MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 131 The deep sea mermaid is so scary④

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When the morning came, the breeze blowing the fishy sea breeze woke up more than 10,000 people on this isolated overseas island.

For them in the past, there are many things waiting for them to do after waking up. For them now, there is only one thing to do after waking up, and that is to fill their stomachs.

Influenced by novels when I was a child, I more or less thought about what I would do if I drifted on a desert island one day. Robinson Crusoe may be a good reference, but no one has ever told them what to do if more than 10,000 people are on an island.

Alves and Alva looked at the tuna together. This fish was so big that it was enough for a hundred people for breakfast. The problem is that there are one hundred and one hundred people now, Alva said: "You guys eat, I will organize people to go fishing on the beach."

Alves said, "I'll go too."

"What are you going to do?" Alva said: "I am their commander, I can't enjoy myself, I have an obligation to help them live well."

Speaking of which, Alva turned around to greet everyone and was about to assign work. At this moment, Alves came over, and meeting Alva's puzzled eyes, Alves said, "Did you forget? I'm also their chief."

Alva smiled, and the two began to distribute work. Alva took people to the beach to find food, and Alves took a team of people to prepare on the island. The palm leaf house that was prepared yesterday has not yet been completed. The weather is good these two days and you can sleep in the open air. If it rains, these 10,000 people can’t get in the rain together, right?

Yinhe quietly swam to the island from the sea, and heard the voices of many people talking here from a distance. Is that the sound of human speech? How strange.

The Milky Way approached quietly, and I saw many humans on the beaches of the islands, some were picking up shells and oysters, and some were holding branches in their hands and inserting fish. If the water quality is okay, just snorkel and catch some abalone and sea cucumbers on the bottom of the sea. Galaxy has never seen these strange creatures that look like itself but have no tails.

Is that the legs? It's so strange, it can actually walk upright on the land, which is very different from the beasts on the land.

Galaxy swam around the island and found that although human beings are similar to mermaids, they are much more fragile than mermaids. Their claws can't catch fish, and they can't breathe in the sea.

Alva seems to lead everyone to find food with confidence, but he is very confused. It was too far away here, and he was not sure if the distress signal sent out had been received. Sitting alone on a reef by the beach, Alva looked at the horizon in the distance, full of thoughts in his mind.

He didn't notice a silver ghost-like shadow passing by his feet, Yinhe had already noticed Alva. Because everyone was busy with their own affairs, only Alva sat on the reef blankly, motionless. Galaxy approaches him, peeks at him from a corner, and notices that Alva is good looking.

Most human beings are not as good-looking as mermaids, but Yinhe thinks that Alva looks very attractive, which is a kind of good-looking that is completely different from mermaids. The pure-minded Yinhe didn't understand the sadness in Alva's eyes. He thought that Alva was sitting still because he was incapable of catching fish.

The kind-hearted Yinhe sympathized with the weak, and said in his heart that this human being is really pitiful, and other human beings ignore him and let him stay here alone. If this continues, he will starve to death.

Yinhe thought for a while and swam to the depths.

Alva watched the seagulls flying, coupled with the sadness in his heart, he felt like writing poetry for a while. While countless beautiful lines were rolling in my heart, I heard a crash, and something came out of the sea around me. Alva was so startled that he nearly rolled off the rock.

When he took a closer look, he saw a huge fish lying in front of him. Upon closer inspection, it was a mermaid with silver hair and silver eyes holding a big fish. Alva panicked but didn't lose his mind. He looked at the mermaid with tense muscles, thinking about how he would fight back if he attacked him.

Yinhe hugged the fish and looked at him for a while, seeing that Alva didn't respond, so he let the fish loose, tilted his head and blinked his eyes.

Alva suddenly remembered what Alves said about a mermaid insisting on giving him a tuna last night. Looking at what this mermaid is holding in his arms, it seems to be a Pacific cod? Is he going to give me fish?

The sun shone on Yinhe's silver hair, as if it had been plated with gold, and Yinhe's pure eyes showed no malice. Alva boldly said: "For me?"

Yinhe couldn't understand what he was saying, so he just sent the fish in his hand forward again. No matter how miraculous Alves said, it was not as shocking as Alva's personal experience. He slowly approached the Milky Way with a small step, and that beautiful creature seemed to have a charming power, making him forget the danger of the mermaid.

At this moment, there was another crash, and a red mermaid came out of the water and roared towards the Milky Way.

Alva shuddered and woke up instantly, thinking that the silver mermaid was tempting him to go over and catch him, while the red mermaid was lying in ambush beside him. He ran away without saying a word, Yinhe and Yan Ge looked at Alva inexplicably and then disappeared.

Yan Ge said to Yin Yin: "What are you doing?"

"I don't think that human being knows how to fish, I'm afraid he will starve to death." Yinhe held up the big fish in his hand and said, "I caught a fish for him."

"Tsk." Yan Ge hated iron and said: "Didn't I tell you to take a look, and not to approach humans? Humans are very dangerous."

Yinhe showed a puzzled expression and said, "Human claws can't even catch fish, so what's the danger?"

"The danger of human beings is not in combat power..." Yang Ge didn't know how to tell him, so he decided to change the way, saying: "Human beings are sick."

Yin Yin was startled, "What disease?"

"Infectious disease." Yang Ge said: "Once you have been in contact with humans for a long time, you will be infected. After that, your heartbeat will speed up and your body will become hot, you will not be able to eat or sleep, and then you will become mentally disturbed and do many things that lose your mind."

Yinhe was really frightened, it was terrible, he said to Yang Ge: "Really? Then let's go."

Yan Ge said: "You go first, I still have something to do."

Without thinking too much, Yinhe threw the big cod to Yang Ge and left quickly.

Alva ran to the center of the island in a panic. Because he didn't have any pants, the bird was in a bit of pain, so his running posture was a bit strange. Alves picked wild fruits and was about to go to the river to wash, when he saw Alva running over from the beach.

what happened?

Alves was a little strange. He walked through a bush with wild fruits to the beach where Alva came from, and saw Yange holding a fish beside a rock.

Alves: "..."

Yang Ge was holding the fish, thinking that the cod was quite delicious, and was about to find a place to eat the fish, when he saw Alves walking over and looking at him with his mouth wide open. That's really stupid. If he wasn't the male supporting role, Yan Ge would definitely humiliate him severely.

The two looked at each other silently for a moment, and Alves thought he was delivering fish again? It was delivered last night and I haven't had time to eat it yet. Could it be that what Alva said is right, is this mermaid really courting?

His lips trembled twice, and Alves said, "Sorry, I can't accept your kindness."

Yan Ge: "???"

"You have to know that there is no result between humans and mermaids." It is daytime now, and compared to the darkness of last night, Yango's appearance is clearer. Alves glanced at Yan Ge's delicate face, and accidentally caught sight of Yang Ge's graceful but strong waist. He blushed a little, and said, "Anyway, don't waste your efforts in vain."

Yan Ge: "..."

After he finished speaking, Alves saw that Yan Ge was puzzled, and remembered that the mermaid couldn't understand. He sighed and walked towards Yango's direction. After getting closer, Alves clearly saw the mermaid's collarbone and fair skin again. Thinking of Alva's words, Alves was in a state of confusion, trying to express himself with body language.

But still holding the wild fruit in his hand, Alves put the wild fruit on the rock beside him. Yan Ge saw that the wild fruit was red and looked delicious. He hasn't eaten fruit since he became a mermaid, and he said that the male supporting role is not bad, and he knows how to reciprocate. So he stuffed the one-meter-long cod into Alves' arms, took the wild fruit aside, turned around and plunged into the sea, splashing water on Alves' face with the tail of the fish.

Alves stood there blankly holding a fish weighing over a hundred catties, with a face full of tears. You come back, I'm not going to exchange tokens of love with you, I'm just letting it go for a while...

Alva returned to the center of the island, thinking about the silver mermaid just now. He couldn't control himself, his heart began beating violently as soon as he saw the mermaid. After wandering around the flowers for many years, he felt that this feeling was like the legendary love at first sight, but how could it be possible? How could he fall in love with a mermaid at first sight?

At this moment, he really wanted someone to wake him up. Looking around, Alva asked a passing soldier, "Where's Alves?"

The soldier pointed behind him and said, "There."

As soon as Alva turned his head, he saw Alves hugging a big fish that covered his face, pointing the bird at himself.


God, isn't this the fish that the mermaid used to lure itself?

Alves put it on the ground, and Alva walked over and said, "Alves, I..."

"I have something to tell you." Alves said to Alva seriously, "We must leave here as soon as possible."

"Ah? I know that." Alva was confused and said, "But you also know that we can only wait for rescue here."

"It can't go on like this." Alves scratched his hair in despair, and said, "Alva, I'm sure if we continue to stay here, something terrible will happen."

The author has something to say: one more thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted [Landmine]: Youyou Zimo and Li Pin 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Shi Nai 10 bottles; Yongai Wu CP, Yunyu 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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