MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 27

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When the beast that was called the Gladiator was brought to the stage, not only did the face of Devitt change, but the audience was quite vocal.

"Hey, what good people and people are, why change to beasts and beasts? And this body size is very big."

"The challenge can also change the object temporarily? The first time I heard that this JU will not be scared to see the black mask on the field. When one stage is on stage, it is still not clear, two people stand together, no matter The figure is still imposing, and the judge is high."

"Why do you all say that J God? J God sent out his own beast, they are all sacred beasts, then the strength is completely determined by the master, where is it unfair?"

"Funny face, the beast has no power, the power provider or the owner, so there is no difference, the GQ on the stage has been accepted, we can watch the show."

The audience was noisy, but it did not affect the people on the stage. DeWitt took the challenge directly after a gentle voice.

Archie is still a bit worried, but he knows that Devitt's decision is no one can control, so he thought for a moment, still standing aside.

"This is my beast, Tiger King." The beasts were brought up. Although it was just because the guy was retreating, JU couldn't be reluctant. Just thinking about slowing down should be good.

What's more, he can't find a better choice than the Tiger King. After all, the Tiger King is not only powerful, but also has the energy core that most Assyrians do not have.

"Please don't misunderstand. After the conclusion, the energy core of the beast and the master is bound together. The beast does not have the ability, so the power is still provided by the owner, and the big hammer determines the ability. Strength and weakness, in other words, it is okay to use the beast to represent the owner.” After noticing the emotions of the audience, JU opened the miniature microphone and explained to them.

"Then why not just go on---!" Someone yelled at the audience.

"Because I want to take this opportunity to let everyone know the tiger king." JU said, rubbing his eyes. "I know that many people have very big prejudice against the beast. I have just got a close relationship with the tiger king, I don't want it." Look at everyone on this matter---"

The perfect score of this saying is full of the meaning of being cheap and selling, and the sound of JU is really nice. He didn’t use the too weak voice, but it was a bit clear and straight, plus Uttar's unique charm, the audience's mood is quickly healed by him.

However, at this moment, a voice interrupted him, it was gentle, his claws stepped on the Devette arm impatiently, "Hey!" Is it better than nothing?

Depressed his eyes and unexpectedly felt that it was quite weighty. So he lowered his head and grabbed the gentle paws, then looked at it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. Devitt can't help but scream at the lips.

This little paw is now quite round, and it’s not as good as it’s just now, as if it can be broken at any time. When you squeeze it slightly, you can have a distinct sense of flesh. Feeling thin, now, probably ---


Wen Hao’s attention was all over the big hammer, and he didn’t care much about Devit’s movements. He didn’t even think about what he was thinking.

However, once his decibel was opened, he never had a door. He suddenly interrupted the words of JU through the microphone. The latter paused and turned his head, and some looked badly at Wen.

Devitt touched the head of the little fox and said in a soft tone. "He has a bad temper and doesn't like waiting for someone."

This sounds like it seems to be accusing the little fox of the urging, but the pet in the tone is no longer obvious, simply urging him along the meaning of the beast?

At first, JU was a bit embarrassed. When he returned to God, his face was cold. He swears that he didn’t want to know why the beast was called. On the contrary, his eyes were meant to make the little guy quiet. He didn't believe that the black mask didn't look out!

On the Deweite sharp as if to see through all the eyes, JU's throat is tight, the corner of the mouth under the mask, and there is some anger in his eyes.

"Well, I said so much, the challenge should start. Just as I said, the challenger has priority. Therefore, the first one to challenge the big hammer will be my beast, Tiger King."

In a bad mood, JU did not continue to temper, but his emotions apparently did not affect his rhetoric, and the attitude of the audience at this moment has been reversed.

"Yes, it’s not a fight, what is important about the size of the body, the purpose is to let the big hammer react to a higher score!"

"Supporting JU, what is the knot is what you choose, GQ promised the game to agree with the game, J God did not force him. Since both sides agreed to the game, then we passers-by have something to say, Tiger King Come on!"

JU smiled and smiled back, and his eyes fell on the tiger king.

Next to the tiger king's assistant, Shuguang fretting, immediately lowered his body to untie the **** on the neck of the tiger king, and in a place where everyone could not see, a small needle was pulled out without a trace, and the inside was Something, injected into the body of the tiger king.

The stage is a little far from the big hammer. As usual, they should go to the side of the big hammer, then enter the passage and start using the power, but watching the tiger king change the past, violently planing the claws , JU smiled.

"Go," said JU. There was a glimmer of light in the red pupil. The light was sharp and hooked, as if it was invisible to a dagger, and it was inserted straight into the tiger's eyebrow. The latter seemed to receive a deadly order in an instant, leaned down, slammed his back, and rushed out.

The title of the king of the gladiatorial field is definitely not a name for the waves. The speed of the tiger king flying fast is extremely fast. Every squatting place has a full sense of power. Nearly the second second of the order of the JU, the tiger king is like a The wind flew down to the big hammer and jumped up and jumped on the passage of the big hammer. Its speed is fast and steady, the target is clear, and it rushes straight to the bottom of the big hammer. Then on the side of the body, it hits the big hammer with the shoulder.

The abilities that came out of that moment were turned into huge hammers, and the special effects that were blasted out because of the powerful powers were simply fascinating!

The huge scoreboard quickly started counting.

"The trough? The tiger king is fast!"

"Ma Ma, I want to go home, I just had a tinnitus! It hurts, J God is really, super fierce! It just exploded!"

"Wait, the scoreboard is already five thousand? The last record is not only three thousand!"

"The record has broken the record. I have already gone, it has already been 10,000!?"

JU narrowed his eyes, glanced gazed at the scoreboard on the stage, and looked at the assistant who brought the tiger king up. At this moment, his eyes slipped and fell to the karst not far away.

At this time, Tiger King's points have already been one in one, and the last record is nearly four times broken. JU does not understand why he can still see the worry from the karst face.

Does the other person think that the white beast can play a stronger power than the Tiger King? Just this time, but with the use of arrogant, change to him, not necessarily have such a high score, so this guy in karst is going on, today is not in a state.

You must know that this kind of arrogant can only appear when you fight in the Colosseum. It can't be used. The number of stitches used in a beast must never exceed three times. Otherwise, its own nucleus will be used. Will burst, and the effect of the second needle will be stronger than the first needle.

Just that, it is the second shot of the Tiger King.

No one cares about the death of a beast, it is dead, and it can be replaced. This is the unspoken rule that everyone in the Colosseum knows. However, in front of the Assyrians, they may even have the Colosseum. The existence does not know, do not know the Colosseum, do not know that the beast may have a nuclear power, naturally it is impossible to see his mind.

JU thought, looking at Weng coldly, he couldn't believe that this little thing could score higher than the Tiger King who used the arrogant.

"One thousand three, already one thousand three!" Another exclamation.

"The score seems to be fixed soon. Is it necessary to break through 14,000?"

"Thirty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-one! The record of the last record is only more than 3,600, even the tiger king's fraction is not!"

The audience under the audience screamed, and at the same time, Wen’s attention was completely attracted by the scene when the Tiger King hit the big hammer. That special effect is so handsome! He also wants!

Two small short legs stepped on Devette's arm, and Wen Yan sticked out his tongue and rubbed his nose, his eyes filled with eagerness to try.

JU sees the score has been set, some smug in the eyes, pick up the micro-microphone, when the language is being organized, there is a white light flashing in front of him.

The white light is very fast, like a sharp dagger, so that JU feels his vision in that moment, as if it was cut off by it.

He gave a slight glimpse, and then suddenly reacted, it was the beast that had been nestled in Deviet's arms before!

Wen Hao had been so excited that he couldn’t wait until the scoring board determined the score of the beast.

In his eyes, there was only the big hammer at the end, and the special effect of the explosion after the tiger king rushed up. Under such excitement and urgency and eagerness, his four short legs marched like crazy little wheels, even faster than the previous Tiger King!

I saw that the little fox, which is less than one tenth of the tiger king, rushed under the big hammer in less than a second, then flew up and made an almost perfect arc in the air, and then stepped on it. Stay on the tiger king's head without leaving in the passage! In the next second, a white-haired paw stretched out and pressed fiercely and fiercely on the big hammer.

The raging energy exploded in an instant, and even the big hammer hit the crowd of glass, there was a crack! Wen Hao directly consumed a lot of aura of energy stone. At that moment, the audience closer to the stage on the field could almost feel the energy fluctuation of that paw.

The whole audience was silent. Only a gentle fox, keeping a paw on the big hammer, the black bean-like eyes stared at the big hammer urgently, waiting for the big hammer to give him the excitement. Special effects.

However -- this special effect has never come.

I saw Wen’s head, and stared at the big hammer with curiosity. The pointed ears shook, looked at the unresponsive big hammer, looked at his claws, and hesitated with his claws. The big hammer smashed and touched it.

"Hey?" screamed unknowingly, how did it still not respond? Isn't he taking the right place?

Wen Hao looked at his claws with some hesitation, and the head, accompanied by a "砰---", the audience directly bombed.

"I, I, who can come to wake me up, what I just saw is true! The score of the scoreboard has reached 50,000?!"

"I rely on the fox to have a 50,000-high power?!"

"More than 50,000! After the 50,000, the big hammer is directly blown up and blown up. Is this the meaning of no limit? You look at it, the scoreboard collapses directly! It is already dark!"

"I can't do it, Tiger King is the beast of JU. Even if JU wants to lose, it will not be so ugly, 50,000? How many times is this? Is it true that the machine has long been broken?" -"

Wen Yan didn't seem to hear the sounds around him. He looked at the big hammer that didn't respond in front of him. He only felt that he had been poured a cold water from his forehead. Every little white hair on his body was full. Frustrated.

Why is this big hammer not giving him a reaction? He also wants the special effects of the tiger king just now?

Staring at the big hammer for a long time, Wen Hao was very disappointed. Sitting on the head of the tiger king, he thought of the aura that he had just spent again, and he hit him all the foxes. Senseless.

The small heart inside the chest is already inflamed, and Wenmi pitifully turned back and looked at Devitt. "Hey?"

Special effects? What kind of super handsome special effects? Is your hammer a discrimination? Why not give me one? I want special effects?

After accepting the disappointment of the small black bean eyes, Devitt moved in the heart and took a long step forward. Chen Xiong, who was standing quietly on the side, also followed.