MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 81

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Duan Yu took his pajamas into the bathroom and didn't come out until an hour later.

At this time, the bear pajamas that Lu Yuanbai wore to sleep last night were wrinkled and placed beside the pool, and there were still many stains on it.

After Duan Yu came out, he went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and started his daily work schedule as usual.

Although he was reluctant to give up, Duan Yu also set a date for returning to the company, just five days later.

Lu Yuanbai sat in the nanny car and moved towards the studio, thinking about how he should express his closeness to Duan Yu.

Today, he has taken the first step bravely, leaving 250 yuan of pocket money for Duan Yu. Presumably Duan Yu should also be able to feel his emotions slightly.

It didn't take long for Lu Yuanbai's vehicle to arrive at the shooting site.

The location for today's shooting was in a cake shop.

Although Jichen is one year older than the protagonist, his birthday is after the month of the protagonist Xiao Han.

This is a scene where a mother goes to a cake shop to buy a birthday cake for her little son Xiao Han. When Jichen saw this scene outside the cake shop, his eyes instantly turned red, like a mad dog, he rushed into the shop and came to his mother He slammed the cake he just bought onto the ground.

The original beautiful and lovely custom cake was instantly smashed.

Looking at the cake on the ground, Ji Chen still couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and stepped on it.

Why? !

How could that **** get these.

All these things should belong to him.

Everything Xiao Han got from his mother now belongs to him.

He hates Xiao Han, hates Xiao Han's father, and at the same time is even more ruthless about his derailed mother.

But hating the woman in front of him, Jichen yearns for her emotions.

However, at this time, the mother did not recognize Jichen at all. In the eyes of the woman at this time, the student who suddenly rushed up and smashed the birthday cake she bought for her son was a lunatic, a rude and uneducated lunatic.

"What are you doing? Why are you so rude?!"

Ji Chen looked at the woman in front of him, felt ironic for a while, and laughed very self-deprecatingly.

Then the woman stepped forward and grabbed Jichen's wrist, "What about your parents? You have no education at all, how did your family teach you, and you don't know how to respect people at all."

The voice of accusation sounded one after another in the ears of Jason.

Ji Chen looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes were dim, as if there was no light in them.

The woman's harsh words made Ji Chen's emotions more and more annoyed, and then he raised his hand and shook off the woman's hand on his arm, and turned around to leave.

However, the woman obviously won't let the lunatic who ruined her son's birthday cake leave easily, "Why don't you even apologize for this child."

Saying that, he stepped forward and grabbed Jichen again, "What is your parent's phone number, call your parent."

Ji Chen looked at the woman, "No."

The woman thought that the other party was evading responsibility and said no, and she said a little angrily: "Where is your mother! Now call your mother to come over, I want to see how she teaches the child."


Ji Chen had no expression on his face.

The woman was taken aback.

Ji Chen looked at him indifferently, "My mother is dead."

After saying that, he ignored the woman, reached out and took off the hand on his arm, turned and left the cake shop.

This scene also ends here, and Lu Yuanbai walked out of the play after the director called the card.

Next came the scenes of other actors, with Lu Yuanbai taking a rest.

Lu Yuanbai looked around the cake shop. There are not many shops in the small county, but if the shops are open, they are decades old, and almost all the people who look after the shop are elderly.

There are not many styles of cakes in the cake shop. Lu Yuanbai went to the dessert area to have a look.

I was wondering if I should buy some sweets for Duan Yu.

He wanted to show the initiative to the other party now, but looking at the sweet desserts in front of him with not many kinds but attractive aroma, Lu Yuanbai was still a little tangled for a while.

Duan Yu doesn't like sweets. Lu Yuanbai has never seen Duan Yu eat those things that look sweet and greasy, and he drinks black coffee that is as bitter as traditional Chinese medicine every morning.

Lu Yuanbai looked at the dessert in front of him. Although he knew that Duan Yu didn't like sweets, he just wanted to bring some back to the other party.

Just when Lu Yuanbai was hesitating, the clerk on the side came over.

"Do you need anything sir?"

After Lu Yuanbai heard it, his original hesitant thoughts were cut off, and then he asked, "Is there any sweet snacks in this shop?"

Knowing the customer's needs, the clerk naturally began to introduce, "The dark chocolate and individual mousse cakes in our store are not very sweet, sir, do you have any desserts you want?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanbai thought for a while, "Then let's have a share of both."

The clerk listened and went to help Lu Yuanbai pack snacks.

Lu Yuanbai then looked around the store again. Because of his body management, Lu Yuanbai usually seldom eats these, so he only had one serving of the dim sum just now, otherwise he wouldn't know how long he would have to stay in the gym.

Soon the clerk packed the dim sum that Lu Yuanbai wanted and sent it over.

Lu Yuanbai glanced down at the cute snack box, wondering if Duan Yu would like it.

In fact, Lu Yuanbai also knew in his heart that even if Duan Yu didn't like it, he would pretend to like it in front of her.

However, just when Lu Yuanbai was thinking about how to convey his feelings.

The super talk of each family has fried the pot.

For a while, fans in WB refuted rumors for their idols.

The reason for the refutation of the rumor was the information posted by an anonymous account on wb early this morning.

During the filming of a certain L surnamed actor, he was unbearably lonely, and he took care of a little white face in a hotel where he lived together for pastime.

This wb looks unremarkable at first glance, and very much like malicious rumors.

But if you look closely, you will find that this wb has location positioning, but only the province, which has made many people curious for a while.

Some passersby saw it and started to leave messages under this comment.

"The blogger is seriously ill? There is also a cost in spreading rumors."

"When others spread rumors, they just read their ID numbers, and bloggers spread rumors about map guns."

"The group of actors surnamed L in the entertainment industry is really miserable."

Of course, there are some who believe it to be true and ask questions below.

"Is the actor surnamed L married or unmarried?"

"How old is the actor surnamed L?"

"Is the actor surnamed L filming in the blogger's province?"

There were not many comments under wb at first, but the blogger cleverly picked the last one to restore, "Yes, in my province."

And sent another wb, "It's not a rumor, I have a hammer in my hand. I'm waiting for the actor surnamed L to apologize to me with a small white face. The private message has been open. As of 8 o'clock tonight, if there is no hammer."

Then this WB began to be forwarded one after another, and many marketing accounts were eyeing it for a while.

As long as there is a marketing account, there is no heat that cannot be raised.

Soon the keyword entry for the actor surnamed L appeared in the lower position of the WB hot search list.

But since it is on the hot search, there is naturally no shortage of popularity.

For a while, fans of actors with the surname L in the entertainment circle, like Sherlock Holmes who solved the case, began to look for the traces and current situations of their idols at this time.

After all, if you don't refute the rumors sooner, you'll leave a chance for Heizi and the other black people.

Fortunately, the blogger opened the location when he posted wb. Although it was only accurate to the province, it also excluded a large number of actors surnamed L.

Afterwards, various fan support clubs, Chaohua, refuted rumors on Weibo.

In the end there were only three or four left.

Lu Yuanbai's super talk is very harmonious. Although some fans have seen the hot search on Weibo, some big fans have not paid attention to it at all.

"I put my words here today, even if the moon falls from the sky, our Yuan brother will not cheat!"

"You don't need to give outsiders eyes, the clear is clear, we don't know what kind of person Yuan Ge is? If he wants to play, he won't get married at all."

"Although Brother Yuan is filming in the province where the blogger is located, it doesn't mean anything. I just went to take a look, and the blogger's words are like a liar."

Just when the other families were rushing to check the front-line information while the war was raging, Lu Yuan and Bai's family closed the door and didn't hear what was going on outside the window.

After the rumors were refuted, the other families were all waiting to eat melons in the front row, and they were still praying silently in their hearts that the actor surnamed L would not apologize with a small white face, otherwise they would have no melons to eat.

However, the fact did not live up to the expectations of many melon friends. The actor surnamed L was a warrior, and he did not contact the blogger during this day.

The blogger also put the first hammer at 8 o'clock in the evening.

This time, it was precisely the location where the actor surnamed L was filming, which was a small county town near the sea in the southern province.

Knowing that it has nothing to do with their own family, the melon friends began to widen their eyes like copper bells, and each incarnation of Sherlock Holmes began to look for clues.

Lu Yuanbai's crew made it public one month after the secret shooting.

However, at this time, the filming crew at the location posted by the blogger was only the crew where Lu Yuanbai was.

Netizens have their eyes locked on this crew.

"Woc, isn't that Director Zhang's crew?"

"Is the position given by the blogger really only that one crew?"

"Go back upstairs, it's true that only Director Zhang's crew is there."

"!! Isn't that the crew of a well-known director? I'm excited. The actors used by Director Zhang usually value character. I don't know if Director Zhang knows about this."

"Lu Yuanbai, Shen Yuchi, and Li Hui are all in this crew!"

"Fairy configuration."

"Am I the only one who noticed that Lu Yuanbai might be an actor surnamed L?"

"Can you think before you speak? It's your responsibility."

"What's the hurry upstairs? It's reasonable and well-founded for people to say this. The location given by the blogger is for the crew. Lu Yuanbai's first letter is L. Some people suspect that it's normal."

"I have a bad premonition in my heart now that this actor surnamed L is not really Lu Yuanbai, right?"

"Has Lu Yuanbai been unlucky this year? First a car accident and then an injury to the crew, and now he has to be rumored."

"Are there any other actors surnamed L other than Lu Yuanbai in Director Zhang's crew?"

"Lu Yuanbai doesn't seem like someone who can cheat. Even if it's rumors, it's better to find someone more like him."

"I also don't think it's Lu Yuanbai, it's not for anything else, it's just because my brother's moral sense is too high."

"As far as Lu Yuanbai ran a red light to save people before, I wouldn't doubt Lu Yuanbai."

"Lu Yuanbai and President Duan have always had a good relationship. Why do some people think it's Lu Yuanbai? Don't you think it's outrageous?"

Lu Yuan and Bai Lu are very popular, and even if someone questioned him in this situation, most people would not buy it.

The wedding of Lu Yuanbai and Duan Yu can be said to be a wedding of the century, and the scale is not ordinary. Besides, the two still have five years of love and long-distance running, and they were married in love, which shows that Lu Yuanbai will not cheat.

Assuming that even Lu Yuanbai has no feelings for Duan Yu, no one would choose to cheat even for money.

After all, isn't he fragrant in dividing property equally in divorce?

At this time, the Weibo posted by this blogger did not pose any threat to Lu Yuanbai, just like scratching an itch.

Lu Yuanbai's studio naturally also saw this Weibo. After all, the studio is not short of melon eaters, so they didn't care much at first. After all, they have seen a lot of these tricks, and they are not as big as their Yuan brother. The star studio's performance is too strong, but after seeing someone maliciously affecting Lu Yuanbai, he quickly refuted the rumor.

Not even one or two.

Their far brother is not that rambunctious, and they still don't know whether their far brother is cold or not.

Lu Yuanbai always looked cold and had no desire for anything. In the first few years when the employees of the studio followed him, Lu Yuanbai had no company by his side. He went to bed and got up early every day, like a monk in the temple. No desire or desire.

But when everyone had a filter in their hearts to exclude Lu Yuanbai, they were still curious about who the actor surnamed L was.

Today, Lu Yuanbai played late, and it was past nine o'clock in the evening when he came back. He was very tired, but in front of outsiders, he still showed a faint and cold appearance.

Lin Mu also accompanied Lu Yuanbai to a tired day. After Lu Yuanbai got off the bus, he walked into the hotel with Lin Mu, and then let Lin Mu go back to rest.

Lin Mu's expression was also a little ugly. Today, Lu Yuanbai's scenes are too intense, and almost all the explosive scenes will make the children tired and stupid, and Lin Mu also runs around.

After saying goodbye to Lu Yuanbai, I went back to sleep.

Lu Yuanbai dragged his tired body onto the elevator, and then got off the elevator at the floor where he was.

Lu Yuanbai just walked to the door of his suite, and before he had time to raise his hand and knock on the door, the door opened automatically from the inside.

Lu Yuanbai was a little surprised for a while, but the next moment the tall man's figure came into view.

Duan Yu wore home clothes and then stepped forward to take the things in Lu Yuanbai's hand. Looking at Lu Yuanbai's slightly tired face, the man frowned, "Have you eaten?"

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and it was long past the usual time for the two of them to have dinner together.

Lu Yuanbai glanced at the man, then nodded.

Duan Yu walked in with something to leave space for Lu Yuanbai to change his shoes.

However, this time, Lu Yuanbai did not rush to the bathroom to take a shower and change his clothes.

Instead, he looked at Duan Yu with an expression of hesitating to speak.

Duan Yu could naturally see the emotions on Lu Yuanbai's face, and he didn't know what the other party wanted to say to him.

"What's wrong."

Lu Yuanbai pursed his lips, "I bought some snacks today, do you...would you like to try them?"

Lu Yuanbai said it very euphemistically, but the next moment he heard the man say directly: "Bought it for me?"

Lu Yuanbai's heart skipped a beat, and he almost wanted to deny it, but he really bought this snack for Duan Yu, and Lu Yuanbai couldn't bear it without saying the last words.

Afterwards, he said awkwardly: "I was filming in a cake shop today, and I bought it casually."

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai with meaningful eyes.

"No, you can eat it yourself."

After saying that, the man went to the living room to continue working. Lu Yuanbai was stunned, obviously not expecting the man to reject him, and for a while he looked at the snack box on the table and was at a loss.

Lu Yuanbai stood in the restaurant for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, then sat down in the restaurant and stared at the snack box.

It's almost ten o'clock, and it's almost time for Lu Yuanbai to go to bed.

Duan Yu turned off the computer and finished work, then got up and walked into the kitchen to prepare white-hot milk for Lu Yuan.

When passing by the restaurant, I saw Lu Yuanbai still sitting there.

When Lu Yuanbai saw people entering the kitchen, it seemed that the other party really didn't want to eat this snack.

But if you don't eat it, it's a waste. Lu Yuanbai hesitated for a while, and finally decided to eat it himself.

When Duan Yu came out of the kitchen with hot milk, he saw Lu Yuanbai sitting at the dining table, eating a plate of dark chocolate bit by bit, with a lot of rubbing on his thin red lips.

Duan Yu handed the hot milk to Lu Yuanbai.

Lu Yuanbai glanced at Duan Yu with the chocolate in his mouth, and then said sullenly, "Thank you."

Duan Yu could naturally see Lu Yuanbai's emotions. The reason he refused before was just because Lu Yuanbai didn't tell the truth. This snack was obviously bought for him, but Lu Yuanbai chose to escape when he asked.

Looking at Lu Yuanbai's loss at this time, Duan Yu was still reluctant.

Then he said, "Is it delicious?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanbai nodded reservedly, then looked at Duan Yu calmly and said, "It tastes good, it's a cake shop that has been open for decades."

"It's not sweet," he said, and lifted the piece of chocolate that he had bitten in half, trying to attract Duan Yu's eyes, "Would you like to try it?"

Although Lu Yuanbai's face was still as cold as before, in Duan Yu's eyes, it seemed that Lu Yuanbai had written all his emotions on his face.

Duan Yu looked down at the person, "Okay."

Lu Yuanbai listened, and hurriedly divided the half of the dark chocolate in his hand into two, and handed the half he hadn't bitten to Duan Yu.

However, Duan Yu didn't pick it up, but took the dark chocolate that Lu Yuanbai had bitten.

Lu Yuanbai, "This..."

Duan Yu looked at him, "I don't like to eat dim sum, I eat the smaller half."

This is justified and well-founded, the half that Lu Yuanbai has bitten off is indeed relatively small.

Then Duan Yu took a bite on the dark chocolate at the place where Lu Yuanbai had bitten just now.

It was after ten o'clock after the two of them finished eating the chocolate. After drinking the hot milk, Lu Yuanbai went to the bathroom to take a shower, intending to sleep.

However, when Lu Yuanbai wanted to get dressed after taking a shower, he found that the buttons of his honey bear pajamas were missing, and the top could not be worn at all.

Lu Yuanbai fell silent as he looked at the pajamas with only one button left.

He was fine when he wore it before, and then Lu Yuanbai started looking for another set.

After searching for a long time, I found the cute bear pajamas by the pool.

Lu Yuanbai picked up his pajamas, and when he was about to wear it for a night, he noticed something was wrong.

There seemed to be something stuck on the pajamas, and Lu Yuanbai was a little surprised for a while.

This this…

They were all men, and Lu Yuanbai naturally knew what the white stains on his pajamas were. Lu Yuanbai blushed, and the hand holding the pajamas was shaking for a while, and he didn't know if he was angry or ashamed.

Then he took the pitiful bear pajamas and strode out of the bathroom. Duan Yu consciously entered the master bedroom tonight and was leaning against the bedside and reading a book.

Seeing Lu Yuanbai coming out of the bathroom in a bathrobe aggressively, he looked up at someone, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong? !

This dog man has a face to ask!

Lu Yuanbai showed his pajamas in front of Duan Yu, "What is this?!"

Duan Yu glanced at it, and then said very plainly: "Physical desire."

No regrets.

Lu Yuanbai's cheeks flushed with anger, "What does it have to do with my pajamas?"

Now his pajamas have broken buttons, and Duan Yu has made his pajamas so unfit to wear.

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai with deep eyes, and still said, "Physical desire."

Lu Yuanbai: "You..."

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai, "I'm a normal man, it's normal to have desires."

Then he looked straight at Lu Yuanbai, "It's normal to use your lover's clothes to beat a gun. Guns are also normal."

Seeing that Lu Yuanbai was still standing in place angrily, Duan Yu stepped forward and pulled the person over, "This fire was brought out by yourself this morning, you are not responsible, then I naturally have to take something to vent the fire."

Duan Yu made no secret of what he did with Lu Yuanbai's pajamas in the bathroom today. For a while, Lu Yuanbai had some pajamas that he couldn't look directly at.

"If you help me, I won't do these things with your pajamas in the future."

Lu Yuanbai blushed, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It's not nonsense." Duan Yu leaned over and approached Lu Yuanbai, "This kind of thing will happen frequently in the future, and it will become more and more excessive."

Now Lu Yuanbai can't wait to bite Duan Yu hard.

In the end, he blushed and said, "Perverted."

Not only was the man not annoyed after hearing this, but he was so itchy that he looked at Lu Yuanbai.

"Didn't I say, as long as you help me, I won't do this kind of thing in the future."

At this time, Lu Yuanbai was so angry that he forgot the decision he made yesterday to try with Duan Yu, and then gritted his teeth: "Just wait."

Duan Yu: "Okay, I'll wait."

Lu Yuanbai: "..."

Although Lu Yuanbai and Duan Yu had some small tempers tonight, they didn't drive people away when they turned off the lights and went to bed.

After all, without Duan Yu by his side, Lu Yuanbai couldn't sleep at all, but he was still angry. After going to bed, Lu Yuanbai wrapped his back on the quilt and lay down directly with his back to Duan Yu.

Duan Yu saw it, and only took Lu Yuanbai into his arms twenty minutes later, but at this time he didn't know that Lu Yuanbai was pretending to be asleep.

It was almost Duan Yu who hugged him, and Lu Yuanbai pretended to turn over to avoid him, or he would hum and make the illusion of waking up.

This tossing didn't hold Duan Yu until an hour later.

Lu Yuanbai also fell into a deep sleep because of the thumping.

However, in the dead of night, a new entry climbed the WB hot search list.

#Luyuanbai is suspected of cheating.

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