MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 349

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"Satan, ask everything they know," Lu Yuan explained casually, and then left it alone.

Don't forget that Lu Yuan has his own **** dimension, which is still a primordial **** at the omnipotent universe level, including the existence of OAA and DC god-level existences that cannot be influenced and interfered, and even if he accidentally falls into it, he may be broken.

Of course Lu Yuan has his own uniqueness, because No. 2's self merged with this **** dimension, and later this **** became Lu Yuan's possession, including the great gods born there today.

The Lord of Hell, Satan, if he is placed outside, he is already at the level of omnipotence in the universe, but now he is Lu Yuan's most loyal subordinate.

In less than a night, Satan completed the task, and everything was detailed, from the birth of two werewolves as humans, until they were transformed into werewolves by some wizards' experiments, and everything that happened recently. .

Satan didn't know what Lu Yuan wanted to inquire about, so Satan didn't bother, and asked every word more than once.

The two werewolves were tortured, and although only their souls were left, they were still tortured to death. In the end, they even lost their consciousness, leaving only two chaotic soul breaths.

And Lu Yuan got a lot of information.

Sure enough, the undercurrent in London is now surging. Under the surface world, all the dark creatures are waiting for the arrival of one person, that is the legendary great demon vampire, Count Dracula.

By the way, why is Dracula so influential?

Not only because Dracula itself is indeed the oldest existence, but also because Dracula once betrayed God, and he is the source of his own lineage.

Dracula is the ancestor of vampires.

This makes many dark creatures ready to move, especially some wizards, who want to get Dracula's blood, so that they can create powerful second-generation vampires.

As for why the wizards did this, even the two werewolves don't know.

Those two werewolves were just subordinates created by those wizards. They were not only simple-minded, but also didn't know much.

But they also know that there are more dark creatures gathered here than the wizards today.

For example, the vampires who also peeped at the blood of Count Dracula, as well as the ghouls created by the vampires, and even some gargoyles also came.

The whole of London seems to have become the Garden of Eden 830 of dark creatures.

Even many werewolves who seemed to appear naturally came.

According to legend, werewolves and vampires actually have the same ancestor, but they are naturally hostile.

So since there are natural vampires, there are also natural werewolves.

And the werewolves are certainly not here for Dracula's blood, they may have other purposes.

There is still a lot of mess, but what the two werewolves know is extremely limited, Lu Yuan can only think of other ways to continue to inquire about the news.

But at this moment, a team of patrolmen surrounded Lu Yuan who had walked out of the alley.

"I finally found you," the director came to Lu Yuan breathlessly during the day.

Lu Yuan was a little surprised: "Aren't you really afraid of death?"

Those patrolmen were startled, and hurriedly raised their trailing spears and aimed at Lu Yuan.

The director was also startled, and hurriedly stopped: "No, this thing doesn't work for him."

This is true.

The director wiped his cold sweat and explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to provoke you. In fact, I'm reflecting, please forgive my previous behavior, I have come to understand, we need your help, please use your strength Lend it to us."

"Oh?" Lu Yuan smiled: "What did you find?"

The director's expression was ugly, and he nodded: "The woman who was murdered has been 'resurrected'.".

634、To solve the ghoul

In fact, the murdered woman, Martha Tabren, was murdered as early as last night, and was not discovered until this morning.

However, because of the relationship during the day, she never behaved differently until that night, when the director had already gone home, she was called up again overnight.

The subordinates called in a panic, saying that the dead girls had come back to life, but not a normal resurrection, but turned into some kind of monster.

"She can move even with only her broken upper body, and she has already killed two people. At that time, two forensic doctors were examining her, but she was killed. In other words, they won't become monsters, right? ?" The director was in a cold sweat, explaining the situation to Lu Yuan.

At this time, they were riding in a carriage to the scene of the incident.

Lu Yuan sat opposite and didn't care about the shaking caused by the trot of the carriage. Listening to the director's worry, he said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, as long as it burns, it will be fine."

It really doesn't matter that.

The director is ashamed, does it mean that the two people killed by Masha who turned into monsters will also become monsters?

In fact, Lu Yuan is not sure, he also needs to see it with his own eyes to make an identification.

Mainly because he still knows too little about this type of dark creature.

He knew about Masha's situation. Masha was obviously drained of blood and gutted by some kind of dark creature, but she still turned into a monster.

But what happens to those killed by Martha?

"I suddenly became concerned, can you make the carriage go faster?" Lu Yuan showed an interested expression.

The director continued to wipe the cold sweat.

He began to worry, this man has the ability, but whether it was the right choice to ask him to help, he also began to doubt.

Not long after, the speeding carriage finally arrived at its destination, where a funeral home was located.

The murdered Martha can't be buried immediately because many things have not been investigated yet.

In fact, there is already a fingerprint identification method, but it is not as advanced as the future, and you can find a pair directly from the fingerprint identification library.

There are also the injuries of the deceased, as well as various information and intelligence left behind.

That's why Martha was brought back from the dead and then killed other people.

When Lu Yuan followed the director to the funeral home, it had been blocked by a team of patrols.

Those people raised their guns vigilantly, but they were not facing the outside, but the inside of the building, as if some monster might rush out of it at any time.

The arrival of the director also surprised them, because the director and Lu Yuan came from behind.

"Open the door ¨'," ordered the Director.

Someone reluctantly walked over carefully and opened the chain that had been locked.

The door creaked open, but not from the outside, but from the inside.

On the ground, something was squirming and lying there, and it was it that opened the door, and then jumped up and rushed out.

A bunch of people were holding guns outside, but at this time they were scared and turned their heads subconsciously to run.

Just seeing Lu Yuan's quick eyes and quick hands, he picked up the platinum cane and waved it forward: "Let's go."



Some people didn't see what happened, only to see a black shadow being quickly swept away by Lu Yuan.

"This, this," the director shouted for a long time, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Lu Yuan put away his cane, adjusted his hat again, and walked inside.

"Director, who is this?" Someone next to him asked.

The director was about to follow up. After thinking about it, he stopped and turned around to explain to his subordinates: "That's the professional I invited. Well, close the door again and wait for the professional. Come out and talk."

He didn't say what would happen if Lu Yuan didn't come out.

Lu Yuan heard the movement behind him, shook his head, and said nothing, his actions could be easier, so he continued to walk forward.

This place was originally a place where strangers were not allowed to enter, and now there is no one there, and it is accurate to know that there are one or three monsters in it. It can be said that the horror atmosphere is already very strong.

But Lu Yuan didn't care at all, and walked straight to the direction of the monster that flew away before.

When Lu Yuan walked over, the thing was able to get up.

It turned out that it was the upper body of a woman, and it was Martha who had returned from the dead.

It's just that now she is no longer human, and her body is incomplete, not only the upper body is left, but even the things in her body are gone.

It turned out that there was still some 'tattered' intestines, maybe it was taken out during the forensic identification, and she suddenly came back to life.

I don't know what she's doing now.

Lu Yuan squatted down with great interest, and took the scepter to flip the woman.

It may be that the stick he just hit was too hard. The woman was already dead, the kind that was completely dead. Even a dark creature couldn't stand Lu Yuan's stick.

Lu Yuan shook his head in disappointment, then snapped his fingers.

From behind Lu Yuan, the gate of **** opened faintly, and a terrifying aura that was more eerie than the scene and here also emerged spontaneously.

A shadow demon appeared behind Lu Yuan. It was an intermediate-level demon, and it was enough to destroy a world in a normal world.

At this time, he knelt down on one knee with great reverence: "'My lord, please order me."

"Follow this woman's breath of death and find the thing that killed her, but don't rush or show up, wait for my follow-up instructions," Lu Yuan ordered casually.

The Shadow Demon instantly turned into a shadow and disappeared.

The breath of death, most people don't know what it is, but it is obvious to the demons from hell.

Because they also feed on it.

Demons use almost all negative things as their main food. Human beings are not only the objects of their pleasure, but also the main existence that produces food sources for them.

The real big devil will not take the initiative to attack human beings, because human beings themselves have various emotions and six desires, and most of those can support a demon.

Human emotions are what the devil seeks, not human life itself.

Of course, there are also demons who take the initiative to create despair and terror for human beings, and that (good money) is another matter.

At this time, Lu Yuan stood up and walked to the other room.

In a room similar to an operating room, two people who had lost their lives, but continued to stand for unknown reasons and principles, and who rushed in quickly after Lu Yuan came in, opened their **** mouths and were about to attack Lu Yuan.


Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and released two heat rays in his eyes, drawing two arcs in the air and hitting the heads of the two monsters at the same time.

In an instant, the two dark creatures that were originally difficult to entangle were vanished in ashes.

At Lu Yuan's level, he was too lazy to take action himself, and he could instantly kill everything with just one look.

After completing this, Lu Yuan turned around and went out the same way.

When he came outside, Lu Yuan directly explained to the director: "I can't ask for it here, mainly because those three things are inconvenient to be known, so I'd better burn them. Also, go and tell the Queen, that London in London, It is now full of dark creatures.".

635, Mina, Elizabeth reincarnated

Lu Yuan is not alarmist, in fact, the situation may be even worse.

In London at this time, not only may there be many dark creatures hiding in the shadowy corners, but even on the streets, there are some people who seem to be sanctimonious, but they are actually beasts in clothes.

This is not sarcasm, but literally.

"My lord."

A shadow fluttered behind Lu Yuan.

Shadow Demon, who was dispatched by Lu Yuan to do some investigations, has received accurate information at this time.

This is a mid-level demon who could have come out of someone else's shadow, or even attack.

Generally, people who encounter this kind of opponent for the first time are almost unable to avoid his kill.

But the Shadow Demon didn't dare to come out of Lu Yuan's shadow, but came out from under the next wall. At this moment, he was kneeling there respectfully, bowing his head, waiting for Lu Yuan to ask.

Lu Yuan asked without looking back, "Have you found it?"


"lead the way."

At the moment, a shadow, followed by a person, quickly rushed to another city.

In the urban area where the murder scene was found before, Lu Yuan followed the Shadow Demon around and finally came to a back street.

There, two people are entangled.

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