MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 61

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There is definitely a problem between myself and Mikami Yu.

Exclude yourself first.

While he was meditating, Mikami Yu suddenly thought of something.

"Speaking of using Shinigami as an experiment... Gosuke Kenpachi should be a pretty good material, right?"

Aizen subconsciously nodded.

Mikami Yu said: "Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and pretend!"

Aizen: "..."

Whose laboratory is it?

Chapter 73 Alliance

After confirming that Mikami Yu really didn't intend to do anything, Aizen put Wusu Kenpachi in a jar with very complicated emotions.

With the injection of the sealing liquid, all kinds of ghosts were laid down, and Wuzhu Jianpachi fell asleep in the jar completely, becoming his test product.

Looking at Gosuke floating in the jar, Aizen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

With Wuzhu Jianba, the progress of his experiment will be greatly accelerated.

Many items that ordinary gods of death can't bear can be tested on Wusuke Kenpachi.

Happy to think about it.

After tidying up Wuzhu Jianpachi, Aizen got two chairs and sat opposite Mikami Yu.

Under Mikami Yu's gaze, he roughly explained the situation of this laboratory.

In fact, long before entering Mao, he had already had an idea.

Since the essence of the **** of death is a soul with powerful power, the upper limit of its power is likely to be the upper limit of the strength of the soul.

After entering school, he read a lot of classics in the school library.

In the end, Aizen was finally sure that his guess was correct.

The stronger the soul, the more power it can hold and the farther it can go.

A new idea emerged from his mind.

If enough souls can be collected and the strength of the soul can be forcibly increased through huge resonance, can artificial means be used to scientifically improve the talent of the **** of death?

After several simple experiments and good results, Aizen finally couldn't bear it and built this laboratory on Liuhun Street.

In the beginning, he just used the rogues and bullies outside Liuhun Street to conduct experiments.

However, bandits and tyrants only have that little intensity, and if you just increase the intensity, you may lose your soul.

In desperation, Aizen set his target on Death.

Mikami Yu knew what happened next.

Because more and more rebels were killed, Aizen became more and more famous as a "light and shadow killer".

Especially not long ago, he also killed the vice-captain of the Seventh Division, and the impact was even worse.

Therefore, Aizen planned this suspended animation plan.

He didn't mention the mirror, but said that he used some means to make Wuzhu Jianpachi think he was dead, so he could get away.

Unexpectedly, Wuzhu Jianba was a rebel, and he disrupted his plan at once.

After listening to Aizen's narration, Yu Mikami touched his chin.

"I have a question."

"You say." Blue Ran nodded.

Mikami Yu showed a serious expression:

"Souyousuke, what are you doing in the middle of the night, crossing half of Seireitei to kill the vice-captain of the Seventh Division?"

"Did he offend you, or did he play an important role in this incident?"

Aizen: "..."

He stared at Yu Mikami for a few seconds, then sighed and put his hand on his forehead.

"You can understand it whatever you want... Forget it, just treat him as offending me."

Hearing this, Mikami Yu showed a stunned expression.

As expected of the true BOSS of the God of Reaper, he is ruthless and a bit handsome.

Aizen decisively changed the subject: "Misami, your spiritual pressure...has it broken through to the third-class spiritual power?"

Hearing this, Mikami Yu couldn't help showing a weird smile.

"Yes, a breakthrough."

Before, when he was on his way to Liuhun Street, he was actually a little bit uncertain.

In case the old man Yamamoto sent a strong captain, he and Aizen might not be able to win.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the journey, the system suddenly reminded that Aizen had broken through the third-class Lingwei.

Now, he is completely worthless.

The third-class Lingwei is the watershed between the captain and the vice-captain.

Although neither he nor Aizen knew how to perform swastikas, the powerful spiritual pressure brought by the third-level spiritual power alone was no less than an ordinary captain.

Together, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Hearing Yu Mikami's confession, Aizen showed some emotion.

Just when he thought he had managed to get rid of Yu Mikami, this guy once again proved with his strength that there was still room for him to work hard.

After this battle, he and Yu Mikami completely exposed each other's cards.

Rationally, he doesn't like this feeling.

From childhood to adulthood, he always hides nine points and reveals one point.

Even if he studied and competed with Yu Mikami before, he still kept a little bit of strength, and Yu Mikami didn't fully understand his strength.

This feeling of showing everything about yourself without any reservation is very unaccustomed and strange.

But... I have to admit that at this moment, he suddenly felt a lot easier.

It's really nice to have someone who knows the results of their hard work and can talk about everything.

In particular, this guy is still a weirdo, so there is no need to worry about the danger he will bring after knowing this.

Looking at Yu Mikami, Aizen was in a good mood.

"Look forward to it, Mikami, when I have results here, I will let you taste the fruits of victory together."

Hearing Aizen's words, Mikami Yu showed a thoughtful expression.

After thinking for a while, he said vigilantly, "I'll have a look and talk about it when the time comes."

Aizen's experiment... not surprisingly, in the end it was Bengyu.

When Bengyu is used on the **** of death, the most intuitive result is blurring.

It would be nice if he could become handsome like Kurosaki Ichigo after blurring.

But if you are unlucky and get a mask like a pink-haired fat man, your reputation will be ruined for the rest of your life.

Strong is temporary, handsome is a lifetime.

In the world of God of Death, if you lose your appearance, your luck will basically end.

I can't take this risk casually.

Seeing Yu Mikami's reaction, Aizen thought he was not very optimistic about his experiment.

He raised the corner of his mouth.

That being the case, I have to come up with the results earlier.

When the time comes, let Mikami Yu regret it.

After chatting about the laboratory, the two discussed again, how to deal with Wuzhu Jianba's follow-up.

Sei Ling Ting sent a captain over, but the latter never returned.

Looking at the entire history of the soul world, this can be regarded as a major accident.

After thinking for a few seconds, the two raised their heads at the same time.

Aizen raised his eyebrows, signaling Mikami Yuu to speak first.

Mikami Yu grinned: "Didn't he vote for the rebels? If that's the case, let's help him confirm his identity."

"You are good at disguising with ghosts, think of a way to pretend to be Wusu Kenpachi and expose your identity."

"Anyway, the true master is already in your hands, so it's impossible to jump out and refute you, isn't it?"

Seeing Yu Mikami saying these words without any pressure, Aizen couldn't help but smile.

In the past, I really didn't see it.

Yu Mikami really has the potential to be a bad guy.

He nodded and stood up.

"Okay, leave it to me."

On this day, Aizen Soyousuke and Mikami Yuu officially formed an alliance.



Is there any good brother who plays Zhuzi, can you give me a special plaster?

If you can't give it away, you can borrow it for a few minutes and return it to you_(:з"∠)_

Liuxingkeng really can't move

Chapter 74: Yamamoto’s Deterrence Plan

Seireitei is full of wind and rain.

The team that hunted down the Light and Shadow Killer returned to Seireitei not long ago.

However, the leader of the team, Wuzhu Jianba, the captain of the eleventh team, did not follow him back.

Yamamoto directly summoned them to a team for face-to-face interviews.

Facing Yamamoto, the gods of death who came back alive did not dare to hide anything, and quickly told the whole thing.

After arriving at Liuhun Street, they followed the plan to attract the attention of the light and shadow killer.

Soon after, the light and shadow killer appeared, and Wuzhu Jianba fought against him.

The two fought all the way, Shunbu all the way, and soon they disappeared.

They chased desperately, and finally arrived at the final battlefield before the battle ended.

While everyone was watching, Wuzhu Jianba stepped on a **** of death, raised Zanpakuto high, and chopped off the latter's head with one blow.

Seeing this scene, the gods of death all showed excited expressions.


"As expected of the captain of the five assistants!"

"Captain Five Assistants, shall we return to Seireitei now?"

Under the excited gaze of the gods of death, Wuzhu Jianpachi did not speak.