MTL - I Have a Luck Altar-Chapter 764 Chance! Amber Divine Bead!

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  Chapter 764 Chance! Amber Divine Bead!


  Seeing Buddha's eyes suddenly darkened, Lu Chengfeng wondered in his heart whether the opponent wanted to make a move, but he would fight according to the current rules on the chessboard. If there was a fight, the opponent might not necessarily be his opponent.

   "The poor monk lost today."

  The Buddha stared at Lu Chengfeng and said, the next moment, a golden light suddenly bloomed around him, and he broke through Lu Chengfeng's secret cave in an instant.

  Although the secret realm opened up by the Earth Immortal is strong, it also depends on who it is for.

  For a powerhouse of the same level, it is nothing at all.

  Seeing the Buddha quickly leaving in the direction of the Goddess Palace, Lu Chengfeng guessed that something happened, and immediately disappeared into the void.

  Most of the rest of the people are still in the shock of Chen Yuan's killing of Manjusri. Although the fight is still going on, the intensity has unknowingly dropped.

   Only Samantabhadra Bodhisattva's eyes are tearing apart, his eyes are full of anger. Manjusri Bodhisattva is the head of the four Buddhist Bodhisattvas. The face of the entire Buddhist sect has the hope of becoming a Buddha, and many people in Lingshan have high hopes.

   Standing in the world for hundreds of years, but now fell on the spot.

  He was very angry, and immediately he was about to attack Chen Yuan across the void with the immortal soldiers in his hands, but the giant turtle stuck his head out and stopped him again, although he was not the opponent.

   But after all, I can resist it for a while.

  Anyway, now that Manjusri is dead, the balance of victory is basically determined.

  The reaction of the other Bodhisattva Ji Shi was somewhat unexpected. He just glanced at Manjusri lightly, then withdrew his eyes, as if he didn't care about his life or death.

   Nine days above.

  The confrontation between Mo Luo and the Immortals of the Seven Killing Palace also came to a standstill at this time. The violent roar of the previous confrontation shocked not only those Yang Gods and True Monarchs.

   At the same time, it also alarmed the two immortals who were above the nine heavens.

  Although the power does not reach the level of the Sixth Realm, it has definitely reached the peak level of Huayang Realm, even enough to hurt an immortal.

The Immortal of the Palace of Seven Kills frowned, and his face was a bit ugly. Once Manjusri died, Xiang Qianqiu's great help had disappeared. Unless he could fight two with one, otherwise, when Chen Yuanteng made a move, the possibility of their side winning would be even greater. Small.

  Mara took a deep breath, and secretly said Amitabha, as if to feel sorry for Manjusri. They didn't follow the same path, and they both regarded each other as heresy.

  But it is undeniable that Manjusri is indeed a strong man.

  Just being able to succeed him as the head of Buddhist Bodhisattva is enough to prove his extraordinary.

   "Will the benefactor continue to fight?"

   "The winner has not yet been decided, and I will play with you again." The master of the Seven Killing Hall Jie Jie smiled, he was only disappointed that Xiang Qianqiu's plan might fail.

   Actually, he didn't pay much attention to Manjusri's death.

  Before the alliance planned by Xiang Qianqiu this time, the situation in the world was still at odds with the Buddha and the devil. The Hall of Seven Kills and Lingshan could not be said to be at odds, but they were definitely at odds.

  Death of a half-immortal is actually a good thing for the Palace of Seven Kills.

   As for the last project Qianqiu lost

  He doesn't ask much, as long as he can give him what he promised before, that's all.

   Like a state religion or something

  In ancient times, have assassination organizations become the state religion?

   So, he doesn't care.

   "Forget it, please."

   Seeing the other party, Mo Luo didn't intend to stop, but just nodded his head in agreement.

   And at the moment after Chen Yuanzhen killed Manjusri, Xiang Qianqiu seemed to have completely reached the peak of his power, and a figure of nothingness suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

  Xiang Qianqiu stepped out, and that huge figure also stepped out, as if the whole world was under his control, and the endless billowing vitality instantly condensed on the God Killing Spear.

   With a light hand, all obstacles in front of him are cleared away.

  Ye Xiangnan seemed to have also encountered Manjusri's situation before. He felt an inexplicable shock in his heart, his face was extremely solemn, and he drew a circle with his palms in the void.

  Like a Taiji diagram, black and white are distinct, rules are intertwined, and a huge divine wheel reappears.


   The God-killing Spear wiped everything away, and landed directly on the wheel of rules, intertwined with endless rules, trying to resist the power from the God-killing Spear, but it was of no avail.

  It's like an egg hitting a rock, the power of the rules can't stop it at all.

  The God Killing Spear directly pierced and shattered the regular divine wheel, and through the black and white Tai Chi diagram, it landed directly on Ye Xiangnan's body, his pupils constricted deeply.


   It exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

   However, Xiang Qianqiu was not at all happy, but frowned even deeper.

  Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he quickly looked back, only to see Ye Xiangnan just emerging from the void several hundred meters away.

  Of course, this does not mean that Ye Xiangnan is unscathed. In fact, Ye Xiangnan is not in a good state at the moment, his face is pale, his breath is weak, and his face is not very good-looking.

  The reason why he was able to escape Xiang Qianqiu's qi lock just now was because he left at the last moment, and he was only a hair away from being left behind.

   It is extremely thrilling.

   "In the Liuli Palace of the Western Regions, in the White Tiger Well of the Western Pole, sealed off, once you swallow the amber beads, you will feel relieved when you travel to the world!"

  Western Region, Liuli, White Tiger, Amber

  Chen Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

   He has heard of the name of the Liuli Kingdom in the Western Regions. It is a relatively large country among the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, and the Jin Dynasty even received its tribute.

He didn't expect that the West Pole White Tiger Divine Beast would hide here. It's indeed a bit weird, but it doesn't matter anymore. The only thing he cares about now is whether the amber bead guided by chance can help him completely complete his artistic conception, and even It is to the extent of comprehending the rules.

  Right now, his only shortcoming is that he doesn't understand the rules.

   Otherwise, even if it is a contest with Xiang Qianqiu, it is not certain who will win.

  These thoughts flashed in Chen Yuan's mind, and then quickly suppressed them. The opportunity guidance has arrived, so there is nothing to worry about. Now is not the time to think wildly.

   It is most important to get through this calamity first.

  Of course, it would be the best if Xiang Qianqiu can stay here together, it can save him a lot of things, and it is estimated that swallowing Xiang Qianqiu's luck will almost allow him to reach the peak of the five realms.

   At that time, it will be the time for the unification of the Central Plains.

"give it to you!"

  Ye Xiangnan looked at Chen Yuan, sound transmission through the void.

  He has done the best he can. After a fight, he is indeed no match for Xiang Qianqiu, not only in hard power.

  The gap is even bigger on the fairy soldiers.

  His three-pointed and two-edged divine knife could not block the sharp power of the killing gun at all.

   "Thank you, City Master Ye."

   Chen Yuan nodded.

  The other party is here to help, so he can't be too demanding. Although he is probably not Xiang Qianqiu's opponent if he faces him head-on, he still has to fight.

  Glanced at Xiang Qianqiu and Chen Yuan, Ye Xiangnan was silent for a moment, then continued:

   "You are the master, and Ye is the assistant."

  His original plan was to hold on for a while, and then stop intervening in today's battle, but even he was not Xiang Qianqiu's opponent. Even if Chen Yuan could kill Manjusri Bodhisattva, he probably couldn't stop him.

  If he left, Chen Yuan's side might win today, but he might die.

  Master Lu Chengfeng had already told him that Chen Yuan had survived the eight-fold thunder calamity, and he knew in his heart that there was still a gap between him and Chen Yuan when it came to talent and aptitude.

   If you want to deal with Xianyu, Chen Yuan is an extremely important person, it is best not to die.

  Of course, if things can't be done, Xiang Qianqiu is too strong, strong enough to crush the two of them to join forces, or if there are other changes.

  He will not commit suicide foolishly.

   "Thank you, Chen will repay you in the future."

   Chen Yuan nodded.

   "Being able to kill Manjusri was indeed beyond my father's expectations." Xiang Qianqiu looked at the real body of Manjusri who had disappeared, and said indifferently.

   "From the beginning to now, you have been saying this sentence."

  Chen Yuan looked at him calmly.

  Although this is the first formal meeting, Chen Yuan has almost figured out what Xiang Qianqiu is thinking in his heart, it is nothing more than unwillingness.

  After planning so much, today it has turned into such a situation.

  The Buddha was blocked, the Immortals of the Seven Killing Palace were stopped, and the rest of the Yangshen Zhenjun were in a very bad state at the moment. It can be said that there is another quarter of an hour.

   There will be several Yang God True Monarchs jumping away, and many Yang Gods will join forces, even if Xiang Qianqiu can beat the immortals, it will not help.

   "Yes. So, I don't want to say any more for my father." Xiang Qianqiu glanced at Ye Xiangnan, ignored him directly, looked at the killing gun in his hand, and whispered to himself:

   "Originally, my father wanted to save your life, but if you killed Manjusri, the Buddha would not let it go. In order to prevent him from taking you away, can die here.

  You can rest assured that you can die at the hands of your father. "

   It is true that if Chen Yuan is killed, his plan will be greatly reduced, but in the current situation, if he does not have the intention to kill, it is more likely that his success will fall short.

  The harm of two phases is the lesser.

   He had no choice but to kill Chen Yuan.

   "People who talk a lot are more likely to die. I advise you to do it now, or you will have no chance in the future." Chen Yuan's eyes were fixed, and the momentum of his body changed, terrifying and fierce.

  The whole body is filled with chilling sharpness. Standing in the void, it can even distort the void, and the vitality of the surrounding world is still continuously gathering towards him.

   "Okay, I will give you a happy father!"

  Xiang Qianqiu's gun body shook, a cold light suddenly appeared, and a faint light condensed on the tip of the gun, as if there was a mysterious world hidden in it.

  Under the terrifying edge, it is several times stronger than the iron sword of the Lord of the Seven Kills.

   Xeon Immortal Armament, God Killing Spear!

  Endless power gathered at one point, Xiang Qianqiu's whole body was constantly intertwined, and the double pupils in his eyes quickly intertwined and shrank, and his momentum skyrocketed again.

  At this time, he seems to be no different from those immortals in the sixth realm.

  Ye Xiangnan forcibly refreshed himself, within a radius of three feet, the power of rules re-condensed, and a huge rule **** wheel re-condensed impressively under his feet.

  The Emperor Butcher Knife in Chen Yuan's hand suddenly let out a dragon cry, and a hundred-foot black dragon whizzed out from the tip of the knife, hovering at Chen Yuan's feet, accompanied by the roar of the flesh, endless energy and blood burst out of the body and condensed on the black dragon.

  The dragon soul is the base, the blood is the bone, and the vitality is filled. A lifelike real dragon swims between the sky and the earth. He has reached the state of killing Manjusri before.


   It was more terrifying than the knife that killed him!

  The battle for the top three in the world has officially begun!

   And their confrontation basically represented the direction of this battle. No matter who wins or loses, it will be the end of the curtain.

  The rest of the sun gods were quickly gathering towards the center of the confrontation, but they were stopped by their opponents, and they turned into a state of melee almost instantly.

  They all want to help, but they can't get away.

  Chen Yuan didn't wait for Xiang Qianqiu to do it, he was used to taking the initiative in his own hands, and with a dragon chant, the black dragon under his feet quickly took advantage of the wind.

  Riding the dragon soars into the sky, and the world is in your hands.

  Chen Yuan held the knife in his hand, with a dignified expression, swung it suddenly, and a blade glow exuding a powerful edge quickly covered the world and rushed straight to Xiang Qianqiu.

  Ye Xiangnan's whole body was shaken suddenly, and the ripples spread thousands of feet, and he also flocked to Xiang Qianqiu.

  Facing Chen Yuan and Ye Xiangnan's full-scale offensive, Xiang Qianqiu, who had deep eyes, let out a long cry, and the void suddenly exploded with a loud sound.

  Raising the god-killing spear in his hand, a blurred phantom appeared behind him, also holding a long spear forward, and its radiance was so strong that it even suppressed the sun above the nine heavens.


   One shot, the world changes color.

  It was as if mountains and rivers were turned upside down, heaven and earth turned upside down, Ye Xiangnan's proud method was shattered by this ordinary shot, and the powerful backlash even involved his body.

   Spit out a mouthful of old blood and retreat more than a thousand feet.

  Xiang Qianqiu's expression remained unchanged, and he stood holding a gun. Under his indifferent eyes, two drops of blood and tears flowed from his double pupils. What he called out was a trace of the remnant power of the great ancestor hidden in the god-killing gun.

  An immortal can fight with him, let alone Ye Xiangnan who has become an immortal.

  Of course, as a price, he will also suffer a huge backlash.

  The wheel of the rule **** was broken, and Chen Yuan still didn't dodge, and swung his sword forward.

  The huge mysterious phantom gun body turned, and directly blasted on the blade glow. At first, the surroundings were silent, but then, there was a violent roar.

  The movement has far exceeded the time when Manjusri was killed before.

  Chen Yuan's sword light was shattered, and a bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Just as he was about to avoid it, Xiang Qianqiu, who was thousands of feet away, had already come to him at some point.

  In his eyes, a gun shadow was reflected.

   Almost without the slightest hesitation, he directly used Void Stasis again, without any accident, the surroundings were silent for a moment, but before Chen Yuan could escape.

  It was like a shattered mirror, and the stagnation in the void was directly shattered by the God Killing Spear.

  He was shocked.

  Seeing the faint smile on Xiang Qianqiu's face, it seems that killing Chen Yuan made him very happy.

  The surrounding gazes also landed on him at the same moment.

"not good!"

  The face of Mo Luo, who was watching the battle from the Nine Heavens, changed greatly. He didn't expect Xiang Qianqiu to hide it so deeply, and he didn't show it at all before.

   Such power was only used at the most critical moment.

   The true power of Xeon Soldier!

  Even the mighty Chen Yuan was vulnerable to such a terrifying force, no, it wasn't that he was vulnerable, but he didn't expect Xiang Qianqiu to have such a means.

  Jiang He, Tianxu, Lingxu, Mo Luo, everyone wanted to help at this time, to help stop the blow, but there were opponents and space barriers, so they could only watch helplessly and could not move.

  Chen Yuan used void stagnation again and again, but was broken instantly again and again.

   Just when those on the sidelines were feeling desperate, a mutation appeared!


  The ending is a bit difficult, everyone understands.

  Resume updates ASAP!

  (end of this chapter)

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