MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 441 441, dark mind

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  Chapter 441 Chapter 441, dark thoughts

  Anna doesn't believe that there are still people in this world who don't like money. Who doesn't want to grab more cash when they get the chance?

  Getting a lot of money for nothing, she didn't believe that An Yan would refuse such an opportunity.

  So she thought that the other party must be putting on airs on purpose, pretending to disagree first, in order to ask for more money.

  After all these years, An Yan's life has been so difficult. People who have lived in poverty for a long time must be more eager for money and want to live a rich life.

   "." An Yan looked at the other party silently, as if looking at a mentally retarded person.

  A person with a poor brain, who can’t even understand human speech, isn’t mentally handicapped, what is it?

  She is too lazy to talk to each other. Sure enough, no matter how a person changes in appearance, her nature still cannot be changed, just like a dog cannot change eating shit.

   "What kind of eyes do you have?" Anna was angry, thinking she was blind? She obviously saw a trace of disdain in An Yan's eyes, as if she was looking at a fool.

   Really annoying!

   "Walk slowly and don't see you off." An Yan said coldly, then turned around and went back to the house. Her time is precious, so she won't waste it on this kind of person.

  For people who have language and communication barriers, she doesn't want to say a word at all, so as not to cause more strange brain circuits in the other party.

   "Hey! An Yan, what do you mean? Stop!"

   Seeing An Yan go straight away, Anna immediately wanted to catch up, but the two wooden doors rushed towards her face, scaring her back instantly.


  Anna couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and just watched the courtyard door shut tightly.

   "Damn it!"

  Anna stomped her feet angrily, wanting to vent her depression and anger, but when she thought of the child in her stomach, she immediately suppressed her emotions.

   "An Yan, open the door for me!"

  Anna directly slapped the courtyard door with her hand, feeling very unwilling, and of course she couldn't accept An Yan's attitude towards her.

  Why would she do this? What can she be proud of?

   "Open the door."

  Anna slapped **** the courtyard door, and instantly felt pain in her right hand.


  She immediately withdrew her hand, looking at her red right hand, she couldn't help a few drops of physiological tears from her eyes.

  An Yan is really her nemesis! She just can't see herself, okay?

   Seeing that there was no movement at the courtyard door, and listening carefully, the courtyard was also very quiet. Obviously, the two of them had really entered the house, and they didn't intend to talk to themselves at all.

   It seems that she really does not accept the negotiation.

"do not care."

  Anna muttered angrily, turned around and left neatly.

  Since An Yan doesn't know what's interesting, why should she put her hot face on someone's cold ass?

  Anyway, I have done what I should do, and in the eyes of the Ren family, I have done enough. If the final result is not satisfactory, then I can’t blame myself.

   Moreover, she was unwilling to bow down to An Yan to plead for mercy. An Yan's attitude was just as she wanted. Since she was unwilling to accept private negotiations, it would probably be useless even if her mother-in-law came over.

   She felt relieved in this way!

   As for her husband Yi Hang?

  Frankly speaking, she was not as anxious as the Ren family members. Even if she was sentenced to three years, she would not be too sad.

  Anyway, she is pregnant with the fourth generation of the Ren family. With this child, her position in the Ren family is also stable.

  Secondly, don't the Ren family feel that they are not worthy of their precious son/grandson? Then if Ren Hang has been in prison for several years, she would like to see how embarrassed their Ren family is to say that they are not worthy?

   That's right, when she heard the news in Ren's living room, she couldn't help but have such vicious thoughts in her mind.

She even thought it would be better for Ren Hang to be sentenced. Now that she is pregnant, she will have to confine herself to confinement. It will take six or seven months, and she heard that the child will not be pregnant before the age of two. Too stable is the time when you need your mother's company and worry the most.

   And this period is also the most affecting the harmonious life between husband and wife, many men will not be able to help stealing outside during this period.

She can't fulfill her duties as a wife now, and recently she is really worried that Ren Hang will not be able to resist the temptation from the outside. In addition, she has felt that Ren Hang's attitude towards her is a bit different during this period, so she is even more worried He has other women out there.

  In this case, it would be better for him to stay in prison honestly during the two most critical years of her childbirth, so that she can take advantage of this time to take good care of her body and focus on taking care of the child.

  The most important thing is, the Ren family must feel a little guilty when they see their performance, right?

   Many women would probably not be able to do this. After all, after their man is imprisoned, they are still willing to stay in their in-laws’ house, honor their elders, and take care of young women.

   Just imagine, Ren Hang is in jail, but he still persists and takes care of his children wholeheartedly. Can such a good wife and loving mother not let their Ren family accept him wholeheartedly?

   Until then, my position as the young mistress of the Ren family will be truly secure.

  On the way back, Anna became more and more excited as she thought about it, and felt that such a development was the best arrangement.

   It is said that a friend in need is a friend, as long as she is valued by the entire Ren family, Anna will no longer be a woman that their Ren family can casually dismiss.

  So, what should she do in this matter? ?

  Obviously, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law cannot accept Yi Hang's imprisonment. If they really ask Yu's family to come forward to help, will An Yan be able to bear it?

  At this moment, she really hoped that An Yan would be tough to the end, and it would be best to fight the Yu family head-on with her life.


  An Yan, who was sitting in the living room, didn't know that someone expected her to fight the Yu family, she was surprised right now.


   "Is it such a coincidence?"

  Her boyfriend told her just now that the Ren family that Anna married into was the family of his stepmother, that is to say, Ren Hang is the aunt of that mistress?

  Is the world so small? How come there are related people around you?

  She suddenly remembered the gossip about the Ren family that Sister Qingqing had said before, which seemed to say that the Ren family had a rich life today because of their nepotism.

  So, the Ren family that Sister Qingqing mentioned earlier relied on her married daughter to gain a big backer, which is her boyfriend's family? ?

   Really beeped the dog!

But thinking about what that Ren Xiaosan did, what Ren Hang did, there is nothing surprising. It is really a family tradition, and the whole family is not a good person, even the daughter-in-law who married into the door is also ungrateful White-eyed wolf!

   When a woman becomes ruthless, she is ruthless to herself!



  (end of this chapter)