MTL - I Built a Territory in Ancient Times-Chapter 132 Festival

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If so... it's impossible to make a joke, doesn't this person understand it himself? It's too old-fashioned and boring, how could he make such a big joke.

Therefore, it can be concluded that what he said is true, Xie Yixiu really likes him, and the person in his heart is himself? So the question is, since when did he fall in love with him? What does he mean by saying it now? Aren't you afraid of blaming him?

What just happened repeatedly came to my mind, and the temperature on my lips lingered, and I saw the rhythm of the heat that had dropped a little on my face and was about to rise again.

I couldn't think about it anymore, Ming Yu couldn't understand, so he asked directly, "You, you said that you have someone in your heart, but that person is actually me?"

"Yes!" Xie Yixiu answered briefly and forcefully.

"When... when did you start to like... like...?" Ming Yu blushed and sounded like a mosquito.

"I don't know, just a little bit, bit by bit, slowly filling my heart. I've also been confused, but my heart doesn't always follow people's wishes. Now that it has taken root in my heart, I can't control it, and I want to dig it out, even if Touching it is also heart-wrenching." There was a sadness in Xie Yixiu's voice. From the beginning, he understood the hardships of this road, but he had no way out.

Ming Yu's heart jumped a few times, "But I...I'm a man, can you?" He waved his hand irritably, "In this world, this seems to be wrong."

It's not that Ming Yu didn't know about men falling in love with men in later generations. He had friends like this, and the two even went abroad to get a certificate. But he didn't know that people in this world were so open, which made him feel unbelievable.

"What about men? Haven't there been many examples of this in the past? Not to mention, the former emperor and Empress Chen were in love, weren't they also men?" Xie Yixiu said neither humble nor arrogant.

Ming Yu had no obvious disgust at his attitude, but was a little surprised and at a loss. He believed that Ming Yu was so dazed because he couldn't accept that such a thing happened to him for a while.

Ming Yu clicked his tongue, he had never understood this before. Listening to what Xie Yixiu said, this seems to be a very common thing, and everyone's acceptance is not so low. Should he praise the minds of the ancients for being more enlightened than later generations?

"No matter what you think, I'm just expressing my own thoughts. The prince doesn't have to have any burden. It doesn't matter if the prince makes any decision. It would be good if the minister can guard the prince for the rest of his life." Xie Yixiu's warm words were like a hammer Usually, word by word hits Ming Yu's heart.

Ming Yu's heart throbbed for a while, his eyes were a little hot, and no one had ever said such a thing to him. Protecting him for a lifetime, if he is so emotional, he will never just talk about it. He believes that Xie Yixiu can do what he says.

He has been here for so long, and his thoughts and views are out of tune with the people in this world. In the eyes of others, he may be a weird person. No one can understand his own thoughts and practices, let alone find a partner who shares the same philosophy. Xie Yixiu is different. He can keep up with his own thoughts and agree with them.

This is why I regard Xie Yixiu as the only friend in this world and live on an equal footing. He had already thought that he would die alone in this world, otherwise he would not refuse the emperor's good intentions to grant marriage. He is also unwilling to hurt others. In his eyes, a marriage without love and a family are terrifying, because he used to live in such a family since he was a child, there is no warmth, only cold. He doesn't want his experience to continue on the next generation, so loneliness is not unbearable.

The hand that Xie Yixiu played now disrupted his originally calm heart lake, causing waves of ripples. It turned out that he was also loved and guarded by others!

"I... um, I'm not ready for emotional matters. You know, I... I'm still young, yes, I'm still young, not yet the age of the weak crown, so..." Ming Yu racked his brains and said, eyebrows and eyes. About to get tangled up. He tried to find some gentle words so as not to hurt the person in front of him.

Maybe after some time, a year and a half, three or five years, people's thoughts will be different again, and then let's go with the flow. Give everything to time, maybe they will look at each other and smile indifferently, and everything today will go with the wind. Or maybe he will also have strong feelings to respond to the other party. It is not fair that only one party pays for the feelings.

And it's always a good thing to think about something as important as falling in love, right? No matter whether he will accept Xie Yixiu or not, he can't hurt others, after all, they treat each other sincerely.

In fact, isn't this an excuse for Ming Yu to escape now? He has always been emotionally insensitive, otherwise his former friends would not feel sorry for him. If he were enlightened, how could he become an older leftover man.

Xie Yixiu's heart finally returned to its original position, and Ming Yu did not refuse him, which means that there are countless possibilities between them in the future. Ming Yu is always like this, unwilling to hurt others, even if he can't accept it for a while, he is extremely gentle. At this time, he couldn't and couldn't bear to force him. Since he gave the answer, he could wait, even five years or ten years, or even a lifetime.

"I'm waiting for you! There is no deadline." Xie Yixiu said warmly.

"..." Mom! Foul, foul, how can Xie Yixiu be so good at flirting with this ice cube? I can't see it, people who are usually stuffy like gourds, say things that make people blush like this. Of course, maybe there is also a relationship between Ming Yu who has never heard such love words.

Ming Yu waved his hand irritably and decided not to continue the topic, "I'll go to the eldest princess and ask something, if you don't..."

"go together?"

"..." Well, let him go, Ming Yu doesn't want to worry anymore.

Along the way, the two were separated by a distance, Ming Yu was silent and did not speak, Xie Yixiu didn't bother, just quietly followed behind him.

Seeing this scene, the girls in the distance behind them couldn't help but wonder. They were all fine just now. The atmosphere between the two of them talking and laughing was particularly good.

"What happened just now? Has anyone seen it?" Shangguanling asked suspiciously.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but the two just looked back at them. They couldn't let them find out, so they hid for a while. Then, Duan Wang seemed to stumble into a bush at the corner. When they looked again, General Xie had already pulled the prince out.

After that, the atmosphere between the two was obviously different. It's a pity that the bushes blocked their vision, and they didn't know what happened. The conversation between the two could not be heard from far away, but she always felt something was wrong in her heart, and she didn't know if other sisters felt the same way.

"Why did Wang Duan fall backward for no reason? I didn't see it clearly," another said.

"Uh! It seems that I saw General Xie move his hand, and then Duan Wang fell out."

"It was General Xie who pushed it? Then the question is, what happened to the two of them behind the bushes?" Someone asked boldly.

"General Xie dares to push the prince? Impossible?" Some people still couldn't believe it.

"Why don't you dare to push the prince? If you don't push the prince, will our words have sales?" A sister said proudly.

"Giggle... what the sisters said is. Even if there is no push, it must be pushed down." The smiling branches of the sisters in the audience trembled, with no meaning.

"Okay, okay, go back and write down the material, and everyone should brainstorm."

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support, refill! Have you all eaten Laba Porridge? Happy Laba Festival! Hahaha thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-01-19 11:29:56~2021-01-2011:33:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Yiyiyi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: five lectures and four beautiful youth, Mo|* Yaxuan 1 bottle; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

107 Chapter 107

In the past few days, the door of Prime Minister Wen's mansion has been broken by those officials. Since Prime Minister Wen has passed through the air with the emperor, he has won the support of the emperor. When he returned to the residence, he wrote down a letter and wrote a memorial about the Xiqi Corridor, which was presented to the emperor's desk the next day, so the emperor took the matter out for discussion in the early days of the dynasty.

This time, it was like poking a hornet's nest, and all the important ministers in the DPRK were talking about it. Xiqishan belongs to Suixi and Wuliang. Now that Dayan is troubled by internal and external aggression, he is simply unable to carry out territorial expansion. Prime Minister Wen has always acted cautiously. Why did he suddenly present such a memorial?

There are those who oppose it, thinking that unnecessary efforts will waste people's money and waste money. There is only the prime minister, Ma Shou, who thinks that this matter will benefit the country and the people. Although it will cost a little more manpower and material resources at present, it will be able to benefit future generations in the future. Some people take a wait-and-see attitude, and neither side accounts for it.

Of course, this matter could not be decided all at once. Some smart people thought about the emperor's attitude, but the emperor did not make any statement on this matter. This makes people a little unpredictable. Think about it, Xiqi belongs to the frontier, right? It was nothing to go to the borderland before, but now there is still a squatting Buddha, Duanwang.

And I have never heard of the Xiqi Corridor before. Now that King Duan has returned to Beijing, there is such a thing. If there is no shadow of King Duan in this matter, who would believe it?

The emperor's lack of attitude is also very memorable.

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