MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 119 After getting off the dragon bed, the minister panicked⑩

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He didn't know why Li Xiu talked so much, and he didn't know what Li Xiu wanted to do. In short, Yan Ge was lying on the bed listening to Li Xiu's nagging, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

But not everyone could sleep peacefully like Yan Ge this night. For example, I heard that Li Xiu touched the military adviser in Yan Ge's room, and those Yang Party members who were in panic.

The Yang Party wanted Yang Yanqing to come back to save them immediately after being purged, but Yang Yanqing never came back after waiting and waiting. Everyone is not a fool, it doesn't matter why Yang Yanqing didn't come back, the important thing is that they know that Yang Yanqing is hopeless. The most important thing now is to save themselves, if they don't save themselves, they will die.

You must know that they have been rampant in the court these years, and they have offended many people. Those who were dismissed from office, even if the emperor did not want to kill them, those who were under the feet in the past would not let them go. This is not because they have persecution delusions, but what actually happened. Most of the Yang Dang people who were dealt with by the emperor were just dismissed officials, but they either died accidentally on the way home or died unexpectedly after returning home. There are so few who are fine, and now they are still in a constant state of panic.

These people know very well that once the emperor's attack hits them, their death will be considered, and the ants can barely survive, let alone these officials who have studied hard for more than ten years and finally become a member of the ruler.

If you want to save yourself, you have to consider one problem, and that is the problem of the 80,000 troops outside the city. Why did the emperor dare to say that he would be dismissed? It's not because of the backing of Yan Ge's army. They know very well that whoever has the military power in this situation counts what he says, otherwise, even if he can speak out, he should be slaughtered or obediently be slaughtered.

Some of Yang Yanqing's confidants knew that Yang Yan had secretly communicated with generals in several places early in the morning. They gathered together to discuss and planned to write letters to those generals, asking them to bring troops to the capital for support.

In this way, some people are worried, saying that bringing troops into Beijing without authorization is no different from conspiracy. Soon someone said, how did they gather for rebellion? Didn't the man Yan Ge lead the troops into Beijing, isn't it as good as wearing a pair of pants with the emperor now?

That's right, and besides, they've had enough of waiting to die. So what if it's treason? The big deal is death.

After discussing it, a group of Yang Dang got together and wrote several letters overnight, and sent them to the generals in various places.

What these people didn't know was that since Yan Ge entered Beijing, he had sent people to spy on them. As soon as their letter was sent out, someone followed the letter all the way to find the recipient. In this way, Yan Ge has mastered the list of generals who have made good friends with Yang Yanqing, and keeps an eye on their movements at any time, so as to be prepared.

But those Yang Dang are still naive, not everyone is so loyal at this moment. Seeing that the Yang party is dying, those generals are too late to protect themselves, so how could they get involved. Even if there are a few generals who are willing to help, it will not be successful. After all, Yan Ge is a great general, the highest military officer in the country, he has the most soldiers and the most generals in his hands. What's more, they have won the hearts of the people through two generations of father and son management, which is beyond their comparability.

Because Yan Ge went to bed early, he also woke up early. When he woke up, it was still dark outside, and when he opened his eyes, his vision was as blurry as his mind. But still vaguely saw something creepy in front of his eyes, Yan Ge squinted his eyes to take a closer look, and saw a head hanging above his own.

All kinds of ghost stories flashed in his mind in an instant, and Yan Ge broke out in a cold sweat with a bang in his head, and let out a short and hasty cry, "Ah—!"

Li Xiu, who woke up early and had nothing to do, quietly observed Yan Ge when he was startled by Yang Ge's exclamation, and also let out a panic, "Ah!"

Immediately afterwards, he felt his nose itch, as if something was coming out. Yang Ge was still in shock, and suddenly felt something dripping on his forehead, and he stretched out his hand to wipe it and felt his forehead was wet.

At this moment, the people outside heard Yang Ge's exclamation, thinking that he was in some danger, Xu quickly rushed in with a lantern. As soon as he rushed in, he was terrified by the scene in front of him. Yan Ge was still in a daze. He saw a group of people rushing in and stared at him dumbfounded.

He was puzzled and wiped his face again, feeling something was wrong, he opened his palm and looked, only to see blood on it...

"Ah!" Yan Ge screamed again, and looked at Li Xiu on the other side of the bed in panic.

At this moment, there are lights in the room, and Li Xiu can see clearly what Yan Ge looks like, and then understand what happened just now. Because he ate too much lychees yesterday and just looked down at Yang Ge for a long time, his nosebleed actually dripped onto Yang Ge's head. Yan Ge wiped it carelessly, so when the soldiers and guards rushed in, they were startled by the **** look on Yang Ge's face.

After thinking about all this, Li Xiu didn't have time for her nose that hadn't stopped bleeding, so she stretched out her hand and covered her face, oh my god, I'm ashamed to see anyone.

Everyone made a false alarm and felt that it was very bad luck, but because the person who caused the trouble was the emperor, they couldn't say anything more. Maoshi has arrived, and it is time for Li Xiu to return to the palace. He feels very guilty, not only guilty but also ashamed. If you want to talk about a ranking in front of whom he does not want to lose face in front of, Yan Ge ranks second and no one can rank first.

Li Xiu slipped away in dismay, and the military adviser rushed in to ask what happened to Yan Ge and whether he was injured. Yan Ge waved his hands and said, "I'm fine, what can he do to me with his weak appearance?"

The military adviser breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Your Majesty's recent attitude is very strange."

"En." Yan Ge nodded with deep sympathy, and said, "It's like being possessed by an evil spirit."

The military teacher said: "Your Majesty is not the late Emperor's own. It is said that he has a weird temperament since he was a child. Now it seems really weird."

Yan Ge sighed, and asked, "How's it going in Gansu?"

"Xu Meng is doing disaster relief, nothing can go wrong." The military adviser said again: "Yang Yanqing has also been placed under house arrest, his criminal evidence has been collected almost, and when his followers are wiped out, it's time to try him."

Speaking of this, the military adviser's heart became heavy, and he said: "General, in my opinion, it is not wise for you to say that."

"You hold the military power in your hand. Since ancient times, which king has not been afraid of a courtier like you? It was because of the rampant Yang Party in the court, and there was a tripartite relationship with you and His Majesty, so it has been peaceful for many years. Now this kind of The state has been broken, and it is impossible to think about what it was before."

The military adviser really thought of him, but Yan Ge only had a mission in his heart, so he could only feel sorry for them.

The military adviser continued: "I thought, General, that you suddenly came to Beijing to attack Yang Dang one by one, but all the official positions vacated by Yang Dang were handed over to His Majesty. This... I want to ask, what do you think? of?"

Yan Ge twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, and said, "You will know sooner or later."

The military advisor grew up with Yan Ge, and Yan Ge was called his lord, but he was actually similar to his nephew. I thought he knew enough about Yan Ge, but the military division didn't understand what Yang Ge had done recently. Such a situation made him very worried. As a strategist who relied on his brain for food, this situation was undoubtedly dangerous.

Li Xiu quietly went back to the palace, hurriedly changed her clothes and went to court early. After the morning court ended, he invited a few trustworthy ministers to discuss matters in the imperial study. The so-called three cobblers are the best of Zhuge Liang. Since he has someone in his hands, he will discuss things with people he trusts. After all, he can't do things alone. No matter how big or small it is, it is so comprehensive.

Li Xiu sent someone to send Yan Ge just now, and told the ministers present about the actions of General Yang Dang.

These ministers have been suppressed by Yang Yanqing for a long time, and they all hate Yang Yanqing very much. When they heard the news, they were worried at first, and then they were overjoyed, saying: "Your Majesty, God has given me a great opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with those generals of the Yang Party."

Li Xiu is not such a ignorant person, he said worriedly: "A general is different from an ordinary official, what should we do if we don't handle it well and cause mutiny in the army?"

"It's easy." The new minister of the Ministry of War said: "Didn't Yan Ge still have 80,000 troops outside the capital, so let's send him there. Anyway, no matter who wins, it will be a good thing for His Majesty."

Li Xiu frowned deeply, and said: "The general is so loyal and dedicated to me, how can I treat him like this?"

Several ministers looked at each other, feeling absurd, and Hubu Shangshu even said bluntly: "Your Majesty, do you think that Yan Ge is a loyal and patriotic person? Your Majesty must not be fooled by this person."

He almost pointed at Li Xiu's nose to tell him not to be so naive. Li Xiu said with a bad face: "It's not like you don't know what the general has done since he entered Beijing. If it wasn't for his right to support me, I wouldn't let you Do this position."

"Hmph, does your Majesty think he said this for you?" Hubu Shangshu sneered, "The reason why he did this is to use His Majesty's name to eradicate the Yang Party and remove obstacles from his court."

Without waiting for Li Xiu's rebuttal, the Minister of the Household Department continued: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought about the fact that Yan Ge and Yang Yanqing had a bad relationship, and where did he get the food and salaries for the millions of troops at the border for so many years?"

Li Xiu was stunned for a moment, yes, Yan Ge and Yang Yanqing were like fire and water, how could Yang Yanqing, who controlled the household department, provide Yan Ge with food and pay to support the army of millions?

The Minister of the Household Department said excitedly: "Because the places where Yan Ge is stationed in Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places do not pay taxes to the imperial court, and the tax revenue from industry, commerce and agriculture is sent directly to the General's Mansion every year, so Yan Ge has the money and food to support his million-dollar army. Now The soldiers and civilians in Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places only know that there is Yan Ge but not His Majesty, how can such a person be loyal to the king? Patriotic?"

Li Xiu's face turned pale when he asked him. He wanted to defend Yan Ge, but he couldn't refute what Shangshu said. Taxation is the foundation of a country, and there is absolutely no reason to pay taxes to people outside the court. What Yang Ge did was already tantamount to treason. No emperor in the world would like to see his courtier do this, no matter whether he likes this courtier or not.

Of course Li Xiu was willing to believe in Yan Ge, he believed that Yan Ge did so in order not to be restrained by Yang Yanqing. As long as he can change, as long as he can take the initiative to return the tax and military power to me, I am willing to let the past go. Li Xiu secretly told himself that he was still willing to ennoble Yan Ge and let him be a nobleman in the capital to accompany him.

The author has something to say: good night~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Jessica 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Ah Yi; 5 bottles of Yao Ling Yao Ru; 1 bottle of Ye Qing Cen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion