MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 8 The eighth day of hoarding money to raise cubs

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The eighth day of hoarding money to raise cubs

A few friends are still watching the movements of other bounty hunters.

Because the anchor was off the air, Xianyu watched it boredly.

The picture on the big screen was divided into two sides, with Anke's team on the left and another team on the right.

Arlok's blizzard attacked everyone indiscriminately, but because of the different directions and footsteps, the other two teams encountered the blizzard an hour or two later than Lu Liran.

Both teams were fully prepared for such an emergency, and took out the compressed tents and set up camp on the spot.

Xian Yu's friend turned to him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where's that anchor of yours? How is he?"

"I dug an igloo temporarily as a shelter." Xianyu raised his eyelids lazily, looked at the seven or eight tents on the screen, and snorted softly, Pediatrics.

Friend: "Huh?"

Xianyu didn't bother to explain, but just raised his chin, signaling his friends to pay attention to the big screen: "The high-quality stocks you are looking at are about to die."

Several people heard the words and looked quickly, and saw that several tents of one of the teams were blown away under the ravages of the snowstorm within a few minutes. Several team members huddled together to keep warm, shivering.

Anke's team fixed the four corners of the tent.

The one who bet on Anke was full of pride, and said mockingly: "I don't even know how to fix the tent, so I can't bring it back if I can find someone?"

"Don't laugh at others, that team of veterans won't last long." Xian Yu said.

On the top of the tents of An Ke and the others, the snow was accumulating thicker and thicker, making the tents creak under the pressure, as if they were about to be crushed at any moment.

Sure enough, Anke's side persisted for a while longer than the other team, and the tents collapsed one after another, and four people crawled out from under the snowdrift in embarrassment.

All of a sudden, a few friends stared at the big screen in dismay. Although the nine members of the search team had brought tents, they all huddled together to keep warm.

"Xianyu, where are you? What's the situation?" Someone asked.

Xian Yu just wanted to say that the anchor has started broadcasting, but unexpectedly, with a "ding", the platform reminded him that the anchor he followed started broadcasting.


The blizzard lasted for nearly forty minutes, and the temperature outside dropped by at least ten degrees.

The temperature inside the igloo was much higher than outside, but it was still too cold to bite your teeth.

Lu Liran heard the sound of the roaring wind fading away, looked at Ke Ji who was lying on the opposite side, and called out his name in a low voice: "Ke Ji wake up, we have to go."

Hearing the sound, Ke Ji opened his eyes, awake as if he had never fallen asleep, but soon, a little mist filled his eyes, and he looked sleepy. The appearance just now seemed to be an illusion.

He yawned lightly, and muttered in a low voice with a tired face: "It's so cold."

"Nonsense, you're in Arlok." Lu Liran sneered.

He walked up to Ke Ji and checked his status.

Ke Ji showed a soft smile to Lu Liran: "Except for the cold, everything else is fine, don't worry about me."

The slightly handsome facial features were softened by the master's crescent-shaped eyes, and the moist steel blue eyes were as gentle as the blue ocean under the sun.

No Alpha can resist such a laugh.

But Lu Liran is not Alpha.

He glanced at Ke Ji, curled his lips, turned his head and walked away.

Seeing this, Ke Ji touched the tip of his nose, obviously the "10 Omega Quick Moves" taught by the chief of staff were useless.

After the break, Lu Liran turned on the live broadcast.

There are already more than 400 followers in the live broadcast room, and a dozen or so people clicked in as soon as the live broadcast started.

[How long has it been since then? I thought I would have to wait until tomorrow! 】

[Has the anchor rested? 】

[Come quickly, leave a message 6666 in the front row]

"Hello everyone, I'm a wilderness survival expert and a bounty hunter. Right now, I'm on the Arlok Glacier, hiding in a makeshift igloo with another traveler who happened to get lost. The snowstorm has just The temperature in the igloo used to be minus twenty-five degrees now."

Lu Liran curled himself up slightly, and kept rubbing his hands to breathe: "I rested for about an hour, and soon woke up from the cold. It was too cold, and my fingers and toes were a little stiff and numb from the cold. I still have to do it as soon as possible." Get out and find your way out of here."

"Now, I'm going to check the snow outside the hole, I checked just half an hour ago, there's a loose layer of snow on the outside, I just hope it's not getting more and more compact."

Lu Liran walked near the entrance of the cave, and the camera ball captured a small pile of snow piled up close to the entrance of the cave.

Lu Liran reached out and poked the hole above his head, a small piece of snow fell down, but still no light leaked from the gap.

Obviously, the snow on their heads is not shallow.

"The worst has happened, we were buried alive by the snow." Lu Liran looked at Ke Ji, briefly explained the current situation, and quickly added, "However, the snow cover caused by the blizzard is loose, so it's not a big problem. "

[? ? ? Really buried? ? ? 】

[Gan, how did the anchor say such scary words with such ease! 】

[The Meteorological Bureau issued a notice a few hours ago. This is the latest record-breaking heavy snowfall, a full 30 centimeters thick! 】

【Grass, the host is extremely lucky...】

After a lot of effort, Lu Liran finally crawled out of the snow hole dug into the igloo.

He spat out a mouth full of snow, and was about to pull Ke Ji out, but found that the other party had already crawled out after him, showing no sign of embarrassment.

As soon as Ke Ji raised his head, he met Lu Liran's slightly raised eyebrows inquiringly. He paused, showing a harmless smile.

The camera ball flew into the air and took pictures of the appearance of the glacier after the blizzard passed.

After the blizzard, the originally obvious leeward **** seemed to have been cut in half.

[My God, a few hours ago, this **** was as high as a person, and now this is all that is left? ? 】

[If I were to encounter this situation in Arlok, I would definitely not survive half an hour]

[No, no, now that I have learned, dig a hole for myself first! 】

In Arlok, the night time only occupies four hours of the whole day, and Lu Liran and the others have just survived the difficult first night with the snowstorm.

Lu Liran turned on the kettle, grabbed a few snow **** from the ground and put them into the kettle.

"Replenishing water in time is an important condition for survival, but I don't recommend eating snow directly. Although it can replenish water, doing so will take away the core temperature faster."

"Once the core temperature of the human body drops by one degree, it will cause very obvious discomfort, and even severe cases will cause fainting and shock. The loss outweighs the gain."

As he spoke, he stuffed the kettle into his clothes, and immediately shivered slightly from the cold, and let out a soft "hiss": "It's really cold..."

Lu Liran glanced at Ke Ji, and Ke Jifu had an epiphany in his eyes, and imitated him by grabbing a few **** of snow and covering it.

[Mom, it’s cold just looking at it, you’re a warrior if you just stuff it in your clothes—the real glutinous rice dumpling is given to the anchor 1x Sukiyaki pot: the anchor warms up]

Lu Liran did a few sets of burpees, and after feeling hot all over, he went on the road again.

He walked for nearly an hour, the sky cleared and the snow softened, making walking even more difficult.

"The south of Arlok is the ocean, and there are usually signs of human activities near the coastline." Lu Liran said as he walked, "If there is no trace of the missing passenger within three days, I will go south and leave the glacier group."

He was talking, when suddenly there was a "didi" sound.

Lu Liran was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this is a positioning detector distributed by the Bounty Association—

As long as you walk into the GPS positioning range of the missing person, the detector will automatically start.

"This is ... the GPS response of the missing target, and we entered the response range of the other party."

He was a little surprised, but it was also expected. He was walking in the direction of the missing place. The closer he was to the missing place, the more likely there were clues of the missing target around him.

He took out the detector, and according to the coordinates displayed on it, he immediately rushed in that direction.

[66666 anchor rush! ! For the bounty! ! 】

[It feels like watching a reality show... there seems to be a script]

[Knowing the script with empty mouths is poisonous? If you don’t want to watch it, click on it—Psyllium will give the anchor 300x rice grains]

[But it seems too coincidental to find the missing person so easily]

Lu Liran noticed the noise in the live broadcast room, and his dark brown eyes sank, making people feel a little pressure unconsciously.

His voice was cold: "No one will use the story of a missing person in the snow mountain as a script for a live broadcast."

"The coincidence that some viewers thought was just because I made the right judgment and choice."

"I will try my best to explain the reasons and details of each step during the live broadcast. If some viewers don't understand, they can post a few more comments, and I will explain when I see it."

[Brother Lu, don't be angry! There is no need to affect your mood because of a stupid barrage! 】

[The anchor said before that the missing person will not be too far away from the place where they disappeared. Now that they have walked for almost a day, isn't it normal to get close to the GPS response range? It shows that the anchor's judgment is correct! I don’t know what I’m arguing about—the alpaca on horseback gave the anchor 10x sushi]

[That's right, I've been chasing after the anchor not long after it started broadcasting. I absolutely believe that the anchor doesn't have a script! 】

【Support Brother Lu! Brother Lu, come on! 】

The speed of Lu Liran's feet is still the same, and it has not slowed down because of the episode in the live broadcast room.

The Arlok Glacier on a sunny day is as beautiful as an ice-blue palace, with jagged ice stones and upside-down icicles in strange shapes, full of uncanny beauty.

In Lu Liran's live broadcast room, different angles and high-definition views of the glacier were shown, which made the audience in the live broadcast room so addictive that they even forgot the danger here.

"Now, I haven't eaten for nearly ten hours, so I have to find a way to find something to eat." Lu Liran said.

He glanced at the comment on the scene in the live broadcast room, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "The long-term hiking and digging shelters have caused my physical strength to be exhausted very quickly. If I have nothing to eat and no water to replenish, I will soon be here. It's hard to walk an inch on a glacier."

"Whether it's the missing target or me, we need to replenish energy. I hope I can gain something along the way."

[Looking for something to eat? Don't you store some instant food and nutritional supplements in the terminal? 】

[Survival in the wilderness, do you understand survival? Do you want to prepare another compressed tent and set up a tent with one click? 】

【But in this world of ice and snow... where can I find something to eat】

[+1, no hope]

Lu Liran walked forward and looked around. He pointed to the steep cliffs and said, "The glacier will move. The fastest glacier can move 500 meters every year. It is like a huge File. The jagged and steep rock walls on these ice valleys are the imprints left by the glaciers when they moved."

"There are usually sparse ferns growing in the crevices of the stone wall, which is one of the rare foods in this severe cold climate, and therefore, jumping sheep will often visit such terrain."

【666 The anchor wants to hunt a jumping sheep and come back to eat it? 】

【Roast whole lamb, I'm hungry】

Lu Liran looked at the chattering discussions on the bullet screen, and shook his head with a smile: "It's simply impossible to capture this kind of high-speed wild jumping sheep with props such as a knife and a bundle of rope in my hand. .”

[Ha ha ha ha anchor #人世熊照#]

[Then why did the anchor mention this? You won't mention it for no reason, right? 】

Lu Liran nodded and replied, "I like those ferns."

The bullet screen was silent for a moment, and then a bunch of "hahaha" popped up—

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, how are you, the anchor]

【A stream of bitter tears for the broadcaster, in order to survive hahaha】

Lu Liran looked at the schadenfreude and teasing in the live broadcast room, feeling a little helpless, when he was about to reply with a sentence or two, he suddenly stopped and his pupils narrowed slightly.

Ke Ji noticed Lu Liran's abnormality, and looked along the situation, only to see a piece of loose white snow, which seemed to be normal.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and found that there was indeed something unusual under there.

However, as a "rich second generation who doesn't understand anything", Ke Ji had to pretend to be defenseless and move on slowly.

Lu Liran noticed Ke Ji, grabbed his wrist suddenly, and pulled back Ke Ji who had stepped forward.

"What's wrong?" Ke Ji looked at Lu Liran, showing a little bewilderment and bewilderment just right.

Lu Liran frowned, and glared at Ke Ji: "Never go in front of me, understand?"

After he finished speaking, he found a moderately hard snow ball on the ground and smashed it hard at the snow in front of them.

I saw the originally flat snow surface suddenly shattered, and the snow fell down with a splash, forming a huge gap about two people wide.

[I, grass! The anchor is amazing! ? How do you know the bottom is empty? ! 】

【Depend on! If it falls, it won't be completely cold? 】

[It’s okay, it’s okay, it scared me to death just in time]

[Almost, there will be one less rich and good-looking Omega on the planet]

[Is this arranged in advance? ? The team set the scene in advance? It's too fake! 】

[Fake your size, do you have the heart to lie about such a dangerous situation? ? 】

Lu Liran didn't care about the situation in the live broadcast room. He lay down on the snow and said in a low voice, "Did you see there? The thick snow, at least a hundred meters long, seems to be the same as other places. It looks the same. But from this angle, you can vaguely see that it is suspended underneath, and the snow is like a snow bridge built on the gap."

"This is the ice crevasse, the gate of **** in the glacier." Lu Liran walked around the area carefully, and said, "The glacial landform means that such ice crevasses are everywhere, and they are extremely cunning, hidden under the thick snow, Some are even tens of meters deep."

"No one would want to fall into it." Lu Liran said, "It's hard for you to know how deep it is, whether it's a flat snow field, or a piece of ice, or even a sharp ice cone that goes straight up."

Ke Ji looked at Lu Liran's back with admiration. He was unusually careful and cautious. No wonder he was favored by the Bounty Hunters Association.

[Slightly slightly, the details of the anchor are awesome! What about the background? You build such a 100-meter-long crack? Is your face swollen? —Salted fish, fish and fish give the anchor 1x Buddha jumping over the wall]

[It's dangerous, but it's really... Mom, it's so spectacular, nature is really amazing.]

"Thank you for your gifts, and the salted fish and fish's Buddha jumping over the wall, which cost a lot." Lu Liran was a little surprised. In his impression, this person seemed to have thrown him a Buddha jumping over the wall not long ago, which is a thousand star coins. He has an extra rich man fan?

"The steep ice wall and the surrounding ancient blue ice are giving signals that the geology of this area is unstable, and there will be many such ice cracks." Lu Liran said, reminding Ke Ji.

He took out the rope and put it around the waists of himself and Ke Ji, in case Ke Ji fell through the air, he still had time to rescue him.

Ke Ji gently pulled the noose, looked at Lu Liran and said seriously: "If you and I are tied together, it is very likely that you will be dragged to death."

"Ha, since you have this self-knowledge, I think the probability of this is much smaller." Lu Liran twitched the corners of his mouth, and when he looked up at Ke Ji, he bumped into those gentle steel blue pairs, he paused, and retracted slightly. She taunted, "I told you to follow me, so that no accidents will happen to you, don't think too much."

Ke Ji was slightly taken aback.

"Follow up." Lu Liran urged.

[Aw, oh, brother Lu, I got it! 】

【Strong A beauty O I can】

[Who should not be a rich and sweet Omega! 】

The little cub who was far away in the suite on the top floor of the Star City Central Hotel looked up at Jin Fei purely, and asked in a childlike voice, "Uncle Jin, what is strong A beautiful O acridine?"

Jin Fei: "..."

He typed a line [Don't talk nonsense about the young master's Lalang match...], and was instantly submerged in the barrage army.

The author has something to say:

Interview with Ji Ge: Have you been teased?

Ke Ji: Are you envious?

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy