MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 10

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In the taxi, Yu Qinghuan asked Huo Qu: "What do you want to eat? Cantonese cuisine? Sichuan cuisine? Southeast Asian cuisine? I don't pick it, you can choose whatever you want."

Huo Qu straight up his back, and the black and sturdy scorpion looked at the front. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't react to Yu Qinghuan's words.

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but poke his arm with his fingers. "Talk to you!"

Huo Qu was like a rabbit that was shocked. The tight body trembled, the thick eyelashes moved, and the stuttering screamed, "Qing, Qing Huan..."

"What's wrong?" Yu Qinghuan went over and looked very close to him. He looked down at his gaze and found no strange place. He looked up at Huo Qu. "What are you so nervous about?"

It was winter, the weather was gloomy and cold, and Yu Qinghuan was like a small sun. Even the exhaled breath was warm, gently and softly on the face of Huo Qu’s face, like a small furry hand, hooking his heart. The more itchy.

Suddenly aware of Yu Qinghuan's incomprehensible eyes, his face suddenly became red, and even his speech became stuttering. "I, I am not nervous."

God, what happened to him? Suddenly, the heartbeat starts to accelerate, and when you look at it, the whole person will be hot. He, did he have a disease that can't be seen?

Qing Huan is his best friend. How can he not watch him?

Huo Qu was anxious and licked his lips, and he was about to cry.

"Is it sick?" Looking at his hot red cheeks, Yu Qinghuan was afraid that he was sick and still didn't know. Leaning over, raising his hand over the forehead of Huo Qu, suddenly shocked by the temperature on his forehead, "You have a fever!"

"Ah? This way..." Huo Quyu nodded in understanding. It turns out that I am sick, no wonder there will be strange reactions.

"I will take you to the hospital." Yu Qinghuan said, he opened the map of the mobile phone and wanted to search for the nearest hospital. However, he was forced to hold down his hand.

As soon as he was in close contact with Yu Qinghuan, Huo Qu’s heartbeat became faster and faster, as if he had a lively rabbit in his chest. He was so breathless that he could not breathe. He took a few deep breaths, which made him difficult to say: “say Say it, go eat."

Yu Qinghuan said, "Are you hungry? I will get off the bus and buy some food for you, but the hospital must go."

Like the charcoal, the whole body is hot, and you don't forget to eat. What kind of food is the spirit of eating!

"No." Huo Quan took a deep breath and shook his head firmly. He said, "Go to dinner."

He made an appointment with Qing Huan, and he couldn't make a good appointment.

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

He persuaded Huo Ququ: "You are sick now, and certainly have no appetite. If you go there, you can't eat much. It's better..."

The four people who "goed to see a doctor first" had not said it yet, and they were interrupted by Huo Chuan. "I have an appetite, I can eat."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

He really couldn't help but swear, and promised: "Okay, okay, you can eat, I will take you there."

Hearing, Huo Qu was finally happy, his eyelashes trembled, revealing a shy smile.

Yu Qinghuan actually likes Sichuan cuisine, which is spicy enough and delicious. But Huo Qu is sick now. He didn't dare to take him to eat such a heavy taste. He had to choose a casserole.

I asked Huoqu for a pigeon porridge, and ordered a few special dishes recommended by the clerk. I thought about it, but I still couldn’t hold it back, and added a roast flower.

At the end of the day, I immediately said a true scripture, warning Huo Qu: "Wait you can't eat this dish, have you heard it?" The sick person can't eat seafood. He was originally planning to suffer with Huo Qu. But didn't hold back...

"I heard it." Although Huo Qu did not know the reason, he firmly believed that Qing Huan said that there is a reason, and he should have a cry.

Yu Qinghuan’s heart is a bit strange, and sometimes it’s a burden for the child to be too embarrassed.

It’s just a working day, there are not many people in the store, and the dishes are exceptionally fast. In the last life, Yu Qinghuan liked the casserole porridge in this shop. Unfortunately, he was too famous. He had to be careful when going out to eat a meal. The location was also carefully selected. Even if he wanted to eat again, he had not come back.

At that time, his fame, money, and status were all there, but even a bowl of his favorite casserole porridge could not be eaten. In this life, he never wanted to live like this again.

A spoonful of aroma of casserole porridge into the mouth, Yu Qinghuan satisfied with the eyes raised, can live as desired, is the greatest gift to rebirth.

Unfortunately, before he tasted the taste of freedom, he was interrupted by a strange voice, and looked at the sound source. Yu Qinghuan was embarrassed.

Huo Qu is sandwiching the eggplant, but his fingers are stiff. It is like a foreigner using chopsticks for the first time. Not to mention the clip, the eggplant was almost smashed by him. The head of the ironwood chopsticks collided with the white porcelain dish and made a clanging sound.

Huo Qu’s face rose red, I don’t know if it’s sick or anxious, my lips are close to each other, like looking at class enemies, staring at the eggplant on the plate, a swearing-up .

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

How did this person grow so safely?

Silently rolled his eyes, he picked up an eggplant and put it in the bowl of Horto. "Eat."

Looking at Huo Qu’s serious eating of the eggplant, Yu Qinghuan finally couldn’t help but ask, “How do you eat at home?”

As for the posture of this chopsticks, it is hard to make a meal for him.

"?" Huo Qu raised his head inexplicably, his black eyes were full of doubts.

What does Qing Huan mean? Is that what you eat?

Yu Qinghuan smashed the forehead and changed the way he was more likely to understand. "I mean, when you are at home, how do you clip if you eat eggplant?"

Huo Qu thought carefully about Yu Qinghuan's problem, but he really couldn't remember when he had eaten eggplant. He had to look at him with a blank look. His face was as innocent as a small animal. "Just eat it." ”

"Forget it." Yu Qinghuan gave him a chopsticks roast duck and completely gave up communicating with him. "Eat."

After eating, go to the hospital.

"Well!" Once again received the love dish from Yu Qinghuan, Huo Qu happy eyes bent, nodded hard.

They are eating and drinking here. Outside the restaurant, the Huo family is squeezing in the car. They are staring at the sheets of paper in front of them. It is the result of their investigation of Yu Qinghuan a few days ago.

"This kid is quite poor." Huo Wei was the first to read it, silence for a few seconds before he began.

Born in a small village, my parents died, but still can be admitted to the best universities in the country. Not only that, such a person who lacks money from an early age, but after the lottery, the first time to donate most of the money to his hometown. Huo Xin asked himself, if he fell into the situation of Yu Qinghuan, he would not be able to do better than him.

"Which kid is this kid, will you talk well!" After Huo Gang just finished, he was shot by the Hoff people in the back of the head. When the old lady saw the second son’s look, he felt that he was not angry. Come here.

If you want to open an entertainment company, you have to learn the entertainment industry. Dyed with red hair, can not afford to go home every morning, do not sleep at night, like an owl, nocturnal night, annoying personal.

"Hey people have a good time, how to be sensible, and how good the character is." Hoff’s lovingly staring at the photo of Yu Qinghuan, repeatedly praised, "This young man can’t find a lantern, but you have said that you want to become more and more popular. Little man! You..."

Hoff’s man poked Huo’s forehead. “I don’t know how to say hello!”

Huo Wei was stunned by his mother, and he was greatly wronged.

Isn’t his mother just a bit of a little star? Now seeing the information not only change the mouth immediately, but also smash him, the chameleon has not changed so fast!

In his mother's heart, he can't compare with the younger brother, but he can't even compare anyone. What's the matter!

"Do you still want to argue?" As the second son looked dissatisfied, the Hoffman raised his chin and asked with a sneer.

I felt his dad’s sharp eyes condensed on himself. Huo’s body was stiff and he was soft. “No, no, Mom, you are right!”

Hoff’s eyes glanced. “Isn’t it just to drive home? It’s not too shameful!”

Huo Wei: "...good."

The Hoff people said: "I tell you Xiao Er, Qing Huan is the employee of your company. You have to take care of him. If he didn't send him to Xiao San that day, Xiao San still doesn't know how!"

"I know." Huo Biao turned a corner and looked at his mother from the rearview mirror. He said helplessly: "I promise to arrange resources for him. Let's do it."

The Hoffman snorted. "This is almost the same."

It was the time when they left, Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu just finished eating.

"The map shows that there is a flower and bird worm market here, and I don't know if it is big winter, there is no fish." Yu Qinghuan took the phone and turned to Huo Qu.

Just after they were sitting in a small box, the boss would arrange it and put a colorful goldfish in the corner. After Huoqu saw it, he couldn’t move his foot. Yu Qinghuan almost couldn’t leave him. In desperation, he had to promise. I will also buy one for him.

"Yes." Huo Qu was very determined, as if he had been to the flower and bird market.

Yu Qinghuan passed the road in the direction of navigation. When he reached halfway, he saw that Huo Qu was still stupid and stood still there. Only then did he think that the goods would not cross the road, and quickly came back and pulled him. "I am really afraid of you. ”

He still doesn't understand why Huo Qu will not cross the road, even if he doesn't, follow him.

"Qing Huan, don't be afraid of me." Huo Qu listened to his words, immediately nervous, and pulled Yu Qihuan's clothes corner, said awkwardly.

He actually knows that he is different from other people, but he didn't care about these things at all. Now he heard Yu Qinghuan say that he was afraid, his heart suddenly trembled, and a secret pain suddenly swayed in his chest.

Huo Qu suddenly touched his chest, and he was really sick.

"...I am not afraid." Yu Qinghuan took a slap in the mouth, helped the forehead, and saw the suspected eyes of Huoqu, adding another sentence, "I am not afraid."

Afraid of Huoqu’s words and shocking words, he pointed to the tea shop in front of him and said, “I’ll buy you a cup of hot drink.” I paused, and I’m not sure, pulling him to the corner and repeating it. "You are standing here, don't move, don't talk to others, you know?"

"Know it." Huo Qu’s hands clasped his trousers, and the chicken licked his head like a glutinous rice.

"You must not go around yourself."


Yu Qinghuan was slightly relieved, and left in a step back.

Yu Qinghuan had just entered the tea shop, and a group of people with cameras rushed toward Huoqu.

It was a new variety show from the National Taiwan University. There was a fixed project in the program that interviewed passers-by. Huo Qu’s legs were handsome and handsome, and his temperament was cold. He was very conspicuous among a bunch of passers-by, so the program team aimed at him at a glance.

Although the National Taiwanese status is detached, most of the programs are very serious, so they are not in line with the tastes of young people. The newly appointed director has ambitious and ambitious, and has set a special variety designed for young people.

Produced by the National Taiwan University, it is natural and extraordinary, and the contrast between the variety show and the National Taiwanese has been sought after by many people. Therefore, when this variety show came out, it was all over the country. After the first phase was just broadcast, some people rushed to broadcast the second issue under Weibo.

The program group stopped in front of Huo Qu, the host held the microphone. "Hello guy, we are the national team "Young to High" program group, can you interview you?"

The host was beautiful and temperament, and had a good voice. At this time, a sweet smile was on his face, and no matter how old or young, men and women could not refuse.

Confidence was full of waiting for Huo Qu’s affirmative answer, and he saw that he was cold and violently turned his face to the other side.

Qing Huan said, can't talk to strangers, he wants to hear the words of Huanhuan!


Other people in the show group: "..."

Are they so terrible? ? ? Long monster on the face? ? ? What happened in the end? ? Confused Ing...

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