MTL - I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World-Chapter 98 Material (2)

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  Chapter 98 Material (2)

  Lin En walked over with the notebook in her arms, and Ido was sitting in the first row on the left, and there was a vacant seat on her right. A short white leg was resting on this position, and Ido only retracted the leg when Lynn came over.

   "It's specially reserved for you, so I guess you're going to be late." Yi Duo said carelessly.

   "Thank you." Lynn said politely.

  The atmosphere in the classroom was very quiet, and the apprentices sat quietly in their seats and did their own things.

  Lin En glanced back at the apprentice standing in the last row, looked away, and couldn't help but look at Yi Duo more.

  The background and strength of this little rich woman seem to be really not simple, otherwise it would be impossible to occupy a special position, so many apprentices behind would rather stand than sit.

  Although Lynn concentrates on doing her own thing most of the time.

   But he has been here for a while, and he has gradually gained a deeper understanding of the atmosphere of the jungle of the Devil City.

  The strength here is not only strong in strength, but also includes background, wrist, connections, and wealth.

  The intermittent coughing sound of "cough, cough, cough" echoed in the classroom, and the owner of the voice was on his right, occupying the middle position in the first row.

   Sitting on Lynn's right was a pale young wizard with dark circles under his eyes.

   Noticing Dorian's gaze, the wizard on the right coughed softly while covering his mouth with a kind smile on his face.

   "His grandmother's, since becoming a wizard, he often stays up all night, and my body is getting worse day by day."

   Watching the gentle young wizard speak well.

   "My body is about to fail. My friend sees that you look so good. How do you take care of your body?"

   "One hundred push-ups, five hundred squats every day, and then run ten kilometers." Lynn said casually.

  Ido, who was sitting on the left, couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard Lynn's big talk.

   This guy can make it up, she never saw Lynn out for a run.

  As long as I don’t come out to attend lectures, or the laboratory materials are gone, I basically stay in the laboratory every day.

  The so-called she knew it was because one time when Lynn's experiment reached a critical point, Jim was not in the city of devils at that time, so Lynn asked Ido to help him purchase some experimental materials.

   It was also on that occasion that she entered Lynn's laboratory for a visit.

   Nothing interesting, just cold walls and mechanical experiments.

  It made her feel like her dad.

   "Is that so, it's a pity that I don't have so much free time." The young wizard next to him said regretfully.

   Looking at his regretful expression, it seems that he really regrets this.

  On the podium, space ripples flashed.

   Then, in the eyes of everyone, a lady wearing a long skirt and emerald green hair over the shoulders appeared on the podium. This lady wore a delicate crown on her head, and her body was filled with rich green natural elements.

   "My name is Maybe Tessa, and I'm the lecturer of this "Wizard Tower Making and Experience" course."

  Lin En was shocked when he heard the name, and looked at the lady on the podium in shock.

  If the Abyss Wizard Academy does not have two official wizards named Maybetassa, then the wizard in front of him should be the owner of the giant elf tree.

   "Before going to this wizard tower making and experience course, let me ask you a question, what is a wizard tower?"

   Maybe Tessa said.

  Many apprentices in the classroom raised their hands in unison.

  This kind of opportunity to express and show oneself in front of official wizards should not be missed.

  For most apprentices, the most positive contact with wizards in their life is in the classroom of wizard college.

   "The wizard's tower is the place that carries the wizard's truth."

   "The wizard tower is the wizard's weapon of war, relying on the power of the wizard tower to conquer other planes."

   "You are all right. The Wizard Tower is essentially the crystallization of the wizard's wisdom. It is essentially just a tool, so there is no need to be too mythical about the Wizard Tower." Maybetessa said.

   "But have you ever thought about how wizards survived before there was no wizard tower?"

  Hearing Maybe Tessa's question, there was a sudden silence in the auditorium.

  Before there was no wizard tower. How long ago was that? Didn't the first wizards have no wizard tower?

  If the wizard does not have a wizard tower, it is difficult for the wizard's own strength to reach its current height.

   "I know, it was the wizards of the third era who created the Wizard Tower." Yi Duo raised his hand and said.

  Mabe Tessa nodded, "That's right, we all know that we are now the Seventh Wizarding Era, and there are six epochs before the Seventh Wizarding Era, and the wizards created the Wizarding Tower in the Third Wizarding Era."

   "But before there is no wizard tower, it doesn't mean that wizards don't have similar works. Floating city, planetary transformation, artificial titan, these large-scale creations can still allow wizards of that era to use their power to fight across the ranks."

"These are all things made by the wizards of that era. The wizard tower is a similar achievement. The original wizard tower is not as magical as it is now. It is only in the process of improvement and creation of wizards from generation to generation that the wizard tower becomes Getting stronger and stronger."

   Maybe Tessa said.

   "So at first the wizard tower was a tool made by wizards to fight and capture the enemy's war tool."

   "Since it is a tool, why only one wizard tower?"

   "Because I don't have the money to make the second one." A wizard in the back row silently raised his hand and said resentfully.

  He still has a thousand miles to gather the materials for the first wizard tower.

   "It makes sense." Maybe Tessa said. "So the fundamental reason is that the construction of the wizard tower requires too many materials, and many of you cannot afford it."

"I happen to have an opportunity here, an opportunity that can save a lot of resources and quickly become a wizard, but I need you to sign a contract with me, and you only need to cooperate with me for a hundred years after becoming an official wizard." Mei Beitai Sarah said.

  Lin En leaned back, is this big sister a loan shark?

  Many apprentices in the classroom made a lot of noise. They didn't expect such a good thing to happen. Some apprentices opened their eyes wide.

   "Master Wizard, may I know what the opportunity is?" an apprentice asked impatiently.

  Mabe Tessa smiled slightly, and took out a seed with a large number of complex patterns carved on its surface from her sleeve.

  This seed exudes an extremely strong vitality, and there are even faint illusions in the surrounding air, including petals, leaves, and grass.

   "The subspecies of the mother elf tree can become the frame and structure of the wizard tower, and the mother elf tree is inherently able to absorb the power of elements in nature, so using it can save a lot of materials."

"My wizard tower is built by relying on the elf mother tree subspecies, so there is no need to question whether it can be used as a material for wizard towers. Many people use metal to build wizard towers, but I can tell you that using creatures to become wizard towers The framework will also have unexpected”

   "Maybe Tessa!"

  Suddenly a majestic Shen Yao sounded in the classroom, and the voice came from the distant void.

  Mabe Tessa standing on the podium raised her head and looked into the void without fear. "What's the matter, Mr. Director?"

  "Everyone has his own way, you can't use your way to influence other apprentices."

   "I just gave them a choice, I didn't interfere with them."

  Over the classroom, the space suddenly split open, and a giant black claw burning with raging flames descended from the sky.

   Maybe Tessa smiled, "What is the new way and what is the old way?"

  Lin En was close to the podium, and he could see clearly that when the giant claw burning with raging flames fell, the surrounding air also appeared layers of water-like folds.

  The space is not broken, but is continuously compressed by some mighty force, and finally turned into a thin drawing paper.

  The one standing on the paper is Maybe Tessa standing on the podium.

  Mabe Tessa did not resist from beginning to end, nor did she cast a spell.

   Until the giant claws burning with flames took Maybetassa away and disappeared in place.

  The podium also returned to silence.

  The apprentices in the classroom are looking at each other, why is the teacher gone halfway through the class, so the tuition for this class is still refundable?

   Besides, is the seed mentioned by Wizard Maybe Tessa really count?

Not all apprentices can build a wizard tower, and some apprentices are extremely difficult to build a wizard tower. Hearing what Maybe and Tessa said, he immediately thought of what Maybe and Tessa said just now, but that wizard did not know what to do. I was taken away, where can I find it now?

Lynn looked worried, Xiao Ye and Maybe Tessa were in a cooperative relationship, Maybe Tessa was taken away, it shouldn't affect the experiment I participated in, if the materials I got ran away, I would be busy during this time up.

"Her grandmother's, and wasting so much of my time, I thought there were really some dry goods, but I didn't expect it was just to promote her seeds, cough, cough, cough." The young man with kidney deficiency sitting next to Lin En covered his mouth and coughed hard, listening Seeing his more heart-piercing cough, Lynn had to worry that he would die suddenly at any time.

   "Do you know who the guy sitting on your right just now is?" Ido said.


   "Korski, the City of Demons is currently the most promising apprentice to become an official wizard." Yi Duo said.

   "That name is quite big." Lynn replied casually.

   "Because his wizard tower is almost finished, that guy is quite famous, he comes from the city of machinery."

When Lin En heard the name City of Machinery, Yi Duo continued to say: "He is also a strange creature. The wizards in City of Machinery are basically transformed by alchemy and immortalized by machinery, but he has hated machinery since he was a child. Instead, he has always been clamoring for immortality of flesh and blood."

   "Later, his father was so angry that he threw him directly to the Abyss Wizard Academy. If you can see his wizard tower, you will know it, anyway, it is different from ordinary wizard towers." Yi Duo shrugged.

   "Where is your wizard tower? Why have I never seen your wizard tower before?" Lynn asked.

   The corners of Yiduo's mouth raised, "Do you want to see my wizard tower?"


   "You will be able to see him later." Yi Duo walked leisurely beside Lynn with her hands behind her back.

   "By the way, do you have time? I'm going to the slave market in the abyss to see if there are any suitable slaves." Ido asked.

   "No." Lynn shook his head.

  He is so busy every day that he has no time to go to the abyss.

   "Okay." Yi Duo sighed, "It's always so boring, you seem to spend all your time on the road of seeking the truth, isn't the scenery on the side of the road really worth stopping for a moment?"

  Lin En didn't know how to answer, he just bowed his head silently and walked forward, his pace was a little faster.

  (end of this chapter)

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