MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 141 The deep sea mermaid is so scary 14

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Three days later, the loveless Alva was found on a reef on the west side of the island. He was found and passed out. There is no other reason, it is purely the collapse of hunger.

After being sent to the battleship for infusion, William went to ask him about the situation, but Alva refused to say anything.

After coming out, William said to Alves outside the door: "I know what happened to him."

Alves didn't speak, and William showed a strange smile and said: "If this happened to me, I would be embarrassed to say it. It is understandable if he doesn't say it. Although this arrest operation failed , but at least it can prove that our method is correct. The mermaid is still here, as long as you are patient and careful, you will be able to catch the mermaid."

Seeing William leave in a hurry, Alves did not speak, the mermaid was no longer here, Alves knew better than anyone else. He opened the door and entered the ward. Alva was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and there were some abrasions on the skin outside the quilt. Alves looked at him with some pity, it seemed that the mermaid who liked him was not smart enough to cause him to fall into this situation.

Thinking about it, Alves was a little scared. If Yan Ge was also such a reckless mermaid, would he be lying on the hospital bed like Alva now?

Alva opened his eyes, and saw Alves' pitiful gaze. He frowned deeply, this look made him feel very uncomfortable. He said in a gloomy tone, "Did you come to see my joke?"

"I haven't." Alves said: "I just came to tell you that the matter here will come to an end soon, and I will leave by then. I have already submitted my application for discharge from the army, and I am here today only I want to see you, we are friends after all."

Alva looked at Alves in disbelief. In his opinion, the young and capable Alves had a bright future, and he couldn't figure out why he chose to retire. If it's because of the mermaid, Alva thinks it's unnecessary. He never thought of retiring from the army in this situation, let alone someone like Alves who left himself completely.

Looking at Alves, Alva envied him a bit. His friend has always been open-minded beyond his reach, and it may be a good thing to get out of this matter in time. It's a pity that they have no choice but to get out, and they won't let them go.

Three months later, Alves' application for discharge from the army was approved. After biding farewell to his comrades, he boarded the warship leaving here. Before leaving, William was very reluctant to part with him. In his opinion, the calm and capable Alves was his good helper. He believed that Alves should not leave at such a critical moment.

But Alves had made up his mind to go, and before leaving, he had a few words with Alva alone. Ask him to come to his hometown to see him if he has the opportunity in the future, and he welcomes him at any time.

Alva smiled and nodded, but he didn't take it seriously.

The plan to search for the mermaid was not affected much by Alves' departure. William expanded the scope of the search for the mermaid again and again, and after searching for two years, he did not find any trace of the mermaid.

In the past two years, William tried his best and used a lot of high technology. In order to lure the mermaid, he even hung Alva on the sea. But the mermaid seems to have completely disappeared. Everything that happened in this sea area seems to be an illusion. Some people later suspected that there is no mermaid in the world at all. lie.

Alves' hometown is a small seaside town. There are no special products here, and the geographical location is not favorable. There is nothing attractive, the only advantage may be that the neighbors are more friendly, and the atmosphere of the small town is good for retirement.

He returned here alone two years ago, and his parents left the small town for a big city early due to work reasons. They don't quite understand their son's choice to return to this small place, but they still support him. Alves got the keys to his hometown from his parents and set off early in the morning.

The mermaid incident two years ago was far away from him. He opened a flower shop by the sea, and the business was average, but he didn't rely on it for food, so he lived a leisurely life.

From the perspective of those who are familiar with him, the reason why his flower shop's business is not good is entirely because of his work attitude of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. As a flower shop owner, not only did he not try his best to purchase flowers, but he went fishing on the beach with a fishing rod when he had nothing to do. Someone kindly suggested to him, since he likes fishing so much, why not close the flower shop and start a fishing business?

Alves said with a smile that he just likes flower shops, and he likes the feeling of being surrounded by flowers. The man pointed to the wilted flowers in his flower shop and said, "Your flowers were delivered a few days ago, right? It's all like this, and you still want to go fishing. Who will believe you when you say that?"

Alves thought so, so he disposed of all the flowers and brought in a batch of green plants. The green plants are good, they won't die if they can't be sold for a while, and they don't need careful care, so he has more time to go to the beach.

Two years later, the unfulfilled William had to face a problem. The country will not give him a lot of manpower, material and financial resources for a long time to support him to complete this illusory plan. Without financial support, he has to leave here, even though he is very unwilling.

So many people have spent two years here and achieved nothing, and the only person who is probably happy is Alva, because he can finally be free.

On the day the battleship left, he sat alone in the stern, looking at the island that was getting farther and farther away until it disappeared from sight, and Alva couldn't help but burst into tears.

Two years ago he was captured by Yinhe for three days, during those three days Yinhe did nothing but just stared at him blankly. At that time, Alva was still immersed in the anger of being insulted. He ignored Yinhe and did not eat the food and water he sent, thinking that this way would teach Yinhe a lesson, and he would not dare to do it to himself again. That kind of thing.

Sure enough, three days later when he was dying, Yinhe gave in and sent him back. At that time, Alva thought that he would be entangled with the mermaid for the rest of his life, until he discovered that the mermaid might disappear forever.

More than a year after the merman disappeared, he began to dream. Every night in his dreams, he would see the eyes of the Milky Way when he left. He was floating in the sea, and his silver hair was rippling in the sea. Half of his face was submerged in the water, and a pair of blue eyes above the water stared at him deeply. At that time, he didn't care about this look, but now he saw it repeatedly in his dream, and he felt the deep reluctance in it.

But it was too late, and the plan to find the mermaid almost failed.

He lowered his head and wiped his face when he heard footsteps approaching behind him. William sat down next to Alva, his gray and thin hair was messed up by the sea breeze, he said: "They all said that I was delusional, that there are no mermaids in the world. But I know that there is one person who knows that my persistence is not wrong, that one The person is you, and I don't think anyone knows better than you whether there is a mermaid."

Alva gave him a cold look, and then looked away. Two years of getting along made him want to vomit when he saw William's old face.

William didn't care about his attitude, he smiled and said, "We're leaving, are you happy?"

"Is there any reason for me to be unhappy?" Alva couldn't restrain the disgust in his tone and said, "Don't you think I like being here, being hung on the sea by you from time to time, blowing in the wind like a piece of rotten meat that attracts sharks?" drift?"

William laughed, as if hearing something funny. Tears of laughter came out, and I couldn't stop clutching my stomach for a long time. After a long while, he stopped, pointed at Alva and said, "I thought you were the one who was most reconciled to the failure of the plan. In the past two years, you have suffered so much crying and received so much criticism. Your future is almost ruined." Here. Are you happy? Are you happy that so much of your sacrifice was in vain? Oh, it's unbelievable."

Alva's face became ugly, if it wasn't because William was still his chief at this time, he would definitely punch that ugly and stupid old face, let him taste the humiliation.

In the deep seabed, in the hometown of mermaids, Yang Ge never thought that he would live here with a group of fish for two years. But the two years have indeed been spent here, and he still feels a sense of unreality when talking about it.

When he returned to the deep sea with Lan Ling, his original idea was that he would go to Alves after the limelight passed. But when he came back, he was elected as the leader by the group of mermaids who returned from the surface of the sea to the bottom of the sea. Before he knew why he wanted to be the leader, the leaders of several other mermaid tribes challenged him. They wanted to compete for the mermaids. The position of supreme king.

Yan Ge didn't want to be a mermaid king or a sea king at all, but others refused to let him go, they not only took the initiative to provoke him, but even sent undercover agents to assassinate him. God knows how shocked he was when he found out that mermaids can also play assassination. Is this the same group of simple bumpkin fish?

No matter what, Yang Ge was furious, and he led the mermaids under him to fight back. Facts have proved that nothing is human's opponent when playing tricks and tricks. It took him two years for these mermaids to learn to call them daddy. Then when I asked the system, I realized that I had already spent two years at the bottom of the sea.

After eating raw fish and seaweed for two years, Yan Ge wanted to cry. Then he discovered that Alves was still thinking about him two years later, so what else could he do? Of course you can only go to him.

On the day he left, he brought a bag with nothing else in it, but the precious deep-sea pearls offered to him by the mermaids under him. Since he was going to defect to Alves, as a mermaid king, he couldn't rely on his wife to support him. He took these pearls with him to be prepared, and they could be used as a bride price when they came, and they could be used as living expenses later. Human society can live without money.

Alves' hometown is very far away from here, and at Yango's speed, it took more than a month to travel across more than half of the earth to find the place. Carrying a burden on his back, he came to this seaside town like a refugee.

It took three days of wandering by the sea to find Alves. That afternoon, the sunset was like blood, and the sea reflected brilliant red. He dared to get close to the seaside under the cover of this scenery, and then he saw Alves walking to the seaside with a beautiful young girl who was dressed very coolly, talking and laughing.

Alves sat down on the reef by the sea and skillfully arranged the fishing rod. The girl was swimming next to the reef, Alves laughed and blamed her for scaring his fish away, the girl laughed loudly and splashed sea water on Alves. The laughter of the two is intertwined, and it looks so moving against the beautiful scenery of the sunset.

Even the passing fisherman will show a relieved smile when they see them.

The author has something to say: Good night~~~~~Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Line mines]: Lin Yu, Xiao Hei, and Chen Yan;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Yunshang and Dazhen Xiaomi; 3 bottles of Yongaiwu cp; 2 bottles of Susuzhumianye Tingfeng; 1 bottle of tourist login;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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