MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 40 School entrance examination (1)

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In the following words, Huang Fushan did not talk again, but Lin Biao guessed what she meant.

Lin Biao would have imagined the plot at the time, but it was just a coincidence. I had no choice but to talk to Huang Fushan: "Don't think too much."

Huang Fushan did not speak any more.

Lin Biao also couldn't guess Huang Shushan's thoughts, then turned his head and looked at Ling Ling and asked: "Next, what are you going to do." He saw a trace of embarrassment in Ling Ling's heart.

The same is true for Lin Ling. When I saw Lin Biao, I remembered the scene next to the hot springs, which suppressed the unnaturalness in my heart. Ling Luo said: "In a few days, the review of Yunqi College will begin. The rest of the day. Let's practice in this woods..."

Lin Biao nodded.

When you start practicing, time always goes very fast.

In a few days, the days when Yunqi College started school came.

Lin Biao rushed to Yunqi College one day before the start of school.

At this point, he was sitting in the seat and listening to the teacher's request for the review.

"This competition is a mixture of all classes in the Yellow Division of the Refining Medicine Department and all classes in the Yellow Division of the Cultivation Department. It will be sent to you by the College. You are all tasked to find such a grass...."

Said, the teacher took out a splendid grass planted in the basin, put it on the hand, and looked at the students below.

"This is a green star grass. There are not many green grasses. Not everyone can find such a grass. Some of you may be able to find this green grass with luck, but it is not luck. I can solve everything." The teacher paused. "There will be death for this review, and the deadline is three months."

The teacher’s remarks made the students below silent. This review should consider not only how to find the green grass, but also the surrounding enemies at all times to prevent the other party from taking their name.

Lin Biao was not too nervous about this review because he advanced to the first stage of the first few days.

The right to sit on the side is also a calm appearance, Lin Biao went forward and asked: "This review is very dangerous."

He turned his head and smiled faintly: "Yeah, if you are not careful, you may lose your life in it." Are you scared?"

Lin Biao shook his head.

At this time, everyone has begun to prepare to transfer the location.

Lin Biao is no longer talking to the right.


Sitting on the transmission array, in a stun, Lin Biao came to a plain.

When I came to this place, Lin Biao found that his mental strength was suppressed and he could not know the situation in the distance. However, Lin Biao does not care, he has a cheating device, Huang Yushan is still afraid of anything.

"I can't detect the situation in the distance."

When I was thinking about the beauty of Lin Biao, Huang Fushan suddenly said such a sentence.

Lin Biao: "..." Forget it, everyone has no mental strength and is equal. No mental strength, nothing. Thinking about it, Lin Biao began to look at the surrounding environment.

This time, the transmission array was sent in a disorderly order. Lin Biao thought that he would be with strangers. He just started to guard against the people around him when he was transferred to the place, but found that the people around him were right.

"We both have a relationship." Quan Quan smiled at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao slightly stunned. "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so clever." But this is also good, acquaintances are more reassuring than strangers.

The two did not talk much. After speaking two sentences, they acted and looked for Qing Xingcao.

Lin Biao is now a mysterious class, and I will definitely go to the Xuan class after passing the audit. He is now on a strong road, step by step. After two years, he returned to the Nebula and participated in the drug court. At that time, I will participate in the trial again. With the strength of Lin Biao, I have to win a good result!

He and the right to search on the ground, by the way to guard against the surrounding situation, Lin Biao luck.

After searching for a long time, I found a green grass.

However, there is only one tree in this green grass. Looking at the green star grass in Lin Biao's hand, he took the lead and smiled and said: "Congratulations, let's put this green grass into the mustard space. The green grass that belongs to me, maybe. It’s not far away.”

Originally, there were still some embarrassing things. When I heard the words of the shackles, Lin Biao smiled at the right to squat, and put the sapphire grass in the mustard space, searching for it with a low head.

Searching all the way, Lin Biao did not find the green star grass, but found some other spirit grass, but also in the mustard space.

"Call." Spit a sigh of relief, Lin Biao wiped the fine sweat on his head. After looking for a long time, I still didn't see the shadow of Qingxingcao. It seems that this Qingxingcao is really like the teacher said, there are not many. At the beginning, the one I found was just a good luck for Lin Biao.

However, don't worry. After all, the deadline for the review is three months, and it has only been a few moments.

汲 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找 找

Lin Biao nodded and sat on the floor.

I don't know where Ling was sent to, and what is the task of their cultivation department.

"Do you think we can pass the review this time?"

When I heard the question of 汲 right, Lin Biao was a little surprised. "You have no confidence to pass this review?"

Yan Quan shook his head against Lin Biao and did not speak. He lowered his head and there was a worry in his eyes. He always feels that this review will not be passed so easily, and I always feel that this review will happen unexpectedly.

Seeing that the right does not speak, Lin Biao touched his soft hand and smiled: "Don't worry, I will protect you if there is danger! Green Star Grass will be found soon." Perhaps he is so far There is no such strength as Ling Ling, but his combat effectiveness is not virtual.

Lin Biao’s words made him rise his head, and his face was a little surprised. He was the first time he heard people say that he would protect himself. A smile at Lin Biao, 汲 right said: "Well, let's go, let's go find it."


Maybe their luck is running out today.

It’s a few more hours, the sky will be black, or even a green star grass will not be seen.

"It seems that we really can't find the second green star grass today." Lin Yi sighed, the sky would be black, and they would not be able to move forward again.

The place where they were transmitted, although it was only a meadow, but there is no dangerous thing, it is still unknown.

He also sighed a little, ready to give up looking for Qing Xing grass, ready to fight again tomorrow.

Lin Biao suddenly pointed at the tip of the eye, there is a green star grass hidden in a lot of weeds, with the breeze blowing, and swinging left and right.

"Look at that!" Lin Biao excitedly pulled the sleeves of the right to pull, pointing to the direction of the green star grass.

Zhai Quan also saw the green star grass, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Just when he wanted to put the green star grass into his mustard space, he took a spirit from the sky and screamed in the direction of the right.

Unable to prevent, both the right and the Lin Biao took a few steps back and escaped the attack of the spirit.

The green star grass was smashed by the sword, and it was crushed by the top of the spirit....

"Who!" Lin Biao loudly, his heart was extremely angry.

It was hard to find a one but was destroyed by a spirit that did not know where to come.

Really hateful! Lin Biao's mental strength was suppressed, and it was impossible to know that the spirits were flying toward them, which led to the unpreparedness of seeing the spirits and wasting a green grass.

In the distance, I hurriedly approached two figures. When I was approaching, Lin Biao found that the two were actually Yin Ziju and Yu Weiwei! I couldn’t help but stunned.

At the moment when Yu Weiwei saw Lin Biao, her eyes suddenly lit up, and her eyes kept scanning around Lin Biao. When I found out that I didn't find the figure in my mind, I suddenly bowed my head.

Yin Ziju’s face was suddenly unsatisfactory. The last time he had not counted with Lin Biao, he did not expect to meet him in this place. Looking at the beautiful Yu Weiwei on the side, Yin Ziju’s eyes flashed a trace of lasciviousness and evil. It was unexpected to send it to this place with Yu Weiwei. However, this beautiful woman looks like a timid character.

Touching his face, Yin Ziju came to believe in his face. This time he wanted to capture the heart of Yu Weiwei. So at the moment I saw Lin Biao, Yin Ziju did not have the first time to start, but hang a pair of 'friendly' smiles.

"I am really embarrassed, I am afraid that I was scared of the two of the refining system." Yin Ziju pulled up the spirit of the ground and shaken the corpse of the green star grass. "At the time, I saw that there was a shadow on this side. I thought it was an enemy. I was so sorry."

Yin Ziju said that he is not a fake. He did see the figure in front of him. He thought that the students of the cultivation department had directly smashed a sword and wanted to take advantage of it. However, if there is no Yu Weiwei beside him, even if he is opposite to two refining students who he does not know at all, he will kill him.

There are still three months to try to kill Lin Biao with his current strength, and some are kung fu. Yin Ziju’s face still had a smile on his face, and the haze in his eyes flashed past.

Lin Biao naturally saw the hint of Yin in the eyes of Yin Ziju. He shook his fist. Yin Ziju had a treasure that was concealed and repaired. In addition, he could not use his mental power in this place. Lin Biao could not know how much Yin Ziju’s current cultivation had improved.

However, it is not necessary to improve too much. There is no such a halo as the fall of the protagonist, and Yin Ziju’s cultivation is probably the same as him!

The smile of the skin is not smiling. Yin Ziju reveals eight neat and white teeth, and Lin Biao does not intend to provoke in advance. His mind is the same idea as Yin Ziju, and there is still a lot of time. There are still many opportunities to kill Yin Ziju.

And he looked at the body of Qing Xingcao, who was shaken by Yin Ziju on the ground, and sighed softly. He looked at Yin Ziju’s eyes quite a bit, but he was not angry. He looked at Yin Ziju nodded, indifferent: "Nothing." Then looked at Lin Biao, ready to pull Lin Biao away from Yin Ziju.

Yin Ziju does not seem to be a good person.

However, at this time, Yu Weiwei’s weak mouth was open. “Can you let me go with you?” In her opinion, Ling Luo and Lin Biao are good friends. Then in these three months, Lin Biao and Ling Luo will definitely meet. If she followed Lin Biao, she might have a chance to see the fall.

Her eyes were wet and looked at Lin Biao and Yu Quan, and their eyes were full of pleading.

Lin Biao frowned and wanted to refuse, but it was somewhat unbearable by the appearance of Yu Weiwei. Then look at the right to let him make a decision.

He took a look at Yu Weiwei, thought for a while, or nodded. "Yes, but this person around you is not allowed to follow us!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Weiwei nodded happily. She and Yin Ziju were originally a general exchange. Naturally, they were very happy to abandon Yin Ziju and came to Lin Biao and Yu Quan.

Yin Ziju saw Rain Wei Wei walked over and his face flashed a hint of haze. He is determined to catch Yu Weiwei, how could he let Yu Weiwei follow the Lin Biao in this place and leave. "Why don't you let me follow you." He bit his teeth.

He took a look at him and turned around: "No reason."

Lin Biao hooked his lips at Yin Ziju and saw Yin Ziju look at Yu Weiwei's eyes. Naturally, he knew what Yin Ziju had for Rain Weiwei. Seeing that Yin Ziju looks like this, Lin Biao is very happy.

He also turned around with the right to defend, while defending Yin Ziju might sneak attack while walking away.

Yu Weiwei quickly caught up with their footsteps.

Yin Ziju clenched his hand and turned.

Toasting, not eating and drinking! Then don't blame him for being unkind!

Yin Ziju is ready to lift the spirits and sway toward the back of Lin Biao.

Suddenly the mountain shakes.

Lin Biao only felt that his feet were shaking so badly that he could not stand even in the station.

What happened? Lin Biao and Zhai Quan looked at each other and saw the worries in the other's eyes.

The movement seems to be coming from the rear.

Looking around, but seeing a huge figure in the back is coming quickly in their direction.

Yin Ziju, who turned his head because of this movement, also widened his eyes when he saw the huge figure.

Yu Weiwei was so scared that the whole person was red.

Four people have flashed two words in their hearts - "Warcraft."

Look at the size of this Warcraft, and the resulting movement, the estimated level is not low.

The four of them who met the Warcraft estimate are not enough.

Lin Biao bit his teeth and whispered: "Run."

Of course, Lin Biao said that the speed of the other three people running away is extremely fast. I didn't expect that it would look like a delicate and delicate Yu Weiwei. It is also very fast to escape. It is hardly weaker than Lin Biao and Yi Quan.

"Damn, how can there be such a big Warcraft here?" Lin Biao whispered.

He took the fist and shook his fist. "I don't know, run faster. After a step, we will become the belly of Warcraft."

Lin Biao did not answer, but the speed of his feet improved a lot.

Among the four people, the fastest one is Yin Ziju. Originally behind the rest of the three, this time has already reached the front of the three.

Lin Biao looked at the figure of Yin Ziju in front of him, and he knew that the cultivation of Yin Ziju was probably more than simple.

Can have such a fast speed... Lin licked his lips.

The speed of the Warcraft behind him did not know why it slowed down, and gradually it was opened by a group of four people.

Until that Warcraft could not see the figure completely, Lin Biao four talents stopped. They each leaned against a tree beside them, and kept breathing.

"Where is the World of Warcraft! What is special, the college hopes that none of our students should go back alive!!" Yin Ziju squinted, remembering that he had just been buried in the belly of Warcraft, he had a lingering fear and could not help but pull out. sound.

He took the gas and gasped for a while. He faintly said: "Well, that Warcraft is probably cited by someone."

“Why do you say that?” Lin Biao asked.

He replied: "Yunqi College can't know that there is such a World of Warcraft, and it is very safe to send us all in. Look at the shape acceleration of that Warcraft, the level is not low. We are coming in to review When you run into this Warcraft, there is only one dead end."

"This Warcraft should be hidden somewhere in this world, and it has been stimulated by some method."

"Which person is so neurotic!" Yin Ziju cursed.

When I heard the words of the right to speak, Lin Biao suddenly had some guesses.

The person who can bring this Warcraft out is probably only... One. Lin Biao hangs his eyes and recalls the description of this review in the plot. But only vaguely remembered some fragmentary fragments.....

After licking his own temple, Lin Biao thought, knowing that he would be born again, he would be familiar with the story of "The Sky".

"What do we do now?" Yu Weiwei asked a little weakly at the side.

How to do? Cold salad!

Lin Biao rolled his eyes and did not answer Rain Wei. Instead, Yin Ziju’s appearance of a pity of Xiang Xiyu was put together. "Wei Wei, don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I will protect you."

Protect Rain Weiwei? Lin said sarcastically: "Who was the fastest who just ran?"

I only ran faster than the rabbit, but now I came over to install the hero. Lin Biao is not afraid that Yin Ziju will suddenly attack at this time, even if the cultivation of Yin Ziju is increased, what about? His cultivation is not without progress, he does not believe that he will easily lose in the hands of Yin Ziju.

Yin Ziju, who had just experienced the shocking incident, was in a violent stage. When he heard Lin Biao's words, he even had a kind of spirit to kill Lin Biao's desire. Hope, but he resisted hard.

If you fight at this time, and the one World of Warcraft is alarmed again, it will not be worth the candle. Yin looked at Lin Biao's glance, Yin Ziju smiled disdainfully, turned his head and continued to comfort Yu Weiwei. I thought in my heart that if he was caught by him, he would definitely want to kill Lin Biao’s good temper and kill him.

It’s too late, and there are more dangers in unknown places. Looking around, Lin Biao said: "We will rest here at night."

汲 right nod.

Lin Biao jumped on a tree and prepared to rest on it at night. He then jumped up.

Yu Weiwei resolutely refused Yin Ziju who wanted to help her. She jumped up and leaned on the branches. Thinking of the fall in the heart, Yu Weiwei now feels so lonely.

I don’t know when I will see Ling Ling again. Yu Weiwei’s eyes are in tears and look away from the darkness.

Yin Ziju squeezed his fist and jumped on the tree.

He is not in a hurry, no hurry. In the morning and evening, he will kill Lin Biao and others, and he will return to the beauty.

The author has something to say: New pit →

This is a romance novel with a little dog blood.

The male master is Gao Fushuai, the male second is Gao poor Meng, and the female host is Cinderella.

The male and female lords are childhood friends, and the male and female lords are happy.

The original plot is that the male master finally got the female lord. Although the male second is heartbroken, he has no choice but to accept it.

However, when Yi Jiyun penetrates into this romance novel, everything is different.

Because... our new protagonist, his gender male....hobby - male!

It’s just that Yi Jiyun’s character is a bit boring, how can I let the male second no longer love the female QAQ?

1, the protagonist is subject to the main, and very boring, the thunder are not allowed. The early stage of the attack is set to Meng, and the mine is not allowed to enter.

2, the protagonist wants to push down the male two and is pushed down

↑↑↑Introduction, a chapter has been updated

Don't worry about my filling problem, my pit will definitely end. Yesterday, I was sick because of a stomachache, so I took time off. Some people say that they have not seen the leave of absence, I am afraid that jj has taken another.

Also, the days after that are getting busy. I saw a lot of comments in the comments, and said that I want to abandon the text. I want to say a word...

Seeing friends here, I know that I may be young and tender, and there are many BUGs in some places. Thank you for accompanying me here.

If I write some of the stalks later, it may be the reason for your abandonment. I have no reason to stay with you. I can only say one thing. Let’s see you next time.

I may not comment back later, I may have to use the deposit box.

In fact, I saw some people commenting on the abandonment of the gods, really sad (╮)╭

But I won't give up, even if only one person is watching the last pit, I will stick to it.

I want to cheer!

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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XianxiaMartial ArtsHaremAdventure