MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 145 The deep sea mermaid is so scary 18

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Lan Ling searched around the coast, but couldn't find any clues about Yan Ge. After reuniting with Yinhe, he asked worriedly, "What should I do? Has Wang been arrested?"

Yinhe stared blankly at the front, Lan Ling spoke for a long time without getting any response, and poked Yinhe strangely and said, "What's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

"Huh?" Yinhe blinked, then reacted and said, "Nothing? How about we go back."

"How can I go back?" Lan Ling anxiously shook Yinhe's arm, "Didn't you listen to what I just said? I think Wang might be in danger."

"The king won't be in danger, he's so powerful..." Yin Yin said absently, "If you can't even deal with the king, we can't help it."

"How can you say such dejected words..."

Lan Ling was still nagging at the side, Yinhe was leaning on a piece of coral, and met him the first time he went to a place where humans lived, what should I do? Did he find me?

Yan Ge waited for Alves to come back at home, but Alves did not come, but Lucia came first. With quick eyes and hands, Yan Ge gathered up the skirt to make sure that the fish's tail was not exposed. Lucia looked around, smiled at Yang Ge and said, "Is Alves not here?"

"Do you have business with Alves?" Yan Ge said, "He has gone out and will be back in a while. You can wait here."

Speaking of Yan Ge, he tried to leave, and Lucia quickly said: "No... no, I won't look for him."

As she was talking, she was a little afraid to look directly into Yang Ge's eyes, and took out a bouquet of fiery red flowers from behind. She looked at Yang Ge with big eyes that seemed to be able to talk, and said, "This is what I bought casually on the road." Yes, I think it suits you very well, whether it's the color or the flower name..."

The moment Alves walked into the store, he saw Lucia reaching out to touch Yango's face.

He was confused on the spot, and blurted out: "Stop!"

Yan Ge and Lucia looked over together, and Alves rushed forward, stopped Yan Ge behind him, looked at Lucia vigilantly, and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Ah? I...she..." Lucia was a little confused by Alves' attitude, and after a long time she organized her words and said, "Luth's hair is a bit messy, I'll help her tidy it up."

Alves turned his head to look at Yango, who nodded.

"Oh, that's it, don't bother you, I'll do it." As he spoke, Alves brushed Yang Ge's hair with one hand, and said to Lucia with a smile: "We have something to say, you Let's see if you... how about you come back another day?"

Lucia reluctantly glanced at Yang Ge, and saw that Yang Ge had no intention of keeping him, so she suppressed her grief and anger and left.

Alves immediately went to check on Yango, "How is it, are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Yang Ge held flowers in his hand and said, "The worst case is that I kill people to silence them."

"... That's good." Alves was relieved, and he said, "Alva's situation is a bit difficult. He is likely to suffer from a serious mental illness."

"Ah?" Yan Ge was quite incredulous, because in the original plot, the male lead, Alva, was always fine. Could it be because of his own reasons that he got mentally ill? But I didn't do anything. Yang Ge felt how innocent he was. He had no contact with Alva from the beginning to the end, so it must not be his fault.

However, many authors now like to write about mentally ill protagonists. He thinks that it may be a problem with the author's setting and has nothing to do with him. After clearing himself in his heart, Yan Ge said: "Then what should we do? Send him back?"

"It's rare for him to come to me, but I sent him away mercilessly. Do you think his condition will worsen?" After all, he was a good friend for many years, and Alves was a little embarrassed: "Do you want to stop observing for two days? I'm thinking of a reason to send him away."

"Okay." Yan Ge's eyelids twitched, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

It is said that the left eye jumps for money and the right eye jumps for disaster. What does it mean that his two eyelids jump together? Stretching out his hand and rubbing his eyes, Yango took Alves' hand and said, "The house must be moved. If you don't have enough money, you can sell the pearls. Don't worry, I can still support you."

After hearing what Yang Ge said, Alves was inexplicably moved. Human culture is really scary, even mermaids know how to raise wives.

In the morning of the next day, Alves waited for Yan Ge to finish his breakfast, then locked the door of the store to prevent Lucia from entering, and then went to the hotel to find Alva. When Alva heard that he was going to the beach, he was unwilling to go no matter what. Alves advised him that if he is not in good spirits, he should not stay in the house every day, and go to relax and look at the sea. When he is open-minded and in a good mood, his mental illness will naturally heal.

Alva explained that he didn't want to go out, he just didn't want to go to the beach. Alves laughed at that time and said, why are you looking for me if you don't want to go to the beach?

Alva was speechless, it couldn't be said that he fell ill suddenly yesterday.

After pulling and pulling, Alva was finally dragged to the seaside. Alva searched around the sea tremblingly, but he didn't see anything strange, so he was a little relieved. Alves skillfully set up the fishing rod, held another fishing rod and said to Alva, "Let's go fishing together."

Seeing his proficient posture, Alva said, "Have you not been fishing less in the past two years?"

"That's right." Alves said with a smile, "I like to go fishing when I'm upset, and I feel much better when I look at the sea."

"I like the sea so much, why did you leave the navy?" Alva squatted beside Alves, reached out and picked up a stone to play with.

"Because...can't stay any longer."

After hearing these words, Alva felt a strong desire to confide. He wanted to say that I know that you have an unusual relationship with mermaids, and that I know how you feel. He also wanted to tell Alves about the past two years. What a pain. In the end he endured it, Alves already had a fiancée, he had already started a new life, I shouldn't let him recall those memories that should be dusted.

Feeling the pain in his heart, Alva turned his head to one side to look at the distant reef. I don't know if I don't look at it, it's incredible to see, Alva actually saw a figure lying on the side of the reef and peeking this way.



"Cough cough cough cough..."

Alves stretched out his hand to pull Alva up from the water, and said worriedly, "Why did you fall down so well? Did you have a psychotic attack?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Alva looked at Alves, but couldn't say a word, his face flushed with heartbreaking cough.

Alves sent Alva back to the hotel, and sighed heavily on the way back. How did such a good young man become what he is now? There is nothing he can do as a friend, he is really anxious in his heart.

However, what Alves didn't know was that as soon as he left, Alva changed his clothes and left the hotel. Alva quietly came to the reef area with complex terrain on the beach, and almost no one came here. He stretched out his hand vigorously tossing and turning on the huge reef, and finally came to the bottom of the reef next to the sea.

He looked around the sea with lightning-like eyes, but saw nothing. But now he doesn't think he was hallucinating, because before he fell into the water, he clearly watched the figure fleeing into the sea in a hurry as if frightened. If it was a hallucination, why did he see this scene?

Alva thought for a while, and said towards the sea: "Come out, I've seen you."

However, the only answer to him was the sound of waves crashing on the shore, but what he lacked now was time as he had no job. So Alva sat down where he was, and he believed that the Milky Way would definitely appear. He changed his mind within a few hours, when the tide came up and the rock he was sitting on was submerged.

This piece of hill-like reef is easy to come down and difficult to climb up, and it is a bit difficult for Alva to climb up. So he simply soaked in the water, ready to swim to the beach on the other side. Three sets of clothes were soaked in the sea for two days, and Alva felt that he must prepare for the next visit, otherwise he might not have any clothes to wear.

While swimming, he saw something gleaming under his feet. A wave hit Alva and dived down to see what it was.

I watched the Milky Way here from a distance and only saw a wave coming, and Alva disappeared. I didn't see anyone floating up for a long time. The male protagonist’s kind and indecisive heart prompted him to swim there, just as he swam to the place where Alva disappeared, a human head suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, Alva frowned and said: "Who is so wicked to throw fluorescent plastic into the sea? "

Then he saw Yinhe with a dumbfounded face, so he was also dumbfounded...

Another day later, Yan Ge thought that this is not good, he can't live in a skirt like this anymore. So in the early morning, when the sky was bright, Yan Ge woke up the sweet-smelling Alves who was sleeping next to him, and asked him to send Alva away. He thought about the reasons and advised him to go back to see a doctor.

Alves couldn't help it, Hache got up all day long, and came to the door of room 1414 of the hotel early in the morning and knocked on the door.

After knocking for a while, the door opened, and Alva appeared through the crack of the door with only a towel around his waist. I don't know if it was Alves' illusion, but he always felt that Alva was flustered for a moment.

"Oh, so it's Alves, why did you come so early?" Alva greeted Alves through the crack of the door.

Alves said without doubt, "Can I go in and talk?"

"Hmm..." Alva said, "Why don't we invite you downstairs for breakfast, let's talk while we eat."

"Alright." Alves said, "You can change your clothes."

"Okay." After saying that, Alva slammed the door shut, blocking Alves ruthlessly.

Alves rubbed his nose and went downstairs. When he got to the downstairs lobby, he approached him and asked, "May I ask if you are a friend of Mr. Alva in Room 1414?"

"Yeah." Alves said, "I am."

"Oh, that's right." The lobby manager said: "Our hotel is a high-end hotel, and some things cannot be brought in..."

Alves said, "Is there anything you can say directly?"

"Oh, of course." The manager said: "Our hotel prohibits bringing pets and certain items or food that produce a strong and indecent smell into the hotel, so seafood is also not allowed. Can you persuade your friends..."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Alves asked at a loss, "What do you think Alva brought in?"

"We suspect that Mr. Alva brought a large amount of seafood into the hotel. Yesterday afternoon, a waiter saw Mr. Alva dragging a large box into the hotel. The box was damp, and the seawater in it seeped out and dripped on the hotel carpet. There was a distinct fishy smell, so we had reason to suspect…”

After Alva went downstairs fully dressed, he smiled brightly at Alves, and the gloom of yesterday completely disappeared. Alves said, "You look much better."

"Really? It's probably because I found out that my spirit is fine." Alva said, "What do you want to eat? I invite you."

Alves smiled awkwardly. He felt that Alva had no problems, but had completely fallen. He had become a mentally ill slave. In order to help his friends and also for Yan Ge, Alves said: "I know a very powerful psychologist in Banya. I can introduce you to him. I believe he will definitely help you."

Alva smiled stiffly, and said, "My friend, believe me, I'm fine."

"It won't hurt to have a chat with him." Alves said, "I've already bought the bus ticket for you."

"No, no, no." Alva said in confusion, "I'm really fine."

"You can't escape from Alva anymore." Alves said excitedly: "Look at what you look like now? You are no longer what you used to be. The Alva I know is definitely not this kind of escape Treatment cowards!"

Alva: "..."

Alva felt bitter in his heart and didn't know what to say. I was moved by my friend's concern, but also felt ashamed for my own innocence. He blushed and said, "Alves, you are my best friend in this life. But please believe me, I'm really fine."

"Are you still lying?" Alves said, "The people in the hotel have already told me that you shipped the fish to your room yesterday. How could a normal person do such a thing?"

Alva: "..."

The atmosphere froze for a moment, Alva's face twitched a few times, and he said: "Someone saw me take the fish..."

"Do you think you are doing well? Wake up, my friend, you are no longer the powerful admiral you used to be." Alves said earnestly: "Your mental illness has destroyed you, Make you lose your ability."

Alva: "..."

Alves: "How are you thinking?"

"I..." Alva looked up at the direction upstairs, and he said to Alves, "Can you rent a house for me?"

Alves: "Huh?"

"I want to rent a house here." Alva said, "I plan to settle here."

Alves: "!!"

The author has something to say: good night~~~

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