MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 104

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Archie didn't look back. He held his breath and looked at the room through the glass without looking at his eyes. The anti-drug clothes on his body didn't dare to take off, for fear of what he missed.

Then in his gaze, the little fox patted the paw on Devitt's face... sneakly into Devette's mouth, in the dark eyes, a sense of integrity did not know what had just happened.

Soon, Archie heard a few deflated sounds behind him, but he still didn't move.

Someone walked up behind him, and his tone was disappointing. "The young generals are still going to take out the beast. When the success is successful, there is nothing to react. The grade of this beast is really low."

"In the beginning, you shouldn't count on the beast..." Someone murmured, "What kind of beast is not worthy of the marshal, let alone the lowest order in the beast."

As he spoke, some people began to take off their anti-drug clothes. Only Archie kept his original position and stared at the inside. His brow was locked and he always felt a kind of hunch...

suddenly! A little change in the room, let Achi widened his eyes, only under the white-haired paws, Devitt, who had been in a coma for a month, suddenly and undulating in the chest, paused for a few seconds, and then violently Shock, Devitt, who had been severely comatose, suddenly spit out a poisonous blood. Then, the closed eyes were so slowly opened, revealing a pair of blue, bloodshot pupils.

The people behind him were stunned by the scene in front of them, only Archie rushed into the room like a wind.

The little fox on the mouth of Devitt was not able to dodge, and the hair on his claws accidentally caught blood and was not happy. At the beginning, it tried to suppress it, but found that it did not hold back, simply screamed.


So, you will hate you, what do you want to do!

After finishing this, I spent all my energy on the warm eyes, but I struggled, but I fainted in the past. Before I was faint, Wen Hao was very unwilling to look at my dirty claws.

He is a demon, a fox with a thousand years of practice, reasonable feelings, and temperament. Although there is a little bit of personality in the character... But Wen Yan still insists that he is a good temper and has a demon cultivation.

But he is very angry now, because recently he is like being too old, and the unfortunate things are one after another!

However, it was a catastrophe. If it failed, it would have been hurt. Even the demon dan had a crack, and when the robbery reached the last moment, Wen Hao accidentally fell into the void and then was unprepared. The ground was twisted out of the trauma of the body, and finally came to a different world with a very aura.

The demon was damaged, the bones were frustrated, and the aura was still thin. When he first arrived, Wen Yan could not even cure himself for a flesh wound. He did not have the energy to open the device. The millennium demon repaired and almost died of excessive blood loss.

After that, the head became completely paste, and I couldn’t turn it. I only felt that someone was carrying me to come and go. During the period, Wen Yu wanted to jump out and take him back and forth to talk about the truth, but He couldn’t wake up, he hurt so much, until he was put into something, he felt that the surrounding aura seemed to have become a little more, although only a little bit, but for the gentleness at that time, it was quite large. The temptation.

Wen Wen couldn't help but indulge himself, but if he knew that the price of this indulgence was brought to the conclusion, he would surely wake up to wake himself up, and then he had to flee the place.

For any deed that can cause the same effect of co-death, Wen Yu would like to raise four paws to express strong resistance, but ... can not get on the thief boat.

On the one hand, Wen Wei’s injury is too heavy now, and the devil’s fragmentation means that he can’t be willful, especially in this world where the aura is thin and a little bit of essence is very expensive, he doesn’t spend as much energy. The strength to break away from a contract, and on the other hand... is also the most important. If it is an ordinary deed, it is better to say that the other party is only a personal class. For Wen Yu, even if it is injured, it is also very good. Double-handedness, the party that has always been strong is easy to take the initiative, this is also the contractual rebellion that is often used in the cultivation of the immortal world. This is like a general monk. It is best not to go to the top-level treasures that I missed. I don’t know who controls who. One truth.

However, this is not an ordinary deed. Wen Hao has never seen such a hegemonic contract. He dared to swear that this deed was definitely not written by the Terran, because the Terran could not write such a strong, and understand the thorough understanding of the Yaozu. It is like The demon family wrote it, and it was specially used to restrain the deeds of the tribe.

The deeds are so fierce that they are full of understanding of each demon. When they are formed, they can not only feel the atmosphere of the other party, but also the power of the ancients. Each of the contract nodes is controlled to poke the soft underbelly of the Yaozu. When the spirit is full, he has to work hard with his gentle ability. However, he is full of devils and faces. The old-fashioned contract can't hide at all.

This makes Wen Wei feel very wrong and can't help but want to swear. On the ruins of the mainland, the big demon, especially his big demon with ancient blood, has always been traversing. Wen Yan asked himself for patience. Strong, not the kind of monster who is very unreasonable and swings his paws, but this time he still can't help but want to get rid of the people who have made a deal with him!

When did he suffer such grievances!

... can be under the roof, had to bow, Wen Yan can only watch the deed on his body, grief for a while, Wen Hao sensed that the contract of his own people, should be dying .

When I noticed this, Wen Wei felt like he was being counted by someone.

That is the co-death of the same life. Seeing that if the person is dead, he may not be able to live. He will be physically weak at this moment. Maybe he will really be killed by this person?

Wen Hao gnashed his teeth and told himself that the big fox had to learn to bend and stretch, the blessings and sorrows, the contract can stand, naturally it can be solved, the work should be smooth, the curve saves the country is also possible, someone can spend so much energy to save this person He can also threaten the threat in turn...

Thinking of this, Wen Yan carefully and cautiously opened his own instrument with a little bit of spiritual power that had just been praised. From it, he took out a fine meditation and prepared to give it to the man. However, he desperately persuaded himself for a long time. The person who went to save, even spit directly on his paw blood!

Still with a smell of bugs!

The sorcerer can't bear it, the uncle can't bear it, and the temper is good, the fox is also biting! Wen Hao swears! When he wakes up, he must definitely catch the guy's face! Grab the flowers! This person is too much! If you don’t have such a good enemies, you will be rescued and you will spit out a fox!


Devitt looked at his own palms and fancy, waving his claws from time to time, fangs, or simply playing a set of flower fists in the air---the little fox who was extremely restless, and it was a bit difficult to say at a time.

In the current Assyrians, the status and abilities of the beasts are very low, and they are completely incomparable with the beasts of ancient times. In the past, Devitt did not have much thought about this, but he never really thought about himself. Will be saved by a beast.

Feeling that the hair in the palm is still a bit warmer than the temperature of the normal human body, Devitt took the little guy to his face and couldn’t understand it. He had woke up for three hours and made countless rounds of routine examinations. His mind was clear, then What the little guy dreamed of, will stay in this for a full three-hour sleep... full of sleep.

Thinking about it, Devitt couldn't help but get closer, then took out one hand and gently poked the soft belly of the little fox. Someone once told him that the vigilance of the beast is usually very high, and Devitt himself has been to the beast, which is true. So this is the first time he saw such a four-legged babe in a strange environment...

The meditation of Devitt, the little fox who was beaten with a fist, once again licked his face with his claws.

"Mrs. Margaret has been waiting outside for a long time." Archie's voice was accompanied by the opening of the door and was introduced into Devit's ear. "We don't know enough about the way the spread of insecticides, and the anti-drugs can't do it." To 100% prevention, so I want to see you in the day after the insurance."

Mrs. Margaret is the mother of Devit.

Retrieving the hand holding the little fox, Devitt put the little guy on his belly and felt the other side quietly quiet, his eyes moving.

"The knot is an extreme way of going nowhere." Archie, who noticed his movement, couldn't help but sigh. "However, the toxins in your body are indeed decreasing, and the speed is very fast."

Devitt, who heard this sentence, turned his head.

"This incident is indeed unexpected. I thought that letting you know that the worm can not solve the problem, but it will appease the riots in your body. Finally, look at your own creation, can you resist the worms? The toxins, which are themselves mixed with a lot of nerve poisonous parts. But I did not expect that this little guy will give us such a big surprise. If you can, then I want to give you a systematic check, look carefully find the reason."