MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1549 Open and honest interview

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That is not a relic...

Living on the living? !

When he left the future building, Lavrov felt that his head was still dizzy, so that what Jiang said later, he was not very clear. Reluctantly maintained the grace of a diplomat, from the moment he stood on the elevator, he began to daze.

The huge amount of information made him indifferent for a while. The value behind this starship was beyond his imagination and beyond the imagination of the Federal Space Agency and the Kremlin.

"Go back to the hotel... no, go to the embassy."

After sitting on the car parked downstairs in the building, Lavrov said subconsciously to the driver, but immediately changed his mouth. He now needs to report the news to the Kremlin immediately, an alien starship sleeping under the ice cube of Europa. I don't know why the name of the Baikonur launching base is written.

Not only that, the "aliens" above may still be alive.

"Okay, sir."

The driver skillfully started the car and smoothly entered the magnetic levitation track.

Looking at the futuristic building in the rearview mirror, Lavrov’s mind was slightly recovered from the alien starship, but at this time, he was another thing he could not understand. And frowned.

Today's future people group...

It seems that the performance is too big?

Intuition tells Lavrov that it is not that simple...

Just as Lavrov looked at the futuristic mansion in the rearview mirror, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the top floor office. Jiang Chen also watched Lavrov’s team shrink into a point at the end of the road. Incorporate the flow of cars in the city of Coro.

"You want to ask me why I told him so much?"

Jiang Chen smiled and turned around and looked at Xia Shiyu who was standing at the door.

Shaking his head, Xia Shiyu grinned and smiled.

"You guessed it wrong, I just came to ask if you want to go to the cafeteria together."

“Not curious?” Jiang Chen asked.

"How can I say that it is your woman, how much can I guess." Bai Jiangyi took a look, Xia Shiyu mouth corner took a smug smile, "still said, you want me to pretend, humbly ask for advice, by the way meet you Vanity?"

"...I found that you are getting smarter."

"Do you want me to be smart and stupid?" Xia Shiyu shouted.

"Just like this." Jiang Chen did not want to say immediately.

"You still have some conscience."

The corners of the mouth were upturned, and a pair of bright eyes stared at Jiang Chen. The two men looked at each other so deeply for a while, and Xia Shiyu suddenly burst into laughter. The bright smile is like the branches of the willows on the river in March, with a hint of refreshing spring breeze.

"Do you have lunch together?" Gently rubbed the hair under the ear, Xia Shiyu invited again.

"Of course." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.


Lunch is still in the cafeteria on the top floor, still the most desirable location of Jiang Chen.

The ordinary employees tacitly set aside a private space for the two people. Even though they know that Jiang Chen is very easy-going to his own people, no one will bother to disturb at this time.

As usual, Xia Shiyu ordered a fruit salad and a cup of black coffee, which is both sweet and bitter. As for Jiang Chen, there is a salmon steak, French cheese bread, and a small bowl of creamy oyster soup. It can be seen that the chef is very fond of this lunch, although it is not a complicated dish, but the fragrance is worthy of the Michelin Samsung sign and the future group pay.

"Eat this? You are not afraid of being hungry." Looking at Xia Shiyu's fork with the sachet of salad dressing, and the more crimson thin lips dyed by tomato juice, Jiang Chen could not help but feel distressed.

"Sitting in the office often, eating too much can't be digested."

"I am more worried that you are hungry."

"That means you don't understand women."

"What does this have to do with my understanding of women?"

Elegantly picking up the napkin and wiping the corner of his mouth, Xia Shiyu opened the subject.

"What is the arrangement in the afternoon?"

"There is a meeting with Mr. Ge Luowen, probably using the holographic conference room downstairs." Jiang Chen said.

"You should tell me earlier."

"Is there an arrangement?"

"There is a future, the future heavy work is ready to renew the contract with the US HCA medical drone. There are about two meetings between the branch office and the headquarters. About the supply order and capacity coordination..." Here, Xia Shiyu paused. For a moment, I looked at Jiang Chen and suddenly smiled. "Of course, important meetings are not important to you. I will arrange for them to adjust themselves."

That smile made Jiang Chen stunned.

I am being smashed?

Perhaps it is because Xia rarely shows a smile in the company.

So many employees who peeked at this side, their eyes are straight. There are many young male compatriots, and even female compatriots who have just entered the job... I have to admit that even in the same sex, Xia Shiyu’s temperament of the overbearing president is quite lethal.

In the holographic conference room of the Futian Building, Jiang Chen went to the conference table and sat down. It is often used in group headquarters to hold meetings with managers of various continents, and occasionally to be negotiated with other multinational companies. After all, now people technology is packaging and selling the system, and many multinational companies have caught up with the times. The trend.

However, it is used for negotiations with aliens. This honor is the first time for this conference room.

The waiter poured a cup of coffee for Jiang Chen, then turned and left, and took the door of the conference room.

I opened the watch and called the phone to Kerwin, which is in the city.

"Open the quantum communication module and the transmitter locks Europa."

"Roger that."

After receiving the order, Kerwin immediately ordered the staff of the space command center to send a signal requesting communication to Europa in accordance with the agreed communication channel and password.

Soon, the Space Command Center received a response from the Sventovit. Kerwe immediately transferred the newsletter to the conference room of the Future People's Building, allowing his boss to talk to the alien friend.

Sitting in the conference room, Jiang Chen did not wait for a long time.

Half a cup of coffee, the light blue light particles gathered in front of him. Not surprisingly, his holographic image should have been copied to the Sventovett. The two sat on the sides of the conference table just like face-to-face conversations.

"If you are sitting opposite me now, I will definitely ask you to have a drink," looked at Gorovan. Jiang Chen smiled and put down the coffee in his hand.

"A heart-warming proposal, I believe that day will not wait too long." Goro said with a blank expression.

"We don't know enough about each other. You rely on that distant memory, and we can only rely on intuition. In order to avoid possible troubles, I think we need to talk openly and honestly."

"What do you want to talk about?" Gorovan said.

"About you," Jiang Chen stared at Ge Luowen. "Anything you think can be revealed to us, and we don't know. This is our sincere request, we want to know you."