MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 259 I have a "soft waxy" halo

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Waking up in the morning, Wei Yanlin opened her eyes, and her eyes were still a little confused. Touching the position on the edge, empty, immediately sober.

The sheer gauze couldn't stop the morning sun, and the sun shone brightly on the bed.

Wei Minlin panicked, and annoyed herself that she only cared for the person to practice at night, forgetting that the morning sunlight was not good for Mo Fan.

Suddenly, the doorknob moved and the door was opened. Wei Yilin's heart moved and looked towards the door.

A ghost in his house.

Sure enough, Mo Fan was opening the door and coming in from the outside. But he stopped before taking two steps.

Mo Fan is not afraid of the sun, but she doesn't like the feeling of the sun shining on her body. Although it didn't hurt, it was uncomfortable.

"Are you awake?" The boy smiled slightly. "I made breakfast."

Wei Yanlin got up from the bed first and pulled up the curtains tightly. Then she walked to the teenager and held people in her arms.

"I thought you were gone."

"Ah, it's a bit uncomfortable in the morning, and I get up."

Wei Kunlin became more guilty. The summer sun rose early, and the teenager must have been woken up early. In order not to disturb myself, I waited until now.

The thought of a teenager squatting in a dark corner, waiting for him to wake up, was a pain in his heart.

"Sorry, it's my fault. I didn't notice it, and I won't do it again." Wei Yilin put a soft kiss on the teenager's hair.

"It doesn't matter, I want to come back with you." The teenager said naively. It seems that Wei Weilin can accept whatever he does to him.

Wei Yanlin's eyes darkened, and the hand that fell on the back of the teenager slightly tightened, "Should you tell me anything in the future? Like, dislike. You know, even if you don't want to come back with me, I will also bring you back.

So, this is not necessary. Just do what you like. If you think I'm not doing well, just say, I will change. I'm like you, and I hope you can come back with me. "

"Really?" The boy's voice jumped.

"of course."

"Actually, I didn't just wait for you to wake up. I also made breakfast. Humans have to eat. I watched the book for breakfast and didn't know how it tasted. Would you like to taste it?" The boy came out of Wei Yanlin's arms and looked at him expectantly.

Suddenly the empty arms made Wei Minlin unaccustomed for a moment, and then he immediately answered, "OK."

Pulling the teenager to accompany himself into the bathroom to wash, Wei Yanlin said to the teenager in the mirror, "Will you walk away, tell me? I will worry about you. Like today, I woke up and found you suddenly disappeared, you Do you know how worried I am? "

The boy immediately obediently confessed his mistake, "I'm sorry."

"What will you do after that?"

"I'll tell you wherever I go in the future."

"What if I'm busy or sleeping like I do today?"

"I will tell you."

"What if I'm not with you?"

"Then I'll find you, and tell you again." The boy stunned.

Wei Yanlin laughed, rubbed the teenager's hair with a big palm, "Even if I leave my sight, tell me.

"it is good."

Wei Yilin was satisfied and took the teenager down the stairs.

There was a large pot of porridge on the table. The teenager did not know Wei Weilin's appetite and boiled it for nearly a pot. Looking into the kitchen from here, you can also see a colorful book on the counter.

It should be a recipe that teenagers found out of their study.

"Thank you, Xiao Fan." Wei Yilin filled herself with a bowl and sipped, "It's delicious."

"Really?" The boy looked at him curiously, and then looked at the grueling gruel.

Wei Yilin came up with interest and greeted the young man, "Will Xiaofan try?"

Cultivating human-shaped ghosts can also eat like humans.

The rooms were curtained, and the room was lit. If anyone sees Wei Yilin's behavior, I'm afraid to say the last sentence is wasteful.

It's one thing to be good about electricity, but saving is a virtue.

"Eh? Can I eat it?" The boy is a newborn ignorant ghost. Except for a long time, it probably hasn't touched the popularity, and looks like an unworldly child.


Speaking of it, Wei Yanlin scooped a spoonful of porridge with his spoon and handed it to Mo Fan's mouth. Mo Fan subconsciously learned Wei Weilin's appearance and ate it.

Sakura Pink's lips opened wide, revealing the bright red tongue inside. In a blink, it disappeared again.

Wei Yanlin's eyes fell on the chewing mouth of the teenager, and his body was faintly hot.

Just now the boy opened his mouth and bit the spoon he used.

Wei Yanlin glanced at the spoon in his hand, and continued to eat porridge casually. But if you look closely, you will find that his eyebrows are smiling.

However, the juvenile apparently did not observe this carefully.

"It's delicious." Mo Fan finished eating and looked at Wei Yanlin gazingly.

Wei Yilin didn't mention to him to prepare the chopsticks again. Just one spoonful of mine, one spoonful of mine, drank most of the porridge.

"Like eating?" Wei Yanlin wiped the juvenile soft lips with a tissue. The fingertips passed by the corner of his mouth, and he rubbed lightly without any trace.

"Well," said the boy's eyes, "delicious."

"Since it's delicious, I'll make it for you later."

"Ah?" Juvenile Muxi said, "but I made this."

Why should you make it for me?

"What? Worry that I don't make it delicious?"

Mo Fan shook his head subconsciously.

"I'll cook for you in the future, but you can't sneak away from the bed. Okay?"

"Okay." Mo Fan was stunned by Wei Junlin's tenderness and promised.

Eh? But he didn't run away from the bed.

Morphing consumes its own ghost power, so most of the time, Mo Fan remains invisible. But it doesn't matter, he has a heavenly boyfriend, he doesn't need to worry about whether the other party can't see him.

As a result, indoors often see scenes of things floating in the air. If anyone is present, I'm afraid it won't be too scary.

After receiving the water from Mo Fan's upside down, Wei Yilin put down the information in her hand, and said helplessly, "I didn't need you to help me do anything."

"But I want to help you."

"You've been by my side to help me. You're running around like this, but it will distract me." As soon as the boy moved, he couldn't help but look at the other side.

"I'm sorry." Mo Fan apologized.

Maybe he didn't know what he did wrong. I just feel that since men say they are distracted, it is bad behavior.

"Don't always put sorry on your lips. If you feel sorry for me, kiss me for compensation." Wei Yanlin was serious.

Eh? Mo Fan tilted his head and looked at the man sitting on his lap.

He likes getting in touch with men, so he doesn't dislike the other person's approach to his behavior. For example, Wei Yilin always touches his head and hugs him, or surrounds him as he does now.

Wei Yilin looked back at him openly, without guilty of eating juvenile tofu at all.

Because of the closeness, he clearly saw the juvenile slender Jie Yu instigated a few times, the cold breath approached, and a cold kiss fell on his lips.

Yang Qi swarmed towards the boy uncontrollably. The boy seemed startled, and immediately backed away.

He didn't mean to inhale each other's yang.

Wei Yilin's big palm immediately held the back of the boy's head. Responsiveness was active, and his hot lips and tongues, which were different from the coldness of the boy, instantly occupied the boy's mouth.

Wei Yanlin never knew that he was such a person with low control.

"Are you full?" The man's voice was hoarse and low, and a hot breath blew across his face.

It's like a big strong yang, and Mo Fan took a deep breath. Immediately, he returned to God, bowed his head slightly in embarrassment, and even his ears turned red.

"Huh?" Wei Yilin didn't get an answer, and asked, "Are you full?"

Did the other party feed him?

Although human food can be eaten, it has no satiety effect. The source of his hunger is not the body, but the soul. After all, he had no body.

"Full, full."

Sitting quietly for a while, the teenager embarrassed, "Wei, Wei ..."

"Wei Linlin," the man said immediately, "Did you forget my name so soon?"

"Wei Linlin." Mo Fan read it out with his last name.

Speaking of which, Wei Weilin hadn't spoken his first name to Mo Fan, and Wei's name was heard when several people talked.

"I'm sorry," said the young man.

"Sorry what to do?"

The boy quickly raised his eyes and glanced at him, and kissed Wei Weilin's lips. It's like a timid little rabbit, leaving a moist kiss and then shrinking back.

"Do you want me to tell me something?" Wei Yilin asked.

Mo Fan gently moved her body and whispered, "Your belt is resting on me."

Wei Minlin rested her head on the teenager's shoulders and laughed dumbly, "Not a belt."

"What's that?" The young man's curiosity flourished.

"You'll know it later."

"Huh?" The boy turned his head curiously, and wanted to look down, but the man held his head and looked at the information with him.

"Read the book with me."

"Oh." Although a little uncomfortable, it felt too comfortable to lie in each other's arms. Just ignore this little flaw.

Wei Yilin did not go to school today. The next day when the boy was brought back, he left the other person at home, Wei Weilin couldn't.

Not only is he worried that the teenager will not be at home alone, but more importantly, he does not want to leave the teenager too far.

What if the teenager suddenly left?

So Wei Weilin, who rarely skipped classes, was absent for the first time, not to mention how surprised those students were.

Read The Duke's Passion