MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 97 Extra 1

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Yu Qinghuan’s death was fierce, and it was hung on the headlines for several days. The funeral was simple and quiet.

He has no relatives, and there are very few close friends. The funeral is handled by the best friend Qin Hao.

Qin Lan refused everyone's condolences. He didn't want to or didn't want to let the people in the entertainment circle use Yu Qinghuan's death to hype. Qing Huan’s character is low-key, and he wants him to leave quietly.

The police informed Yu Qinghuan's death because of the loss of the well, and the deep details were not disclosed. Everyone else, including Qin Lan, thought it was just an accident, only Huoqu knew it was not.

When he was ignorant, he was told by his family to be grateful, and he would always remember the person who saved his life.

The name "Yu Qinghuan" suddenly broke into his life, and unconsciously, he opened his mouth to a closed mouth.

He began to watch Yu Qinghuan's movie, began collecting his photos, and began to try to understand his life.

For him, it was just a person who was ordinary but not even different from the symbols on the books, and slowly became alive in his heart.

Yu Qinghuan’s voice and smile were engraved by time and day by day, and it was printed deeper and deeper in his mind. It seems like a fresh color, swaying in his blank life.

Everything about Yu Qinghuan was collected by him and posted one by one on his most precious book.

The more you look at it, the more uncomfortable your heart is.

Huo Qu did not know what this feeling was, but he knew that he would be saddened by his frown and sadness on the screen; he would be happy for his happiness, and even even see the wanderings he rescued. Cats will feel warm.

However, he will never see him again.

In fact, he never really saw him.

That rainy day, a cry behind. I thought it was a common moment in my life, but it became a scar that he could hardly touch in his life.

He understood an unforgettable feeling. He didn't know what it was.

He wants Yu Qinghuan, and he really wants to think about it. He dreams of him day and night. But the man left because of him, and for the rest of his life, he could not see him again.

Huo Qu became more and more silent, as if something had been injected into his body, and he was hard to escape. He was miserable and confused, he didn't know what to do.

Huo’s family thought that his condition had worsened and he had searched all the authoritative doctors, but he was at a loss as to the symptoms of Huo Qu. He could only watch as he gradually sank.

Later, Huo Qu got the Nobel Prize.

The moment when the news came out, the country was carnival.

Everyone madly praised him and worshipped him online, saying that he is the hope of the country and the most dazzling milestone in the future of physics.

The dean prepared a speech for him and repeatedly scolded him. In any case, at the award ceremony, he should follow the above words. Even the Huo family, on the morning of his award, repeatedly licked him several times.

On that day, on the stage of the Nobel Prizes ceremony, the flowers were clustered and solemn. After receiving the certificate and medal from the jury team, when there was only one person left on the stage, Huo Qu looked at the crowd under the stage.

There, everyone looked at him with or worship, or respectful eyes, holding his breath and waiting for his speech.

Among those people, there is no Yu Qinghuan, and there will never be him.

Winning the Nobel Prize is the highest goal he has pursued in his life, but at this moment, there is no trace of joy in Huo Qu’s heart. Without a speech and no family members, Yu Qinghuan’s face gradually enlarged in his mind, and even every hair was clearly visible.

On that day, in the horror of everyone in the audience, Huo Qu was silent for a few seconds, only said with a red eye, "I want to come back."

Later, this short video was widely spread by the media at home and abroad, and everyone was trying to understand the meaning of his sentence.

Later, they found that a year ago, a star named Yu Qinghuan died unexpectedly in the entertainment circle.

After twitching and stripping, people quickly found the truth about Yu Qinghuan’s death.

It is indeed a mistake that fell into a well filled with water, but it was not an accident. He was trying to save the canal.

The people who had ridiculed his cause of death all closed their mouths overnight, and the whole world was shocked by the words of Huo Qu. On the day after Huo Qu’s speech, he made headlines.

The netizens began to dig deep into the information of Yu Qinghuan. Only then did they discover that there was a lot of beauty that they had not discovered.

He once funded his hometown to open a factory and drove the entire city's economy. Not only that, but most of his pay was used by him for charity, so that after his death, there was not much property in his account.

However, he never used charity to promote himself, but he did these things silently behind his back.

If it is not Huo Qu, no one will discover what he has done.

I don't know when I started, many people on the Internet spontaneously set up a topic: I hope that Qing Huan will come back.

"I regret that I didn't pay much attention to him when I was alive. He is really a very good person. I hope he can live."

"Qing Huan saved Huo Qu, that is, saved the physics of the world. Why is such a good person so hard? God is really unfair, if it is alive and well."

"Crying for a day, Qingxiaoxiao brother is really very good, I hope he can live with us to see the world changed by Huo Qu..."

"I am a paparazzi. If I am happy, I will not sneak a shot. I will definitely live as quietly as he wishes."

"I hope that the joy will be alive, I hope that he will be lucky with his life, and he hopes that he will never suffer as much as this life."

"If Qing Huan really can come back, I am willing to give my good fortune to him, let him be happy and smooth through the life."

"Like upstairs, I am willing."


Even on foreign social media, netizens began to brush this topic spontaneously.

The name Yu Qinghuan has been spread to every corner of the world with Huo Qu’s Nobel Prize. Everyone is praying for him, and he really hopes that he can come back, even if he knows that there is no such possibility, but he also wants to do something for him.

Sorry, there is no gentleness to treat you while you are alive.

Sorry, let you leave with a full body injury.

Although it's useless, I still want to do my best to replace the world once and make up for you.

Only one person could not accept the cause of Yu Qinghuan’s death.

Intellectually, he knew that he should not blame Huoqu, but he could not control it. Every time I think of Qing Huan, I die because of him. Qin Hao’s heart can’t stop resentment.

He doesn't care about physics, nor does he care if Huo Qu is a gem of the world. He only wants Qinghua to live well, not because this person leaves early at the best time.

He liked Yu Qinghuan for a long time, and he couldn’t remember how many years he had been.

But he did not dare or confess. He admitted that he was weak, but he could not afford to gamble.

He was afraid that even their friends would not have to do it, and they were afraid of ruining their own business.

He and Qing Huan can stand in their current position and it is not easy. And a **** label can easily erase all their efforts for so many years.

Therefore, he handed over one girlfriend after another, in order to cover up his thoughts on Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan, for so many years, really did not find out.

Once Qin Qin, how confident it is that he is right, and now he regrets.

When that person really left, silently disappeared into his life, even when he didn’t say hello. He discovered that no matter what reputation or career, it is not important.

However, it is already late, Qing Hua will never come back.

Qin Hao tried his best to escape the Huo's bodyguards and went to see Huo Qu, bringing him out of the institute.

He just wants to see if there is anything special about this person. Why can it be used to save lives?

However, no matter what he said, Huo Qu was silent.

Even when he mentioned Yu Qinghuan, he did not respond.

Qin Lan was very angry. He couldn't believe that Qing Huan had exchanged his life. It turned out to be such a ungrateful person. He even felt that the sentence on the Nobel Prize ceremony was that Huo’s intentional hype.

No? There are no impenetrable walls in the world. Huo Qu has stood at the peak of the scientific world. If the news of Yu Qinghuan’s death from him is blown out, then he will be attacked by public opinion more or less, and it’s better to start with the first step. !

Qin Hao, who was stunned by anger, left Huo Qu to the car regardless of his disregard and threw him alone on the side of the road.

He did not know that this world-famous genius of physics, the skills in life is almost zero, and even exaggerated to even the road will not pass.

After winning the Nobel Prize for one month, Hua Guo physicist Huo Qu died in a car accident.

The world is mourning.

The space is torn and the time is reversed. When Huo Qu was once again on the road, this time, someone took his hand less tenderly and took him to a safe place.

This time, their encounter was ten years earlier.

This time, nothing can break their fate again.

Yu Qinghuan was awakened from the nightmare. The fear of deep bone marrow made him cold and sweaty, and he couldn’t stop shaking, even awakening the sleeping canal.

"Qing Huan, what's wrong with you?" Huo Qu climbed up and pressed the bedside lamp. He suddenly stunned the eyes of Shang Yuqing's red eyes. "Qing Huan, are you sick? I Take you to the hospital!"

Said, he had to turn over and get out of bed, but Yu Qinghuan caught the corner.

"Brother, don't, don't go." Yu Qinghuan bit his teeth and barely squeezed a few words from his mouth.

There is nothing in that dream, he can't remember it, but the horror that seems to have lost everything, but still remains in his heart, lingering.

Yu Qinghuan is a hard-nosed person. Unless he can't stand it in the bed, he will call his brother. He usually calls his name.

Huo Qu knew that Yu Qinghuan was really scared.

He turned around and held his arms like a child. He opened his arms and hugged Yu Qinghuan completely. He kept stroking his sweaty back. "I don't go, I am here, I am not afraid of it."

"Brother..." Yu Qinghuan choked and kept calling him, as if confirming his existence.

"I am, Qing Huan, I am here."

Huo Qu answered him over and over again until Yu Qinghuan gradually calmed down.

He did not let him down, and in this position, Yu Qinghuan was surrounded by the whole person, and he slept.

On a large bed, two people hug each other, entangled with their hands and feet, as if nothing could separate them.

Always remember, there will be reverberations.

In the last life, you will give me the chance to give birth. In this life, I will still be happy and healthy in your life.

The author has something to say: This big mouth sugar, I secretly sneaked for a few months, and finally released it today.

Qin Lan owes Qing Huan, it is here. Huo Qu was exchanged for Qing Huan’s life, but he died because of him.

So in this life, he is going to pay his debts. I don't know if there is a fairy who noticed that Huo Qu began to awaken in the text because of the emergence of Qin Yu, which is what I said before and after.

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