MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 11 From the President's Crazy Pursuit 11

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The assistant Balabala said a lot, and Yang Ge was stunned when he heard it on the bed. Did Xue Mang cook for himself these days?

He had a very strange feeling in his heart, which was both annoying and a little bit deserved. He knew that Xue Mang did this because he liked him, otherwise how could a dignified CEO do this? But he knew very well that the reason Xue Mang liked him was because he had always been kind to Xue Mang.

But why is he nice to Xue Mang? But because he was completing the work, Xue Mang was no different from the client in his heart. But with such a state of mind, Xue Mang actually got his sincerity.

Not only does he have a stomachache now, but he also feels a little pain in his head.

The assistant saw that he was frowning, and couldn't speak the following words. He felt that he might not be suitable for the job of an assistant. He couldn't do anything about the boss's affairs, and he didn't take good care of the people who should be taken care of. Thinking about it was really heartbreaking, the assistant told Yang Ge that if something happened, he would be outside, and then he left the ward.

Xue Mang walked on the streets at night. The bad thing about modern society is that the lights are everywhere at night, making him feel ashamed to have red eyes.

Yan Ge's words stuck in his chest like a needle, but there was nothing he could do. He did it himself, and he kept saying that he didn't like men. Xue Mang sighed, and when he looked up, he saw a couple hugging each other laughing and walking past him.

It was so annoying, he had never found it so annoying for couples to show their affection on the street.

The manager rushed into the hospital in a hurry, and when he asked why Yan Ge was sick, the assistant didn't dare to hide it, so he told the truth. The manager was silent for a long time after listening, then walked into the ward, and saw Yan Ge lying on the bed, pretending to be unloved.

"Is it better?" The manager walked over to pour a glass of water, "I'll ask the director for a leave of absence, you can take a good rest for the next two days."

Yan Ge continued to be unrequited, and his manager sat aside and touched his thigh in embarrassment, and said, "I'm to blame for this, as a manager, I didn't arrange your life well, it's my negligence. "

Yan Ge glanced at him silently, and the manager said, "How about I recruit two more assistants for you?"

Yan Ge continued to stare at him, and the manager coughed dryly, "If you don't want to, why not? Why are you staring at me? Well, what do you think if I change your assistant for you?"

Yan Ge sighed, glanced at the hanging bottle and said, "There's no water, can you call the nurse for help?"

"Huh? Oh!"

After parking illegally last time, Xue Mang's driver's license was suspended. He walked on the road for a long time in a depressed mood, but found himself lost. He didn't know where he was. What is this place? This alley is a bit scary in Hei Bulongdong.

The dejected Xue Mang was distracted by an alley, and rushed out in despair to call the driver.

As soon as he got in the car, he didn't feel relieved when Yang Ge's agent called. He had nothing else to do but told Xue Mang that Yang Ge wanted to change his assistant.

Just change it. To be honest, Xue Mang is quite disheartened now, so he agreed without thinking. With so many artists in the company, an assistant is easy to arrange.

The driver asked Xue Mang, "Boss Xue, are you going home?"

Xue Mang was feeling very uncomfortable now, and he really didn't want to go back and be sad alone, so he thought for a while and called out all those cronies and friends, and accompanied him to drink away his worries.

After a few glasses of wine, the friends who were afraid to talk nonsense because of Xue Mang's face also let go.

"Old Xue, why are you frowning?" Yang Lu held the wine bottle and smiled meanly, "How was the last time you chased after that little star?"

Probably what good friends are best at is poking each other's wounds, and Xue Mang's face became even more gloomy on the spot.

"No way?" Yang Lu asked in disbelief, "Is it so hard to chase?"

Xue Mang sighed and said, "He is a straight man."

"What straight man?" Yang Luman said indifferently, "In front of power and money, there are no straight men."

Xue Mang didn't want to pay attention to him, and rolled his eyes at him.

Soon the news that Xue Mang got drunk late at night because of his emotional intelligence reached Xue Zhonghua's ears. Xue Zhonghua couldn't believe it when he heard the news. He always thought that what was waiting for him would be a male fox clinging to his son, but he didn't expect it to be a fox made of stone.

Xue Zhonghua couldn't help being a little curious, what kind of person dared to reject his son?

Yang Ge rested in the hospital for two days, but he was at a loss as to how to complete the task. As long as he thought of the proud Xue Mang putting down his figure to learn how to cook for himself, he would feel a strange sense of guilt, which made him dare not meet Xue Mang at all.

After eating porridge for two days, a bird came out of Yan Ge's mouth. Taking advantage of the agent's business, he sneaked to the food stall in full armor at night. He didn't dare to be too presumptuous. He didn't ask for more spicy food. He ordered some meat skewers. He didn't dare to drink beer, so he sold a bottle of yogurt.

In order to prevent being on the news tomorrow, he dared not take off his mask even when he was eating skewers. Instead, he lifted up the mask and ate a little. His behavior quickly attracted the attention of many people. Yang Ge lowered his head, not paying attention to these gazes.

While eating, a person sat down across from him suddenly, and after the person sat down, he asked him very politely, "Can I sit here?"

Yan Ge said in his heart that you have sat down, is it a little insincere to ask now? He looked up, a little surprised. Because the dress of the person in front of him is incompatible with this food stall, his suit and leather shoes should be going to Michelin, instead of sitting at a roadside stall waiting for a barbecue.

And for some reason, Yan Ge was a little familiar with this middle-aged man, obviously he had never seen him before.

Seeing that Yan Ge was looking at him, Xue Zhonghua smiled slightly and let Yan Ge look at him. What I thought in my heart was that he came out to eat this kind of junk food before he recovered from his illness. It can be seen that he is a person who has no self-control. How can such a person be worthy of my son? Deduct twenty points first.

This man's eyes are so strange, Yan Ge frowned, not going to pay attention to him. Xue Zhonghua sat silently opposite Yang Ge for a while, seeing that he didn't intend to talk to him at all, he felt unhappy again, feeling that this young man was very withdrawn and withdrawn.

He looked at Yan Ge who was eating happily, and said, "Why do you have to wear a mask while eating?"

Yan Ge rolled his eyes, "What's none of your business? Eat your own."

Xue Zhonghua was dumbfounded at the time, and no one had dared to say anything to him for many years.

For a while, he was angry and entangled. He felt that he was rude and deducted another 20 points, and asked again: "It's so late, why did you come out to eat alone? Where's your girlfriend?"

Yan Ge was taken aback, thinking what does this mean? The old man looked like he was flirting with himself. He glanced at Xue Zhonghua warily, and said, "Aren't you alone?"

"I'm different." Xue Zhonghua showed a sarcastic but smug smile, and said, "As long as I think about it, there will always be many people crying and wanting to accompany me."

Oh, is it so? Yan Ge thought, are you showing off to me?

Xue Zhonghua took the attitude of an elder and said: "You young people, especially those with a lot of shortcomings like you, you must seize the opportunity as soon as it comes, or you will regret it when you lose it."

"Wait..." Yan Ge: "Who has a lot of shortcomings?"

"Look at you, someone likes you, especially a very good person likes you, you must seize the opportunity to know?" Xue Zhonghua said sincerely: "Otherwise, if you want to meet such a blind person again, It will be difficult."

At this moment, Yan Ge just wanted him to shut up, he resisted the urge to hit someone and said, "You've made it clear, who has a bunch of shortcomings?"

"Didn't I express it clearly enough?" Xue Zhonghua showed a puzzled expression, and then said: "You see that your comprehension ability is so poor, and you have another shortcoming."

"..." Yang Ge thought he had encountered a psychosis, he gathered the skewers on the table and prepared to take them home to eat.

"Young people, don't be too impatient." Xue Zhonghua knocked on the table and said, "Don't you wonder who I am and why I came to you?"

Hearing this, Yan Ge was taken aback, put down the skewer in his hand, and asked, "Are you here specifically to find me?"

"Yeah." Xue Zhonghua said: "Otherwise, why do you think a person like me would sit in such a place?"

Yang Ge quickly went through the people he knew and the people he might know in his mind, and then he suddenly found that the man in front of him seemed to look a bit like Xue Mang. Yan Ge's expression changed, and he said, "Could it be that you are..."

Xue Zhonghua smiled slightly, looking at Yang Ge with majesty and kindness.

Yang Ge: "Are you Xue Mang's brother?" Because he looks a little young.

Xue Zhonghua laughed, for some reason he suddenly felt that Yan Ge was a bit pleasing to the eye. He said, "I am Xue Mang's father."

It turned out that he was Xue Mang's father, and Yan Ge instantly felt uncomfortable. Did he come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime? Because of his own reasons, his spoiled son actually cooks for himself, and then he was beaten up by himself and went back with tears in his eyes.

Yan Ge immediately looked around quietly, and always felt that there were thugs brought by Xue Mang's father. Yan Ge quickly decided to admit it, he took out the cigarette he carried with him, and handed over one, "Have a cigarette."

Xue Zhonghua's expression changed drastically in an instant, he stared fixedly at the cigarette in Yang Ge's hand as if he saw some terrible devil.

"what are you doing?!"

"Didn't you do anything?" Yan Ge said innocently: "The cigarettes of Greater China seem to be a bit unworthy of your identity..."

"You..." Xue Zhonghua stood up abruptly, and covered his chest with his hand.

Yan Ge was startled, and rushed over to help him, "What's wrong with you?"

"You... go away, stay away from me..."

At this time, several men in black quickly ran over, two supported Xue Zhonghua, and two held Yan Ge.

"What's the matter with you, sir?"

"Quick, go to the hospital!"

Read The Duke's Passion