MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 66

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The man stepped closer, looking at Lu Yuanbai with greedy eyes.

Eyes, nose and mouth...

It seems that every part of Lu Yuanbai's body doesn't want to be spared.

He hadn't seen Lu Yuanbai up close for too long. The last intimate contact seemed to be when Lu Yuanbai left and kissed him two months ago, but one kiss made him suffer for two months.

And with the current state of the two, it will definitely not be as easy as before to get close to Lu Yuanbai in the future.

Lu Yuanbai, who had regained his memory, was full of precautions against him, and he didn't want to show any more emotion even with a look in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Bai was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Duan Yu was turning a corner and said that he was a pervert.

Although this hole was dug by himself, Duan Yu did not refute it when he said that he was perverted to do so, but continued to follow the words.

It can be said that Lu Yuanbai pressed a springboard in front of the pit and gave Lu Yuanbai a blessing to jump into the pit.


Lu Yuanbai just wanted to step forward, but suddenly realized that Duan Yu was not wearing clothes on his upper body at this time.

The two were very close to each other. If Lu Yuanbai stepped forward, the two would stick together completely, very close.

Lu Yuanbai was provoked by Duan Yu's words, and just took the first half step, he realized that Duan Yu was not wearing clothes now, so he hurriedly stopped moving forward and even leaned back slightly to avoid physical contact with Duan Yu.

However, Lu Yuanbai's actions at this time were really awkward. He didn't adjust his foot for a while, and his left foot stumbled on his right foot and fell straight behind him.

Duan Yu, who was still smiling at Lu Yuanbai, saw it, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull the person back.

However, Lu Yuanbai's inertia in planting backwards was too great, and he directly pulled Duan Yu down.

Hearing a muffled sound of "dong", the two were entangled and fell into the closet behind them.

The wardrobe is very large and is a one-piece through cabinet without mezzanine.

This change was sudden, and the two who were usually calm fell into the closet without reacting for a while.

The posture of the two at this time is very close, Duan Yu holds Lu Yuanbai half in his arms, one hand wraps Lu Yuanbai's slender waist, and the other hand protects the back of Lu Yuanbai's head.

Because Lu Yuanbai groaned in pain because it was Lu Yuanbai's **** first.

Duan Yu frowned instantly, "Does it hurt?"

Speaking very naturally, he stretched out his hand to help Lu Yuanbai rub it.

Lu Yuanbai frowned and quickly took Duan Yu's hand away, "What are you doing?!"

Duan Yu was stunned when he realized what he had done, it was just his instinctive reaction just now.

But even so, Duan Yu did not apologize.

Lu Yuanbai has just been discharged from the hospital on the first day. Although the wound has been healed, he must be very careful.

Because Lu Yuanbai fell backwards into the closet, if there was no Duan Yu's arm to block it, it is estimated that Lu Yuanbai would have a close contact with the wall of the closet a few days after the thread was removed.

Duan Yu was half leaning on Lu Yuanbai at this time, and Lu Yuanbai put a hand on Duan Yu's strong shoulder because of the panic just now.

Then Lu Yuanbai quickly recovered and took his hand off Duan Yu's shoulder.

He said stiffly, "Get up."

However, the man on the body looked down at him, as if he had no intention of getting up at all.

Lu Yuanbai raised his brows and immediately began to struggle.

However, before Lu Yuanbai could move a few times, the hand that was going to push back the man was grabbed.

"Don't make trouble." Duan Yu raised his other hand to play with Lu Yuanbai's head, "I'll see if I'm injured."

The muffled sound just now was not small.

Although Duan Yu was quick to protect the key parts of the person at that time, he still started to look carefully without worrying about it.

The two fell into the small closet, and Duan Yu couldn't refuse, half hugging Lu Yuanbai and starting to check.

For a while, I felt that the posture was awkward and inconvenient, and then I directly hugged Lu Yuanbai into my arms and sat down.

The two big men sitting in the closet were already very cramped and crowded. Duan Yu's height and long legs were not easy to move. He almost bumped into other places when he raised his hand.

It was inconvenient to check whether Lu Yuanbai was injured, so he directly hugged the person's waist and let Lu Yuanbai fall on his lap.

In fact, it is easier for the two to check the wound when they come out of the closet.

But Duan Yu is not.

He just liked to stay with Lu Yuanbai in this small and crowded place.

The composure that Lu Yuanbai originally maintained on the surface was completely broken after Duan Yu made these series of actions.

At this time, he was sitting on Duan Yu's lap, and the other party was not wearing anything on his upper body at this time. Even if Lu Yuanbai didn't move his lower back this time, he could directly stick to Duan Yu's tight abdominal muscles.

For a while, Lu Yuanbai was like a little lion with fried fur. He wanted to reach out to push Duan Yu, but the man was naked and didn't know where to start.

The atmosphere in the wardrobe was very subtle for a while,

Duan Yu focused on checking Lu Yuanbai for any injuries.

And Lu Yuanbai's whole body was like an ice sculpture, froze in Duan Yu's arms, he wanted to get up, but was pressed down again by the man, and he sat back on the man's lap again.

Lu Yuanbai was very embarrassed for a while, "What the **** are you doing?!"

Duan Yu brushed Lu Yuan's white and black hair, "Check the wound."

Lu Yuanbai shook off Duan Yu's hand and said indifferently, "No need."

After Duan Yu tried this indifferent tone once before, now Lu Yuanbai said that to him without any hesitation. After all, even if Lu Yuanbai hated him now, he would not leave.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs."

Duan Yu lowered his eyes and looked at Lu Yuanbai dangerously, "As long as we don't get divorced for a day, the two of us are one, and I can't care about your affairs."

Then, start the action check again.

Lu Yuanbai gritted his teeth for a while.

In the five years of the agreement to marry, he has never seen anyone in front of him ask him a word.

He didn't know before that Duan Yu had such a rogue side.

"Go out and check."

Now the posture of the two is very close, making Lu Yuanbai's heart beat violently uncontrollably.

The beating of the heart seemed to be in his ears, and the sound was louder than the sound. Lu Yuanbai was afraid that Duan Yu would feel it if it went on like this, so he was busy trying to get out of the closet.

However, before Lu Yuanbai could move, his waist was tightly wrapped by the man, "Don't move."

The man selectively deafened and ignored Lu Yuanbai's words just now, pretending he didn't hear it, as if Lu Yuanbai didn't say anything.

Lu Yuanbai was good-looking and only had a head, but Duan Yu's inspection took ten minutes.

No matter how Lu Yuanbai struggled in the middle, Duan Yu would not let anyone go.

In the end, Lu Yuanbai was also a little tired, and his indifferent eyes were slightly resentful, "You did it on purpose."

Just now, Lu Yuanbai fell and was guarded by Duan Yu, and he was not injured at all, but Duan Yu was very strong and hugged Lu Yuanbai to be checked.

This check is more than ten minutes, and it has not been checked yet.

As soon as Lu Yuan's vernacular came out, Duan Yu glanced at him without refuting.

However, Lu Yuanbai did not let go, and his attitude was very rampant for a while.

Confessed to his evil deeds at this time.

Lu Yuanbai wanted to get up angrily, but Duan Yu still wouldn't let him go.

Lu Yuanbai said stiffly, "What the **** are you doing!"

Lu Yuanbai didn't want to stay in this relatively confined space with Duan Yu anymore, and he didn't want to let his heart go on a rampage again.

He felt that this was very dangerous, and Duan Yu was quite dangerous to his psychological defense.

I don't know if Lu Yuanbai's tone was too indifferent and bored or what.

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai's eyes slightly darkened, and the strength originally wrapped around Lu Yuanbai's waist also loosened a lot.

"Lu Yuanbai, I miss you."

Duan Yu looked at each other with a pair of dark eyes, which contained injuries that Lu Yuanbai had never seen before.

It seems that the refusal he made to Duan Yu now is a huge harm to the man.

He had never seen Duan Yu like this at this time. The man who raised his hand in the business world showed a lost look in front of him. This scene made Lu Yuanbai slightly stunned, and his heart tightened for a while.

In the past three months, the road has been far away because of a single sentence that I don't remember.

This is indeed cruel.

The memories of those three months were all in Lu Yuanbai's mind, and he knew Duan Yu's thoughts and desires for him.

He knew all the emotions between them.

In fact, the memory of these three months has tortured not only Lu Yuanbai, but also Duan Yu.

"I miss you."

Let Lu Yuanbai stop abruptly and want to get up, sit in the closet and let the man hold him.

But for a while in my heart, I don't know why.

Because Duan Yu was not thinking of him.

All he thought about was Lu Yuanbai, who lost his memory at the age of eighteen.

"five minutes."

Lu Yuanbai's voice was cold, and he did not reject Duan Yu.

Duan Yu was sitting in the closet with someone in his arms, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth where Lu Yuanbai couldn't see it.

It seems that the book is not entirely useless.

The fifth rule of green tea coaxing people: learn to make the other person feel sorry for themselves.

The specific performance is to show the vulnerable side slightly and win the sympathy and compassion of the other party.

Duan Yu, a sober and sober who abides by the rules since childhood, does not feel ashamed. In front of Lu Yuanbai, he is an ordinary man without any shackles or burdens.

Lu Yuanbai is the closest person to him, and he doesn't mind showing his weakness in front of Lu Yuanbai.

If the old foxes in the business world saw Duan Yu's appearance at this time, it is estimated that his eyeballs would fall.

Duan Yu held the person in his arms, and his chest seemed to be filled for a while. He knew that Lu Yuanbai was not as indifferent as he appeared on the surface.

Lu Yuanbai is more gentle and delicate than anyone else, but his exposure is only inadvertent.

Besides, Duan Yu just saw from Lu Yuanbai's eyes that the other party was still touched by him.

Not as heartless as Lu Yuanbai said.

Duan Yu's nose lingered with the unique breath of Lu Yuanbai's body, but when the time came, Lu Yuanbai didn't hesitate to get up from Duan Yu again this time.

Duan Yu's arms were empty, although there was no expression on his icy face, he would inevitably feel lost in his heart.

But holding Lu Yuanbai was already very satisfying for him.

Lu Yuanbai quickly left Duan Yu and left the room, and the door was closed with a "bang".

Duan Yu watched Lu Yuanbai leave and got up from the closet to get dressed.

Lu Yuanbai was sitting on the sofa in the living room, his heart seemed to jump out of his chest, but he did not resist Duan Yu in his heart.

Even Duan Yu held him with an irresistible nostalgia.

He craved the arms of men

Lu Yuanbai poured himself a glass of water, and after drinking, the man also dressed and walked out of the room.

Lu Yuanbai sat on the sofa and his face returned to his usual calm, and Duan Yu sat down opposite the person.

The two are now arguing.

After all, now Duan Yu is living in Lu Yuanbai's hotel suite like a little white face who eats soft rice, and the two have a lot of internal conflicts now.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lu Yuanbai to speak as Duan Yu expected, "Mr. Duan."

Duan Yu raised his eyes to look at him, his eyebrows were meaningful.

Now the man has just taken a shower, his half-wet black hair hangs on his forehead, and he stares at him with burning eyes, which makes Lu Yuanbai swallow his saliva for a while.

Duan Yu's current image is very impactful and wild.

Duan Yu has been in his current position for a long time, and his temperament is not angry and arrogant.

Even if he brushed his hair up and put it down, the whole person gave a very dangerous feeling.

It was as if a ferocious wolf had discovered food, and he did not want to let go of each other's every move for a second.

Lu Yuanbai coughed and pretended to be calm, "We need to talk."

Duan Yu leaned on the sofa, "What to talk about."

The man's tone was very casual, as if he didn't intend to discuss anything serious with Lu Yuanbai at all.

Lu Yuanbai looked at each other, "The problem of sleeping at night."

Before Lu Yuanbai could continue to speak, he heard the man opposite: "You sleep in the master bedroom, I sleep on the sofa."

This hotel is already the best hotel in the small county, but the best suite is not very spacious, with only one master bedroom and no other guest rooms.

Even if I want to book a double room, the hotel has no vacancies.

After all, Lu Yuanbai came with the crew, and there were more staff than expected, and it was normal to have no room.

Lu Yuanbai was stunned when he heard the man's words. He originally planned to sleep in the guest room and let Duan Yu sleep in the master bedroom. After all, the two of them were also in an employment relationship, and Duan Yu could also be said to be his boss in some respects.

"Mr. Duan, I actually think..."

Duan Yu: "Do you want to sleep with me?"

Lu Yuanbai's face changed, and he said in a panic, "Of course not!"

Lu Yuanbai was so popular that he almost didn't want to say a word to the other party.

Since the other party wants to sleep on the sofa, let him sleep well, he will go to the master bedroom to sleep, and if he has a bed, he will not sleep in vain!

The more Lu Yuanbai thought about it, the more he regretted it. After Duan Yu said it just now, he should have accepted it readily, and he should not have said such a thing at all.

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai's annoyed look alone, and the corner of his mouth raised briefly.

In fact, when Lu Yuanbai talked about how to sleep tonight, he knew that Lu Yuanbai wanted to propose to sleep on the sofa by himself.

He understands Lu Yuanbai's character and doesn't want to cause trouble to others.

Moreover, with the current relationship between the two, Lu Yuanbai would never sleep with him, which is understandable after all, he has no memory of these three months.

But go to sleep on the sofa.

Duan Yu was reluctant, so he spoke first.

Sure enough, Lu Yuanbai wanted to challenge him.

But after he said the words, Lu Yuanbai also obediently closed his mouth, and stopped talking.

In the evening, someone came to deliver the food. It was the staff of the crew, and the food in his hand was the meal that the director invited today.

Today, Lu Yuanbai was discharged from the hospital. In order to celebrate and invite everyone to dinner, the director originally wanted to get together, but he also knew that Lu Yuanbai didn't like a lively personality and didn't want to get along with strangers too much, so he changed it into a meal box. form delivery.

Duan Yu arrived at the hotel crew half a month ago, and the staff already knew the arrival of the big boss, so two meals were delivered today.

"Brother Yuanbai, this is dinner, congratulations on your discharge."

Lu Yuanbai looked at the smiling face of the staff with an indifferent expression but still said, "Thank you."

Then Lu Yuanbai stretched out a strong and sturdy arm behind him and took over the five-layered large food box in Lu Yuanbai's arms.

Duan Yu stood behind Lu Yuanbai, still almost two fists away from the opponent, but from the perspective of the staff, it was as if Duan Yu hugged Lu Yuanbai from behind.

Duan Yu took the food box from Lu Yuanbai's arms, his movements were very natural, and it was not light in his hand.

The two have always maintained a loving character in front of people, and the staff were slightly embarrassed when they saw it for a while.

It can be said that Duan Yu and Lu Yuanbai are quite a good match when they stand together. Although the expressions of both of them are expressionless, it seems that this action has happened countless times.

"Brother Yuanbai wishes you and Mr. Duan a happy meal."

Saying that the staff will stop disturbing, turn around and leave.

After the people left, Duan Yu took the food box and put it on the dining table.

"Let's eat."

When talking about eating, Lu Yuanbai didn't feel awkward with Duan Yu, so he walked to the table and sat down, then took his own portion and planned to start eating.

Most of the things in the food box are mainly seafood, and the staple food is curry rice.

The two sat facing each other, and then no one said anything, and they started to eat quietly.

Lu Yuanbai still ate half of it as before. As long as he no longer felt hungry, he stopped his chopsticks and then drank a glass of water.

At a glance, I saw that the food in Duan Yu's food box had almost been eaten, but the carrot was left by the man on purpose.

Lu Yuanbai frowned slightly when he saw it.

Duan Yu also obviously noticed Lu Yuanbai's expression.

Lu Yuanbai's habit consciousness of the previous three months was almost faster than his brain, "You don't eat carrots?"

Duan Yu is a picky eater and Lu Yuanbai also knows, so before every meal, Lu Yuanbai would send some vegetables that Duan Yu didn't eat to Duan Yu's mouth or bowl.

Although the man is helpless, he still eats it.

After Lu Yuan asked in vernacular, he wished he was dumb for a while.

Duan Yu heard Lu Yuanbai's question and looked up at the person, "Do you want me to eat?"

Lu Yuanbai turned his head away, "It's none of my business whether you eat or not."

The tone was very indifferent.

Duan Yu looked at the person, and finally picked up the cutlery again and ate the carrot.

"If you want me to eat it, then I will eat it."

Lu Yuanbai's heart skipped a beat, and then he decided to get up and stop looking at Duan Yu.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuanbai was pushed back on the chair again by the man as soon as he stood up.

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai's lunch box, "Eat some more."

Lu Yuanbai: "I can't eat any more."

Duan Yu: "It's not like you."

Lu Yuanbai: "..."

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