MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 241

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Roxanne's black bear's speed was astonishingly fast. Only when it charged head-on did the audience in the live broadcast room fully feel its speed, and understood why Lu Liran said before that running away was completely useless.

When encountering such a behemoth whose size, tonnage and speed can be completely crushed, escaping is simply an appetizing game, and it is useless.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji separated from each other tacitly, and quickly climbed up a big tree next to the giant beast.

The black bear raised its huge claws and slapped the tree trunk hard, Lu Liran only felt the big tree under him shake violently, as if it was about to be snapped off by its palm!

A broad-leaved tree with a diameter about the size of a washbasin was shaken by the Roxanne black bear, and the leaves above its head shook off.

Seeing this, Lu Liran ran quickly among the branches, as sensitive as a monkey.

The trees in the lonely hill grew in layers, and the branches crossed. Lu Liran quickly jumped from the branches of this tree to another big tree on the side.

He hid among the tree branches and observed the black bear. He saw the black bear raised its head and raised its wet black nose, as if confirming something.

【Oh my God! ! Fortunately, the anchor moved fast! ! That slap can directly shatter the Tianling Gai! 】

[I was scared to death. I didn’t bother with leopard-shaped beasts before, so what should I do if I encounter a black bear this time? It's time for the team to step in! 】

[As we all know, Brother Lu has no team, only **** hands...]

[? ? ? There is no team for this kind of wild survival? ? Are you serious? ? I don't believe it even if I kill it]

[It's true, even if Brother Lu wants to find a team, there must be someone who is willing to follow Brother Lu in and out of this kind of place]

[Such a dangerous place, even if it is given a high salary, no one may be willing to come]

【This is true】

【Ahhh, that black bear is about to climb a tree! ? 】

Sure enough, the black bear hugged the main tree trunk, as if it wanted to climb up the tree. Its huge body and terrible weight almost made the poor broad-leaved tree let out a sigh Moans of dying.

Lu Liran's pupils shrank, and to his surprise, the black bear didn't stare at him, but turned around and went straight to Ke Ji.

【Alas? ? I can understand that chasing the anchor directly before, Roxanne Black Bear likes food with a lot of energy, and the anchor’s energy is at least B-level or above... But I can’t understand after chasing the little follower]

[Probably a problem with the sense of smell]

[It may also be a dog who looks at the face]

[Is the anchor not good-looking? ? 】

[Human aesthetics and bear aesthetics should be different]

[Nonsense, blind bear, blind bear, bear's eyesight is as bad as that of a blind man, who else can tell? ! 】

【Then what are you doing chasing the little follower】

[I always thought that calling the beauty's little follower was because the beauty was really close to Brother Lu, but now it looks like... a lot of people misunderstood something? ? 】

【I feel so too…】

[There is a trace of wanting to laugh and a trace of expectation]

[per capita Jiang Kun]

[? 】

Seeing the black bear crawling towards him, Ke Ji frowned, pulled the vine beside him and swung vigorously to another tree not far away.

Seeing this, the black bear let out a teasing roar, turned his head down the tree, and followed Ke Ji persistently.

Lu Liran yelled at Ke Ji, made a special gesture, turned around and moved quickly towards the depths of the forest.

The gesture was very special, but very short, and it was split into two small gestures. The speed was so fast that the audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand what it meant at all, but they saw that Ke Ji had already understood it. He glanced at the black bear who was following closely, and then moved in the direction of Lu Liran.

Whenever the black bear is about to catch up, you can see Ke Ji suddenly making a big turn in the air or among the tree crowns. Due to the size difference, Roxanne black bear can't catch up with him.

Once or twice, every time it was like this, the audience in the live broadcast room was frightened at the beginning, and then gradually felt a little bit of something wrong——

【Why do I feel... the little follower is like fishing for bears】

【It turns out that I'm not alone, so I feel like he's flying a kite? ? 】

[The saying of fishing for bears is very vivid]

[It's hard to say... I suddenly feel that this bear is a bit naive, and has been stuck in the card position three or four times.]

[It can still be stuck, this little follower's psychological quality is not generally stable]

【Then again, what about Kaxiong Tu... still can't escape】

[After saying this, I suddenly found that the anchor was gone! ? Is it to let the host escape first? Sell ​​one guarantee one! ? 】

[Gan! That makes sense! 】

【Impossible, brother Lu and the beauty are in a relationship that can be sold】

[It must be delaying time to make a big move! 】

When there was a lot of noise in the bullet screen, there was a sudden noise in the woods. Ke Ji paused when he heard the sound, and then hurried towards the source of the sound without stopping.

This time Ke Ji didn't catch the black bear again, and he could see how amazing the speed of the black bear's complete release.

Ke Ji relied on the inertia of the vines to shuttle between the tree crowns, while the black bear was on the ground, crushing all the bushes like a broken bamboo, almost driving Ke Ji head to head!

【I just can't run away! 】

[I'm going to be killed by the bear, ah, it's better to catch the bear just now! 】

[Where are you going to help, the further you go in, the bigger the distance between trees, this terrain is not conducive to beauties]

As the audience in the live broadcast room said, the further you go, the bigger the distance between the trees, even Ke Ji can't swing between the two trees that are so far apart.

He paused, glanced at the black bear following closely below, jumped without hesitation, and jumped into the broad back of the giant bear with incomparable precision.

He straddled his legs and grabbed the black bear's hair tightly with both hands.

Hearing the roar of the giant beast below, unwilling to be used as a mount, he frantically swung his body, trying to throw off the man on his back.

At this moment, a burst of buzzing came from a place not far away, approaching quickly!

Ke Ji saw the timing was right, and the moment the black bear stood upright on its hind legs, he rolled on the ground and quickly hid in the bushes.

He grabbed the dirt on the ground and quickly wiped it on his face, arms, and neck, while keeping a close eye on the movement of the black bear.

The black bear searched for the smell of Ke Ji in the air, and among the buzzing bee swarm, three or two flew in front of the black bear, and were annoyed to be slapped away by the black bear.

The soil can cover up most of the smell, but the distance between one person and one bear is too close. The black bear quickly found the direction, and when it was about to pass, it didn't expect a big guy to fly in the sky and head straight for Roxanne black bear!

The big bear subconsciously slapped away again, but this time, what it slapped was a whole honeycomb!

The hive was rolled aside, but it didn't shatter, but it attracted the unanimous attack of all the bee colonies in the hive!

Immediately, the adult bees filled the sky like a piece of brown and black silk, rushing straight to the culprit who destroyed their homeland.

The black bear also seemed dumbfounded, it froze in place for a second, and watched the overwhelming bee swarm rushing towards itself!

The fearless swarm of vengeful bees made the black bear terrified. It turned around and ran away, never caring about its prey.

Ke Ji had never seen such a swarm of bees in full swing, his pupils shrank fiercely, and immediately got up to look for Lu Liran as soon as the swarm left.

At this time, the real culprit came out slowly and carefully from behind the tree. Lu Liran was fully armed up to his face, and covered his entire face with a shirt, only his mouth, nose and eyes were exposed, and then covered his body with an umbrella, using the most ready-made Something blocked the swarm's attack.

There was still a dead branch smoking thick smoke at his feet, which was crushed by Lu Liran with his toe to extinguish the fire.

"Are you okay?" Lu Liran hurried back to Ke Ji and checked him up and down.

Ke Ji's body was only scratched by the branches, and there was nothing serious about it. He held Lu Liran's shoulder in turn, frowned and looked up and down: "I'm fine, how about you? The whole bee swarm came here, and you didn't get stung." arrive?"

"No, I smoked it out a lot. Roxanne Black Bear's hatred value is more stable, and the bee swarm doesn't pay attention to me at all." Lu Liran smiled with the corner of his mouth open.

He looked at the beehive on the ground, his eyes lit up, he immediately pulled out his knife, and quickly cut off a large piece of beehive.

The honeycomb is wrapped in a large thick, golden color and sweet smelling honey, which is so rich that it drips in a continuous line.

Lu Liran couldn't wait to catch it with his mouth, took a big gulp, then handed it to Ke Ji, signaling Ke Ji to eat it directly.

The sweet but not greasy honey filled his mouth, and Lu Liran narrowed his eyes in satisfaction: "It is a great unexpected harvest to taste such sweet and fragrant natural honey in the wild. It is not only the main glucose supply, but also rich in Rich in minerals, amino acids and various vitamins, it is a very suitable supplement."

"Such a large piece is enough for us to eat. As for the beehive, I will hang it on a big tree. There is a high probability that these wild bees will come back." Lu Liran said.

[Fucking twists and turns, I didn't expect the anchor to hit the idea of ​​the bee colony at all! 】

[What a way to borrow a knife to kill someone! 】

[To be more precise, it’s borrowing the bee to hurt the bear]

[Unexpectedly, Xiong Xiong was pricked by a swarm of bees, but the anchor harvested a large piece of honey hahahahaha—counseling to give the anchor a 1x exchange check]

[Gan, I suddenly want to eat honey, so greedy! 】

[Yes, I especially want to eat the honey that is connected to the hive! 】

【Woooooo hungry】

[Brother Lu's food live broadcast room is open again (x)]

Lu Liran contentedly put away the unfinished large piece of honeycomb: "No matter what you eat with honey, the taste will not be bad. I can keep it to improve the food in the future."

"That Roxanne black bear probably won't have the time to trouble us for a while, let's go on." Lu Liran put away the umbrella, put it back on his body, and said to Ke Ji.

Ke Ji nodded in response, he glanced at the sky and said, "But if this black bear delays me, I'm afraid I won't have time to get out of the lonely hill today."

"It's a bit dangerous." Lu Liran replied, he looked around and pointed from a distance, "There is a palm tree over there, it looks higher than other places."

The tree is tall and you can see far.

The old viewers in Lu Liran's live broadcast room have long known Lu Liran's three magic weapons for survival. If some are missing, they have to climb to a high place and look around for a way out.

The two quickly rushed to the palm tree, which was about 14 or 15 meters high, like a giant in the jungle.

Lu Liran's proficiency in climbing trees is second only to rock climbing, and he can climb trees more than ten meters high.

【Anchor Show】

[Every time I watch the anchor climb a tree, I feel so relaxed, I feel that I can do it too]

【But it's not possible, sober up】

[Yes, the anchor is the anchor, I am just me]

[Laughing to death, this is just Brother Lu's basic practice]

[Welcome the viewers of the Ke 158 galaxy to join the world sober group. Brother Lu and everyone here have a world that is different, and it will be fine after you become proficient]


Lu Liran climbed up the canopy. He looked at the lava field and forest belt to the east. They had already walked more than half of the way. The narrow forest belt that was originally only a black line had developed into a "broad surface".

But such good news is obviously not enough to offset the bad news that Lu Liran saw in front of him—

On the other side of the lava field in the east, the deep cumulonimbus cloud was like splashed ink, pressing heavily on the sky above the plain, as if you could touch it with your head up.

That piece of sky and earth seemed to be connected together, presenting a lifeless gray and dead color, and occasionally thunder and lightning slipped through the clouds, appearing suddenly.

If the sky here looks like two or three o'clock in the afternoon, then the cumulonimbus side is around seven o'clock in the evening.

Lu Liran frowned and lowered his voice: "It seems that we have to find a shelter as soon as possible. I'm afraid that after a while, this thunderstorm will move here."

[Hiss, it's so scary over there! 】

[No way, no way, will you still move here? ! 】

[This time the weather station has an early warning! It is said that there will be a yellow thunderstorm around three o'clock in the afternoon, but it is still local, and the scope is not detailed! 】

【It's too scary, no wonder Brother Lu's face changed when he saw the cumulonimbus cloud】

[The front doesn't look so scary yet! ! No matter what you say, it will change! 】

Lu Liran didn't manage the live broadcast room any more, he immediately explained the situation to Ke Ji after he got down from the tree.

The two made a quick decision and decided not to move forward, but to find a shelter nearby.

"Thunderstorms are very scary. My suggestion is to hide in the crevices of the mountains. But if you really can't find a suitable place, you can dig a deep ditch and hide in it." Lu Liran said.

They were lucky. After searching around, they found a broken tree, which was probably blown off by the storm that once swept through, leaving a long trail on the mossy ground. Deep pits.

The pit can barely fit one person. What Lu Liran and Ke Ji have to do is to dig deep and wide the pit, and try to dig out a one-meter-deep, sideways bed for two adults before night falls. The width that can lie down.

The big tree that was blown off is a ready-made scaffolding, and Lu Liran still uses the branches and vines that can be seen around to build a layer of scaffolding, and then spread moss and broad leaves on it.

The two completed the construction of this temporary hiding place before dark, and lay down to test the size. Lu Liran and Ke Ji's chests were pressed against each other, and they could even hear each other's loud and powerful heartbeats, and their body temperature passed through the thin fabric. , Lu Liran couldn't help but red ears.

He quickly crawled out of the deep ditch, and said hastily, "The width is about the same. Now I want to lay a layer of umbrellas underneath."

"The purpose of laying the canopy is to prevent the body from losing too much body temperature. Seventy-five percent of the human body's temperature is lost through the ground, so a parachute canopy is very effective in curbing the problem of body temperature loss at night. "Lu Liran spoke very fast, and his hand movements were very crisp and skilled.

It didn't take long for Lu Liran to pave the place where he was going to sleep tonight.

The red, green and green umbrella covers are covered with deep grooves, and it looks a little warm.

Lu Liran was also quite satisfied with his masterpiece, he clapped his hands, crawled out of the pit, looked at the sky, saw that the cumulonimbus cloud hadn't moved near here, he thought for a while and said, "Let's find something to eat. "

Isn't it for stuttering that people live?

It was still Ke Ji who stayed behind to light the fire, while Lu Liran went to look for food.

Lu Liran first set up two traps in a place where footprints of small beasts had appeared, hoping that something would be harvested tomorrow morning.

Then he successively found a few bunches of edible wild berries, which were red and looked poisonous, but actually tasted sweet and sour, and were very common wild berries.

Just when Lu Liran searched around to no avail, and was about to return with these bunches of fruits, his eyes suddenly paused.

The tip of his nose moved, and there seemed to be a rancid smell in the wind.

"I smell a corpse!" Lu Liran's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran towards the direction of the wind.

Not long after, Lu Liran found a corpse of a wild animal buried under a broken tree, but the corpse had been rotted so badly that it was impossible to identify what kind of animal it was.

【My God, it shouldn't be edible like this, right? ? 】

[Absolutely can't eat it! Even if it is baked, it should not be eaten! It's all maggots! 】

【Thank you, I'm eating supper, vomit—】

Lu Liran took out a knife and pounded inside the corpse a few times, as if looking for something, and said: "The decay of this animal corpse is already very serious, and the meat cannot be eaten, but these are completely clean and fresh, and can be eaten."

"They contain a variety of amino acids and fatty acids necessary for living organisms, and are a high-quality protein source."

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