MTL - I Have a Luck Altar-Chapter 787 Please... Taizu!

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  Chapter 787 Please. Taizu!




  The terrifying roar continued, the rumbling thunder continued to explode, the void collapsed, the blades overflowed, and endless sharpness swept across the world.

The battle between Chen Yuan and Xiang Qianqiu has completely surpassed the battle between Xiang Qianqiu and Ye Xiangnan in front of the Goddess Palace. In other words, in terms of Chen Yuan's strength now, he is already invincible under immortals. !

If Xiang Qianqiu hadn't broken through the sixth realm, then this battle represented the highest level below the sixth realm. Of course, if Xiang Qianqiu hadn't broken through the sixth realm and condensed the top flowers, he wouldn't be Chen Yuan's. The opponent had already died under his knife.

   No, even if you really want to compare, their current battle is no less than that of immortals. Xiang Qianqiu is getting more and more frightened and dignified the more he fights.

  In his prediction, he who has broken through the sixth realm and understood the rules can easily suppress Chen Yuan and resolve the grievances between their father and son. If the other party is sensible, it is not impossible to let him go.

   But along with the confrontation, he found that not only was Chen Yuan not suppressed, but the more he fought, the more he fought, and the stronger he became, as if he was treating him as a test stone.

  Using a majestic immortal to hone oneself, perhaps no one in this world would dare to be so arrogant except Chen Yuan.

  Xiang Qianqiu's double-pupil divine light was stimulated to the extreme, as if it could turn the world upside down, and the faint rays of light were like abyss, bombarding Chen Yuan with all its strength.

   And Chen Yuan also pushed his ten-inch primordial spirit, which is different from ordinary people, to the extreme, and the supernatural power of stagnation in the void is almost uninterrupted.

   Causes the void to stagnate again and again.

If he had dared to urge the primordial spirit like this before, it would have dragged him down, and even the primordial spirit was at risk of collapsing, but as he understood the rules, the consumption of using void stagnation was no longer that great. After all, the rules come from the void.

   "You have far exceeded my expectations."

  Xiang Qianqiu stared at Chen Yuan with a very serious expression, but kept moving his hands, beams of regular light kept bombarding Chen Yuan, and his body collided with it.

  The hole in his chest doesn't seem to care at all.

   "You have made me overestimate."

  The divine light exploded, the brilliance flowed, and Chen Yuan's entire body was shrouded in a hazy divine light, which radiated from the inside out, the blood was rushing, and the viscera were mobilized to the extreme roar.

   "Hehehe, good, good."

  Xiang Qianqiu laughed loudly. During the close battle with Chen Yuan, his pupils suddenly froze, and two tears of blood flowed out quickly.

   But this time, Chen Yuan's void stagnation didn't work anymore, the void that was directly shattered by the divine light passed through Chen Yuan's left chest, leaving a bowl-sized hole.


Chen Yuan's face turned blue, and he couldn't help but spurt a mouthful of old blood, his eyes were extremely solemn, he had almost figured out Xiang Qianqiu's background, and now the power has directly increased several times, it is definitely the result of the other party's double-pupil activation at all costs .

   "I hope you can still hold on!"

  Xiang Qianqiu's face was a little crazy, blood and tears turned into two long marks hanging on his cheeks, his long black hair fluttered, and terrifying divine light erupted again and again, sealing off all of Chen Yuan's escape routes.

  In almost an instant, Xiang Qianqiu's way of fighting changed drastically. Chen Yuan's strength exceeded his expectations, and it was meaningless to continue fighting.

  But when it comes to conventional means, even if he doesn't want to, he has to admit that he can't take down Chen Yuan at this time. He must forcibly improve his strength and squeeze his own potential before he can.

  The balance of evenly matched forces was broken in an instant, and Chen Yuan was pushed into a disadvantage by Xiang Qianqiu almost in an instant, and was forced to have nowhere to go, but his expression was only dignified, and there was no despair or panic.

  Because Xiang Qianqiu's current state is definitely not sustainable, otherwise, he would not have fought fiercely with him for half an hour before, and only now used such a trump card.

   Waiting for Xiang Qianqiu to squeeze out his own potential, that is when his death is approaching.

   But Xiang Qianqiu's methods are more than that. When Chen Yuan was completely and completely put at a disadvantage, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A trace of divine thoughts quickly merged into the turbulent flow of the void, and the next moment, in front of Chen Yuan, the God-killing Spear suddenly appeared, and suddenly burst out with a terrifying power, directly locking onto Chen Yuan with a powerful murderous aura. , broke out suddenly.

   Facing the sudden explosion of the God-killing Spear, Chen Yuan was not as panicked and desperate as Xiang Qianqiu imagined, but a chuckle instead.

   A wild breeze came from nowhere, and slowly blew Chen Yuan's cheeks, and the scene in front of the Goddess Palace was reproduced again.

  The tyrannical God-killing Spear, which breathed out the murderous aura, stayed between Chen Yuan's eyebrows and pointed it out. He could even feel its sharpness touching his skin.

   But more, there was a wave of intimacy coming from the gun.

  Xiang Qianqiu's pupils shrunk deeply, he still couldn't believe it, he didn't understand why it was still like this this time, what hole card did Chen Yuan have, that he was able to block the killing gun again!

  Last time, his method didn't work. He thought that Chen Yuan had the method left by the great immortal on his body, so he was able to resist it.

  But in the previous confrontation, he was completely sure that Chen Yuan didn't have any other trump cards. According to common sense, this scene is absolutely impossible to happen.

  With a movement of divine sense, the God-killing Spear turned back and fell into his hand, sensing the terrifying power of this supreme divine weapon, Xiang Qianqiu looked gloomy and uncertain, staring at Chen Yuan and asked:

   "What kind of means is this?"

   "The means you can't think of."

  Chen Yuan took a deep breath, and quickly healed his injuries, but a stone fell slightly in his heart. His perception was correct, and the God-killing Spear had a spirit, so it would not hurt him.

   Otherwise, at that critical moment just now, the God Killing Spear would definitely be able to nail him into the void. His physical body would collapse, his soul would be wiped out, and it would not be impossible for him to fall on the spot.

   And this is also his confidence in facing Xiang Qianqiu alone. The God Killing Spear is his arm, and now, he has cut off the opponent's arm.

  And with the strength he showed before, it is almost impossible to win him.

  Xiang Qianqiu stared fixedly at Chen Yuan, blinked for a few breaths, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice:

   "The half-immortal realm has forced me to this point, Chen Yuan. You are really good, but in terms of strength, you are no less than the six-realm immortal.

   Even if you look at the world, you have already stepped into the top level. If I am immortal, the future emperor will be in your control. "

   "Great Chu, Great Chu, Great Chu is dead."

   "No, as long as there is still a trace of blood in my Xiang family, my Great Chu will not perish, and one day I will make a comeback and revive the Great Chu."

   "This is just your imagination. Now that you have used all your methods, you still have nothing to do with this king. Not to mention ZTE Dachu, even you will fall today."

  Chen Yuan took a step forward, and in a short time, his momentum returned to the peak again. Xiang Qianqiu can squeeze himself to forcibly improve his strength, and he, Chen Yuan, can do the same.

  The furnace cave was opened, and the faint magic flame quickly spread across the void, burning around his body, as if he had stepped out of the magic flame, and every time he took a step, his aura became stronger.

   "It's too early for you to be happy. With your current strength and status, you also know the horror of Immortal Domain. Do you think that the enemy of this seat is only yourself?

   No, Immortal Domain is my enemy from beginning to end. Because of you, I can't follow Taizu and embark on the road of Martial God, but this seat has not been wasted for more than two hundred years. "

  Xiang Qianqiu suddenly raised his head, the deep pupils in his eyes were already filled with blood, looking from a distance, it looked like a person had become blind directly.

   Facing Chen Yuan's soaring power, he didn't panic at all, only a touch of determination.


  Chen Yuan sneered, not cooperating with the opponent at all, the terrifying magic flame instantly turned into a black dragon, roaring and rushing towards Xiang Qianqiu, but faced with such a powerful offensive.

  Xiang Qianqiu was always indifferent, when he had already decided to use the real hole card, there was nothing worth hesitating, only to see a layer of blood flames ignited all over his body instantly.

  In an instant, this terrifying blood flame rose vigorously, and it was as tall as a hundred feet, like a red wall of nothingness, blocking Chen Yuan's black dragon magic flame from the blood wall.

   "Sanctification of the physical body can become a bloodline. This is the inheritance of the monster clan in Southern Xinjiang. Since the Taizu embarked on the road of Martial God thousands of years ago, my Xiang family has the most powerful bloodline in the world.

   These methods were not used by the ancestors of my Xiang family when the Great Chu was destroyed more than two hundred years ago. They left me a hole card that no one knew about. Now, this hole card is for you to learn first.

  Let you know how terrifying the ancestors of my Xiang family were back then! "

  Xiang Qianqiu's eyes were fixed, and the yellow dragon robe remaining on the upper body was completely torn in an instant, revealing the naked upper body completely.

  It looks thin, but in fact it has the beauty of strength. The veins burst out, and the flesh opened small cracks on its own, and drops of ruby-like blood gushed out instantly.

   In front of his body, a huge blood clot formed, and Xiang Qianqiu's face instantly turned extremely pale, his body was dry and cracked, but his momentum became stronger and stronger.

  Brightness flashed in his hand, and a blood-colored bead appeared in Xiang Qianqiu's hand, which was very similar to the blood bead that Chen Yuan got from Xiang Lingtian back then.


  The blood bead burst, and the blood in it quickly began to blend with the blood essence he had just forced out. The next moment, the blood essence seemed to have spirituality, and all of it poured into the God Killing Spear.

  The originally pitch-black body of the gun suddenly burst into light, shooting straight into the sky, and an extremely majestic and terrifying momentum gradually rose, like a ferocious beast waking up.

   "Taizu's strength is as high as the sky, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the world. He is the most legendary existence of the human race. Although he has fallen, there is always a trace of real brand hidden between heaven and earth.

  When the blood of my Xiang family activates the god-killing gun, a trace of the Taizu's brand will wake up. Chen Yuan, aren't you the only peerless genius in the ages?

   Aren't you being praised by the world as another Chu Taizu?

   Now, Taizu is coming, maybe you block it? ! "

  Xiang Qianqiu asked sharply.

   Sensing the magnificent momentum, Chen Yuan frowned, his face extremely solemn. How similar is this situation to the previous battle in front of Liangzhou City?

  The only difference is that the brand of Emperor Zhenwu exists in the Zhenwu Immortal Sword, which has been enshrined in Wudang Mountain for generations, so that it can show its strength at critical moments.

However, Chu Taizu kept his brand in the world, as if he was in harmony with the Tao. That kind of terrifying existence, let alone half of his strength, even if he could display one-tenth of his strength, is what he is currently looking up to exist.

  Now, the only thing he can count on seems to be the Altar of Luck.

   "Please Taizu!"

  Xiang Qianqiu bowed in front of the God-killing Spear, and in the boundless and endless turbulence of the void, a faint and illusory figure suddenly appeared.

  Xiang Qianqiu's eyes are full of admiration. For him, Taizu is his pursuit in this life. All he wants in his life is to follow in the footsteps of Taizu.

  The turbulent flow in the void is not like the world, so he can call out the Taizu brand without any scruples, otherwise it will definitely alarm those old dogs in the fairyland.

  He placed the battlefield in a secret realm, but he actually had some thoughts in this regard. If Chen Yuan was really too strong, he could only use the real trump card of the Xiang family.

  The illusory figure in the void stared at him gradually, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of hazy light, making it difficult to see his appearance clearly, but the domineering aura on his body that surpassed everyone in the world invisibly verified his identity.

  The god-killing spear suddenly rose, turned into a hundred-foot-tall **** spear, and fell into the hands of Taizu, and the ferocious killing spirit surged again.

  Chen Yuan's heart was shocked, this level of power. Even the original Buddha was far behind.

  He subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, but when the illusory figure stared at him, everything around him stagnated, and the turbulent flow of the void stopped flowing.

  In the whole world, there is only silence left.

  Chen Yuan closed his eyes, and his mind kept calling the altar of luck. At this moment, even if Lu Chengfeng came in person, he could not save him. Only the mysterious altar of luck could have hope.

  In the depths of his consciousness, it seemed that Chen Yuan's call had an effect, and it seemed that he had sensed the existence of Chu Taizu on his own, and trembled slightly.

   But immediately after, it fell into dead silence again.

  Chu Taizu moved. He held the God-killing Spear with one hand and gently handed it forward, as if directly penetrating time and space, and appeared in front of Chen Yuan in an instant.

  The terrifying sharpness directly caused cracks and scars to appear on Chen Yuan's body, the primordial spirit trembled endlessly, and the purple light kept flashing.

  Xiang Qianqiu also showed a faint smile on his face, as if he felt that this battle was finally over, and the final winner was still him.

  A rebellious son will never be his father's match.


  Sometimes, accidents often come so unexpectedly that people are caught off guard. Xiang Qianqiu's originally confident expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


   "The monthly pass is gone!"

  (end of this chapter)

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