MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 283 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 283

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Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 283

Looking at the dense canopy that seemed to be close to their feet, the dense forest of Aiken two weeks ago seemed like yesterday to Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

This is the place with the densest vegetation on the planet, the lung of the planet. The shade of millions of trees has turned this place into a labyrinth of steep ravines and swamps. Once you get lost here, you will only be left with the despair of not being able to answer every day and not working the land.

The Aiken Forest, known as the largest rainforest on Planet Storm, covers an area of ​​3.6 million square kilometers. It is still unknown how many indigenous tribes have become the habitat.

Lu Liran had a vague premonition that maybe their trip this time would have some unknown collisions with the tribes among them.

"To the upper reaches of the Sana River." Seeing that the helicopter was about to fly over the area of ​​one of the three wastes of the rainforest, Lu Liran already had an idea of ​​the landing point in his mind.

The pilot responded: "Got it."

After flying for another 20 minutes, the helicopter came to the mid-air above the upper reaches of the Sana River and kept hovering.

Due to the dense vegetation and stacked canopy, there was no suitable open ground within the field of vision, and the helicopter could not land. Lu Liran and Ke Ji could only land from the height of the canopy into the rainforest.

During the last rescue mission, the helicopter was able to hover at a height of 60 meters above the ground, so they descended rapidly through ropes, but this time because of the problem of hovering height, the length of the rope was not enough, so they had to parachute.

This is a method that special forces will use when performing jungle infiltration missions. It is very difficult and has many uncontrollable factors, which are very prone to accidents.

In fact, two of the first batch of Golden Army elites who entered the rainforest were attacked by aerial wing birds when they parachuted and landed.

The pilot is still circling, trying to find a safer and more suitable landing point for Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

"No need, just stay here." Lu Liran saw the pilot's intention and said lightly.

"The risk factor of landing in this area is too high, you..." The pilot was stunned when he heard this, and tried to persuade him, but was interrupted by Lu Liran.

The pilot had no choice but to shake his head and hover the helicopter fixedly.

He turned his head to look behind him, and saw that Lu Liran and Ke Ji had already put on their parachute bags.

Before the pilot had time to say anything, he saw the two people in front of him just looked at each other, without saying a word, they suddenly jumped down and disappeared at the cabin door.

The pilot took a deep breath, and quickly looked outside, and saw the two people flying up and down, one forward and one backward in perfect harmony, flying steadily in midair with their arms outstretched.

The difficulty of low-altitude skydiving lies in the timing of opening the parachute. A second earlier or a second later will endanger the life of the skydiver.

After the helicopter completed the flight mission, it didn't leave immediately. The pilot couldn't help but let out a low cry when he saw the camouflaged parachute almost opening at the front and back. It was the perfect timing like a textbook!

Lu Liran and Ke Ji controlled the parachute and flew into the dense forest at a constant speed. Soon, the dense canopy became their biggest trouble, and completely blocked the blue sky above their heads, and they could no longer see the DFA combat helicopter.

"Black Hawk 749 reported to the headquarters that the flight mission has been completed and is now ready to return." After the pilot could no longer see the two camouflage parachutes, he picked up the communication device and reported to the headquarters, "The two targets have landed in the dense forest."

Headquarters: "Black Hawk 749 starts inspection and debugs tracking camera equipment."

Pilot: "Received. Black Hawk 749 activates tracking camera equipment."

Pilot: "The camera equipment is available normally, and images of the target two people have appeared on the monitor."

"Okay, Black Hawk 749, let's go back, your mission has been completed." A response came from the headquarters, "The rest is up to them."


In the jungle, Ke Ji had already landed smoothly, but Lu Liran was not so lucky, he was stranded in the air with his parachute caught by dense branches.

Lu Liran glanced down, it was about ten meters away from the ground.

He looked around, his suspended position was a bit awkward, there were no tree trunks around him, so he couldn't use his strength to swing up the tree.

But soon, Lu Liran also gave up the idea of ​​approaching the trunk next to him—

First, there was a dense and fast "rustling" sound from his left side, his heart skipped a beat, he grabbed the parachute rope suddenly, his waist sank down hard, and he kept as still as possible in the suspended shaking state.

He quickly found the source of the sound, and Lu Liran's keen visual dynamic ability allowed him to lock on the target very quickly - on a tree trunk only about four meters away from him, a yellow-green diamond-nosed rattlesnake was actually entrenched in!

It is three meters long, and has raised its snake head slightly, spitting out forked snake letters from time to time, looking for the direction of the heat emitted by Lu Liran.

Several khaki-colored rings on the tail trembled at an extremely fast frequency, sending out a warning to this unexpected intruder.

The raised snake head, bowed snake body, and continuously spitting out forked snake letters all prove that this rattlesnake has entered an attack state. Once this rattlesnake launches an attack, its speed is enough to complete four times in the blink of an eye. attack!

— literally in the blink of an eye.

The average attack speed of snakes is calculated in milliseconds, while it takes 200 milliseconds for a human to blink, which is enough for a snake to launch four to five attacks, not to mention that the attack speed of rattlesnakes is still the best among snakes.

Even in a face-to-face confrontation on flat ground, it is extremely difficult to avoid its attack, let alone in such a dangerous suspended state.

The situation was extremely dangerous for a while, and the staff far away in the monitoring room of the DFA headquarters broke into a cold sweat for Lu Liran.

Lu Liran calmly took out the spare safety rope provided in the umbrella bag, and after confirming that it was fastened around his waist, he threw the rope down. The snake did not move. And descend very steadily.

However, the distance between the ropes was only ten meters. After Lu Liran got down to the bottom of the rope, he fell heavily and was pulled hard by the rope around his waist.

When he looked down, he was still seven or eight meters away from the ground, which was equivalent to the height of a two-story building. It was not impossible to jump, but once the rope was cut, it was equivalent to abandoning the entire parachute.

Lu Liran also wanted to recover the parachute for later use. Considering that he had dropped ten meters, he should have already left the hunting range of the rattlesnake, so recovering the parachute should not be a problem.

However, at this moment, Ke Ji had already discovered Lu Liran's abnormality, and at the same time, he also noticed something wrong on the ground. He suddenly shrank his pupils and shouted: "Jump down! Quick!"

Lu Liran was taken aback. His physical reaction took precedence over his brain's thinking. His long-standing habit in the battlefield training camp allowed him to obey Ke Ji's orders immediately. He waved his hand and cut the rope quickly. Turn around and grab your back to the ground.

At the same time, Lu Liran felt a gust of wind passing by his side, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure rushing in front of him.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he subconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

Lu Liran frowned, and after landing on his back, he rolled twice on the spot due to inertia, and immediately got up and looked at Ke Ji.

At Ke Ji's feet, the three-meter-long rattlesnake was nailed seven inches by a dagger and inserted into the tree trunk. At the same time, there were three severed arrow clusters on the ground.

Lu Liran's eyelids twitched fiercely, staring at the three arrow clusters that were blocked by the Ke Ji, the arrows were black and poisonous: "Is this a tribal trap?"

Ke Ji responded, and had already removed the trap device on the ground. At this moment, he walked quickly: "Did you get hurt?"

"No, I heard you jumped down so fast, you might be shot a second later." Lu Liran also reacted now.

I don’t know whether the tribal trap was triggered by myself or the rattlesnake. There was a rattlesnake rushing straight up on the top, and a poisonous arrow from the tribal trap shot from bottom to top.

Ke Ji also checked up and down, and after making sure that Lu Liran had no scratches on his body, he couldn't help but smile when he heard Lu Liran's words: "No."

Even if Lu Liran was late, he would block them all, not to mention that he knew Lu Liran well.

Lu Liran understood Ke Ji's unspoken meaning, grinned, looked at the tribal trap that had been dismantled, and walked towards the rattlesnake nailed to the tree trunk.

"Fortunately, this snake is not included in the protection of animals. It should be counted as an extra meal tonight." After speaking, Lu Liran looked at Ke Ji, as if asking for the other party's opinion, and at the same time drew out a big knife, and swung it at the snake's head neatly .

The snake's head was cut off, and the snake's body fell limply in the pile of grass leaves, with blood spattering out.

Lu Liran picked up the snake body that was still bleeding.

The newly dead snake body still had some nervous reactions, and the two-meter-long snake body curled up consciously, wrapping around Lu Liran's arm, but without much strength.

Lu Liran drained all the blood, and untied the snake body wrapped around his arm little by little counterclockwise.

The body of the snake more than two meters long is actually only about ten kilograms, and he directly tied it around his waist in a snake knot.

As for the nailed snake's head, Lu Liran held the kooki knife in his hand, and pressed the broad belly of the knife against the sharp mouth of the snake's head, so as not to give him a sudden reflex after death.

He pulled out the dagger that belonged to Ke Ji, swung the curved blade hard, and threw the snake's head into the distance.

"I didn't expect that when I first entered the rainforest, I ran into traces of the tribe." Lu Liran returned the dagger to Ke Ji.

Ke Ji took the dagger, and while Lu Liran was dealing with the rattlesnake, he retrieved his parachute and put it away. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "It seems that this is a hunting ground for the tribe. Be careful of the hidden traps around."

"En." Lu Liran replied cautiously, without underestimating these most primitive traps from the indigenous tribes.

Although it was a bit of an accident to see traces of the tribe so quickly, it was actually expected for them.

The reason why Lu Liran chose to land in this area was because their first night in the jungle was near the upper reaches of the Sana River, and what they encountered on the first night, even if they didn't need to specifically recall it, was still impressive.

The patchwork corpse with a warning meaning was the masterpiece of the tribe, so Lu Liran believed that there should be an indigenous tribe nearby, maybe it belonged to the Saiyan tribe, or some other tribe that knew and guarded Mangya Spring.

No matter what it is, for Lu Liran, it is a step towards Mangyaquan.

Lu Liran's goal is to find them.


DFA Headquarters.

"How are they doing?"

"Just entered the rainforest, there is no danger." Xu Enzhen watched the monitor screen, and just breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how nervous she was. When the monitor detected and issued an alarm for dangerous creatures, it took her a long time to see the rattlesnake entangled in the tree trunk, let alone the rattlesnake's explosive attack afterwards, plus Three volleys of poisonous arrows were fired on the ground.

The three poisonous arrows did not know which direction they were shot from. When the monitor issued a red alarm, she took a closer look and saw that they had been cut off.

But just entering the rainforest from the air, there are already many dangers. No wonder the first batch of DFA elite troops who parachuted into the rainforest suffered heavy casualties. Now it seems that it is not an exaggeration at all.

"They didn't find the tracker, did they?"

"Probably not." Xu Enzhen shook his head, muttering in his heart to add quietly, at least he hasn't had time to find out yet.

"Report the situation in a timely manner, and report everything in detail."

Xu Enzhen responded: "Good leader. They seem to have found traces of a certain tribe and are now tracking them."

"Also, they chopped up a rattlesnake and tied it around their waist for dinner," Seo Eun-jin added.


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