MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 301 Hoarding money to raise cubs 301st day

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Hoarding money to raise cubs 301st day

Before sending away the people from the navigation office, the director of the DFA office came in front of him.

This time, it wasn't just Seo Eun Jin who came, but also the Deputy Chief Executive of DFA, wearing a pair of square glasses with silver frame, looking very harsh and unkind.

Xu Enzhen and the captain of the OCE knew each other, and they both worked for government functions. They didn't expect to meet here, and they both nodded and greeted each other.

The deputy to the chief executive recognized Director Fu and stopped to say hello.

The director of the navigation office has always been very low-key, and there was no crowd of shouts and shouts when he went out. Xu Enzhen was not up to the level of meeting the director, and he didn't realize that the person standing next to the OCE captain was the director.

She quickly followed suit to say hello.

Director Fu smiled slightly and asked, "Why are you here?"

The deputy of the general secretary replied: "We are looking for someone."

They said they were looking for someone, but looking at the posture of the guards following the two of them, they seemed to be here to arrest someone.

Director Fu raised his eyebrows slightly. The resort here costs a lot of money to stay for one night. People who are willing to spend money to live here are not short of money, and they actually provoke DFA to personally arrest them? But from the looks of it, it didn't look like he had committed any crime, otherwise he wouldn't have such an attitude.

In this way, there are some mysteries.

The captain of the OCE team saw that his director seemed a little curious, so he took the initiative to ask: "Who are you looking for? We just came here for a walk. If you need help, just tell me."

Xu Enzhen heard the words: "It's two outsiders from the low-level civilized star system..."

Before she finished speaking, the captain of the OCE team picked up: "Is it four people? Is there someone with the surname Lu?"

There are few people who have the means to come to high-level civilization star systems from low-level civilization star systems, and they still come to their storm planets.

The captain also investigated, and there are only a few people in the entire Storm Planet, and four of them are still together.

Xu Enzhen and the deputy of the chief executive looked at each other in surprise, Xu Enzhen looked at the captain, nodded and said: "We are looking for Mr. Lu Liran and Mr. Ke Ji."

The Deputy Chief Executive was concerned about another issue and asked, "Four people?" Obviously they only knew two.

Director Fu didn't expect that the people they just thanked for their bravery and kindness would be targeted by DFA people in a blink of an eye. The DFA service team who came here didn't seem to be serious, otherwise they would have shown the DFA emblem out.

In his eyes, DFA is quite capable and has cultivated a land special forces team comparable to OCE maritime special police, but he also heard early that DFA not only controls soldiers, but also conducts research experiments on microbial biochemistry. In recent years, there have been many After the good seed soldiers were sent to the DFA, no one came out again.

Therefore, Director Fu can't understand DFA.

He opened his mouth, but he directly ignored the question from the chief executive's deputy, and said, "You are looking for those two people? What rules did they break?"

"I didn't break the rules, I just have something to talk to them about." Xu Enzhen said.

The deputy of the chief executive pushed his glasses, but he didn't answer, but he was thinking in his heart, although he didn't do anything wrong, but it's not a trivial matter to tease DFA, the tracker is not lost sooner or later, but he didn't lose it until he was about to find Mangyaquan, so it was delayed , Mangya Spring collapsed, and now they have found nothing except two small bottles of Mangya Spring water, and it is impossible to find it again in the future.

The Prime Minister was so angry that he almost flipped the table and scolded the entire office. Now that he wants to find Lu Liran and Ke Ji to go back, he probably feels that these two people have more things in their hands and wants to get it back with both soft and hard tactics.

Director Fu smiled when he heard the words: "Oh, then let's go with you to have a look."

The deputy to the chief executive paused after hearing the words, his face was a little stiff, and he said dryly: "I'm afraid this is not appropriate, this is DFA's internal affairs."

"Since it's not a mistake to handle the case, what's appropriate or not?" Director Fu asked with a smile, grabbing what the other party said before, "These two people and my navigation office also have something, I'll take a look together. "

Deputy to the chief executive: "..." Apparently the director in front of him has made up his mind to get involved in their DFA affairs. After all, he is the director, and his deputy can't refuse.

In addition, they themselves said before that they did not commit a crime, so they are not considered as DFA to handle the case.

—It is estimated that even if it is handling the case, Director Fu can still say that the Navigation Office offered to help.

Anyway, I want to go, the deputy chief executive forced a dry smile, nodded and said: "That's good."

The captain and director Fu walked in front, familiar with the way, and the eyelids of the deputy chief executive twitched. Obviously, he had already been here once, and he said that he had something to do with someone, even if it was an excuse, at least it would be fine. Shall I play it?

It's too embarrassing.

Xu Enzhen heard that someone behind him burst out laughing.

The captain had already arrived at the door, rang the doorbell, and after a while, someone came to open the door.

It was Jin Fei who opened the door. Seeing the man who had been here just now turned back, he couldn't help showing some doubts. The door only opened a small crack: "What's the matter?"

"Someone is looking for you." The captain said, taking a step back, Xu Enzhen stepped forward.

"I am Xu Enzhen, director of the DFA office, and I am here to find Mr. Lu Liran and Mr. Ke Ji." Xu Enzhen said.

Jin Fei stood expressionlessly at the door, neither agreeing nor denying, looking straight and sharply at the woman in front of him, Xu Enzhen actually felt uneasy from the bottom of his heart, feeling that the person in front of him had something wrong with him. An evil spirit.

Maybe it was because she came here with a guilty conscience.

Until the voice of an acquaintance came from inside the door—

"Let them in, it's okay." Lu Liran said.

Only then did Jin Fei step aside and open the door.

Xu Enzhen let the guards stay outside the door, and then walked in with the deputy of the Prime Minister, followed by the captain and director Fu.

Lu Liran only heard Xu Enzhen's voice, but he didn't expect the two people in the navigation office to turn back again, and looked over in wonder.

"Let's see if there is anything we can help." The captain said with a smile.

The deputy to the prime minister thought he was going to help them, but he didn't notice that the captain was looking at Lu Liran and said.

Lu Liran was a little surprised. Even if the DFA and the Navigation Office were not on the same page, they should still be on the same page in front of aliens, right?

Ke Ji looked at Director Fu, and saw that he was sitting at the side leisurely, as if he really just came to join in the fun.

Ke Ji took a glance and looked away, knowing that the director came here to suppress the scene at most, maybe the other party usually didn't deal with DFA very much, but if their position threatened the planet Storm, the Navigation Office immediately It will become the power of DFA.

But then again, their current identities are innocent, and if they really want to say, they are still victims, or DFA doesn't care.

Director Fu noticed Ke Ji's gaze, and when he was looking over, he found that the young man looked away lightly, those clear blue eyes seemed to know everything.

Director Fu couldn't help but take a second look. The more he looked, the more he felt that this person was really different. He obviously didn't have any sense of existence at first glance, but when he looked carefully, he felt more and more frightened. Just let him feel unspeakable pressure.

Xu Enzhen cleared his throat, and opened his mouth to say what they came for this time.

Despite all kinds of high-sounding and beautiful rhetoric, the core idea is still greedy and domineering.

Director Fu who listened to the whole process and saw the essence clearly through the phenomenon: "..."

He was amused, is this bullying the aliens in the lower galaxies? Then he, as the director of the Office of Navigation of Justice, cannot allow it.

First of all, the interests behind this matter do not directly affect Planet Storm. In order to find out the efficacy of Mangya spring water, countless experiments are required after extracting the essence. No one can guarantee whether the experimental results are good or bad, there are too many unknowns; but Director Fu knows that if this matter is really threatened by DFA The few young people with no background in front of them will lose the reputation and face of Planet Storm.

Secondly, it is naturally because of the long-standing conflict with DFA, the things that can make DFA unhappy must be the things that can make the Navigation Office happy.

Director Fu cleared his throat, and interrupted the Prime Minister's deputy: "I have to say, these young people in front of me have just assisted our Navigation Office in cracking the most rampant pirate case in the past few years. The Hall highly praised these gentlemen and awarded them the highest honor."

"Are you really planning to do this?" He looked at Xu Enzhen and the Deputy Prime Minister.

Xu Enzhen's eyes widened suddenly, when did this happen? Didn't these two just come back from the Aiken Rainforest? Where's the time to do such a big thing? !

The team leader smiled and explained: "The reason for not publicly commending is because the specific procedures have not yet been completed, so except for the people in our navigation office, other outsiders don't know about it."

The prime minister's deputy swallowed a mouthful of old blood, and when he looked at Lu Liran and Ke Ji again, his eyes changed.

These two people are obviously no longer targets for bullying and manipulation. Pirates have been rampant for several years and have always been the heart disease of many merchant shipping companies. After the public commendation and honors are awarded, these two people will immediately become people's heroes.

And if they make small moves, they will bear the notoriety of blackmailing and blackmailing the people's heroes.

"...I think my statement just now is a bit misleading." The deputy to the prime minister was flexible and quick to respond, "Our DFA sincerely wants to cooperate with the two of you. It would be best if we can achieve a win-win situation. gone."

When Director Fu heard the other party change his words, he hooked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

"There is indeed such an opportunity." Ke Ji said.

Lu Liran looked at Ke Ji.

Ke Ji said lightly: "We can provide the Mangya Spring to extract the essence of the storm planet. The Mangya Spring has collapsed now, and the essence is limited, but we can provide the essence far exceeding the limit."

Xu Enzhen gasped: "Really?!"

The prime minister's deputy also opened his eyes wide.

Ke Ji continued: "As a bargaining chip for cooperation and exchange, you are completely open to trade and livelihood exchanges with low-level civilized star systems, and at the same time, you will negotiate a suitable price for the transaction price of the essence."

"You can go back and inform the content of this cooperation first, and the specific terms can be found later, so that people who can decide this matter can come to an agreement." Ke Ji looked at the Deputy Prime Minister and Director Fu.

Director Fu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly asked: "Then this matter of have raised it so rashly, how can you be sure that your decision maker will agree to cooperate?"

Lu Liran smiled slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Ke Ji, and Jin Fei also looked at their commander, with sincere eyes.

Seeing this, the Deputy Prime Minister had an incredible guess in his heart.

can't you?

Ke Ji said: "There is no need to worry about this. Naturally, wise decision makers can understand how to do things that are mutually beneficial."

Deputy to the Prime Minister: "..." This is simply bullying!

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