MTL - I Made the World Mutate-Chapter 1084 Fleet

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After leaving Zhou Xuanmen farewell, Xiao Mu left Fukong Mountain directly and flew to the Immortal Realm in the clouds.

   He originally planned to build his own Tai Mie Mountain, but the current situation obviously does not have so much free time for him to stop and build.

   drove the clouds and flew to the old domain all the way. For Xiao Mu, who is familiar with the terrain, it is obviously easier to find Yang Yuan's bones at the Datang Site than in the other two places.


   On the floating mountain, at the moment when Xiao Mu descended, Jin Yuan was stationed in the ancient sacred mountain of the Qing Dynasty, the eight veterans, Xia Zhen and Chen Ming, the leader of the Daxia domain who had just advanced to the veteran, were sitting together in a meeting.

   Jin Yuan said with a serious face: "I just received the news, Xiao Mu, Mei Zun, Lu Liangping, they have gone down the mountain. We need to find Zhang Hua's fault. Zhang Hua, you are too careless."

   As he spoke, Jin Yuan turned his head and looked at Lei Zhanghua, with a reproach in his eyes.

"It was my fault."

   Lei Zhanghua did not defend himself, but bowed his head to admit his mistake.

   Jin Yuan looked at the others and explained: "The purpose of Xiao Mu, Mei Zun, and Lu Liangping is not in Zhang Hua, but in the eternal lamp in Zhang Hua's hands."

   "Eternal lamp!"

   Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

   Xiao Mu, Mei Zun, Lv Liangping and the others are actually making the idea of ​​eternal lanterns.

   How important this eternal lamp is, it is simply a treasure of the mid-century stage of mass production, and the eight veterans are extremely valued.

   Right now, I heard that Xiao Mu, Mei Zun, and Lu Liangping were actually playing this light, and a group of people immediately became vigilant.

   Jin Yuan continued: "Zhang Hua, he was too careless at the beginning. After killing Yang Yuan, he threw the body directly instead of destroying it."

   "Now, Xiao Mu, Mei Zun, Lu Liangping and others just want to find Yang Yuan's body, move Zhang Hua down, and get back the eternal lamp."

   "So bold!"

   Chen Ming suddenly smiled coldly, and said with disdain: "These three people think it's good, but it's not as easy as they thought it would be to move the old man Lei."

"Now, even the Emperor Human has to let us worry about offending us and forcing us to rebel. He Xiao Mu, Mei Zun, and Lu Liangping, even if they really get evidence that Elder Lei Da has killed Yang Yuan, what can they do? Sovereign, do you really dare to risk forcing us to rebel and let Veteran Lei Dayuan hand over the Eternal Lantern?"

   "Chen Mingyan makes sense!"

Qi Gu echoed: "As long as the emperor is worried about forcing us against us and dare not punish Zhang Hua, even if Xiao Mumeizun and the others get evidence that Zhang Hua killed Yang Yuan, what can they do? I see, Jin Dayuan, how much are you? Worry about it."

   "The Emperor... The Emperor..."

   Jin Yuan pondered upon hearing the words, "The Emperor of Humanity, for the time being, I can’t say exactly what we think about us."

   "However, unless I have to, I will never betray the Emperor."

"In addition, Lao Qi and Chen Ming are not right. Due to the existence of Shenfeng Girl and Zhou Xuanmen, if Xiao Mu and the others are really allowed to get evidence that Zhang Hua killed Yang Yuan, I am afraid that the emperor will be in the face of the face. , And had to deal with Zhang Hua."

   "Anyway, Yang Yuan's bones cannot be found by Xiao Mu and the others."

   Jin Yuan said in this statement, the other nine great elders, including the newly promoted great elders Xia Zhen and Chen Ming. Among the nine people, some people didn't think so, and felt that even if they didn't deal with it, the Emperor would not punish them at this time. But some people are thinking deeply, thinking that Jin Yuan is right.

   "The veteran's intention is that it is best not to offend the emperor. Therefore, it is better to send someone to find Yang Yuan's bones and destroy them easily."

   No one said anything. Some people agreed with Jin Yuan's words, but some didn't.

   "Zhang Hua, where did you throw Yang Yuan's bones?"


  Lei Zhanghua paused, and said ashamed: "I was walking in a hurry at the beginning, and I had forgotten where I left Yang Yuan's bones. In short, there are the Tang ruins, the Daxia region, and the Tombs of the Three Emperors."

   "You are too careless!"

   Jin Yuan's tone was dissatisfied, "Finally, in that case, send three people to the Datang Site, the Daxia Region, and the Tomb of the Three Emperors. Everyone, whoever volunteers and is willing to go, can take the initiative."

   Someone was silent. Obviously, they didn’t think that even if Xiao Mu and the others found Yang Yuan’s bones, how could Human Sovereign dare to punish Lei Zhanghua before his strength was restored? Aren't you afraid to push people like yourself?

   But some people feel that they need to stop...

"Ha ha!"

Chen Ming suddenly laughed and said: "Let me go to Blessed Domain, then Xiao Mu, last time took Huang Luo and wanted to move me down. If it weren't for the great elders, they would separate their minds and kill Huang Luo and destroy the evidence. How can I have a chance to become the God of Retribution today?"

   "Xiao Mu, my hatred is as deep as the sea. Now I am in the middle stage of the righteous god, and he is still only the early stage of the righteous god. I took this opportunity to let me be him."

"You go to the old domain, it's okay!" Jin Yuan glanced at Chen Ming, hesitated for a moment, nodded, agreed, and then ordered, "But remember, hands and feet should be clean, and no evidence of murder should be left. , It's best... it's best to kill people by the hand of heaven."

"I got it!"

Chen Ming said with a bright smile: "That Xiao Mu is the person who asked for the name of the Emperor of Taijia. Everyone in the Heavenly Court wants to kill him. As long as he quietly releases the information that he is in the eternal domain, let the heavenly court know. Xiao Mu, it's hard not to die."

   "I would like to go to Daxia Domain!" Xia Zhen, the original Daxia Domain Lord, volunteered.

"The one who went to Daxiayu to find Yang Yuan's bones was the Zun, Zun realm. Although it has entered the late Zhengshen realm, the authority is still in the Zhengshen early stage. You can almost handle it. However, it is best not to On the premise of alarming the other party, you can find Yang Yuan's bones and destroy them.

   Jin Yuan nodded, and finally said: "Mei Zun is no more threatening to us than Xiao Mu after all. This person is far more beneficial to us than killing it."

   "Yes!" Xia Zhengong kindly agreed.

Jin Yuanyou looked at the crowd, and saw someone who had never volunteered, and looked helplessly at Lei Zhanghua, "Zhang Hua, I am afraid that only you will be sent to the Tomb of the Three Emperors. Your opponent is Lu Liangping, the early days of Zhengshen. , I guess, it’s not your opponent either, and it can’t stop you from destroying the bones.”

   "Good too!"

  Lei Zhanghua nodded and agreed. What he created himself can only end up on his own.

   "It's not too late, three of you, let's go! When you return in triumph, the old veteran will be dedicated to you."

   Jin Yuan suddenly stood up and looked at Lei Zhanghua, Xia Zhen, and Chen Ming.


   "Here, it's not the old domain."

   High in the sky, Xiao Mu stepped on the five-colored clouds, and soon, he controlled his body to fall slowly.

   As soon as he landed, his eyes immediately looked around, using fascinating eye surgery to explore the surrounding terrain.

   The current terrain is ancient and hidden, and the relics can be seen faintly. It is not small that it is the abandoned land of Yang Yuan's bones.

   Xiao Mu, not daring to miss any chance, immediately took out a dozen array charms, and threw them to the ground one by one.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   array of symbols were thrown on the ground one by one, and amidst the roar, clusters of auras rose. In the end, a blood spirit formation was formed.

   Xiao Mu, take out a small glass bottle. In this glass bottle, a drop of spiritual blood was rolling.

   Xiao Mu, opened the bottle cap, the spirit blood immediately flew up and fell into the blood spirit array.

   Spirit blood, rolling above the blood spirit array, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, but in the end, it gradually dimmed.

   "It's not here, it's a pity!"

   Xiao Mu, holding the glass bottle in his hand, aiming the mouth of the bottle at the spiritual blood, and inputting a real force. This small glass bottle immediately released a suction force, and the spiritual blood flew back into the vial.

   Xiao Mu, close the cap and put away the vial. Then, he waved to the blood spirit formation.

   So, one after another, the talisman flew out and fell into his hand.

   As soon as Xiao Mu collected the array talisman, he flew in the clouds again.

   But soon, he fell down and stood on the ground, muttering to himself, "It's too difficult to observe the ground situation at high altitude."

   "The Immortal Domain, everywhere may be places of spiritual relics, and Yang Yuan's bones may be buried everywhere."

   "You have to search slowly on the ground."

   "That's it, then look for it slowly, anyway, the age-old domain is not big, and I can search it again in three or two months at most."

   Xiao Mu, while talking to himself, suddenly walked forward.

   Because he was worried that the escape was too soon and missed the clues on the roadside, he even gave up the five-element escape technique and used his body method to hurry.

   But fortunately, with his strength, even if he uses the body technique, his speed is fast enough.

   Just like this, Xiao Mu hurried slowly while looking for the relics in the Immortal Realm, looking for Yang Yuan's bones.

   Every time he finds a spiritual relic, he stops, arranges the blood spirit formation, releases the spirit blood, and senses Yang Yuan's bones.

   It's a pity that Yang Yuan's bones are not easy to find. Xiao Mu, after searching for more than ten days, he did not find the whereabouts of Yang Yuan's bones.

  The constant search made him a little tired, of course, mainly mentally.

   So, in the end, Xiao Mu decided to slow down further. He deliberately surrendered a buffalo mutant, carrying himself, slowly searching in the immortal realm.


   rumbling! Rumble!

   The sound of the axles suddenly sounded from behind. Xiao Mu, who was leisurely riding a buffalo slowly looking for a miracle, didn't need to turn his head, but based on his spiritual sense, he sensed that behind him, a team of mutants appeared.

   These mutants, surrendering the mutant spirit horse, pulling the huge RV with the mutant spirit, are quickly coming here, and they are walking in the same direction as Xiao Mu.

   Xiao Mu, who was constantly observing the surrounding environment and looking for miracles, was slightly slower, and soon he was caught up by the spirit horse convoy.

   Eight mutant spirit horses, pulling a total of four giant RVs.

   In the RV, through the window, you can see the people in the RV.

   The people in the RV are old and young, male and female, all of them are abnormal.

   However, he didn't even have a real world. The strongest man in his 60s and 70s was not just the peak of the world.

   Some of these people look quite similar, and they are also faintly connected in their blood.

   Xiao Mu saw that he was a family member.

   "Hello Uncle!"

   From the window of the RV, a seven or eight-year-old girl came out and waved at him with a smile, showing an innocent smile.

   This little girl is also a mutation, but the level of mutation is too low. It is just a mutation in the first realm of the Mortal Realm. It seems that it hasn't been long since the mutation.

   Xiao Mu spread a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Hello little sister!"

   The little girl was excited when Xiao Mu responded, "Uncle, it's dangerous to be alone outside, you have to be careful when you encounter bad people."

   Xiao Mu laughed, "Don't worry, little sister, my uncle is very capable, I'm not afraid of bad guys, bad guys are afraid of me."

The innocent girl suddenly widened her eyes when she heard that, she seemed to be surprised that Xiao Mu was good at it and was about to say something. A young woman next to her suddenly pulled her away from the window and looked at Xiao Mu warily. Li scolded the little girl, "Yingying, don't talk to strangers casually."

   The little girl Yingying was aggrieved and shut up.

  The people in the RV were quite wary of Xiao Mu, when a whistle suddenly came from the RV.

   The mutant horse immediately speeded up as if receiving an order, and soon passed by Xiao Mu.

   Xiao Mu, calmly glanced at the back of the team in front, still riding the bull slowly.

   The mutated big buffalo, with extreme endurance, carried Xiao Mu, and walked unhurriedly.

   After a short while, another miracle was reached.

   Xiao Mu stopped and arranged the blood spirit formation, using the spirit blood to sense the breath of Yang Yuan's bones.

   But, not long after, Xiao Mu put it away in disappointment.

   He continued on his way, and after a short time along the way, he encountered the spiritual ruins again, stopped again, arranged a large formation, and sensed Yang Yuan's bones.

   It's a pity, just like before, I failed again and again, and every time, I didn't find a clue to Yang Yuan.

   There are mutant fruits in some of the relics, but unfortunately they are only the mortal realm, or even the first-level mutant fruits. To Xiao Mu, they are of no value, so they don't even look at them.

   It has been many years since the world has been mutated. For humans, even for ordinary people without the aptitude for mutation, the fruit of mutation is no longer a rare thing.

  Some mutated fruits are not necessarily collected by humans when they see it.

   It's just that the higher-level mutant fruits are still favored by the mutants, especially the energy fruits. At any time, there will not be too many mutants.

   However, that is still for the mortal world changer. For those who are strong in the real world, ordinary energy fruits are no longer valuable, and only high-level energy fruits can provide them with energy for cultivation.

   keep going.

   Three days later at noon, about ten o'clock. U U Reading

   In front, there was a sudden fluctuation of aura, which was much stronger than the fluctuation of the aura that was sensed at ordinary times, and it was obvious that there was another aura.

   Xiao Mu, still not in a hurry, walked slowly on the buffalo.

   Like a place with strong aura fluctuations in front of him, he would encounter one almost every few days, so he had been familiar with it for a long time.

Moreover, this kind of ordinary miracle, even if it grows mutant fruits, energy fruits, is only suitable for mortal metamorphoses, and for those who are strong in true realms like him at the level of righteous gods, it has long been useless. NS.

   Even if it travels slowly, the speed of the buffalo is still very fast.

   Aura became stronger and stronger, Xiao Mu finally reached a slope.

   This sloping land is at least two to three hundred acres. The place is quite large. There are high soil slopes all around, hundreds of meters high to thousands of meters high, and the slopes are enclosed.

  Perhaps because of the hidden terrain, in the spiritual ground, you can see the mutated spiritual plant not far away, and there are a variety of green-red and indeterminate mutated fruits growing on it.

   When the wind blows, the mutant fruit shakes.

   Xiao Mu, continue to move forward, but slightly startled.

   Ahead, in the slope, he saw four giant RVs pulled by mutant horses that passed by him a few days ago.

   RV, stopped on the side of the road.

   Those people in the original RV are collecting various mutant fruits on the slope.

   Xiao Mu's trail was immediately noticed, and someone looked towards Xiao Mu, his face changed instantly.

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