MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 467 467, planning

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  Chapter 467 Chapter 467, Planning

   "There is no requirement for this, it is more or less a personal preference. I participated in an event before, and someone took out an item worth a few hundred yuan, and it still sold for a very high price.

   To put it bluntly, those who can participate in charity activities are basically not rushing to auction items, but donating a sum of money with a mission.”

  Although Yu Xiushi has not shown his face in public, he still participates in some activities. For people in the upper circle, what is valuable is not the product itself, but the meaning behind the product.

  Even if you put an item costing tens of dollars, as long as you make it meaningful, such as the touching story behind it, or what meaning this item represents, people will basically buy it.

   "Okay, I see, let me think about it."

  An Yan nodded to show she understood, and then she asked, "Then will you go then?"

  Yu Xiushi smiled and said, "This is your first official appearance in front of the public, of course I will **** you with you!"

"That's good."

  With him here, An Yan's worries disappeared instantly.

"Don't worry, there will be many acquaintances at that time, my mother, aunt and aunt should all go, maybe Jasmine and Yun Xi will also participate, you can ask them, if they know you are going, they will definitely go too. "

  Yu Xiushi understands her concerns. It is the first time to attend such an occasion. If there is no familiar person around, she will feel somewhat lonely. If there is no one to talk to, it will inevitably be embarrassing to stay at the scene.

   "Okay, I'll send a WeChat message to ask them."

  Hearing this, An Yan immediately jumped up, as if she had found a little partner she could ally with. For some things, she thought it would be more reliable to ask girls.

   For example, what to prepare, what to pay attention to, and what to wear.

  Seeing that his girlfriend was excited and wanted to go back to the room to send a message, Yu Xiushi hurriedly grabbed her hand and pushed her back on the sofa.

   "Don't be so anxious, there are still a few days left, I have something to say."

  An Yan blinked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

   "Do you have any thoughts or plans during the seven-day National Day holiday? Let's communicate with each other so as not to conflict with some arrangements." Yu Xiushi asked tentatively.

  When this topic was mentioned, An Yan's expression straightened, and he immediately became eager to communicate.

  "Before dinner, Sister Qingqing and I were still talking about the arrangements for the National Day. Sister Qingqing said that she would travel with her friends, and Tingting would probably take her grandmother and the others to sign up for a tour group for a few days.

  Speaking of which, we have been dating for a few months, and we haven’t had a serious date alone. We were all busy before, and we never happened to meet the right time. It’s rare that there is a National Day holiday now.

  So I was thinking, why don’t we plan a few-day tour around Chengdu? Or arrange a normal date in the city like other couples do? "

   She also wants to experience other things that couples would do on a date, such as eating western food, watching movies, and going to amusement parks.

  Although the way of dating is very popular and somewhat clichéd, this is her first time dating and getting along with the opposite sex. She doesn't want to have any regrets. She wants to feel every date she should have.

  These will be her most precious memories in the future.

  Hearing this, Yu Xiushi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily there wasn't much conflict in the schedule.

   "Okay, everything is pretty good, why don't you leave this matter to me to arrange?"

  An Yan smiled all over her face, "Okay! Then I don't care about it? I will follow your command throughout the whole process."

  Since he is willing to plan all the schedules, she is of course happy and relaxed. Anyway, what she cares about is not where to go, but the process of dating and traveling with him.

On the first day of the National Day holiday, they were going to participate in charity activities, and the time would definitely be very late, which meant that they needed to rest the next day. Secondly, they had made an appointment with Mr. Yu, and they would spend a day in the old house to accompany him. Therefore, three days are removed from the seven-day holiday.

   And the time they can date and travel together is only four days in total. This time is destined to not be able to travel too far, so they can only find a surrounding scenic spot in the province.

  However, she was satisfied with four days of alone dates.

   "Then it's settled." Yu Xiushi smiled happily, with a gleam in his eyes.


  The next day, Li Peng drove to Anyanfang.

   "Mr. An, the planting area of ​​the base is ready, when do you think we can arrange to transplant flowers and herbs?"

  When the land was being reclaimed, An Yan had said hello that all the flowers and herbs in the planting base would be arranged by her, instead of Li Peng going to find suppliers to purchase them.

  Hearing this, An Yan asked happily, "It's finished so quickly? What about the other facilities in the base?"

  According to the original plan, all the land area of ​​the base will be reclaimed and refurbished, which is expected to be around mid-October. Unexpectedly, everyone completed the task by the end of September.

   "Because there are so many workers, everyone is more agile in their work, and they don't procrastinate at all, so the progress is faster than expected, and the basic construction facilities can be completed before the National Day.

   Now it will take some time for the laboratory room of the research team to be left. According to the chief engineer, it will be handed over after mid-October. "

  Li Peng truthfully reported the recent work. Other construction facilities are not difficult. As long as the workers are arranged in place, they will be completed soon.

   The most difficult part is the laboratory room, because the design of this building is different from other infrastructures. Not only the exterior design of the building, but also the internal planning are all professionally and precisely tailored.

  So, both in terms of the construction progress and the workers' procedures, it is much more complicated.

  An Yan pondered, "Don't worry, work slowly and carefully, and it will take some time for us to recruit a research team. The research can be done later. Let's get the planting area of ​​the base first."

   It is not a trivial matter to set up a dedicated research team, nor is it an easy task. People are easy to find. As long as the salary is enough, there will definitely be many people applying for the job.

  But An Yan is not a researcher who accepts everything according to the order. In addition to character, he must also have excellent professional skills.

  Recruiting researchers is not the same as recruiting workshop employees. It is not enough to pass the character test. She needs to independently develop beauty products outside the system, so in terms of professional technology, she must not be casual.

  However, she already had an idea in mind about this matter, and she came to arrange it after the new product was launched after the National Day.

   "Okay, what kind of flowers and herbs are suitable for transplanting?"

   Naturally, Li Peng would not have any objections to the boss's idea. He only needed to do the job well arranged by the boss.

   "The day after tomorrow."

  An Yan decided on a time after thinking about it. Today is the 28th, and the staff will have a dinner tomorrow night, and it can be arranged during the day on the 30th.

"it is good."

   Good night~



  (end of this chapter)