MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 13 Fighting the sky and fighting the cubs

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   Chapter 13

Never thought.

   I became a teacher of the people so quickly!

  Wang Yi stood at the door staring blankly at a group of children, roughly twenty!

  The children recognize the birth. If they are given to him alone to take care of them, then they can be honest, but this group will be sent over, and this group of children all know-

  The trees gather together!

  It's all right now.

   Fried leeks with chicken feathers - a mess.

   Originally, they were all skinny, and each of them could make trouble at home and enter the village—the neighbors were uneasy.

   Gather together or sprinkle nitroglycerin in a frying pan - frying the pan?

   This made Wang Yi really anxious to become an ant on a hot pot - round and round!

   Previously, the flower shoes and leather shoes were honest, but the situation has changed this time.

  Good guy, leather shoes show off their apples with others, but someone robbed him, and he cried, took care of his younger brother with shoes, and fiercely beat the child.

   The problem is that children also have brothers and sisters!

   At first they were just making trouble, but now they are fighting, Wang Yi looked sad: How can these **** be so smart?

   He now deeply understands what Liu Hongmei said yesterday: If you have two buckets of food at home, you should not be the king of children!

   Whoever has food to eat will suffer this crime!

   Wang Ugly Cat consciously became his puppy leg, and when he saw that he was in a hurry, he took the initiative to go up to him to share his worries:

   "Dao Niang, stop fighting, stop fighting! Stop it, stop it for me, or I'll beat you to death!"

   He is small and thin, but he is considered a gigantic **** among a group of cubs.

   In this way, his threat finally fooled the little cubs.

   Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

   But he was relieved too early!

   The fishermen have to cut the wind and the waves, and fight the sky and the sea before they can eat, so they have a tough temperament. This kind of toughness is inherited from generation to generation, and the fishermen are born good at fighting!

  The little cubs stopped fighting, they looked at Wang Ugly Cat, and suddenly set fire on him: "Er cat, you dare to ooh? My brother just took off your pants and beat you the day before yesterday, and beat him together!"

   Wang Ugly Cat's majesty was only three seconds before he turned around and ran away.

  Wang Yi saw that this would not work.

  The dog leg was overthrown by the people, and he was the master.

   He took out his phone and played the cached song. With the sound of 'woo', the little boy was stunned.


   is commonly known as driving a train!

  Wang Yi is a train fan. He loves watching the trains on Douyin too much, so he cached this song.

   The train whistle sounded on the phone, and the cubs looked at his phone in surprise.

  Wang Yi retracted the phone into his sleeve and waved his arms.

   An older child hurriedly pointed to his wrist and shouted: "Mr. Wang has a train in his hand! The train in "Railway Guerrilla" is so loud!"

   A girl said in surprise: "It's a radio, Mr. Wang has a radio, and the secretary has a radio, and can sing!"

   "Nonsense, the radio is the boss." Hua Xue said, "My uncle also has it. I touched it. The radio is very big."

   Now the cubs stopped making a fuss and went around to Wang Yi and shouted.

  Wang Yi sneered, I'm a dignified successor of socialism, can't cure your bunch of little brats?

  The mobile phone cannot be exposed.

   After he stunned the children, he closed it and tucked it into his sleeve, then shouted, "Sit in a row for me, and give me candy after sitting down!"

   The voice fell.

   Wang Ugly Cat was the first to sit down.

   The big confused who was about to go fishing for seaweed also rushed up and sat next to him.

  Wang Yi secretly said I will do it.

   He said to Wang Ugly Cat: "Get up and be my teaching assistant. You also get up for that big confused person. You are, you are a security guard—no, aren't you going to fish for seaweed?"

   Wang Ugly Cat got up regretfully.

   shook his head confusedly: "I sat down to eat candy, and I worked hard after eating candy."

   Hearing this, Ugly Wang also took the courage to sit down: I want to eat candy, and I want to be energetic.

  Wang Yi said: "Teaching assistant and security guard have two candies each!"

   As soon as he said that the two of them snapped, they stood up, very quickly, and then they came up one standing on the left and the other standing on the right.

  Wang Yi also brought chocolate beans in order to replenish energy. There were hundreds of chocolate beans in a bottle, so he took them out and divided them.

  The cubs couldn't sit still after eating, and they got up and started to grab it.

   Wang Yi's face sank: "Sit down, whoever is obedient will eat jelly beans, and those who are disobedient will not eat, and those who are disobedient, I will feed the dog!"

   "Hey, feed me." Wang Ugly Cat said cautiously.

   Cat cat boy, humble online.

   Wang Yi couldn't stand it any longer, so he poured a few jelly beans and handed them to Wang Ugly Cat.

  Chocolate beans attract children to be honest, and Wang Yi is thinking about how to consume their energy.

   This has to find a game for them to do.

   A game that consumes energy with a lot of people - very simple, the eagle catches the chicken.

   He himself is a chicken woman, and the cubs take turns to be eagles. As long as the eagle can catch the chicken, he will be rewarded with a chocolate bean.

   But it's not that easy.

  Wang Yi is determined to drain their energy, so he will not show mercy to Eagles.

   Then it started…

   Then Wang Yi started panting...

   Then Wang Yi couldn't take it anymore: "Stop, huhu, stop, huhuhuhu!"

   "Sister Tingting went to study on Shuihua Island." Wang Ugly Cat said, "Mr. Wang, why are you looking for her?"

  Wang Yi waved his hand: "No, stop, hush hush! Stop and rest, rest!"

  The cubs were greatly disappointed.

   Wang Yi gasped and asked, "Aren't you tired?"

   The little boys shook their heads: Where is this going?

  Wang Yi is convinced, the little cubs have more to eat this year, so where do they get their excess energy?

   He lay on the ground desperately breathing to regain his strength.

   A brat asked worriedly, "Is Mr. Wang going to die? My grandfather was like this, lying down and gasping for breath and then died."

  Wang Yi had to get up and said, "Teacher didn't sleep well last night, and I'm not physically strong today, so let's change the rules."

   He is no longer a chicken mother, and let the cubs take turns.

   Five minute round game.

  Eagle catches a chick to get a chocolate bean.

  If the eagle can't catch the chick, the chick will get a chocolate bean.

  Chicken can get a chocolate bean after three consecutive rounds without being caught by an eagle.

  Wang Yi finally got a group of little troublemakers to take care of them.

   Of course, this is also related to the naivety of the children of this era.

  School was about to be dismissed at noon, so Wang Dongxi shouted to him, "Xiufang makes dumplings at noon, let you go over to eat dumplings."

  Wang Yi was really hungry, so he washed his face hastily and went to the branch secretary's house.

  Wang Xianghong was not at home and went to the county by mail in the morning, so Wang Yi did not expect that Sister-in-law Xiufang would make dumplings at noon.

   When he entered the door, Xiufang was picking vegetables at 'Duoduo', all shepherd's purse.

   Seeing him coming to Xiufang, he smiled: "Yesterday, I got off work to pick some shepherd's purse. The spring's shepherd's purse is delicious."

  Wang Yi nodded again and again.

   The shepherd's purse dumplings in spring are really delicious.

  The noodles have been reconciled, and a pot of noodles is black. This is a characteristic of the times. The black noodles that every household eats are also called third-class noodles.

   This thing is not coarse flour. It is a by-product of wheat being processed into white flour. It is rich in bran and has a much worse taste than flour.

   But it's not bad to have black noodles these days, Wang Yi thinks it's better than tortillas.

   Seeing him staring at the black face, Xiufang was quite proud: "My father-in-law specially made flour temporarily from Curry, I thought I was going to make sweet potato noodle dumplings for you."

  Wang Yi laughed: "Actually, sweet potato noodles are also pretty good and healthy."

   says so, if you eat it, I recommend it, and if you really eat it, I don’t eat it.

   Sweet potato noodles sounded good, but after eating the rough and bitter tortillas, he gave up hope for the coarse grain noodles of this era.

  Xiufang chopped vegetables and began to mix the dumpling filling. She divided the shepherd's purse **** in the pot into two parts, one with half a bottle of peanut oil, and the other with only a little oil.

   almost finished packing, she put down the panel and started making dumplings: "Will Teacher Wang roll the skin or make dumplings?"

  Wang Yi opened his mouth with both hands.

   will eat.

  Xiufang laughed when she understood what he meant. She grabbed a handful of flour and spread it out and said, "Then you have to learn, you can't make dumplings, and your daughter-in-law will not be happy in the future."

  Wang Yi rolled up his sleeves and said, "Okay, then I'll take you as my teacher, sister-in-law, and learn how to make dumplings with you."

  Xiufang smiled and said, "Just kidding you, you have to learn to wait until we use the special-grade dumplings. This is the third-grade dumplings, and the dumpling skins are boring and hard to pick up."

  Wang Yi asked: "How much wheat can each member of our team have each year?"

Xiufang sighed softly: "Our island is all poor, there is no wheat and no water to grow rice, so the food is from the national treasury. At the end of the year, each person is divided into twenty catties of noodles and twenty catties of rice. The unified sales target will be bought and divided, otherwise, the bargained grain will be bought.”

   She introduced to Wang Yi.

   In the past two years, due to the war in southern Xinjiang, the food supply was tight, so the supply and marketing cooperatives provided wheat and rice to polish it themselves.

  The people on the outer islands get less wheat, so the flour they grind is reluctant to eat.

   Even if the villagers eat flour, they also eat sweet potato noodles, but the sweet potato noodles are not sticky and have no energy, so they are not suitable for making dumplings.

  If you want to use sweet potato bread dumplings, you have to use sticky tendons. The so-called sticky tendons are to use a stone mill to crush the sticky tendons and grass straws to sieve out fine noodles, and mix them into the sweet potato noodles.

   But this is still not suitable for making dumplings, and it is still boring, so the dumpling filling should not be too much or too full, otherwise it will break when the pot and water are rolled.

  Xiufang is a capable woman, her hands are like an assembly line, she rolls the skin, fills the stuffing, kneads herself, and quickly wraps the dumplings one by one.

   She packed up the dumplings and said, "Mr. Wang, go to the door and see, your brother should be back soon. Let's make dumplings when he comes back."

   Wang Yi asked, "My brother didn't go to sea?"

   "Let's go to sea, go to sea cucumbers." Xiufang said.

  Wang Yi wondered: "Then he came back for lunch at noon?"

   It takes a lot of time to work on the way to the sea. Usually, it takes a day to go out. You can bring dry food at noon to deal with two casualties.

  Xiufang sighed and said, "Why don't you come back and stay outside? There are steamboats running every day in Laolongwan. The sea water is not like sea water. There is a layer of gasoline floating on it.

   "In this way, the sea cucumbers are all smoked to death, and the ones that are not dead are also smoked and run away. You won't get much ginseng in one trip, at most it will last half a day."

   (end of this chapter)