MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 282 I have a "system" halo

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The calcite area is always the most lively, not just to see the lively. If the stone buyer is willing to resell after the green, others can bid to buy. Of course, it also includes the jade solved on the spot.

This piece of wool is of medium price and good appearance, and the onlookers can't help but talk about it.

With one stroke, everything is green.


"It's such a big piece, if it's still jade in the back, it's not a loss."

The jade color is medium to high, which belongs to higher jade.

"That's not necessarily the case, if all the stones are behind, you bet."

"Keep cutting."

The calciter looked at Mo Fan with a questioning look, and Mo Fan nodded.

Another knife goes down, still green.

"At least there was no bet."

"But this kind of jade is a bit ordinary, and it seems that it cannot rise."

"It's gone up without losing money."


Someone tempted to bid, and Mo Fan shook his head and refused, saying to the calcite staff, "All cut."

In the end, there was a large piece of green jade in front of everyone.

"This is definitely going up."


"Wait, see what that is ?!"

Some people questioned, the calcite workers at the Gambling House looked at it carefully, showing a pity.

The jade color is excellent, but unfortunately there is a thin crack in the middle, which greatly reduces it. With this crack, I am afraid that it is impossible to make a large piece of jade.


"There was a crack, it should have gone up."

"Just doing small pieces doesn't hurt."

Wang Junhui was shocked.

How could this be? When he saw it, he obviously didn't.

He exclaimed, "This is impossible, this crack should not exist!"

Wang Junhui turned to look at the calcite worker, "Is it you ?! You broke the jade! It must be, there should be no cracks here."

No one does not mind that others deny their ability to work. The calcite worker heard Wang Junhui's slander and angered his face, "You kid, don't talk nonsense. I have been here for more than ten years, and I have never made a mistake. It is you, I have never seen it, don't come is that a lie."

The reputation of the calcite worker is extremely important. The more jade it has, the less damage it has, and the more people are willing to go to him for calcite. With more people, this achievement is higher.

Regardless of their interests or their own reputation, calcite workers will not allow others to stigmatize themselves.

The calcite workers were tall and tough, and when they got angry, they were quite fierce. What Wang Junhui sees most is just a group of people who are accustomed to superficial kung fu. He has never seen such emotional exposure, and his face became pale and scared.

He asked in his head, "001, why is there a crack in jade?"

001 is equally confused, "This is impossible, even if the calcite worker's mistake, according to his steps, there will not be such a long crack."

One person and one system were at a loss, but Mo Fan smiled secretly.

Sure enough, 001 did not find his hands and feet.

The calcite worker has explained to the onlookers, and even forced Wang Junhui to give a reason that the jade should not crack.

Wang Junhui was speechless.

How could he say that he saw it with his own eyes? Even if I saw it with my own eyes, would anyone want to believe him?

He looked at the man he knew newly, and Song Songyu's eyes had doubts.

If the crack appeared, Wang Junhui generously admitted his mistake, Song Songyu would only think that Wang Junhui was a brave person. However, after Wang Junhui's indiscriminate chaos, violence = exposed nature, Song Songyu's goodwill was reduced.

At the same time, there are points in his system mall.

Mo Fan's eyes flashed a strange color.

He saw the system mall layout.

The halo system does not have a system mall, and most of the other's world power has given it to its own body, only taking a small part of it. 001 is not the case.

With the strength of the soul, Mo Fan's understanding of the power of the world became more and more profound. The so-called points of the system mall are just a means to measure the power of the world. What is really used to buy is the power of the world obtained by Wang Junhui.

And the power of the world, since Mo Fan can get it from his own man, naturally Wang Junhui can also get it from other men. This is the so-called favorability bonus of 001.

In a world, the power of the world is attached to any creature, so that it can not be excluded by the rules of the world. It's just that the strength of this world is more or less.

Mo Fan whispered to the calcite worker, "I believe in you." As he said, taking out a checkbook would settle the other party's compensation this time.

The calcite worker refused, "You are willing to believe me, this is more important than anything, I will not have this money."

Mo Fan insisted on giving, and the calcite workers did not shirk.

With the support of Mo Fan, the strangeness in the eyes of a few onlookers faded away.

At that time, Wang Junhui was just an ordinary person with a new system. In the eyes of these big bosses, it is a person similar to the employees under their hands. There is no money and I don't know why I came to gamble.

Maybe you want to try your luck? People who like opportunism often see more. In this matter, Mo Fan is obviously more credible. Moreover, they are naturally more willing to trust calcite workers.

Many of these bosses often come here to play two. They have a certain understanding of calcite workers, and even many people will specifically let the other party solve it.

The reputation of calcite workers in the gambling house is not low.

When Wang Junhui was lost, Mo Fan had already come to him, "I remember you said, if the bet broke, you should bear it yourself?"

"But this didn't break." Wang Junhui's face paled, and the rosy face had disappeared.

"For me, if you don't rise, you lose. I don't want much. You give me the money for this stone, and I give you this jade."

Maybe most people see Mo Fan's behavior like this, they will think that Mo Fan is embarrassing each other. But Mo Fan has already said that this was proposed by Wang Junhui himself. Moreover, even if the stone material is actually paid, it is not a loss.

"I, I, I don't have that much money." Thinking of the price of wool, Wang Junhui panicked.

Although Mo Fan hung a mild smile, Wang Junhui felt a pressure from the other person. If you don't give money to each other, it will be even worse.

"You can sell it."

As soon as the words came down, there was a bid from the boss. The price was a quarter lower than the purchase price of this wool.

Wang Junhui shook his head. "No, this is too little."

"A lot, although this piece of jade is big, but it has cracks. The appearance can only be said to be better, not the best."

"Yes, if you sell it right after the first knife, maybe I'd like to pay a quarter more, now ..." Naturally, the original price is worthless.

However, at that time the ownership of wool was not in his hands.

Wang Junhui looked at Song Songyu and asked for help. "Are you not the vice president of the jewelry company? Would you like this piece of jade? I will give you the wool price."

Song Songyu shook his head. "Although there is so much wool in this piece of jade, the processing and labor costs are counted. In the end, it can only be said that it does not make money, it does not pay, it also costs resources, it is not worth it."

"Don't you say that I want you to look at the wool? As long as you are willing to buy it, I will look at it for free."

Without this, Song Songyu was naturally willing, but now it seems that Wang Junhui's character is not as good as he imagined. Although there are some real talents to learn, but when there are mistakes in the palm of the hand, it is better to find him. Maybe he will pay more, but it is more reliable.

Wang Junhui has never experienced such a big scene and the transaction amount, which is a bit messy. If it was normal, he would not be so secretive.

001 warned Wang Junhui in his mind so that the other party should not lower his image too much, but Wang Junhui couldn't care less.

If no one wants to pay a higher price, he will have to pay his own money.

By the way, he can calcite to pay back the money!

The 001 warning still worked, and he calmed down, "Mr. Mo, can you wait for a while, I want to exchange the jade I solved for myself."

"Okay." Mo Fan was very generous.

At this moment, these bosses are no longer gambling, and they are all around Wang Junhui to see how the other party reverses the situation.

From the mouth of the staff at Gambling Square, they have learned that Wang Junhui is not a stranger who often appears in antique streets, but a stranger who has just arrived today.

After Wang Junhui's skin was fair, his skin was a lot fairer. He was not very old, so he looked younger. The older you look, the easier it is to gain trust. Most bosses are not optimistic about Wang Junhui.

Ling Ye felt that he really didn't want to look like himself any more. He even felt that Mo Fan's appearance was so charming that he couldn't help but want to get closer.

Mo Fan has always been unguarded against his man, feeling that the other side is getting closer and closer, and turning his head to say something, he just wipes the other side's lips.

Ling Yan paused.

He was like a fluffy kid, his heart beating violently. With great willpower, I did not let my hand touch the softness of the touch.

Mo Fan is much more natural. He froze, glanced at Ling Ye, and turned back again.

The two did not follow the large army to watch, and there was no one around them, so they did not see the sudden close contact.

Ling Yan finally recovered from the good, staring at Mo Fan's flat side face slightly discouraged.

The other person doesn't seem to care much, is it because he doesn't feel himself, or is he used to it?

Although Ling Yan did not see any men and women who were too close to each other from Mo Fan's information, he couldn't help thinking about it.

If you really want to hide something, and it is not very important, you may not be able to hide it. Should he check Xiaofan in more detail?

No, Xiaofan will be unhappy like this. Moreover, he is more willing to tell his own personal experience than to investigate.

"Xiao Fan."

"Um." Mo Fan didn't turn around.

"I will be responsible."

"Ah?" Mo Fan looked at him in amazement.

"That is, just after I kissed you, I will be responsible. I will not eat your tofu for nothing." With the reputation, you can eat tofu brightly.

Thinking of the good life of the two after they were together, Ling Ye immediately yearned.

Mo Fan looked at the appearance of the big drama in Ling Ye's head, and couldn't help but support it.

It's so awkward to chase someone.

Contrary to this, it is the sweetness in the heart.

If the system is next to Mo Fan, they will definitely say that they are flirting again.