MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 261 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 261

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Mo Sang had never seen someone eat worms like this, live worms!

The plump, white bug that could twist and roll when stuck on the tip of the knife entered Lu Liran's mouth in a blink of an eye, and made a sound of chewing, which made Mosang's goosebumps rise.

The audience in the live broadcast room also looked dumbfounded. The bullet screen instantly filled the screen, and they couldn't even see the faces clearly, but it was a series of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Mo Sang also wanted to scream like this, but he didn't expect that Lu Liran planned to share it with him!

"We have military rations, which are enough for us to carry out our mission for seven days, and the taste is not bad." Mosang said stiffly, his face changed.

He subconsciously leaned back to distance himself from Lu Liran.

Seeing this, Lu Liran withdrew the tip of the knife, handed it to Ke Ji, and said, "When the military supplies run out, what do you plan to eat after eating? Or just declare the mission a failure?"

"Alternatively, what should you do if you encounter unexpected circumstances and force you to discard some unnecessary survival tools to reduce the burden of action?" He asked Mosang.

Mo Sang paused when he heard the words, and Lu Liran said that the situation was true, he replied: "We will have a support package."

Lu Liran raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you all trust in logistical support."

"They are indeed our solid backing." Mosang nodded proudly and trustingly.

Lu Liran didn't say anything anymore, since Mo Sang decided so, let's pray that their logistics is really so reliable.

Anyway, he is more inclined to keep his own hands behind - if the logistical support really has such a swift and efficient response, then the first two support troops that sneaked into the Aiken Forest will not be so far away that they can't even find their bones.

But since Mo Sang trusted his teammates so unconditionally, Lu Liran would not pour cold water on him at this time.

The military rations are distributed according to the amount of two meals a day. They are individually packaged and can be brewed with water and eaten directly, which is very convenient.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji each unpacked a bag of brewing, and the thing that came out was like rice porridge, with a milky smell, and it tasted really good.

[Why eat bugs if you have a military supply package, my god, almost sent me out]

【Isn’t this milky sweet? When I think of the bugs just now, I don’t want to eat any more.】

[Get to know, this is the basic operation of this foreign aid expert]

[I heard that you were an anchor before? No wonder they want to eat bugs, what a gimmick! 】

[We are the configuration of the DFA Golden Army, why do we need him to eat bugs? ? ? 】

[Didn't I say it earlier, in case resources are exhausted...]

[Then there is no backup? 】

[What if the backup fails to arrive in time? 】

[That's impossible, DFA's backup logistics support is the fastest! 】

[Anyway, I think this foreign aid expert is deliberately attracting attention]

[Then he has successfully attracted me, I think he is quite awesome, what can be eaten and what can’t be eaten, and he will deal with it urgently, no wonder the boss of DFA wants to invite him to participate in the action]

[+1 I feel that DFA's equipment doesn't seem to be of much use to him, I feel that he can handle it all by himself]

【Laughing, I think so too】

It is rare for Lu Liran to have a full meal in the wild. Even so, he smashed the nuts he picked up before, and put away all the nuts. If they were found to be bugs, he strung them on the branches one by one. , and don't know what to do.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Liran had strung a whole branch full of weevils, and there were more than a dozen of them.

"What is this going to do?" Mosang swallowed, wondering.

"It's always useful." Lu Liran replied, and put it in his backpack.

The sun sets here very fast, and it only takes a few minutes for the sky to get dark in an instant.

At this moment, only the lighting of the bonfire remained on the open space, and three tents were set up next to each other. Lu Liran looked at the stars above his head and said, "Go back to the tent and rest, it's rare that the weather is good tonight."

Mo Sang also looked at the sky subconsciously, nodded slightly, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, it was indeed a good weather.

If it weren't for his injury, they should have checked the surrounding area overnight tonight.

Mo Sang got into the tent a little depressed and annoyed.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji also turned and returned to their respective tents.

【Ah, so the search for the first night is over? good water! 】

[There are no new developments or discoveries! 】

[No wonder our commander has been missing for a week here, and the search effort is seven hours? 】

[But it is really not suitable for action at night, not to mention those predators who are used to haunting at night, the most basic thing is that the vision is poor, and it is easy to ignore clues. Isn't that a waste of work? 】

[Speechless, the soldiers of the DFA troop are also human beings, and they also need to rest. If you have the ability to beep, you can act in the primitive rainforest for a few hours, see if you want to rest? 】

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought that today's live broadcast was over, they did not expect Lu Liran and Ke Ji to come out of the tent again at this time.

Seeing Ke Ji, Lu Liran was a little surprised: "Why don't you..."

"Same as you." Ke Ji said, smiling, "Together."

Lu Liran nodded, suppressed the smile on his lips, and walked side by side with Ke Ji towards the branch of the river.

[Hey, why did these two come out by themselves? ! 】

【I was going to sleep! What is this for? 】

[What charades are you playing? 】

The distance from the station to the river was only a few tens of meters. Lu Liran and Ke Ji each held a torch to illuminate, carefully avoiding those overly active spiders and snakes at night.

"Aiken at night and Aiken during the day are like two worlds." Lu Liran squinted his eyes, the sounds in the forest at night came one after another, and the rustling of reptiles could be heard endlessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly lowered his body and dodged an extremely fast attack. Ke Ji slammed the torch forward, and saw a thin, pointed tree boa coiled on the branch that Lu Liran had just walked by.

The pointed tree boa is not poisonous, but it is very aggressive. This tree boa has more than two hundred fangs, and a bite is enough to hurt.

The pointy-headed tree boa in front of me is very small, it looks like it has not grown up long, and it is less than the thickness of a wrist.

[Fuck! snake! 】

[Pointy head! Poisonous, right? ! 】

[Oh my god, I didn't see anything! Where did it come from! 】

[Fortunately, these two foreign aid experts responded quickly, so they weren't bitten, right? ? 】

[No, no, the skin is not broken! Awesome! What a speed! 】

[Scared to death, if the captain is in that injured state, he must be gone! 】

[Then there is no need to push? 】

Lu Liran let the little snake go, and shook his head at Ke Ji: "The pointed tree boa is a second-level protected animal on Storm Planet, and it cannot be eaten."

Ke Ji: "..."

[? 】

[Laughing to death hahaha people are still worried about his safety, he has already made up his mind about that snake? ? 】

【I actually want to catch a snake and eat it... It's because my vision is narrow】

Lu Liran and Ke Ji quickly walked to the river, which is considered to be a place where the river is relatively gentle. Lu Liran guessed that if there were tribes camping near here, the probability of fishing here at night would be higher.

So they try their luck.

But obviously, the goddess of luck did not favor the two of them tonight. Lu Liran and Ke Ji stayed here for nearly two hours, but found nothing.

Under the surface of the water, you can see sparkling reflective fish eyes. Some big fish are usually active at night, but Lu Liran doesn't intend to torment these big fish right now.

He patted the grass clippings on his body, and said to Ke Ji in a low voice: "It seems that this is not the tribe's fishing ground, let's go."

[Ah, so you want to wait here to find a tribe? do you mean this? 】


[This is purely, let’s try our luck hahahaha]

[I really have nothing to do at night, so I have to come and verify it. If I'm lucky, I will bump into it! 】

【hhhh give up now】

[I was almost bitten by a snake, this trip was a bit of a loss]

[If you don’t run, you will say that they are not dedicated, and if you run, you will say that they have lost money, tsk tsk, it is difficult to deal with]


Lu Liran and Ke Ji returned to the camp, and they each returned to their own tents.

Mo Sang seemed to be in a deep sleep, completely oblivious to the movement of the two leaving and coming back.

Lu Liran had just gotten into the tent within a few minutes, then he crawled out again, turned around and opened Mosang's tent!

【Alas! ? Night attack! (dog head)]

【Why so suddenly... what did you see? ? 】

【Don't scare me】

The aerial camera of the drone followed Mosang's tent closely, and saw the man lying in the tent flushed and hot all over, obviously having a high fever at night.

Lu Liran guessed that Mo Sang's state was not right, otherwise, how could the captain of the gold army not have noticed the whereabouts of the two of them? It was even more impossible not to ask any questions after the two of them came back.

Ke Ji soon followed into the tent and lit the night light in the tent. With the dim light of the night light, Ke Ji quickly discovered the root of the problem.

"It's not about the penetrating wound, it's about being bitten by a poisonous insect." He said in a deep voice.

Seeing the inconspicuous place between the crevices of Mosang's fingers, Ke Ji separated the fingers, only to see a small red and pus-filled bag had swelled inside the crevice of the fingers, and compared with that finger, it was bigger than other fingers. More swollen, reddish skin tone.

Ke Ji quickly injected an antidote into Mosang's vein, and Lu Liran performed emergency treatment for Mosang's blood injection and disinfection again.

"Luck is bad enough." Lu Liran twitched the corner of his mouth.

The poisonous bug that bit Mosang was no longer in the tent, and probably crawled in when Mosang opened the tent to enter.

I don't know what kind of poisonous insect it was bitten by, but judging by the poisoning performance on the fingers, it is not a particularly poisonous and deadly poisonous insect, but it is inevitable to cause a high fever.

Originally, there was a relatively serious penetrating wound on the arm, plus the poisonous insect bite... Lu Liran shook his head, I am afraid that the captain will not last long and will have to leave the operation early.

If it wasn't for the penetrating injury that consumed Mosang's enormous physical strength and spirit, otherwise he would never have found a poisonous insect in his tent.

This is exactly why Lu Liran took every step carefully and cautiously, because once he made a wrong step, a vicious circle of chain 6 would be formed later, and the snowball would get bigger and bigger and more deadly.

While Lu Liran and Ke Ji were treating Mo Sang's wound and cooling each other down, at some point outside the tent, it suddenly became extremely quiet.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji stopped their movements at the same time, and they looked at each other. Ke Ji reached for the night light in the tent and shut it off with a click.

Read The Duke's Passion