MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 213

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Usopp said with a trembling voice:

"Aren't you the only one who ate the fruit of Huangquan and is still alive? Those ghosts are fake at all."

Brook smiled and said:

"Yohohoho! This is what I heard when I was adventuring."

"At that time, I hadn't eaten the fruit of the underworld, so there is really a possibility of such a danger in the bottom of the sea!"

After Brook finished speaking, Chopper and Usopp were completely petrified.

Raleigh also laughed when he saw this,

"There are many dangers at the bottom of the sea, but with your strength, you must have a way to deal with it."

"And you have a very good navigator, as long as you obey her obediently, you will be able to reach the fish-man island successfully!"

When Nami heard being praised, she scratched her head in embarrassment:

"Mr. Raleigh taught me better."

The group also learned that Rayleigh was once a strong man on the One Piece ship during their recent relationship with Aunt Xia.

As the deputy captain of the One Piece ship, his strength is absolutely unfathomable!

Although they haven't seen how strong Rayleigh is, according to Luffy,

The collar that the slave of the Tianlong people thought was absolutely impossible to take off was in Lei Li's hands, but it was easily taken off.

For this elder, the members of the Straw Hats still respect him very much.

While he was chatting with everyone, Robin, who was reading the newspaper on the second deck, suddenly noticed a dark line appearing on the sea in the distance.

When he took a closer look, Robin realized that those black lines were all warships!

Neatly arranged together!

"Navy warships are coming!"

Everyone immediately entered the standby state!

Usopp quickly took a telescope to look at the details over there.

When I really saw it clearly, the whole person trembled in fright. It is conceivable how terrifying the troops coming this time are.

Usopp said with a trembling voice:

"There are so many people here, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us to leave!"

"Mr. Raleigh, could you please hurry up?"

Before Rayleigh could speak, Lu Fei grinned eagerly and said:

"Since they dare to come, let's have a good time with them. It just happens that there is still a period of time before the coating, and it is also good to relieve fatigue."

"I don't know if there will really be a general coming here as the rumors say."

"That would make it more interesting."

Sauron, who was originally lifting the iron on the splint, also regained his spirits after hearing the news.

"Luffy is right, I just asked them to test whether my recent exercise has improved again."

"And it's very difficult to meet an opponent at the level of a general,"

"It just so happens that I can take advantage of this opportunity to see if I can break through the realm of the gods!"

Usopp really has nothing to say to the two militant factions, Luffy and Sauron.

He and Chopper tied St. Roswald who was **** in 610, and tied it directly to the mast!

During the process of binding, St. Roswald kept screaming arrogantly.

"You not only killed my son, but also kidnapped me!"

"Now that the admiral of the navy is here, you little pirate group will definitely die without a place to die!"

The roar made Usopp's ears almost explode.

Usopp tore off a piece of fabric directly from his clothes, and stuffed it into Saint Roswald's mouth.

"You were kidnapped by us, and you're still talking nonsense! Believe it or not, I asked Sauron to change your hairstyle for you?"

"If you still want to live well, then shut your mouth and let you come back after we successfully reach Murloc Island."

After Usopp finished speaking, St. Roswald even stopped whimpering and dared not make a sound.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Saint Roswald was afraid of heights.

Thinking of the appearance when they were kidnapped by Luffy a few days ago, everyone laughed from ear to ear.

Thinking how powerful this arrogant guy is, wouldn't he still be trembling with fright at such a time?

On the other side, after seeing the latest information, Aokiji directly ordered:

"Everyone is on standby, negotiate with the Straw Hat Boy, and ensure the safety of Saint Roswald.".

Chapter 218 Entering Murloc Island

"Negotiate with the Straw Hats, and ensure the safety of Saint Roswald!"


After Aokiji gave the order, the naval fleet immediately moved into action.

First, gradually evacuate and wrap up the entire Chambord Islands to prevent Luffy and others from escaping.

Immediately afterwards, a soldier on the bow of the main ship used semaphore to convey Aokiji's order to the Straw Hats.

Chambord Islands.

Some slow runners, after finding out that they were surrounded by warships, could not run away even if they wanted to.

I could only be forced to watch the confrontation between the Navy and the Straw Hats.

But after looking at it for a while, I found that it couldn't be played at all, so I watched it with peace of mind.

"With the Heavenly Dragons of the Five Emperors in hand, there is no way for such a huge fleet of the Navy!"

"Two generals came at once, but the Five Emperors can only be led by the nose!"

More and more people began to watch this confrontation.

They are very interested in this kind of good show where they can meet important people without worrying about their own safety!

The news agency has already arranged manpower to keep an eye on this confrontation.

Big news events, never absent!

The situation here spread to other parts of the world immediately.

Supernova, Kidd.

"Why did this group of guys make big noises one after another before they came to the new world? This made us very embarrassed!"

kill warrior Kira,

"Looks like we have to work hard, we can't just let the Straw Hat Boy take the limelight!"

Kidd pouted, dissatisfaction written all over his face.

But in their hearts, they had to admit that it was impossible for the fleet led by the two generals to initiate negotiations.

"That Tianlong man is really stupid, let the straw hat boy catch him, otherwise, they won't even be able to come to the new world!"

What Kidd didn't say was.

No one dares to do such a thing as catching Tianlong people!

"Gangster" Becky.

"Are you coming to Murloc Island soon? This is Bigmom's pirate territory."

"With that kid's character... this is a good show!"

Originally, he wanted to let his subordinates pay attention to the movements of the Straw Hats.

In the end, he shook his head. Ever since the Straw Hat Pirates reappeared, they have become hot spots wherever they go.

The so-called intelligence does not need to be investigated at all, it can be seen in newspapers anyway.

Chambord Islands.

Straw Hats.

Everyone is very happy to see the negotiation conditions sent by the navy.


"There was still a big battle, so I can rest assured now."

Chopper was still a little worried.

When I saw those naval warships, I felt apprehensive.

"Then what if they all chase into the sea?"

Luffy smiled, pointed to Roswald and said:

"With this guy around, the Navy will never dare to touch us, Ann."

Although everyone is nervous, Luffy has always been indifferent.

It was Luffy's calmness that made the others relax slowly.

the other side.

The Navy is now in a state of chaos.

The lieutenant generals originally came to the war with the belief of revenge, and even the determination to die.

The results are now being told, do not act rashly.

Don't worry too much about it.

Especially when he saw the members of the Straw Hats playing and fighting on the boat, he became even more angry.

After a while, it was time for lunch.

They were waiting in full force, while the Straw Hats were eating barbecue and singing songs.

This strong contrast made the lieutenant generals even more furious.

"Damn the Straw Hats! If this continues, will they really be released to Fishman Island?"

"It would be great if we could have a fight, and it's not in vain for us to make this trip!"

"`~ Tianlong people are in their hands, we have nothing to do with them! This feeling is even worse than killing us!"

Navy Headquarters.

The news from the front reached Karp and Sengoku, who were eating senbei, drinking tea, and chatting about homework.

In addition, the credibility of the world government has been seriously hit this time.

After hearing the information, Zhan Guo said melancholy:

"You have to hurry up when you enlist in the New World. When Aokiji comes back, I have to take the blame and resign."

"I hope my abdication can appease public outrage."

Garp chewed on the senbei and cast a contemptuous glance at Sengoku Road:

"Tch, I told you to retire a long time ago."