MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 484 484,marriage

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  Chapter 484 Chapter 484, Marriage

  Now both of them have officially met their parents, and they have also received the recognition and support of their elders. Moreover, when the two families had dinner together during the Mid-Autumn Festival, she also heard the elders of both sides talk about this topic.

  So, when to get married depends entirely on the decision of the two of them.

  She was very sure that Yu Xiushi was the person she wanted to work with for the rest of her life, and she also identified him as a person. She thought that the other party must have the same idea, and she also had the same heart.

  Although their relationship was relatively short, their relationship has stabilized, and marriage is just a natural thing.

   After all, the depth of a relationship is not measured entirely by the length of time.

   Regarding the matter of marriage, she doesn't have any rejection in her heart. Since they have decided to live with each other for the rest of their lives, there is nothing wrong with getting married early.

  She doesn’t have so many ideas, especially in terms of love and marriage. She doesn’t quite agree with the remarks and ideas of many girls nowadays.

  What age is still young, there is no need to enter the grave of marriage prematurely?

  Why can you stay cool for a few more years while you are young?

   What's more, how can you really know what kind of man is suitable for you if you have more boyfriends?

   Personally, she does not fully agree with these remarks, but she fully respects their ideas. After all, everyone has different perceptions of happiness and needs are also different.

  Her parents left early, and she has been living alone all these years. If she can form a small family with the person she likes, she is still very eager in her heart.

  She has a relatively simple mind and life, and she doesn't want to spend too much time trying to test other men, so she will go on consistently if she is convinced.

  In fact, getting married early also has the advantages of getting married early. When the marriage is stable, they can focus more on their careers. Having children earlier can save them worry.

  The most important thing is that being a young mother is also very good.

  At this stage, neither she nor Yu Xiushi will worry about life, so they both have the conditions to get married and have children.

  Of course, she was prepared in her heart, but she would not tell the other party bluntly that it was the best arrangement to let everything take its course.


  A residential area in Rongcheng.


  Cao Xiuzhen was watching TV when she suddenly heard a noise coming from her daughter's room. She was startled, and quickly got up and walked to her daughter's room.

   "What's wrong? What happened? Nana, are you okay?"

  Cao Xiuzhen pushed open the room, and saw her daughter's face was sullen, extremely embarrassed, and there was even a hint of resentment in her eyes, and she was gloomy.

   And there was a mobile phone with a broken screen lying on the floor. Obviously, the movement just now was caused by this mobile phone. It seemed that it was used by her daughter to vent her anger.

   She didn't know what anger she saw again, this time she dropped her phone directly on the ground.

  Recently, Anna's mood is always cloudy and cloudy, with ups and downs, and it is easy to make her angry if she is not careful, but for the sake of future plans, they can only endure it.

   During this period of time, Lao An has been in contact with the Ren family, wanting to ask them for a sum of compensation, and then send Anna there, but he never expected that the Ren family would decline so quickly.

  The current Ren family is no longer the previous Ren family. Now the Ren family is a mess inside and out. No one cares about their house at all.

In the end, even to avoid being disturbed by them, the Ren family sent them away after giving them 100,000 yuan, saying that it was for Anna's nutrition, and as for the excess, it was gone. After all, Anna had already signed a divorce agreement with Ren Hang. She is no longer the daughter-in-law of their Ren family.

  How could it be possible to send them away for 100,000 yuan? They are not beggars.

   A big girl with yellow flowers they worked so hard to cultivate, not to mention the miscarriage caused by the Ren family, and when she was unconscious, they forced her to leave the house, which is unreasonable.

   Without a million dollars, the Ren family can forget about it!

  Cao Xiuzhen sighed secretly, the family still has to take care of this person temporarily, if the Ren family is still unwilling to accept it in the end, then they can only let her marry another.

   After all, it's not a problem to stay at her mother's house after a divorce. There have been a lot of rumors around recently, and this woman still has to find someone to rely on.

   Fortunately, Anna is still young and has no children as a burden. It is easy to find a second marriage.

   "Why are you so angry?"

  Cao Xiuzhen picked up the mobile phone on the ground. The quality of this mobile phone is good, but there are some debris and cracks on the screen, but the panel is still displayed normally, but it is not clear.

  Anna pulled the corners of her mouth and asked with a half-smile, "Do you know who An Yan's boyfriend is?"

   "Who? I don't care who her boyfriend is?"

  Cao Xiuzhen didn't take it seriously. Ever since she broke her face with that dead girl An Yan, she directly blocked the news related to her, out of sight and out of mind.

Anna suddenly shouted hysterically, "She is going to marry into a wealthy family! A real wealthy family! Do you know? It is the top wealthy family in Rongcheng, the Yu family, the Yu family! Hahaha~ It's ridiculous, why! It's not fair!"

  At this moment, Anna was going crazy with jealousy!

  That stinky girl always achieves the things she thinks so hard to plan, even if she is not divorced now, and the Ren family is not defeated, her status as Mrs. Ren is still inferior to An Yan.

  The Ren and Xu families also wanted to take advantage of Xu Man's appointment with Yu Wenxi to further strengthen their relationship with the Yu family. In the end, the illegitimate child was an illegitimate child.

  In front of the real young master of the Yu family, they are nothing. What's ridiculous is that they are still jumping so happily, and even complacent.

  An Yan is really lucky, the young master of the Yu family also let her meet.

   Now, even her last glimmer of hope has been shattered.

   "What? An Yan is going to marry into a wealthy family? What's going on? Tell me carefully." Cao Xiuzhen looked surprised and hurriedly asked her daughter for confirmation.

how is this possible? Even An Yan, an orphan girl who has no father and no mother, can marry into a wealthy family?

   Listening to the daughter's tone, the man's family background seems to be very powerful? If An Yan really married into a wealthy family, how could they accept it?

   "You can look it up online, it's all their trending news."

  At this moment, Anna didn't have the mood to speak at all, and her whole shoulders suddenly collapsed, as if she had been sucked out of her life, she was lifeless.

  Cao Xiuzhen immediately picked up her mobile phone and logged on to Weibo. Her eyes were wide open and she kept scrolling through hot searches, her face was very ugly.

   "How could this be? How could it be."

  Finally, her body softened, and she immediately sat down on the ground.

  (end of this chapter)