MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 221

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"But now... Luffy is the most powerful person in the world!"

"In this way, can I leave here and go see the outside world?"

Luffy shook his head, when Bai Xing thought that Luffy was going to repent.

Luffy dodged to the table where the food was placed.

"Let's talk about it after I finish eating."

Bai Xing laughed happily.


outside the tower.

The soldiers have not yet come to their senses.

After all, Bai Xing was inside the tower, so there was no way to see the terrifying scene when those weapons flew over.

But they are different.

The soldiers have been defending outside all year round, and every time Vander Daken IX throws something, it will hit the wall of the tower heavily.

They know the power of these things better than anyone else, and how terrifying they are.

And the rose battle ax that Luffy smashed this time is a powerful weapon that they have never seen before!

Every time it flies out, it will cause strong damage to the tower.

Fortunately, it is very difficult to create such a weapon,

Otherwise, Vander Daken threw several tomahawks in succession, and the tower would have to be shattered.

However, what Luffy did was to destroy Tomahawk Rose in the most powerful way!

For these soldiers, they also worship the strong!

In their eyes, the greatest person is their own king, Neptune!

Next, there are three princes.

But without exception, they all had nothing to do with the weapons thrown by Van der Daken.

But they were completely shocked by the man they saw just now, it's hard to describe in words!

After eating all of Shirahoshi's breakfast, Luffy finally felt satisfied.

Finally, after drinking a bottle of iced drink, Luffy patted his stomach.

"It's so comfortable! It's been a long time since I had such a comfortable meal!"

Shirahoshi, who was quietly watching Luffy eating, suddenly sat up.

"Can you take me out now?"

Luffy nodded with a smile and said:

"Of course, isn't this guy your pet? Let's go out with him?"

Hearing this, Shirahoshi hesitated a bit,

"Well...since we are going out, shouldn't we tell Father King?"

Luffy is helpless, Bai Xing is really a good boy.

0····Ask for flowers····

Even in the face of going out for the first time in ten years, this kind of thing I have been looking forward to for a long time.

It is still necessary to report to father that he is safe when he leaves.

If he really told Neptune, he would definitely not let his beloved baby girl go out with Luffy no matter what.

Even if Luffy has the strength to resist the battle axe, Neptune will definitely send many soldiers to follow.

In that case, it would be very troublesome to think about it, so Luffy simply said:

"If you tell your father, you will definitely not be able to get out."

"Wait a minute, I'll take care of the soldiers. Let's just run out."


"I'll just send you back when I'm tired from playing at night."

Bai Xing was still a little hesitant, but once he heard that Luffy would send him back, he no longer had any worries.

"Thank you Luffy, you are so kind to me!"

Luffy grinned,

"Then we're off!"

Shirahoshi's pet shark, Carlo, was also very happy after seeing how powerful Luffy was, as if he was echoing Luffy.

When two people and one shark left the tower, the king's army reacted, and someone immediately shouted:

"Princess Baixing, she was abducted by the Straw Hat gang!"

This voice immediately pulled everyone out of the shock of Luffy smashing the rose battle axe.

Even if they adore Luffy's power.

But with the mission of being soldiers, they still rushed in front of Carlo the Shark.

"Shark, don't worry, run away, the soldiers leave it to me!"

"Rubber rubber!"

After listening to Luffy's words, Carlo swam vigorously and was very flexible.

"Shark Shark!"

Luffy wouldn't really hurt these soldiers, but just slapped them aside from Carlo's front.

Chapter 231 That's all?

Murloc Street.

Van der Daken was invited here.

The leader of the new murloc pirates, Hody Jones, stepped forward, and the two shook hands.

"We have been friends for a long time, and today is the day when our plan will be unveiled!"

The members of the New Murloc Pirates cheered wildly.

After a long time, it slowly stopped.

Hody Jones said with a grim expression:

"The murlocs are the most perfect race in this world! But they can only hide in the deep sea! It should have changed long ago!"

"Like a king who doesn't do anything, it should have become a thing of the past!"

"I will lead the Fishman Island to change its appearance!"

"Six Five Zero" Van der Daken also said arrogantly:

"At that time, I have to ask His Excellency the King to give a speech for my wedding with Princess Baixing!"

After Hody Jones took a handful of pills and threw them into his mouth, his muscles quickly swelled.

"New Murloc Pirates! Move!"

"Flying Pirates, we are responsible for opening the communication channel of Dragon Palace City!"

After Van der Dyken laughed sideways, he threw his men into the sky one by one.

Immediately afterwards, everyone flew to one place in unison.

The target was clearly Dragon Palace City.

Dragon Palace City.

main hall.

Usopp and others easily dealt with the kingdom soldiers.

Nami also found an oversized bubble-making coral that drained all the water out of the palace.

This is completely their venue.

Now in the entire palace, besides them, only Neptune and the two ministers were standing.

And these two ministers stood in front of Neptune in fear!

"King! You run away!"

"Dragon Palace Kingdom cannot live without you! We will do our best to stand in front of you!"

"We will take revenge after the three Highnesses come back!"

Nami stroked her forehead speechlessly,

"Did we say that we never intended to hurt you from the beginning to the end?"

"It's all because of you who believed in the so-called prophecy to provoke the fight, didn't you?"

"You have also seen our strength. Even if the three princes come back, are you sure you can stop us?"

Minister Zuo was instantly speechless.

Neptune also folded his arms around his chest, looking majestic and dignified.

When the soldiers stepped forward just now, he agreed.

Even if they don't want to hurt Nami and his party, there is no way.

The opinions of the left and right ministers were unified, and even he, the king, had to think about it.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who said that he wanted to catch Nami and his party, and they were also the ones who were beaten helplessly.

Of course, King Neptune still has his own judgment.

At this time, he took a deep breath and said:

"Left and right ministers, you have also seen it."

"With the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, if they attack, our Dragon Palace Kingdom is completely powerless to resist!"

"If they really wanted to destroy our country, it would be easy."

"Even if I unite the three princes and all the king's army to challenge them, the situation will probably not be too different from the current situation!"

"Do you understand?"

At this moment, Sauron's voice came over.

"You guys put me in a cell while I was drunk."

"Don't you think that place can hold me?"

And when Sauron walked into the main hall of the palace, he saw the scene here, and curled his lips.

"Tch, since we are not welcome, let's just leave..."

Just when Sauron finished speaking, a group of pirates with bruised noses and swollen faces rushed in from outside the palace.

The left and right ministers were stunned at this moment, because of their knowledge, they didn't understand what the situation was.

Dragon Palace City can only be entered through the strict defense of the communication channel.

It is impossible to enter Dragon Palace City without the permission or personal leadership of members of the royal family.

"How did these guys get here?"

Immediately afterwards, they were all surprised.

"Is there something wrong with the entrance of the communication channel?"