MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 545 544. I Have a Complete Home (End)

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   Chapter 545 544. I have a complete home (end)

   Back to Tianya Island in 1983.

  Wang Yi felt that he really belonged to this place, this time and space.

   He is destined to be busy this summer.

  The students have to take the upgrade exam, Yang Wenrong has to prepare for the college entrance examination, and Wang Xinguo has to take the entrance exam for TV University.

   These are all Wang Yi's heart.

   Among them, Wang Xinguo's entrance examination is at the top. Because TVU is not a unified national examination, the examination time of each province and city is not very uniform.

  Shanghai is relatively early, taking the exam in May, and Jiangnan Province is a month later, and the exam is on June 15th.

   Coincidentally, this year's college entrance examination time has changed slightly, from July 7th to 9th in calendar years to July 15th to 17th, which is equivalent to saying that one month after the entrance examination of Jiangnan TV University is the college entrance examination.

  The reason—

   In 1983, China encountered high temperature weather, and the average temperature in many regions was 4 to 5 degrees higher than in previous years!

  It is really hard for the students in these years, let alone air conditioners, ordinary people in this era don’t know what air conditioners are, only fans, there are not many these days!

   Therefore, out of the idea of ​​​​caring for future talents, in order to allow candidates to perform normally, the special approval for the college entrance examination this year has been postponed.

  The coastal cities of Wengzhou are not bad. The ocean is a big air conditioner, which adjusts the temperature of day and night, but it is not too hot.

   Tianya Island is especially cool.

  Because Wang Yi has been tinkering with a group of old-fashioned fans here since 23 years.

  Every household has a fan, and when the wind blows, you can sleep cool at night.

  The members came over to share the fans and laughed: "The old generation started to use the fan, and today this fan has suddenly retired."

  Many people were so happy that they gave the fans to their children to play with.

   Just a few days ago, the production team released a movie, and now there is a Hong Kong movie, and then a 1970s movie "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall".

  This movie should be one of the earliest films about the living Buddha Jigong. In it, Jigong shakes a broken fan to play in the world.

   So the children took the fan and shredded it first, and then started shaking their heads and shaking their heads.

   When the members come out to enjoy the shade at night, it is impossible to move the fans out, and we still need a palm fan—

   is not just fanning, but more importantly, swatting mosquitoes!

   As a result, the fan is used for children to play with during the day.

   In these four groups, people are asking the children, "Where's the paddle fan I gave you during the day? Get it back quickly."

   But where can I find a fan now? It has long been deceived by a demon.

   Then the island was lively.

   Those who scold and beat children are just like chickens and dogs!

  Wang Yi took Qiuweishui to watch the fun.

   He likes to watch these lively scenes.

  Wang Xinguo took the textbook to him: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, can you do me a favor?"

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

  Wang Xinguo laughed and said, "Well, not only do I know not, but I have classmates who don't, and are you free during the day? Our classmates would like to invite you to give us a pre-exam tutoring."

   He had been working in the sales department and studying by the way.

   But as the time for the TV University entrance exam approached, Wang Yi gave him a holiday and asked him to review his homework.

   At this time, young people in each commune who aspired to go to university were making great efforts towards electricity, and the county was also happy to see more young people becoming literate, educated and knowledgeable talents, so they took the lead in organizing some study classes in each commune.

  Wang Xinguo went to the study class for a month and a half.

  Wang Yi summed up that there was nothing to do recently, and then agreed: "Okay, but your courses are quite complicated. I think it's okay for me to explain some difficult points to you temporarily. I'm afraid it's not enough to give you comprehensive counseling."

  The college entrance examination is a national unified admission, and now TVU is a provincial unified admission. The TV Daquan is called a radio and television university, and there are also liberal arts and science subjects.

   Among them, Wang Xinguo has to take the liberal arts economics and management direction.

   This is the advice Wang Yi gave him.

   It happened that at the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Education made the decision to recruit the first batch of economic students. The 1983 TVU economic management students were the first batch in China.

   In terms of test subjects, TVU is different from universities. The subjects to be tested are politics, language, mathematics, history and geography-history, and geography combined into one test paper.

  Wang Yi is better at science, but he has also studied liberal arts exams, and he is more comfortable with it:

  The liberal arts are graded according to the points. No matter how many answers are not on the point, it will not help, but if the answer is on the point, even if it is not so comprehensive, you can get some points.

  This is different from science.

   Science depends on the answer, if the answer is wrong, it is all wrong!

  Wang Xinguo came to him this time because he wanted him to sort out the knowledge points of liberal arts.

   Wang Yi did this for both him and Yang Wenrong, and he presided over the review stage for the two of them.

   This aspect was not difficult for Wang Yi, so he agreed and went to a warehouse in the commune with Wang Xinguo the next day.

  The conditions of the students are very poor.

  The windows of the warehouse are very small in order to prevent theft.

  The ventilation effect is very poor. It happens to be another hot summer this summer. My dear, Wang Yi entered the warehouse—

   Even felt that there was some water mist lingering inside.

  Those who didn’t know thought it was a bathhouse, or that the students were not reviewing their homework but cultivating immortals!

   The students who review their homework here are all liberal arts candidates, and there are other warehouses for science candidates.

  Because there are few teachers, especially those who can guide high school students or prospective college students, the commune can’t help at all.

   So what the commune can do is to provide a place for the candidates to get together and learn from each other through discussions.

  Wang Yi went in and it was like taking a sauna. It's really a pain to study in a warehouse these days.

  The sea breeze in the Fuhai area is good, but the humidity is high. In this environment, if the wind blows in the shade outside, it is not too uncomfortable. Once it enters a closed environment, it will be fatal.

   Candidates don't care.

   Desks and chairs are arranged crookedly in the warehouse, some desks and chairs are facing each other, and the candidates inside are discussing problems.

   There is no podium here, only a makeshift blackboard with red sheets of paper pasted on it, saying:

   Take back the lost time! !

  The three exclamation marks are bigger than the other, which can be called the back of the paper, and there is a ruthlessness between the lines.

   Seeing Wang Yi come in, the candidates inside stood up and applauded in unison.

   Their faces were full of excitement, and there was light in their eyes.

  Wang Yi looked at them.

   Looking at the really good shirts on them, the really good shirts that were soaked with sweat and had become somewhat translucent.

   There is a feeling from the bottom of my heart.

   Wang Xinguo introduced him to him on the way. It was very hard for these people to prepare for TVU.

   They are all people who have not had the opportunity to take the normal college entrance examination. Most of them are in their thirties, and many of them have married.

   Therefore, they have to take care of their children every day, have to work, and then come to study.

   That is, the weather is hot recently and the exam is approaching, so they can study during the day.

  Otherwise, they have to go to work and work during the day. They need to get up early in the morning and rush to the study class to attend classes and study. If they don’t come in the morning or afternoon, they just grab a bite of food and come back in the evening.

   Candidates are usually scheduled to recite in the morning while their minds are clear, and do the questions in the evening.

  Wang Xinguo said that in the evening, they often heard someone snoring while doing the questions.

too tired! Too sleepy!

   Endured their expectant applause and attention, Wang Yi felt that the humidity and heat in the room were not so uncomfortable anymore.

   He took out the textbook he prepared for Wang Xinguo and said, "Comrades and classmates, the time is urgent, let's not speak politely."

   "I'm here this time at the invitation of classmate Wang Xinguo. I will try my best to lead everyone to share some knowledge points, and strive to achieve good results in this year's examination room!"

   More warm applause sounded.

  Wang Yi nodded, took out his own chalk and began to dance on the blackboard.

  No one spoke, and the candidates were all writing hard.

  The sea breeze can't blow into this semi-enclosed old house, and there are not many cars today.

   So it was quiet in the warehouse.

   It was so quiet that Wang Yi could hear the rustling sound of the pen tip swiping across the rough scratch paper.

   Everyone is studying hard!

   They, like Wang Xinguo, have university dreams in their hearts, but they have no chance to take the college entrance examination to enter a junior college or an undergraduate university, so TVU has become their only way.

   Now TVU has a good reputation in society. This is a school-running model proposed by Deng Gong and recognized by UNESCO, which is very popular in many countries in the world.

   In order to provide the country with talents, its entrance examination is less difficult than the ordinary college entrance examination.

   However, the students who take the TV University exams are also inferior to high school students in terms of ability and educational level.

   You can tell by looking at the age. Wang Xinguo is a serious junior here, regardless of men and women, they are basically 30 and up, and they are the parents of their children.

   It is also because of this age that they can sit in such a house and study:

   They have suffered from lack of culture and status, and they are willing to fight for the future of themselves and their children.

  The other one is that they are both parents, so they can face each other calmly in this really good shirt soaked environment.

  You have to know that it becomes translucent once it gets soaked. The black chest hair of **** men and the undershirts of lesbians can be seen through.

   Throughout the day, Wang Yi drank water desperately.

  You can’t do it without drinking water.

   Sweat too much.

   He had to drink five or six liters of water this day, but he didn't go to the hut very much, because the water was excreted through the sweat glands.

   Evening comes.

  The weather is cooler, so Wang Yi has to go back to rest.

   And the struggle of the candidates has just begun.

   The commune really did its best to help them. The reason why the warehouse was chosen as a classroom for them was because the warehouse is a major public place, and there are electric lights in it.

   Everyone appreciates it, they cherish this hard-won opportunity, they are in high spirits for learning, and they wholeheartedly hope to be admitted to TVU and realize their long-cherished university dream.

   Therefore, in the final stage of the exam, some people simply did not go home and brought their bedding sheets directly.

   The weather is hot, and you can get a good night's sleep with a mat and a pillow.

  Wang Yi saw that some of the candidates' mats were tattered, and they were only mended with coarse cloth. Not to mention that such mats were uncomfortable to sleep in, and could not isolate the water vapor on the ground.

   upholds the idea that meeting is fate, and he also wants to have a good relationship with these future students of TV University, so he told Wang Xinguo to give one of his classmates a mat.

   However, the candidates do not want gifts, or what they want most is not material gifts, they need knowledge!

  Wang Yi was walking on the commune road in the sunset light, someone couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Wang, thank you for your guidance, will you come tomorrow?"

   They mainly rely on careful and discussion in their daily studies. Besides, the elementary and junior high schools in the commune occasionally have kind teachers to help them.

   But these are far from meeting their learning needs.

   In particular, Wang Yi sorted out their knowledge points today. He directly listed the knowledge tree, and then connected the knowledge points in series. He would mark the key points on each knowledge point and write down the possibility of the exam.

   This refreshed them.

   also convinced them to rely on Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi laughed and turned around and said, "I'll bring you a soda to drink tomorrow. The soda made with fruit powder that we made ourselves can not only replenish water, but also replenish the lost salt for you."

   Hearing this, the candidates shook their fists and shouted excitedly.

  Wang Yi began to give all-round counseling to the candidates in the following days.

   The next day he started teaching composition classes.

   This is the collective request of the candidates, because he is a famous writer in the county, and the candidates think that he can improve their writing skills.

  Wang Yi lived up to expectations.

   He happened to have just got a writing experience some time ago for the soldiers stationed on the island to learn. There are basic expository essays, narrative essays, application essays, argumentative essays and other short essay writing methods.

   After explaining how to write, he gave composition questions in class and asked candidates to write quickly. Then he commented on the spot and explained the routine:

   What clichés are used at the beginning, how can the middle link connect the previous and the next, and how can it be concise and clear at the end.

  Where did the candidates come into contact with composition routines?

   After Wang Yi explained, some students with poor Chinese proficiency stood up on the spot excitedly and said, "Mr. Wang! Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!"

   His skills were passed on, and then the science class also invited him to preside over the review work...

  Wang Yi is incapable of avatars.

   But he had to go, because the science students were very tactful and found the leaders of the commune and relatives on Tianya Island, and these people came forward.

   In public and private, Wang Yi has to help!

   This busy work is busy until June 14th.

   In just a few days, Wang Yi was busy and dizzy.

   On the evening of the 14th, he terminated the students' intense sprint review and said, "Go watch a movie, listen to a piece of music, and have some food. Comrades, relax!"

   "We dare not relax and we can't relax." A thirty-five-year-old candidate said anxiously, "Mr. Wang, my family and work unit do not agree with my preparation for TV University, because there are too many things at home and work..."

"Me too, my second child may have had a heat stroke yesterday, and the family wanted me to go back. I didn't have time, so I could only borrow some money from the class to let the family take the child to the hospital—it's all in one battle, it all depends on this year! "

   "Who's not? Look at what's written in my notebook? If you don't succeed, you will!"

  The examinees shouted at each other.

   is very emotional.

   They are under too much pressure.

  Wang Yi pressed his wrist and said, "Listen to me, comrades, listen to me..."

   These days, he has won the respect of the candidates with his knowledge and ability.

   As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone closed their mouths.

  Wang Yi said: "Comrades, how do fists hurt the most?"

   "Retract your arm and punch it out! This way, the punch you punch out is the most powerful!"

   "Tonight I am letting you relax, not letting you waste your time. You are under too much mental pressure now, which will affect your performance in the exam tomorrow."

"Don't think about exams and knowledge tonight, just go to our team to watch a movie - "Chunhui", this is a movie you should be very emotional after watching it, and the ending of the movie also contains my blessings to you. "

   These people are under a lot of pressure, and many people have fallen into pre-exam anxiety.

  Wang Yi is very worried that some of them will collapse when they go to the exam room tomorrow. Even if they don't collapse, it will be difficult for them to perform well.

  Wang Xinguo raised his arms and shouted, "Students, it's right to listen to Teacher Wang!"

   "Classmates, come with me, I'll treat you tonight, I invite you to taste our cold dishes from Tianya Island, try our roast chicken, roast duck and dim sum!"

   Candidates from the liberal arts class and the science class all went to Tianya Island, and there were more than 150 people.

  Wang Yi's choice for tonight's movie is meaningful.

   "Chunhui" is the first campus movie in mainland China, and the story told is more routine:

The teacher who was over 500 years old had a difficult family and his daughter could not be admitted to university. The male student with the best grades in his class learned that there were too many trivial matters at the teacher's home and school to make up for his daughter, so he took the initiative to go to the teacher's home to give her a make-up lesson.

  The female student with the best grades in the class misunderstood, thinking that the male classmate was going to the teacher's house to accept the teacher's make-up lessons, and then he made various troubles.

   The female classmate in the back accidentally found out the truth, so she and the male classmate helped her teacher's daughter make up lessons.

  In the end, they all went to college and both have bright futures.

  The scene where they enter the university at the end of the movie is quite beautiful. Wang Yi wants the candidates to relax and intuitively feel the beauty of the ivory tower.

   His purpose was accomplished.

   After watching this movie, the candidates are full of yearning and looking forward to the future.

In order to let them sleep peacefully and have a good night's sleep, Wang Yi promised: "You don't have to worry too much about your grades this year. If your grades don't meet the standards this year, I will set up a preparatory class for TVU in our school next school year. Welcome to school."

   "The exam preparation class doesn't charge tuition fees, meals, and accommodation. Instead, you will be paid a little bit of salary, but we need you to work for our communal, team, and enterprise. Let's work half-study."

   His promise completely reassured the candidates.

   Coincidentally, starting from the 15th, the Fuhai area has been cloudy and rainy for several days.

  The Dragon Boat Festival in Fuhai area in 1983 was spent in the rain.

   There were cloudy clouds and sea breeze, and the examination room was not very hot.

  Three days passed.

   In 1983, the Jiangnan Provincial TV University Unified Examination was over.

   For the candidates, the next step is to wait anxiously for the results.

   For Yang Wenrong, she started the last month of sprinting.

  Wang Yi sent her to the County No. 1 Middle School through a relationship. It happened that Bai Lihua was teaching the third grade, so she entered Bai Lihua's class.

  Time passed by slowly.

   The last solar term in June, the summer solstice, arrives.

  The island, which was originally radiant with the bright summer sun, is even more dazzling on this day. The endless blue water around Tianya Island has become a good place for men and women to go to the heat.

   maintains the old rules from last year.

   Men take a sea bath during the day and women take a sea bath at night.

  The weather is hotter at the beginning of the summer solstice, which leads to the island members having to go to the sea to take a dip every day to feel comfortable.

  The village production teams on the islands, even the communes and even the people in the county know that the women here take a bath in the sea at night.

  Some villages are still very feudal, and women are not allowed to openly bathe in the sea.

  Then they will come to Tianya Island to wash together.

  The female members of Tianya Island are very welcome. Anyway, the sea water doesn’t need money and no one belongs to it. There are endless things.

   But there are a lot of hooligans these days.

  Women have to guard against them when they bathe in the sea.

   As a result, the island's militia came in handy.

   Just now, I have the courage to be in charge of the construction team, and the vice-captain of the militia team will be led by Shi Hongxin.

  Shi Hongxin chose a few young, strong and responsible women to form a militia of the Detachment of Women. They drove motor boats to patrol the sea to prevent people from secretly shaking the oars to play hooligans.

  On the evening of July 1st, today is the founding day of the party. As a female party member, Shi Hongxin followed Wang Xianghong, an old party member, to the county to participate in the celebration.

   At this time, the Women's Troops were sitting on a boat with her, chatting and gossiping to celebrate the meeting.

  Shi Hongxin was very serious at work. After she briefly answered a few questions, she saw that the women's soldiers under her command were still asking her, and she said seriously:

   "We are on duty, and we should focus on the sea and patrol to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it!"

   Zhong Xiaomei, a newly-arrived female cook at Dazao, smiled and said, "Captain, how can there be so many enemies?"

  Others chimed in:

   "Yes, no."

   "Everyone knows that our Wang family is impregnable. Who would dare to come to us and play hooligans?"

   "Our Wang family? Sister Mei, are you going to marry into the Wang family?"

   "Hi, I came to work because I was introduced by my partner's house. I walked through the back door. There's nothing I dare not admit. What's the matter? Are you going to stay on this island when you come to Wang's house for work?"

   Several girls laughed.

  Shi Hongxin frowned and said, "Be serious!"

   "Let me tell you, the society is very chaotic now, and there are still people pretending to be our descendants of the Wang family to cause trouble in the county. Fortunately, many comrades from the Public Security Bureau are familiar with our team and took him down!"

   Hearing this, the Women's Army was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

   "It's really chicken feathers tied to a telephone pole - such a big duster, how dare someone pretend to be our Wang family?"

   "It's a mess, and now this society is too messy."

  Shi Hongxin said: "Yes, what I said is true, that is what a security officer who attended the meeting told me!"

   "People's courage now, they are really too courageous! Lawless! They are looking for death, these people are looking for death!" Zhong Xiaomei suddenly murmured.

   A girl sneered: "It's not so exaggerated, right? It's just a person pretending to be..."

   "No, look over there!" Zhong Xiaomei pointed to the southwest and shouted, "I'm talking about these people being lawless! Look at that ship, how many people are there?!"

  The Women's Troops followed her direction and saw that a green-browed boat was approaching.

   The starry sky in summer is gorgeous.

   As the so-called moon and stars are rare, the reverse also makes sense. The stars are bright and the moon is dim.

   They looked hard, and as the waves oscillated, they could occasionally see a dim yellow light.

The    was only occasionally visible because the bow was so packed with people that their bodies blocked the light.

   It is certain that a boat came to Tianya Island at midnight, and it was also a boat of men.

  The Women's Women's Army suddenly became nervous.

   A girl shouted, "What's the matter? Here comes the gang of hooligans?"

   "Then this is not a rogue, this is a pirate water bandit who came to rob Madam Yazhai!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, now is New China, where are there pirates and water bandits?"

   "What's the matter with them? Form a team to peek at our baths?"

  Shi Hongxin raised the binoculars on his chest, and then scolded: "Mother, the light is too poor, and you can't see farts!"

   But she was very clear-headed and analyzed: "Don't panic, this shouldn't be a hooligan who came to spy on our women's baths. How can a hooligan come to do bad things with such a big fanfare?"

   "Go, go up and see!"

   The motor boat nimbly greeted them and found their acquaintances on the bow.

   For example, there is a fellow villager who is Zhong Xiaomei, called Zhong Jinma, who is very senior. Although he is only ten years older than Zhong Xiaomei, Zhong Xiaomei has to call him grandpa.

  Zhong Xiaomei asked suspiciously: "Grandpa, what are you doing here with us?"

  Zhong Jinma didn't have time to speak, and the others around shouted excitedly: "Look for Teacher Wang!"

   "You guys get out of the way, we have to find Teacher Wang quickly!"

   "Mr. Wang didn't fall asleep, did you?"

  Shi Hongxin asked: "You are looking for Teacher Wang to do it..."

   "Good news! Good news! Good news!" Everyone shouted.

The shouting    alerted the women who were bathing in the sea, and the women panicked.

   Why are there so many **** men all of a sudden?

  The **** men did not come to them, but to Wang Yi.

  The green eyebrow boat docked at the dock, and they jumped down and ran wildly up the mountain.

   Looking at their posture, many women patted their chests and rejoiced: the luck was not for them, otherwise there would be bloodshed tonight!

  Wang Yi is hugging Qiuweishui and dreaming beautifully.

   Then he was woken up by the hysterical roar of Lao Huang.

   He sat up in shock and hurriedly pulled the light cord to turn on the light. Qiu Weishui next to him shook his head, and his straight black hair was flowing like black water: "Mr. Wang, what's wrong?"

  Wang Yi is also wondering.

   He understood after he went out.

   There are familiar faces under the white light outside the door.

   are all candidates who want to take the TV University entrance exam.

   They either faced him with joy or pride, and their faces were filled with uncontrollable smiles.

  Wang Yi suddenly understood their intention: "Have you got your grades?"

  The candidates answered him almost in unison: "The grades are out!"

  Wang Yi asked: "You all did well in the test?"

   All of a sudden the answer is messy: "Yes, yes!"

   "More than good, I am very good!"

   "I'm really satisfied, haha, I'm a college student too!"

   The dog at the foot of the mountain barked enthusiastically.

   Many people turned on the lights.

  Wang Yi said with a wry smile: "Comrades, it's not right, now it's time to say, classmates, classmates, I understand the joy of your high school gold list."

   "But please check the time, it's midnight, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

   Someone immediately said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, we can't help it..."

   "Well, we came as soon as we got the results from the provincial capital!"

   "Originally, I got the results at noon, but from the provincial capital to Wengzhou to the county, we converged in the county, and finally came back to this point."

   "We couldn't find a motor boat, so we had to borrow a green eyebrow boat..."

   "Mr. Wang, thank you so much! Without you..."

   "Is the grades out? Did the grades come out today?" Wang Xinguo, wearing slippers and shirtless, heard the news.

   Someone went up to him and said to him: "Yes, the results are out, you are really stable, are you sleeping at home?"

  Wang Xinguo said excitedly: "I thought the results would be released tomorrow—isn't the notice from the province that the results will be released tomorrow? I deliberately went to bed early tonight, thinking about going to the county education unit to check the results tomorrow!"

   His friend in the exam preparation class told him the answer: "The county does have the results tomorrow, but the provincial capital announced the results today."

   "Jiaojiao's uncle is related in the province. He helped our commune to check the results and took the transcript..."

   "How was my test?" Wang Xinguo asked impatiently.

   Someone immediately told him the result: "Your total score is 278, the highest in the liberal arts class!"

   This answer is beautiful.

   But it still struck Wang Xinguo's head like a thunderbolt, leaving him at a loss for a while, stunned.

  The full score of the Jiangnan Provincial Electric Power Conference is 350 points.

   He scored 278.

   There are still a lot of points lost.

   But the admission score is 220 points.

  He surpassed the admission line by 58 points!

   In fact, it is much easier to get admission to TV University than to get admission to a formal university.

  The formal college entrance examination to enter the university is called a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops and horses, and TVU implements the policy of "wide entry and strict exit".

  The so-called "wide" means that the admission score is relatively low, and more aspiring young and middle-aged people can be admitted to the school.

   And its "strict" means that studying in school, mid-term and final exams are never ambiguous, even stricter than ordinary colleges and universities—

   Students who fail 3 semester exams will be returned to their original unit and their place of origin. If they fail two or less (including two), they will also be returned to the original unit if they still fail the make-up exam or fail the make-up exam for a total of two exams!

   So this time, the commune's exam results were not bad, and more than 50 of the more than 150 people finally got into the TV University.

   But their ordeal has just begun.

  You can only graduate from TV University.

   However, being admitted to TVU is always a great event worth celebrating.

  Wang Yi congratulated these people: "Dear classmates, you will all be college students from now on."

   The big guy laughed: "Thank you Teacher Wang for helping us review at the end. You have pointed out a lot of knowledge points. If you hadn't listed the knowledge tree, we would have been blind!"

   This made Wang Yi very proud.

   He didn't cheat.

   The main reason is that he did not find the examination papers of the 1983 TV Conference in Jiangnan Province in 23 years. It is estimated that this level of examination was not taken seriously later, the computer did not record relevant information, and the education unit did not save the examination papers.

   This time, his tutoring for the candidates was based on the fact that he listed the knowledge trees one by one when he tutored Wang Xinguo in his daily homework, and planned the knowledge points together.

   Facts have proved that this review method is very necessary.

   Just when he was happy and the candidates were happy, Qiu Weishui, dressed neatly, pushed open the door and walked out.

   She asked with a smile: "It seems that today is a happy day, with a lot of good things happening."

  Wang Yi also smiled and said, "Yes, there is great joy, so many of our classmates have been admitted to TVU and have become the pillars of the country!"

   He said this casually, and suddenly reacted again: "You said that a lot of good things happened? What good things are there?"

   Qiu Weishui took his hand and whispered, "The long strip you gave me, I used it three days in a row when I went to the toilet in the morning."

   "It's all two red bars!"

  Wang Yi heard this, and the smile on his face suddenly froze: "Two-how long?"

   Qiu Weishui's strip is naturally a pregnancy test strip.

   Two red bars represent positive.


   Qiuweishui said: "It will come out soon, I have seen it, it will not dissipate, and it will eventually dry up with two red bars."

   After hearing this, Wang Yi had mixed feelings for a while.

   Surprised, yes.

  Happy, yes.

   panic, there are.

   Dazed, more…

   His whole person is in a strange feeling, I can't tell you the specifics, anyway, it seems to be light, numb, itchy, as if everything is unreal, everything becomes uncertain...

   But what is certain is that he is going to be a father!

Qiu Weishui is also in the panic stage now, so when he sees him suddenly turning into a wooden man, he panics a little: "I didn't hide it from you on purpose, you told me that there was an error, so I wanted to watch it for three days in a row. Look."

   "I wanted to tell you this morning, but I wanted to find a good time to tell you. I think now is a good time, and now everyone is happy..."

  Wang Yi hurriedly nodded: "I understand, I understand, I, I'm grass!"

   This happened suddenly.

   stunned him.

   He really didn't know what to say!

   There is a feeling that is inevitable - I have a wife, a child, and I have a complete home from a lonely family in the 1923's!

  I had a complete home in 1983!

   A good day for wives and children to have a hot kang head is just around the corner!

   he was sighing.

   But others were overjoyed when they learned that Qiu Weishui was pregnant. They applauded and many cheered:

   "Okay, Mr. Wang is great, you have a child..."

   "This is a big happy event, and it's really a joy tonight!"

   "Oh, our admission to school can't be compared to Teacher Wang and Teacher Xiaoqiu having children. This is an absolute happy event. Shall we celebrate?"

  When the top of the mountain is beaming and noisy.

   Someone came up again.

   It was Wang Xianghong who walked up the mountain quickly.

  Some candidates misunderstood him and laughed: "Captain Wang, did we disturb your members to rest? Sorry, we are too excited."

  Wang Xianghong waved his hand and said casually, "Oh, no, you can be happy if you are happy. I came here to find Teacher Wang."

   Someone subconsciously said, "You also know that Teacher Wang has a child?"

  Wang Xianghong was very anxious and didn't care about these words, and then he reacted immediately, his face full of surprise: "What? Teacher Xiaoqiu is happy!"

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "Yes..."

   "Then you're still hiding it?" Wang Xianghong grabbed his wrist and shook it vigorously, "Why don't you tell me such important news?"

  Wang Yi is helpless: "I just found out..."

   "You don't come here, then I have to criticize you. You don't care enough about Teacher Xiaoqiu!" Wang Xianghong became serious, and then laughed again.

  The others laughed, and Wang Yi asked, "Captain, you just said you came to me, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

   Hearing this sentence, Wang Xianghong's smile subsided, he pulled Wang Yi and whispered, "Follow me, go to the pier, someone is looking for you."

  Wang Yi asked subconsciously: "Are there any college students who haven't come up? Just let him come up, I think they won't sleep tonight..."

   "No, a comrade from the Public Security Bureau is looking for you and wants to ask you a few questions." Wang Xianghong interrupted him, "A comrade from the Public Security Bureau sent someone up."

  Wang Yi asked suspiciously: "Send someone up? Who sent someone up? Why are you still looking for me?"

   Wang Xianghong also showed doubts on his face: "This matter is quite complicated. What's going on? Today, a young man came from the county to inquire about our Tianya Island and the Wang family. Then he said that he is also a child of the Wang family, and his name is Wang Dongqing."

   "But the security unit is familiar with our team. They know that there is no such person as him in our team, so they thought he was pretending to be someone in our team to do something wrong, and arrested him. As a result..."

   Wang Yi's scalp exploded when he heard it!

  Wang Dongqing!

   He asked: "Wang Dongqing! Is the Qing in his three words the Qing of Qingshui? Just graduated from secondary school this year?"

   Wang Xianghong nodded hurriedly: "Yes!"

  Wang Yi's heart skipped a beat.

  Wang Dongqing…

  This is his dad!

   According to what he knew, his father returned to Tianya Island after graduating from secondary school to recognize his ancestors, and he has been living on the island since then.

   did not expect his father to come back in 1983.

   But count the time, now is June, it is indeed the graduation season of secondary school!

   Wang Xianghong said: "The problem is coming, Mr. Wang, this Wang Dongqing said that his father's name is Wang Xiangwen!"

"He has some things in his hand, that is Xiangwen's death certificate, Xiangwen's urn, a letter written by Xiangwen, and a letter of introduction opened in the Northeast, and a letter of introduction opened by their school, so, so I'm confused! "

  Wang Yi also said that his father's name is Wang Xiangwen, but in fact Wang Xiangwen is his grandfather...

   Now the real son of Wang Xiangwen is here!

   The incident happened suddenly.

   It's even more sudden than finding out that you have a cub!

   But he didn't panic.

  Because he had already made psychological expectations and prepared, he knew that his father would return to Tianya Island sooner or later.

   So he calmly said the prepared statement: "Great, my brother is finally here!"

  Wang Xianghong: "What?"

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "Wang Dongqing is my half-brother. It's the relationship between our family. Don't have any secrets. You wait and I'll introduce you to you on the way."

   "My younger brother is introverted and stubborn, haha, I have known him for a long time, but he doesn't know me very much - let's go, let's go down and pick him up first!"

   He trotted down the mountain.

  Dad, here I come!

   But this time, I'm wronging you, let's talk about each other, you have to call me brother in the future, but I still call you father in my heart!

   Qiu Weishui was curious and followed him with Wang Xianghong after hearing what he said. The other candidates followed him like sheep.

   So the night on the island is very dry.

   also became very noisy.

  Empty mountaintops are the exception.

   Listen to Tao Curie, the fan is turning.

   There was a thin blanket of cool quilt swaying in the wind on the mat on the Tukang, and the pillow towel was stained with a few strands of black hair, which still carried the owner's body temperature and fragrance.

  The front light was dimly lit, and the front of Tingtao, which had been bustling before, was suddenly empty.

  Leaving only one awakened wild duck emerges from the nest and stands alone under the lamp.

  It tilted its head suspiciously and looked around, then raised its head and looked at the night sky quietly.

   The moon was there at that time.

   once returned as a colorful cloud.

   (end of this chapter)