neither." Yan Ge said, "Should we first get to know each other and develop a relationship, or omit these steps and go directly to my house?"

"Let's go to your house." The black shirt didn't know what he was thinking, and said in a slightly wrong tone: "If I don't take the initiative, you might be hooked away first."

Then Yan Ge said apologetically to his buddies: "I'm sorry, I left earlier, next time I'll buy you a drink."

As he spoke, he walked away with the black shirt shoulder to shoulder, leaving behind a few friends who were astonished as if petrified on the spot.

Yan Ge brought the man back home. Since they were so direct, the two of them didn't talk nonsense, and Yan Ge said, "You should wash first or I will wash first."

"Let's go together." As he spoke, the man began to undress without restraint.

Yang Ge looked at him with a strange feeling, as if they knew each other and were very familiar, but it was indeed the first time they met.

Yan Ge said, "Have we met?"

The man took off his shirt, revealing his white and beautiful upper body. He hooked Yan Ge's neck with his right hand and leaned towards his ear, saying, "If you recognize it before I tell you, I have a reward for you."

As he spoke, he kissed Yang Ge's lips, and the two walked into the bathroom entangled with each other.

The water drenched on the two of them, soaking the clothes on Yang Ge's body. Tearing, gradually getting rid of all shackles.

There is such a harmony between them, as if such a scene has happened countless times. Zeng Hui hugged Yan Ge's neck tightly, and murmured: "I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you so much."

Yan Ge was shocked all over, and suddenly he had the feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds, and he said in disbelief: "It's you?"

"Recognized? You still have a conscience..."

Read The Duke's Passion