MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 125 I got off the dragon bed and the minister panicked 16

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The next day Li Xiu was absent-minded throughout the morning, but the ministers were no better than him. Just yesterday, after they returned home from the gate of the palace, they immediately mobilized all available contacts, and finally confirmed one thing, that is, Yan Ge was seriously injured and was about to die. It is said that yesterday in Xinuange, he couldn't even eat, and drank a small bowl of soup all day.

Yang Ge, who only drank a small bowl of soup, felt that he was really going to die, starved to death. Thinking about his experience, he was really ordered, and immediately he would have another experience, that is, to experience the feeling of starving to death. He believes that the company has recruited so many experimenters, he must be the only one who has experienced what it is like to starve to death.

Eggy looked at Yan Ge who was lying motionless on the bed with sympathy and said, "Host, relax, take a deep breath, come and do it with me."

"Be your size." Yan Ge squeezed out a bit of strength and said, "I'm not giving birth to a child."

At this moment, he regretted that when he returned to Beijing, he took medicine and passed out in order to pretend to be a little bit, so that those unreliable people sent him to Li Xiu. Now they should get what they want, he must die if he doesn't die.

Li Xiu rushed to Xinuang Pavilion as soon as morning morning was over, and when she entered the room, she saw Yan Ge's face that was getting more and more dispirited. Li Xiu was so distressed, she walked to the bedside and said to Yan Ge, "Don't be self-willed anymore, you should take medicine."

Whatever...Yango just wanted to eat something anyway.

After a while, the dark concoction arrived, and Li Xiu held the medicine carefully and said, "Drink it, it's not bitter, I have prepared candied fruit."

Yang Ge glanced at the pitch-black concoction, and felt that he lost his appetite, but he was really hungry. This kind of complicated feeling can't be experienced by ordinary people.

Li Xiu took the soup spoon and fed it to Yang Ge. If such an unpalatable concoction was tasted in this way, generally speaking, the person who feeds the medicine and the person who drinks it must have enmity. Yang Ge couldn't take it anymore after drinking a few spoonfuls, and opened his mouth to retch a few times.

Li Xiu patted Yan Ge's chest lightly. Seeing that Yan Ge couldn't even take the medicine, he thought he would die soon, and felt a little disheartened.

He put the medicine aside, and held Yan Ge in his arms behind him. Yan Ge struggled a bit, but Li Xiu lightly pressed him and stopped moving. The main reason was that he was so hungry that he had no energy left. Yan Ge lay in Li Xiu's arms. Li Xiuhong said with eyes wide open, "Don't move, let me hold you for a while."

Li Xiu just sat quietly with his arms around Yan Ge, and for a long while Li Xiu said: "Since ancient times, emperors have always been lonely. I used to think that I was different. Now I finally know that this is all preordained."

Li Xiu looked back at the past and found that everything seemed to be arranged. When I was young, I obviously had older brothers and younger brothers, but he was chosen by the late emperor. When he grew up and became an emperor, there were dangers at home and abroad, and Yan Ge came to him at this time. Just when everything was getting better, Yan Ge was about to leave again, as if he came here to complete this mission, and he was going to leave when he was done.

Yan Ge leaned against Li Xiu's arms, and could hear Li Xiu's heartbeat, which was clear and powerful. This feeling seemed to have a hypnotic effect, and Yang Ge, who was hungry, fell asleep like this. Li Xiu hugged Yan Ge and finished expressing her heartfelt heart, and then contemplated life, and when she lowered her head, she found that Yan Ge was closed and Yang Ge didn't know whether he was asleep or passed out.

He should call the imperial doctor, but he didn't want Yang Ge to continue to suffer. If you must suffer, let yourself suffer alone. Li Xiu hugged Yan Ge and lay on the bed, and closed his eyes. He hoped that he would spend the last time of Yan Ge's life with him.

Yan Ge had a bunch of nightmares. The content of the dream was that he enjoyed a large table of delicious food alone, but no matter how much he ate, he couldn't get enough. He was always very hungry. Finally he woke up from hunger, and when he woke up, he felt that he was being hugged, and when he turned his head, Li Xiu's silly sleeping face was close at hand.

Looking at the culprit who made him starve, Yang Ge wished he could bite a piece of his face and swallow it.

He turned his head and saw that there were several plates of pastries on the table, all fresh pastries made by the Imperial Dining Room, which were changed every day. He turned his head and glanced at Li Xiu again. Li Xiu hardly slept last night, but now she fell asleep very deeply, and it is not so easy to wake up. Yang Ge carefully removed Li Xiu's arm that was on his body, and got up with weak legs and feet.

In her sleep, Li Xiu felt that something was missing in her arms, and her hands began to fumble around. Yan Ge quickly stuffed the pillow into his arms, and Li Xiu's expression immediately became more peaceful.

He walked to the table and started to gobble up the pastries. He choked on too much, so he poured a cup of tea and continued eating. After a large plate of pastries was finished, he was finally full. After hiccupping, she went to the bed again, took off the pillow from Li Xiu's arms, and lay down in Li Xiu's arms again.

This sleep was good. When Li Xiu opened his eyes, he was ready for Yan Ge to die, but found that although Yan Ge was still closed, his breathing was steady and he didn't look like he was about to die. The hanging heart finally let go. Li Xiu, who hadn't eaten anything since morning, groaned twice. He got up carefully so as not to disturb Yan Ge, and prepared to let Chen Hong prepare the meal.

I got up, went to the table, picked up the teapot, and planned to pour a glass of water, but when I poured it, I found that the teapot was empty, and there was no tea in it. In a flash of anger, those servants are getting more and more tired, and the place where I live dares to be so negligent.

When I looked up, I found that the dim sum plate was also empty, with only broken pieces left inside.

In an instant, Li Xiuqi almost exploded on the spot. If he hadn't been afraid of quarreling with Yan Ge, he would have wanted to kill him, but there was such a bold thief in the palace? Do you dare to steal the cakes in the emperor's house?

Li Xiu walked out angrily, while Chen Hong was dozing off at the door. Seeing Li Xiu come out, Chen Hong immediately cheered up and said, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Li Xiudao: "During the time I fell asleep, did anyone go in?"

"No." Chen Hong said with a blank face: "Your Majesty, rest, who dares to go in? Besides, the servant has been guarding the door."

This is impossible, Li Xiu sullenly said: "Are you sure?"

"Ah?" Chen Hong looked confused, what's wrong with His Majesty? "Slave is sure."

Yang Ge in the room wiped his mouth to make sure that there were no traces left on the corner of his mouth, so he continued to pretend to be dead with peace of mind.

No one went in, could it be that he ate it himself? Li Xiu has already begun to wonder if there is something wrong with her spirit. I heard that there is a disease called nocturnal excursion. People with this disease will get up and walk around as if they were awake after falling asleep. Is this the reason? Suffered from nocturnal wanderlust and ate up pastries and tea?

Li Xiu clutched her stomach and asked in confusion, "If that's the case, why are you still so hungry?"

When he approached the bedroom, Yang Ge was still lying on the bed. Li Xiu looked at him without blinking, and it took a long time before she laughed at herself and said, "It would be great if it was you."

After he went out, Yan Ge patted his chest in horror, thinking he had been discovered, but it turns out that people who steal things are more likely to feel guilty.

The military adviser in the general's mansion was running around in a hurry, and he also had a fever that day, which made the little emperor bring the general back to the palace. When I got home and thought about it carefully, I found out that it was wrong. If the general found out that the emperor had feelings for him and didn't want to die, wouldn't that be a crime of deceiving the emperor? If you still want to die, why die and pretend to be seriously injured, suicide is not appropriate.

About pretending to be sick, not many people actually know. Many old people in the general's mansion didn't know the truth, thinking that the general's injury was compounded by his illness and that's why he was so serious. The entire general's mansion was gloomy, and some generals even sat there with a piece of wood and carved it with a knife in their spare time.

Someone asked him what he was doing? He just said to carve himself, and then burn it and go to the **** to continue to protect the general. The person who asked the question was very moved, so it became two people sitting together and carving.

At this time, Yang Yanqing, the prime minister who went to Gansu for disaster relief, finally returned. The poor old prime minister's gray hair was completely white, and he was skinny, as if he could float up when the wind blows. It's not that Xu Meng abused him on purpose, it's because he can't see it, can't eat and sleep, that's it.

When he left the capital, he was a powerful and powerful prime minister. When he came back now, he was a bad old man, and he was still a bad old man with many enemies.

After returning home, half of the servants in the family ran away, and the arrogant sons in the past did not know who had educated them, all of them were obedient and cowardly. Yang Yanqing said with a clear heart, what are you doing when you come back? How good is it to die outside?

When I asked about the situation, it turned out that there was no one of my own in the court. Asked again that it turned out that Yan Ge was about to die, Yang Yanqing was speechless for a long time, thinking that he really underestimated the little emperor. It's a good way to get rid of himself and Yan Ge so easily and secure the throne of the emperor.

Before Yang Yanqing returned to Beijing, the ministers of the DPRK and China had learned of his return. After he came back, the books that read him flew to Li Xiu's imperial study room like snowflakes. Some people even listed Yang Yanqing's top ten crimes, all in all, as if Yang Yanqing was their life and death enemy.

Li Xiu didn't care about these excerpts, and picked up a few crimes to wipe out Yang Yanqing's official position and steal his family property. It didn't make things difficult for him, and let him go back to his hometown to retire.

Before doing it differently, he would have been enthusiastically thinking about how to torture this old thing who dared to **** on his own emperor's neck, but since Yan Ge's accident, he suddenly lost his passion. He doesn't like to do things too badly, it seems that he is afraid of retribution on Yang Ge if he loses his virtue.

But he really thought too much, even if he was wicked, there was no reason to punish Yang Ge anyway.

Yan Ge lived on cakes for many days, and he understood a truth, why did people in ancient times die if they stayed in bed for a long time? Because I lay in bed for a long time without eating, even if I didn't die of illness, I would starve to death.

Li Xiu also became more and more suspicious, why would the cakes on the table be stolen every day? Who is it? He doesn't believe in this evil anymore, he has to find a way to catch that thief, otherwise what is the dignity of his emperor?

The author has something to say: good night~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for [Mine]: 1 Xiaohei;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Baiheng and Jessica; 2 bottles of Zuoyan; 1 bottle of Liangliang sauce;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!