MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 464 464,boxing

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  Chapter 464 Chapter 464, Boxing

"I plan to launch the 'beautifying cream' after the National Day. Although I have already produced a new product, it will be a few days off this month. The effect of launching it during this period will be greatly reduced. It is better to launch it after the holiday. A new product launch event."

  An Yan expressed her thoughts bluntly, taking a step back and saying that even though she worked overtime every day and could barely cope with the new product event for three days, she just launched a new product at the end of the month and had to suspend business for seven days.

  This means that once the heat is built up, it will be followed by a rapid cooling down. Such an intermittent method will not achieve the effect of promoting and selling new products at all.

  So, it is better to wait until after the festival and go all out to do a good job in the product launch activities.

   "Well, you're right, I was too excited, and I wanted to let fans know the good news right away."

  After hearing An Yan's words, Zhang Qingqing also realized that it would be better to hold an event in one go. If new products are launched in a few days at the end of the month, no matter how hot the heat is, it will disappear after the seven-day cooling-off period of the National Day.

   If you continue to sell after the festival, the daily sales may not be affected. After all, the previous word-of-mouth has accumulated, but the promotion and publicity of new products will be affected to a certain extent.

Their workshop launched a new product, which one has not been on the hot search list, and this new product is no exception. Although Anyan Workshop is not short of word-of-mouth and popularity, this thing is just like RMB. Who would think it is too much? ?

   "It's good to release new products after the festival. It's just a good time to reserve some new products for my sister. If I'm in a hurry, my sister's body will not be able to bear it."

  Yan Tingting is completely a fan of her cousin. No matter what the other party says, she will support her and will stand by her without hesitation.

  After talking about the new product, An Yan asked about other business matters, "Are you ready for the ceremony?"

  Zhang Qingqing said with a smile, "Don't worry, Sister Yan and I have made arrangements for everyone, and the dinner party on the night of the 29th has also been booked."

  Not everyone in the workshop has a local registered permanent residence. During such a long holiday, everyone either goes back to their hometown or travels with friends.

   Therefore, on the last day of the working day, everyone probably has to rush back to pack their luggage and so on. Therefore, the time for the dinner was specially set in advance on the evening of the 29th.

  Generally, she and Sister Yan are responsible for this kind of work. She is responsible for liaison and overall planning, and Sister Yan is responsible for financial connection. At present, the workshop has not set up a separate procurement and outreach department.

   "By the way, do you want to add new products to this holiday gift package?"

  Zhang Qingqing saw the packaging of the new product, and suddenly thought of it and added a sentence.

   "Let's arrange it, and I will do everyone's share well later." An Yan is not stingy with her own employees, and as an employee of An Yanfang, it can be regarded as enjoying priority.

   What's more, these products don't cost too much to her.

   "Really? That's great, I think they will be crazy when they find out."

  Zhang Qingqing said happily that although she has already got samples, she will never have too many products made by the workshop.

  The benefits of holidays generally include beauty products from workshops and some festive gifts, and then there are staff dinner arrangements.

  This holiday gift pack is a set of all beauty products as usual, plus a 200 yuan supermarket shopping voucher, and the place where the dinner party is arranged is also a mid-to-high-end consumer place. After the dinner party, there will be KTV entertainment.

   Such holiday benefits may not be the best among all business units, but they are still above average.


  That afternoon, An Yan made a batch of 'beautifying cream', and hurriedly asked the packaging team to pack it.

  In addition to the share for the employees, An Yan also specially prepared a share for the relatives and friends around her.

  After Yu Xiushi got off work, An Yan put more than a dozen sets of gift bags in his trunk.

   "Thanks for your hard work~ Professor Yu, I'll trouble you to make a trip."

  Seeing his girlfriend's extraordinarily bright smile, Yu Xiushi, who was temporarily acting as a delivery man, accepted the task obediently, but before getting into the car, he quickly kissed her on the lips.

   "The hard work fee has been received! Don't worry, Boss An, I guarantee that every product will be delivered home safely."

  The corners of An Yan's mouth raised slightly, with a conniving smile in her eyes, "Let's go quickly, I'm still waiting for you to come back for dinner."

   "Okay!" Yu Xiushi sat in the driver's seat, smiled at his girlfriend, and drove to deliver the goods.

  This time he will send only two families, one is the Song family, and the other is the aunt's family. An Yan has prepared a new product for each of the men and women of the two families.

   Before the new product is on the shelves, giving it to them in advance can also show Anyan's importance and affection for the two families.

As for the old man, he didn't specially give away beauty products. At his age, he is not very interested in these things, but the two of them plan to take a day off to accompany the old man, and then prepare some other suitable ones. gifts.

  For his girlfriend to care so much about his family, Yu Xiushi is of course very happy and happy to do such errand work.


  Song family.

  Seeing her son coming home, Song Meijun was very happy. When she heard that the daughter-in-law-to-be had specially brought them new products, the smile on her face became even brighter.

   After receiving the news, Yu Qiong next door rushed over immediately.

   "I heard that Yanyan prepared a gift for us? What is it?"

  Yu Qiong yelled curiously as soon as she entered the door. She will be alone at home, and her husband and son haven't got off work yet. It's the end of the month and the National Day holiday is coming soon, so both father and son will be busy these days.

  As for her daughter who is still in school, her studies are relatively heavy now, so she doesn't go home to live every day.

  Song Meijun greeted warmly, "Sister-in-law, come quickly, Yanyan has developed a new product, and I'm about to take it apart to have a look."


  As soon as she heard about the new product of Anyanfang, Yu Qiong's face instantly glowed.

  Now, almost all the circles around her are using Anyanfang's products, and they all praise her a lot, and often complain in front of her that the products are too difficult to grab.

  In order not to cause trouble to the family, they have not fully disclosed their relationship with An Yan during Xiushi, and all they know are relatives and friends who have a good relationship.

   I'm afraid that everyone will let her go through the back door of An Yanfang through her relationship. Isn't this causing trouble for An Yan? So, they didn't make any noise.

Song Meijun responded while unpacking the gift box outside, "This can still be fake, it was made in the afternoon, and it is fresh and hot. I heard from the hour that this product will be withdrawn after the National Day. .”

  (end of this chapter)