MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 233 I have an aura

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With warm jade, Mo Fan is actually not that cold.

The place to release is simple, one bed, one table and one chair, without a trace of fireworks. The story also mentioned that the other party does not need to eat.

After the protagonist went up the mountain following the release, the release was for Pigudan. Because he could n’t eat the food, Mo Ze asked Bishi for something to cook and eat by himself. He also invited Bishi.

Mo Fan doesn't want to eat the so-called Pigudan, but if he lets him cook ...

The relief that was sorting things out was a chill.

Fortunately, the man had no memory, but did not care less about him. He consciously took out kitchen utensils and ingredients and cooked for him.

Mo Fan thought that such a person would not cook, but who knows how to make it, the taste is unexpectedly delicious.

In fact, before practicing illusions, Bu Shi was just an ordinary person. Like all illusionists, he would go out to practice. Without some wild survival skills, how can he have him now? Therefore, it is not surprising to know how to cook.

If he was allowed to sew up his clothes, maybe he could do something like that. Could it be the same thing, he thought he was amazing in all aspects, but it was needlework, what was the problem? Just the question of willingness or not.

Xi Han with a face in his face, but the words of concern in his mouth, "I have always lived alone as a teacher, and I do n’t know what you need. If you are missing, please talk to the teacher.

"Well, thank you, Master," Mo Fan smiled sweetly at him, "Master, your dishes are so delicious."

Xi Shi nodded, but her heart seemed to rejoice.

He could have fed the other person directly to eat Gu Dan, or went back to the world to pack meals. But in the end, my heart moved, but I brought back fresh meat and vegetables, and wanted to make it for Mo Fan.

Explain that his abnormal behavior was classified as "raising a child." Children of their own family, of course, eat their own food.

Seeing that Mo Fan was eating sweet and full of joy on his small face, he did not find the child troublesome.

Cooking on Xuefeng is a troublesome task. Not only the extremely low temperature is not easy to ignite, it is also inconvenient to use and place the appliance. The Dongfu, which is blunt, does not have such a kitchen.

"Today you sleep here, wait for a new hole to be opened tomorrow, and then live in." Explained refers to the position of the bed.

Mo Fan wondered, "Where does the Master sleep?"

Explain that there is another futon on the ground.

Mo Fan shook his head. "No, how can I occupy Master's bed?"

The interpreter thought that Mo Fan wanted him to bed, but the other side said, "Master, sleep with me."

Explanation: ...

From birth to the present, since the memory was born, she has never done anything intimate with people. Even if Mo Fan was a small child, he never thought of sharing a bed with the other party.

"Practice indoors for teachers, without sleep."

Mo Fan's eyes widened. "How can one not sleep?"

Explained, "I said for my teacher that I am a little different from you."

"What's different then?" Mo Fan asked.

"That's the moment, I don't need to sleep. In the old days, the bed was just for meditating. You can rest in peace."

Mo Fan: ...

"No ~ I want Master to sleep together." Mo Fan held a corner of the sleeve of the blunt release.

Released body stiffened for a moment. He had thought that Mo Fan would be depressed, unhappy, and unexpectedly, the other party would make such a ... lovely gesture.

Six-year-old, should coquettish behavior be normal?

Mo Fan whispered, "I just left home today and came to a strange place. Here, Master is my only closest person. I want to sleep with Master. I am afraid."

He patted his head stiffly, trying to let Mo Fan release his hand that grabbed his sleeve. As a result, Mo Fan gripped tighter. As soon as I lifted my eyes, my eyes became wet and my heart softened.

"It's for the teacher, not for you." Ji Shi thought about it, "No, let me return you to Mo's for the teacher to rest."

Mo Fan opened his unbelievable eyes and said, "Master, don't you want me so soon? Do you think I'm troublesome? If so, let me go home."

There was a dark face on his face.

Explaining the next heartbeat, he explained, "Being a teacher has no meaning. If you are not used to living, you will be sent home by the teacher on time every day, and then you will be brought here to practice."

Mo Fan's tears fell, "Master, you just don't want me, you don't need to lie to me."

Interpretation is really anxious. He never thought that when someone cried in front of himself, he could be so panicked.

The pardon wiped the tears left by Mo Fan, hugged people into his arms, and patted his back, "Mo crying, I won't send you back for my teacher."

"Master, didn't you lie to me?" Mo Fan stopped crying, but her voice was crying.

"Don't lie for teachers."

"Well," Mo Fan nodded. "Then sleep with me."

Explanation: ...

"It's cold to sleep alone, and warm to two."

"... warm jade warms the human body."

"It's such a small piece, how can it be so useful."

Only a small piece of warm jade that can keep the body warm: ...

"Wow, I knew Master was coaxing me."

Mo Fan began to cry again, and Shishi hurriedly wiped his tears, but said helplessly, "Are you still promised for the teacher?"

As soon as the words were finished, Mo Fan's tears stopped. He plunged into the arms of Xi Shi, clasped the other's thin waist, and said happily, "I knew that Master was hurting me."

Explanation: ...

Seems to be calculated? However, it doesn't seem to be annoying.

There are no warming measures in Yushi Dongfu. He is okay on his own. One more Mo Fan will not work. Since the warm jade does not work well (warm jade: wtF? Don't sacrifice jade), it is necessary to arrange more facilities suitable for Xiaofan.

The walls also need to be trimmed. Xiao Fan grew up in Mo's childhood, Jinyiyushi, such a rough wall, against Xiaofan's delicate face, wronged Xiaofan.

The brazier is not practical, so put some flint for heating. My vision is too dim, what should I do if Xiaofan cannot see clearly? At that time, a few more night pearls can be placed for lighting. The daily necessities of appliances are also the best. Open a small kitchen for cooking.

After planning everything and explaining and nodding secretly, Mo Fan came to practice with him instead of enjoying himself.

It doesn't conflict anyway, does it? Who stipulates that practice requires penance?

After dinner, the new teacher and apprentice talked, and Mo Fan yawned and climbed to bed. Children need more sleep time, and Mo Fan was sleepy early.

Removing the outer clothing, Mo Fan, wearing only obscene clothing, opened the corner of the quilt and looked forward to the release still standing there, "Master?"

Released his cheeks helplessly, after removing his coat, turned over to bed, "Sleep."

"Master hugs me to sleep."

A small, soft body spontaneously digs into the arms of the release, satisfactorily looking for a comfortable position, and closed his eyes.

The air around him was released, but his body was warm and warm, and Mo Fan snorted comfortably.

Explaining the stiffness of the body, learning how to see others around to coax the child to sleep, and patted it gently on Mo Fan's back.

"Master." In the arms, the child's small voice called a release.


"I can not sleep."

The covered little man moved, raised a small face, and frowned, very distressed.

The interpreter thought he was afraid and comforted, "being a teacher."

"Master, can you tell me a story?" Mo Fan's eyes rolled, and the expectant eyes flickered.

Explaining the stiffness of his face for a moment, "I won't tell a story for my teacher."

"That Master tell me about yourself, okay?"

Originally, Mo Fan was so sleepy that he couldn't wait to close his eyes and fell asleep immediately, but he was really lying in the arms of the familiar and comfortable, but he couldn't sleep. Obviously the eyes pantothenic, but the mental head is very good.

"Being a teacher is the same as Xiaofan."

Explain that few people have met in the past few hundred years, and sometimes they do n’t need to say a word every year, and gradually, they get used to it. Suddenly, someone appeared and asked him to tell a story to the other party, but he couldn't tell it anyway.

Mo Fan curiously said, "Master also grew up like me and then learned illusions with Master's master?"

Released and nodded.

"When Master was studying illusions, what was it like? Also, did Master play with his companions when he was young?" Explaining the appearance of strangers, Mo Fan couldn't think of each other and children Play together scene.

"Xijing for the teacher."

"Don't you play with others? Although Dad said that I have to study hard, I do n’t play with them in class, but in my spare time, I also play with my peers in the clan. It ’s always boring to learn.” Mo Fan frowned.

His release smoothed the folds between his brows, "Children don't frown all the time."

"But then everyone will say I'm sensible."

"You don't need to be sensible, just be happy."

"You can't become an illusionist without understanding."

"The two don't conflict."

Explaining this sentence seems difficult to understand for Mo Fan, who is only six years old. This time, he lowered his head and thought for a long time before he seriously said, "Is it as long as I remember my goal and work towards it, Just know what you need to do. "

Biao Shi put his hand on the top of the child's hair, Ying Ying said, "Well, Xiaofan can be a great illusionist happily."

Mo Fan has a lot of things to say to his interpreter, but at his current age, he doesn't know where to start, so he wants to know more about the other person's life.

He asked a lot of things about his growing up, but finally he stopped talking and forced him to sleep.

When the child is growing, it is easy to fall asleep late.

When I got up in the morning, I dressed the child in person, but Bu Shi didn't start teaching immediately, but took Mo Fan to town.

In a hurry yesterday, Biao Shi simply brought a few clothes to Mo Fan. Taking this opportunity, she just prepared an application for the child.

Xuefeng is really not a place suitable for children, but it is very beneficial to illusion practice. Interpretation can help Mo Fan overcome the difficulties in life, but he does not want to delay the practice of the other party.

Mo Fan always thought that it would be advantageous to be acquainted with bliss, and living alone on the top of Xuefeng was a real "lone man." Who knew that the other party took him into a beautifully decorated mansion.


Mo Fan lay on his shoulders, staring curiously at the people who met him on the road, and bowed down to his subordinates who saluted him. It wasn't until he entered the lobby that he was released and turned around to face the other side.

He instructed the supervisor to prepare articles and utensils suitable for Mo Fan, released the clothes on Mo Fan and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master's home is here." Mo Fan marveled.

Mo Fan has not practiced illusions yet, but he can see that the house is the lowest servant and also an illusionist.

Taking a magician as a servant, Mo Fan "slaps" in his heart, which is extravagant.

"It's convenient to settle here. The place where the teacher spends the most time is still Xuefeng." Xu Shi explained lightly.

When the bail came back suddenly yesterday and asked them to prepare some items that they could not use, everyone in the house guessed who their master was arranging for. When I saw Mo Fan today, I was surprised when I heard the other party called Master Bailiao.

Zhishi Zeng bluntly said that he would not accept a disciple, and suddenly brought a disciple back, how could he not be surprised?

They were some of the people who met one after another when they released the mountain earlier and volunteered to wait beside each other. Even if it's just a subordinate's name, Yu Shi will teach them some simple illusions. Therefore, he is even more reluctant to leave.

They are nominal servants, but there are not many chances to release them to the mansion. Most of the time, they are very free. There were not so many people in the house originally, but everyone used to stay and used this as their home to get married and have children, and the people in the house gradually prospered.

And every generation of newborns will be told that they have a master who needs to serve for life. Of course, the interpreter does not care about these things. If the other party does not want to do so, he can leave without knowing him.

Since its development, this mansion has been expanded dozens of times. From an unknown little house, it gradually developed into a mysterious organization in the fantasy world.

The man in the mansion never explained it, and he did not like others to say more about him, and they let the outside world guess.

The illusion of illusion falls, and there are fewer and fewer true illusionists. It is extremely difficult to find someone who is willing to teach themselves. Unless the original intention is not to become an illusionist, the people in this mansion are unwilling to leave.

This small town is not the town where Mo's is located, but it is remote but has a reputation in the fantasy world. Because, in the town, there are a group of illusionists who have a high level of inheritance.

For Jiu Shi, he just mentioned some simple methods to get started, and for everyone in the house, Jiu Shi gave them a new teacher and master.

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