MTL - I Have A Demon God Simulator-Chapter 310 Opposite the motherfucker!

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Seeing the dark shadow that suddenly appeared, Xu Ye's heart trembled slightly, but the surface remained calm.

"Afraid? Humph! The leader of this alliance has an army of five million in his hand, and it is not a matter of turning over a Jizhou to destroy one?"

"Jizhou? No, your purpose is Su Mu. Don't you understand? He is your worst enemy!"

The shadow's voice was cold as ice, full of killing intent.

"Su Mu? Are you talking about the King of Jizhou?"

"He is only one person, even if he is a strong martial artist, can a million army still not kill him?"

Xu Ye frowned and said.

Although he has the strength of the middle stage of the **** of war, he does not feel that he can deal with an army of millions.

Because these soldiers are not extraordinary people, at least they all have the strength to perfect the body.

Especially after the spiritual energy of the Kyushu world rose. Soldiers are getting stronger from battle to battle.

Up to now, most of them have cultivated Astral Qi, and there are also bonuses from battle formations, which should not be underestimated!

I didn't see that in the siege battle just now, hundreds of elites from the Houtian realm in the Jizhou army formed a battle formation, and a salvo killed a grandmaster warrior!

Although the Grandmaster did not have a peak cultivation base, his strength was not weak.

It can only be said that in today's Kyushu world, the spiritual energy is constantly rising, and the environment is excellent.

The soldiers are constantly changing in battles, and those who can survive must not be weak!

For example, Nangong Tianpeng, the late-stage star of the Four Arrivals of Sumu, was an innate martial artist when he first joined the army and an outstanding graduate of the Martial Arts Academy.

In just a few years*, he has become stronger in the battle of life and death, and has entered the realm of grand master perfection!

This speed of progress is terrifying!

In addition to Nangong Tianpeng's own talent and hard work, the external environment also played a big role.

If you put him on the Blue Star, it would be impossible to cultivate so fast no matter what.

So in Xu Ye's opinion, no matter how strong Su Mu is, he is just a person, can he still fight against an army of millions?

Seeing Xu Ye's attitude, Hei Ying sneered.

"Frog at the bottom of the well, what do you know?"

"The gap between Martial God and Martial God is bigger than that between humans and dogs!"

"You don't think that Su Mu's strength is similar to yours, right? If so, the deity can kill him alone, so why cooperate with you?"

"Remember. If you don't want to die, do your best to win this war."

"Weak Su Mu's strength as much as possible, and we will take action when we reach the standard line set in advance."

"No, hehe..."

After leaving a sneer, the shadow dissipated with the wind and disappeared in an instant.

After the shadow left, Xu Ye's face turned blue and white.

"Su Mu? Humph! Let's see what he can do!"

Although he was very upset, Xu Ye was still a lot more serious.

In the next battle, he will be more cautious!


Xu Ye did not give Tianmen gatekeeper time to breathe.

In the middle of the night, he dispatched his own elite and launched a night attack!

This night battle was extremely tragic, but under the suppression of absolute strength, Tianmenguan still failed to hold.

After killing tens of thousands of enemy troops, Duan Xiaodie led thousands of soldiers to evacuate in a hurry.

However, before they retreated, they destroyed all the formations and cannons that could not be taken away from Tianmenguan, and did not leave any alliance. …. .
