MTL - I Built a Territory in Ancient Times-Chapter 5 Festival

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"You, General Xie, didn't send five or six teams to chase and intercept that group of foreign bandits. Judging from the speed, time, and action route of the group, they should be in the area of ​​Changlan Mountain at this time." Ming Yu pointed with a long, fair-skinned finger. Pointing to a certain point on the map, he said confidently.

Ji Yu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and then there was a sense of exclamation. He didn't need to go over to look at the map, he already knew where Ming Yu pointed. That's right, when he came out, General Xie arranged it himself, and the troops were all heading to the Changlan Mountain. This Duan Wang didn't know anything about the situation. Just by looking at the map, he had already analyzed the barbarians. The location is exactly the same as what General Xie said, this... Is this Duan Wang really the stupid prince in rumors?

Mo Jiang was not surprised by this for a long time. All the way, it was His Highness who decided the big and small affairs. His Highness's knowledge was much stronger than that of ordinary people. Those rumors that His Highness is stupid must be due to jealousy.

"His Royal Highness, in this way, don't we have to take a long way to avoid the Changlan Mountain area?" Mo Jiang asked.

Ming Yu nodded, they don't have to join in the fun, a group of rabble, it is also a hindrance to go, anyway, it is not that dish, if it is accidentally injured, it will be troublesome, it is better to take a detour.

Ji You felt a little regretful. Their generals had already set up the pocket formation. As soon as the time came, the barbarians would enter the urn. Let alone participating in the meritorious service, they would not even be able to take a sip of the soup. Whoops! Why is it so unfortunate, if I had known it earlier, I would have asked Mr. Wen to pinpoint a better time to set off, as long as we could avoid Duanwang's team!

Mo Jiang is also a bit unfortunate. He has always been in the Imperial Guard of the capital, and he has never seen a real battlefield to kill an enemy. To tell the truth, their janitorial guards have a good name and a good reputation. They have never participated in the war at all. Every year the royal autumn hunts, they only help to chase wolves, tigers and leopards in the royal garden, and let the emperor and dignitaries be expensive. People are just having fun.

Which boy is not hot-blooded? He also yearns for a real fight.

Ming Yu looked at Mo Jiang's regretful expression and smiled, "What? Does Commander Mo have any thoughts? You can talk about it."

Mo Jiang hesitated for a while before saying, "Your Highness, it is certainly feasible to take a detour, but the Red Robe Army will benefit a lot from this battle if they can observe the Red Robe's combat capabilities."

Although he said that he really wanted to watch this battle, he was more concerned with Ming Yu. He knew the virtues of these guards. In Liangzhou, it would be difficult to stand without a real army guard. He also thought of Ming Yu. I know, that's why I said this.

What Mo Jiang said is very reasonable. A real soldier needs to see blood to grow up. At first, he didn't let them come into contact with them in person. Just watching the war scene would give them enough shock, right? As for the rest, take your time and don't rush.

Ming Yu weighed the pros and cons, looked at Mo Jiang, and had already guessed his thoughts by seven or eight. He replied with a half-smiling smile, "That makes sense. If so, you don't need to change your route. Just follow the original plan."

Mo Jiang didn't take it seriously, but was overjoyed. He knew that His Highness would definitely seize this opportunity. To be able to witness the Red Robes fighting with his own eyes would be worth a thousand dollars.

5. Chapter 5

When they decided, Ji Yu didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He knew the temperament of their generals, and he didn't like to be sent to this kind of courtesy work. To be able to send a team to **** him was already in the face of General Wei... Well, the benefits are enough.

Changlan Mountain is not far from here, but the journey of two or three days is mainly because this road will save a lot of travel to Liangcheng. If you can arrive at the destination one day earlier, you can settle down earlier. Thinking about it this way, a little trouble is not a trouble.

Ming Yu made another arrangement for tomorrow's affairs. Just now, the maid Qingping brought someone to bring food. She is the most useful person for Ming Yu among the servants. Ming Yu's food and clothing are all determined by Qing Ping took care of it.

"His Royal Highness, it's getting late. If you have something to do after dinner, let's discuss it." Qingping put the three dishes and one soup on the small table. According to the prince's meal, it would never be so simple. , but at Ming Yu's insistence, Qing Ping could only compromise.

When Mo Jiang and Ji Yu saw this, they were about to salute and leave. Ming Yu suddenly realized the passage of time, nodded, and caught a glimpse of the meal on the table, but his face turned pale. Thinking of the tragic situation in the village today, I had previously suppressed my emotions and made myself not think about it. Later, I discussed business affairs with them and temporarily forgot about it. Now, when I relax and see the large pieces of barbecue on the table, I immediately think of the tragic scenes, and I can no longer restrain my heart pounding and vomit.

Ming Yu, who grew up in the peaceful era of later generations, saw this kind of **** scene unprepared for the first time. No matter how strong a person is in his heart, I am afraid that he will not be able to accept it. It is not easy for him to survive until now. .

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter with you?" Qingping asked anxiously, she didn't understand why His Highness was like this all of a sudden, she thought it was because he was not feeling well, "I'll call the imperial doctor right away."

Ming Yu grabbed her, waved his hand, and said weakly: "I'm fine, I'll be fine after vomiting. Take these off, and I won't be able to eat for a while."

"This..." Qingping was very anxious, and she didn't know the reason, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing Ming Yu's pale face, Mo Jiang went to help him sit down, "Your Highness? This is you?" Suddenly remembering the inhumane scene in the village, he had already guessed seven or eight points in his heart, so he comforted Qing Ping, "First remove the meal Go down and cook some light millet porridge later.”

Qingping looked at Ming Yu at a loss, and when she saw him nodding, she hurriedly ordered someone to remove the meal.

Mo Jiang regretted in his heart, he should not have told His Highness the matter, or he should have stopped him and prevented him from going. Thinking that they still have to go to Changlan Mountain, if they encounter General Xie fighting against the barbarians there, I am afraid that His Highness will be even more unbearable.

"His Royal Highness, why don't we take a detour tomorrow. Although it takes a few more days to walk, it is better to be safe." Mo Jiang said worriedly.

Ming Yu was stunned for a moment. After he vomited, his heart felt much better. After thinking about it, he knew Mo Jiang's worries, and smiled: "Nothing, since it has been decided, there is no need to change it, in fact, it is not a big deal. , just get used to it."

Looking at His Royal Highness Duan Wang, who had a strong smile and a little helpless, his face with baby fat was pale, and the peach blossom eyes were watery due to the physiological reaction after vomiting, and there was still a little water vapor on the eyelashes. Mo Jiang groaned slightly in his heart and sighed. In the end, he was still a young man of seventeen or eighteen. From His Royal Highness, who was held by everyone, he left the familiar environment and went to an unknown and dangerous place. Maybe His heart is not as indifferent as it appears on the surface.

Mo Jiang felt distressed, and the more he knew about him, the more distressed he became. That's right, it's just distressed, distressed for this prince, who is rich, rich and noble, what is he thinking in his heart? Why do you insist on making this desolate and war-torn Liangzhou a fief, and be a wealthy and idle prince in the land of Gyeonggi under the strange eyes and ridicule of everyone?

Thinking so in my heart, but inadvertently asked out, Ming Yu looked at him in surprise. Mo Jiang's face turned red, hey, why didn't he keep his mouth shut? Is it something his subordinate should ask about His Highness? He saluted regretfully and said, "Your Highness, I will retire first."

Ming Yu nodded, seeing Mo Jiang and Ji You walking out together, for the first time in his heart there was a bit of confusion, yes, why did he choose such a place? He asked himself, he didn't want to stay near the capital, because the capital was the center of the vortex, and he was afraid that he could not help sinking and eventually shattered his bones. However, he could also find a place far away from the capital, where he didn't have to suffer, and he could enjoy his future life in the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River. Why? Woolen cloth?

His only understanding of the entire Dayan Dynasty was the memory of the original owner and a booklet of "Dayan Fengwuzhi". When he saw the situation in Liangzhou, an idea popped into his mind subconsciously. Crisis and opportunity coexist. This is a piece of Virgin, female land, is a blank picture that has never been developed. If he arrives in Liangzhou, he can use his own hands to draw everything he wants on this blank piece of paper in Liangzhou, and he may be able to change Liangzhou little by little. status quo.

Ming Yu thought about what he had seen and heard after entering Liangzhou. There was an old and numb face, a young and energetic person who wanted to join the army and kill the enemy, and a child who was innocent and didn't realize the danger in the future. He once asked them, there are often barbarian invasions here, and there are wars every year, why don't you run away, move to other peaceful places, and live a peaceful life? However, the answers they got were all the same. It is difficult to leave the homeland. The ancestors have lived on this land for generations. Who wants to leave their homeland and return to their roots.

Human beings are all sentient beings, no matter how difficult it is, even if there are barbarian bandits who are eyeing them, there are still border troops stationed to guard this land, and the red robe army is working hard for them and barbarians. In the future, maybe there will be. There will always be a good day when the war is quelled.

Ming Yu is silent, people have hope only if they have faith, maybe he can do something for them.

Ming Yu's eyes, who stayed quietly in the tent by himself, gradually became firmer. When he came here, he never regretted it, not now, nor in the future.

After separating from Mo Jiang, Ji Yu habitually pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

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