MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 279 I have a "system" halo

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In adults, Mo Fan's skeleton is small and his wrists are thin. Ling Ye's generous, cocoon-like mastery went up, and he could easily trap it, leaving a lot of space.

The tentacles are moist and delicate, and the fingers can't help but gently rubbing the brain's instructions to make Ling Yan cough, but he is unwilling to let go, "If it is convenient, can you help me with a medicine?"

"Give me something." Mo Fan was very refreshing.

The two came to sit down on the sofa in the living room, and Mo Fan smiled, "Can you let go?"

As if Ling Ye had just discovered it, he glanced quickly at the wrist he was holding and released his palm. When I left, my fingers touched the other's radiant skin with affection, causing an itch.

"Sorry." Ling Ye's apology was sincere.

But it was the touch that men could not even hold hands, Mo Fan naturally did not care.

The white gauze is not entangled so it is breathable. In order to facilitate the dressing change, Ling Yan pushed down one side of the clothes, exposing the tight, well-knit half-arm shoulders.

Mo Fan opened the wrapped gauze gently and without loss of strength, disinfected the wound first, and then applied the medicine carefully.

The inner gauze was stained with bright colors, and the tender crust was slightly torn, apparently it was accidentally cracked when cooking.

"You have taken good care of these days."

Mo Fan glanced at the man in blame, and lowered his head and applied the medicine. The hot air spit out from the speech is sprayed on the red = naked texture, bringing up a small maggot.

It was so numb and itchy to Ling Ling's heart.

The fingers on his side moved unconsciously, and he tried hard to restrain him from embracing the youth.

The warm yellow light falls on the soft face of the youth, soft and delicate. Crow feather-like long eyelashes trembled, shaking off large shadows.

Ling Yan suppressed his breath, his eyes fell on the pale lip color, his throat knot moved slightly, and his lips turned to look away.

Keep watching, he's going to lose his way.

"All right."

Mo Fan put away the medicine bottle and took out clean gauze and wrapped it around Ling Yan. When tangled up, the young people got close together, Ling Ye faintly smelled the freshness of the young shower gel.

The taste is very familiar. Last night he was taking a shower with the shower gel used by the youth.

"Thank you."

"Don't crack it anymore." Mo Fan patted the man's arm and motioned him to pull his clothes away.

"Well, I'll take care of my injuries," Ling Min paused. "Then I will wash and cook for you every day."

Mo Fansha said, "Dry cleaners or washing machines don't need your hands to wash."

Of course, Ling Ye knows that high-grade clothes can only be dry-cleaned, and some of them can't even dry-clean.

"I don't mind washing your hands."

"I mind." Mo Fan despised. "Will you wash clothes?"

Ling Ye is a haute couture, and it is surprising how well he can cook.

"I can learn." Ling Ye really does not do laundry.

How could it be so rare for him to do laundry?

"It's up to you." Mo Fan closed the medicine box. "I'm going to take a shower, you are free."

"I'll go too." Ling Yan followed.

Mo Fan raised an eyebrow. "Will you wash it with me? Although my family is not rich, there are two bathrooms."

Would you like to wash with you?

Ling Yan said in his heart, "I just take a bath."

"Do you think the injury is not fast enough?"

Ling Yan lived.

"It's good to cover the wound." Of course, it would be better if you could help me wash it.

Actually Ling Ling's wound broke open once yesterday. Because of the youth's bathroom, he was a little excited and accidentally washed the wound he had just wrapped. In order to cover up his mistakes, he changed the gauze himself.

How could Mo Fan not see how rough the bandage was? He just said nothing.


The expectation in Ling Yan's eyes was so obvious that Mo Fan didn't see it, and went upstairs.

Mo Fan's room was separated from the room by a study. When he passed the room, he saw that the door was open.

The bed was made of quilt, and the quilt was also covered with a quilt, and it was placed neatly at the head of the bed. And beside the bed, there were two large suitcases.

"You brought it?"

Ling Yan glanced and said, "The house will not be allowed to live anymore, I can only move things over. Don't you mind?"

I ’ve moved here, so why would anyone care?

"When are you going to live?"

"Do you want to drive me away?" Ling Ye did not respond positively.

Lest Mo Fan say "yes", he said again, "when my business is done and I find a suitable house, I will move away."

As for when it's done, isn't that his decision?

Mo Fan blinked and said "OK".

Formerly a responsible president, the company has a lot of affairs. Not only is he constantly busy at work, he also takes the documents home after work.

After taking a bath, Mo Fan entered the study and continued to work.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

A slight knock on the door made Mo Fan look up from the file.

"Xiao Fan."

"come in."

Ling Yan walked to the table, his eyes a little helpless, "You don't have to look so late to look at the documents."

Mo Fan heard the watch he was wearing, and it was already over ten o'clock.

"Hungry? I cooked supper."

Mo Fan frowned slightly. "Isn't it to make you hurt?"

"I just cooked a porridge and it didn't bother me. I can't read the papers all day. Let's go downstairs to eat and sleep."

Mo Fan also felt a little hungry. He looked down at the remaining documents and said, "Wait until I finish reading this."

"Then I wait for you."

Mo Fan was very focused. After looking up the documents, he raised his head, only to find that Ling Ye did not leave the study. He was slightly surprised, closed the folder, but said nothing.

"finish watching?"


"Let's go." Ling Yan walked out of the study first.

The light meal at night, Ling Ling cooked white rice porridge, served with fresh side dishes, refreshing and full. Waiting to eat again, Ling Yan stopped, "It is not advisable to eat too much at night."

Mo Fan stunned, only to find that he had eaten the second bowl.

He lowered his bowl. "I'm going to the study ..."

"You should go to bed earlier," Ling Yan interrupted him, "you get up so early every day, work so late, it's bad for your health."

Mo Fan looked at Ling Yan quietly.

Ling Ye hesitated, "Did I overdo it? I'm sorry, I just think you should pay proper attention to rest."

"No," Mo Fan rubbed his temples. "You're right, I'm ready to sleep."

"Okay, take a rest early."


Wang Junhui got the winning number and waited for three days. During this period, he will also do some good deeds to gain favor and earn points, but he gets poor points. If the other party is not really grateful, it may not increase even a little favor, let alone points.

At such a speed, it takes the monkey year to redeem the items in the system mall?

Wang Junhui suddenly felt that he had agreed to the conditions of 001 very wise.

No matter what 001 wants, it's all after his death. You must be happy in life, and happy in this life is enough. Wang Junhui thought.

Until the day of the draw, Wang Junhui was always watching the draw. Even when he was mentally prepared, when he saw the winning prize, Wang Junhui couldn't help screaming with excitement.

The first prize of this period is more than 10 million yuan. Even if the tax is paid, there are more than 8 million yuan. As long as you do n’t mess around, it ’s enough to sit and eat.

When did Wang Junhui see so much money? If it weren't for making good friends, he couldn't help but want to share it with each other.

Excited for a long time, Wang Junhui finally calmed down.

Even if he really has friends, he shouldn't tell others. With a guilty conscience, today the society is sinister. He has seen many reports that the grand prize winners have been abducted, extorted, etc., and finally ended in ruins.

For this reason, the lottery authorities kept strict confidentiality afterwards, and after confirming the identity of the opponent, the winners were allowed to obscure the appearance and receive the prize.

Wang Junhui is a child from the countryside, working hard in the city, and renting a house, which costs nearly half of his monthly salary.

The nature of his work is ordinary, and everyone is capable of intermingling. Not only the salary is small, the company is small, the boss is also very powerful, and he especially likes to instruct him to do some private things. If you are upset, you will be scolded.

With money, how can Wang Junhui stand it? He resigned from the original unit almost immediately, and did not want this month's salary, hoping to get out of the bitter sea soon.

With more than eight million, who cares about thousands of dollars in salary?

After submitting his resignation letter, he yelled in the boss's office. After paying for many years of oppression, he just felt refreshed and made the other party speechless.

To get the money, Wang Junhui first went to a restaurant that had long coveted for a seafood meal, and then went to the real estate market and the 4S shop.

He had long wanted to buy a car and a house. His current house is small and shady, with old facilities and frequent problems. Now that he had money, he wanted to buy a house and a car.

Hengchuan is not a first-tier big city, but it is also above the second-tier, and its consumption level is not low. Wang Junhui looked at the real estate and found that just buying a slightly larger suite will cost nearly half of the money after the renovation.

Men love cars, and more like high-end cars. After a little calculation, Wang Junhui found that after buying a house, if the remaining money was to buy a car or two million, there would only be more than two million.

As consumption levels rise, people's material conditions are getting better and better. One or two million cars can only be considered medium in Hengchuan, and they can be seen everywhere on the road.

If the economic development of decades ago, such a car is already considered a top luxury car.

Wang Junhui sighed and suddenly thought of 001 in his head and asked, "001, what do you say I should do now?"

001 Machinery's voice replied, "Look for the target of the Raiders, and brush your favor."

Wang Junhui touched his head, "But I look so ordinary, who would like me? Didn't you say that the higher the achievement, the more points you get after gaining goodwill? If you want to attack such a person, I think It is impossible. "

001, "Hosts can use points to exchange volume repair potions to improve facial features."

"But I only have a few hundred points, which is not enough." Wang Junhui was distressed.

"Hosts can temporarily owe credits."

"Can the credit be owed?" Wang Junhui came to his spirit.

"Yes, but when paying back, you need to charge a certain percentage of points."

"I know, I know, there is no interest in borrowing money. But if I really look better, will I be a person?"

"The host can choose a potion instead of a potion. The potion changes only the fineness of the five senses. It is a subtle change that is not easy to detect."

"Let me see what potions are available."

After watching for a long time, in the end, Wang Junhui exchanged the facial features fine-tuning potion and skin whitening and lifting potion.

Do not all say that people with good skin look much better than people with the same face value?

"001, do you think I need to buy a house? There is still a car. There is no money after buying, I don't know how to use the money to make money. I don't understand stocks, and investing this money is not enough."

001 blinks twice, "Host can choose to gamble."

"Gambling stones?" Wang Junhui's mind emerged from the novels he had read about gambling stones.

Substituting myself into the protagonist and thinking about a story that reached the peak of life, Wang Junhui went on distressed, "But I do n’t gamble at all, and I do n’t have the perspective of the protagonist. How do I know if I can make money?"

001 didn't speak, Wang Junhui said, "System, you have helped me predict the lottery, why not help me look at the stones?"

"This system must not violate regulations."

"Is there a perspective ability that allows me to owe credits for redemption?"

"There is a limit to the credits the host can owe. The points required for the power are too large for the host to redeem."

Wang Junhui looked downcast, "Isn't there any one who meets the requirements?"

The system brings up the mall page, "This product can meet the host requirements."

Wang Junhui sat up and found that this was a prop called "Golden Eye". It is divided into permanent and secondary limits. Permanently required points are equivalent to the ability to redeem points. This is one of the abilities in itself, and the less limited products are much cheaper.

The "Golden Eye" can be used three times, and it will lose its effectiveness after three uses.

"What if I don't see good stones three times?"

"This situation is not considered by the system."

"Okay, then I will try."