MTL - I Have a Luck Altar-Chapter 778 breakthrough! The way of the rules!

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   Jishi Bodhisattva's preaching caused a sensation in the Liuli Kingdom. Countless people were fascinated. They don't know whether they were really touched by Jishi Bodhisattva's exquisite Dharma, or because of the power of Lingshan.

  The Dharma meeting lasted for three days. At the end of the sermon, Jishi Bodhisattva used his supernatural powers to send rain from the sky. The Buddha's light shined on the world, and many elderly people recovered from their injuries instantly.

   It is regarded as a **** and spread far and wide.

   And Chen Yuan, also in the process of Bodhisattva Jishi's preaching, quickly recovered from his injuries.

  He was seriously injured, not only affected by the rule power of the fierce beast White Tiger, but also injured by the turbulent flow of the void, but the source and foundation were not injured.

   With his recovery ability, it is growing rapidly almost every moment. Without him, this is the horror of supernatural powers, the supernatural power of ten inches of primordial spirit.

   Rao, even Mo Luo, was amazed by Chen Yuan's powerful recovery ability.

  Because even if he had broken through the realm of supernatural powers, he had never had such a recovery speed, which was simply shocking.

That night.

  After the sermon, Bodhisattva Jishi came to the small courtyard where Chen Yuan was recuperating from his injuries. At this time, he had already turned into a human body, and the powerful aura on his body had all been restrained.

  Even people who are very familiar with him have difficulty discovering his identity.

  Mo Luo and Chen Yuan greeted each other in person.

   "How's the injury?"

   Jishi Bodhisattva looked at Chen Yuan and asked, with a little worry in his eyes. Like Mo Luo, he had high hopes for Chen Yuan, and he did not hesitate to expose the forces that had developed for many years to delay the speed of Buddhism's eastward advancement, but also to buy time for Chen Yuan.

   When he knew that Chen Yuan had been seriously injured, he was even more anxious than Mo Luo. After the sermon, he came to see Chen Yuan's condition as soon as possible, and said goodbye by the way.

   "There is nothing serious, the Bodhisattva does not need to worry about it."

  Chen Yuan shook his head, indicating that his injuries were not that serious.

   "This is the spiritual liquid that the poor monk has accumulated for many years. It has miraculous effects on healing." Bodhisattva Jishi waved his hand, and a palm-sized golden bottle flew out from his sleeve, hanging in front of Chen Yuan.

   "Thank you Bodhisattva."

  Chen Yuan hesitated for a moment, then did not make any further excuses, and reached out to catch the golden bottle. In fact, with his current status, the holy medicine for healing is really nothing.

   He was able to recover so quickly, partly because of the spirit.

   But Ji Shi Bodhisattva has a heart after all, and there is no need to refuse.

   Seeing Chen Yuan accepting it, Jishi Bodhisattva smiled faintly, looked at Mo Luo and said:

   "The preaching is over, and the Buddha has sent a letter to let me go back to Lingshan. It seems that I have some doubts because of the movement you caused, but that's all.

  After returning, the poor monk will instruct the people below to start unrest and spread Mahayana Buddhism on a large scale. "

"must be careful."

  Mo Luo's face was solemn. After all, this is still the Western Region, which is the boundary of Lingshan. For heretics, Lingshan has always been exterminated and severely punished. Once there is a sign, it will definitely be eradicated.

   "People are mortal, and if they can die well, they can be regarded as having no regrets in life. The poor monk has nothing to ask for, but only hopes that one day the poor monk will be suppressed by Lingshan.

  I hope that the two of you don't need to rescue them. When the time comes, it's time to do it. Don't mess up the plan because of the poor monk. This is not for one poor monk, but for the world. "

  Jishi Bodhisattva bowed solemnly and folded his palms together.

   "The poor monk understands."

  Moro nodded, and Chen Yuan was silent for a long time without responding.

   "Take care, both of you."

   Jishi Bodhisattva nodded slightly, turned around and disappeared into the void.

   "Bodhisattva take care."

   "Great Sage, take care."

  Bodhisattva Jishi, whose body has already half disappeared, paused, looked back and smiled:


  Jishi Bodhisattva left, and Chen Yuan and Mo Luo were also preparing to set off to return. His injuries were no longer serious, and teleportation was no problem at all.

  There is nothing to miss in the Western Regions. It was almost as if Bodhisattva Ji Shi left, and the two left behind.

   It took a few days to go to the Western Regions when we came, and it seemed that the time to go back was about the same time. This time, Chen Yuan didn't waste any more time.

   While using a large number of spiritual objects to nourish the physical body, at the same time devouring the Yuanjing to restore the Yuanshen.

   When he returned to the territory of the Yan Army, Chen Yuan also completely recovered from his injuries and returned to the period of complete victory.

  Once recovered, it is natural to consider the matter of refining the Amber Divine Bead to improve its strength. After all, only by transforming it into strength is the real confidence.

  It's not his style to just hold the treasure and not use it.

  Chen Yuan originally thought of making a breakthrough after returning to Shuzhou City, but after consulting Mo Luo, he changed his mind, because there was a lot of movement to understand the rules.

  Breakthrough in Shuzhou City, it is difficult to hide.

   And Chen Yuan just hopes to give his opponent a big surprise one day in the future. If Xiang Qianqiu still has the original strength, he will definitely be able to kill the opponent.

   As for the location of the breakthrough, Chen Yuan placed it at the location of the Tangshan Giant Buddha in Tangshan Mansion after weighing it.

  Just do what you say, Chen Yuan has always been a vigorous and decisive person, and he will never procrastinate in doing things. The two of them directly changed their direction and went straight to Tangshan Buddha.

  Of course, Su Ziyue and the others were worried, but they were informed of the news of his return and told them to wait a little longer, because he had important things to do on his side.

   And Su Ziyue also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news that he had returned to the Central Plains, and was really worried whether he was going to do something adventurous again.

   And made a simple and detailed report on some recent things.

   First of all, it is the current situation of the Yan army.

  Under Chen Yuan's previous division, Zhennanguan was still calm. Although Chu Changfeng sent a message that the monster clan was about to move and wanted to fight again, but for some reason, he was restrained again.

   It is estimated that within a month or two, there will be no war.

  The battle in Lanzhou is still raging, but Buddhism has already gained the upper hand, constantly dispatching troops from the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, but because the Buddha has not yet appeared, there is no danger in a short time.

  Yangzhou, although it has not yet aggressively attacked, has already planted hidden lines one by one, and Yangzhou can be annexed at any time, it is just meat on the lips.

   Yunzhou's situation is very good. Under the attack from both sides of Jiang He and Li Suqing, the Aristocratic Alliance retreated steadily. The previous request for mercy was not granted, and Jiang He brazenly acted.

   One battle settled the world, the ancestor of the ancient family fell on the spot, the former head of the family has been exterminated, gathered a large amount of cultivation resources, and greatly enriched the armament.

  Once the ancestor of the ancient family died, the rest of the people were even more powerless to resist, and they almost surrendered. Until now, the entire territory of Yunzhou has fallen into the hands of the Yan army.

  The forces have become one.

   Now, Li Suqing is discussing with her how to merge the forces under the Goddess Palace into the Yan Army and formally mix them together.

  Shu state, the center of power, is very peaceful, continuously creating blood for the Yan army, and Chen Yuan's reputation is getting higher and higher day by day, and many people are almost convinced that it will become a big event in the future.

  Many forces put their family background on Chen Yuan, trying to catch up with the last few trains, and in the future, after Chen Yuan becomes famous, he will get a huge amount of income.

  The only pity is that the Jin Yiwei tracked down the traces of the Xiang family. So far, they haven't found any clues, so they can only put this matter on hold temporarily and inspect it over and over again.

   After listening to it, Chen Yuan almost had an idea in his mind. During the nearly half month since he left, a lot of things did happen, and they were all beneficial to him.

  Yan Jun is thriving, and the future can be expected.

  Afterwards, Chen Yuan gave the following instructions. According to the established policy in the past, the Shuzhou side focused on appeasement and propaganda, and the Nanzhou side was extremely vigilant. If something went wrong, Chu Changfeng should immediately send a message back.

   Absolutely do not allow the Yaozu to enter the country.

  Lanzhou doesn't need to worry about it. It's useless not to consume some strength.

  Yangzhou doesn't need to restrain itself, let Tianxu and Lingxu do it immediately, and strive to take Yangzhou in the shortest possible time and transform it into their own forces.

   Now, the Western Regions have almost started to act. Jishi Bodhisattva will delay the time of Buddhism at all costs. Naturally, he can't let this time go to waste.

   Must get the maximum benefit.

   Moreover, contact Sima Ke of Zhongzhou and let him prepare to let go of the gate of Zhongzhou. The Yan army will be ready to take Zhongzhou at any time and end the national fortune of the Jin Dynasty.

  Yunzhou remains unchanged, but the land of Dongzhou does not allow any Yan army to enter, so people contact Ye Xiangnan. If he is under pressure to resist Dongpu, Yan army can help and give him the command.

  In fact, Chen Yuan also knew that it was a matter of time before Ye Xiangnan joined him, but the other party couldn't save face and find a reason to discuss it. The other party definitely thought so, otherwise Lu Chengfeng would not have proposed the matter of discussing the world.

   And he must give Ye Xiangnan a greater courtesy, let him know what kind of person Chen Yuan is, private fights are private fights, but righteousness cannot be messed up.

  Resisting foreign humiliation, Chen Yuan did his part.

   In addition, the Xiang family's traces continue to be traced, even if there is only the slightest clue, they must not let it go!

  After dealing with these things.

  Chen Yuan began to prepare for the breakthrough.

  No one except Mo Luo knew about his comprehension of the rules. After arriving at the location of the Tangshan Buddha, Chen Yuan sat cross-legged on the top of the Buddha.

  Start a rapid conditioning state.

  Mo Luo guarded the surrounding area, guarding the way for Chen Yuan and not allowing anyone to disturb him.

  Dajin Jianye year, the first day of March.

  At this time, it has entered spring, and the breeze is like the hand of a beautiful woman, caressing the face. The sky over the entire city of Tangshan is cloudless, which is a rare good weather.

  Chen Yuan, who had been adjusting his breath for several days, finally opened his eyes, a ray of light shot out from his eyes, and an inexplicable Dao rhyme shrouded his whole body.

   Peaceful, supple.

  It is no longer as fierce as before, full of murderous aura.

   To comprehend the rules, the focus is on one word of understanding. Naturally, you must calm your mind, have no distractions, no sadness or joy, so that you can better understand the most essential power of rules in this world.

   "It's about to start!"

  Mo Luo, who was watching from a distance, saw Chen Yuan opened his eyes, and quickly judged in his heart what he was going to do now, his eyes were full of anticipation.

  There are some complicated meanings, but not many. After all, he has fully accepted that his talent is far inferior to Chen Yuan. Regardless of the year of practice, just a nine-fold thunder tribulation is the existence he looks up to.

  Chen Yuan's future will surely surpass him, and now is just his first step towards immortality.

  According to his strength and means, he has repeatedly stepped up and fought, and when he understands the rules, he is bound to be able to do the same thing as Xiang Qianqiu, defeating the gods!

   He was looking forward to seeing that day.


  Chen Yuan breathed out a breath of turbid air, and a streak of white horses tens of feet long surrounded his body, condensed and never dispersed, and the vitality of the surrounding world quickly began to riot.

   Has not broken through, but can touch the void with one breath, which is the true portrayal of Chen Yuan's current power.

   With a wave,

  A faint yellow light flashed between the sleeves, and a round disc-sized pearl suddenly appeared. It was the amber pearl that Chen Yuan took out from the body of the beast Baihu.

  It is generally yellow in color, looks like some magazines, but it is completely natural, condensed in the void, and the faint Taoist rhyme radiates from its body, lingering within several feet of Chen Yuan's body.

  The amber bead was hanging on the top, Chen Yuan moved his mind, and suddenly, a layer of faint light sprinkled from the amber bead, like the setting sun.

  Between the heaven and the earth, the vitality gathered faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a hundred-foot vortex. Just above Chen Yuan's head, the infinite vitality spontaneously gathered towards the amber pearl.

   It seems to be being pulled.

   "Dong Dong."

  The sound of the beating heart is like a heavy drum, beating in the mind one after another, the blood is constantly rushing like a river, the rhythm of the surrounding vegetation,

  The neighing of flies, the cracking of the ground, the rippling of the lake, the originally ordinary world suddenly became complicated at this moment, as if magnified a hundred thousand times, making people uneasy.

  The role of the amber pearl is not to directly allow Chen Yuan to break through, but to allow Chen Yuan to see the essence of the world more clearly at the cost of consumption.


  Only by true comprehension can one step into the realm of a half-immortal.

  The brilliance continued to shed, as if it had formed a yellow shield, covering Chen Yuan. The voice in his ears became louder and louder, and the different smells were constantly perceived by the sense of smell.

  It seems to be using spiritual thoughts to observe inch by inch.

  This world is not a dead thing, but a living thing, a world full of vitality.

  The picture in front of me quickly became blurred, and even if I opened my eyes, I couldn't see what was a few feet away, as if the world was turned upside down at this moment.

  Chen Yuan sank his mind. He clearly knew what he was doing now, took a deep breath, and wanted to make his heart more peaceful, but the more he did so, the more chaotic his mind became.

  The sounds of fighting, begging for help, scolding, flattering, and even moaning all kept ringing in his ears, all of which were his past.

  But in front of my eyes, it is still mixed.




  Chen Yuan kept saying the word 'quiet' silently in his heart, turning a deaf ear to the sounds, smells, and pictures of the outside world, and directly closed his eyes, not looking at the world with the naked eyes.



  The whole world seemed to be really peaceful, falling into silence.


  Butt pain.

   Really uncomfortable.

  Don't think about it, it's just a pain in the butt,

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