MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 105

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After all the false flashes were sprayed, Ji Lian couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

Although irrational, it still has instincts.

This "little bug" in front of him is an existence that cannot be offended!

If you don't run fast, you will be eaten!

It twisted its slender, 100-meter-high body, desperately turning in another direction.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a ghostly smiling face.

Mikami Yuu swung a special noose to tie up Kirian tightly.

Then, with a hard pull, the black stick was violently overturned to the ground.

When Killian twisted and struggled, Aizen landed on the side of its head in a blink of an eye, took out a long and large needle from nowhere, and poked it hard along the gap in the white mask.

Not long after, Killian stopped struggling and softened.

Looking at his "masterpiece", Aizen smiled.

"Finally caught."

This is the third time he and Mikami Yuu have come to Xuquan.

Although the name is Xuquan, it is actually difficult to find Xu in most places.

Although the two of them can catch a few good big ghosts every time they come here, it is still very happy to meet a top-level Killian who is about to break through like today.

After a brief treatment, the two quickly left the virtual circle with Kirian and returned to the Soul Realm.

In Aizen's words, if you don't deal with it quickly and seal it up, the freshness will be affected.

In this regard, Yu Mikami can only pray that Aizen must not bring these exotic ingredients to the super chef circle to grab a job...

Not long after the two left, four figures suddenly appeared here.

The leader is a man with short blond hair and human form.

The moment she appeared, she looked around.

Although the Lingzi remaining in the air had been deliberately concealed, it still exposed the fact that the battle just happened.

"...Have you succeeded again?"

She crossed her arms and frowned slightly.

Chapter 125 Yu Mikami's Vision

The second team, the martial arts arena.

While everyone was watching, Yu Mikami was wearing a deadly costume and standing in the center of the venue.

"...To sum up the above! From now on, Mikami Yu will officially become a member of the second team, a member of the secret mobile team, and the post of guard directly under the commander of the army!"

"At the same time, take the position of three seats in the second squad!"

Following Nozomi Ohmaeda's high-pitched voice, Yu Mikami officially changed his identity from Mao's student, and became the **** of death of Goutei 13.

Although there was a "rocket promotion" as soon as he took office, the team members were not surprised.

As covert maneuvers, they are naturally sensitive to intelligence.

Long before this, they had heard about Mikami Yu's various glorious deeds.

Not to mention anything else, just being the promotion examiner for the new captain of the ninth team is enough to prove Yu Mikami's ability.

With such a talent, it is not an exaggeration to find a fan team directly, and it is not an exaggeration to recommend the vice-captain. What is a mere three seats?

The Thirteenth Guarding Team is a place that focuses on strength, not seniority.

Especially right now, the world of souls is troubled, and the more powerful guys like Yu Mikami, the better.

In the crowd, Broken Bee raised his hands and applauded expressionlessly.

Looking at Yu Mikami now, she has the urge to hit someone.

Last night, this guy took Mr. Ye out to drink again, and he didn't return all night.

If it wasn't for my wit, I went out to find someone before dawn, specifically looking for the store that the two of them frequented, I am afraid that the protagonist and witnesses would be absent from today's enlistment ceremony!

Urahara Kisuke, on the other hand, smiled from the bottom of his heart and applauded Mikami Yuu.

This guy, now that he has the job of the **** of death, he should have less time to squeeze himself.

Kisuke Urahara couldn't help but smile brightly when he thought that his game console development **** was finally coming to an end.

This joy lasted until the evening of that day.

As the sun set, Kisuke Urahara stretched his waist, ready to go to the cafeteria to have a delicious meal.

As a result, just halfway there, he was stopped by a member of a secret maneuver.

"Urahara Kisuke, there are orders."

Hearing this, Urahara put away his relaxed expression and stood at attention seriously.

"From now on, Urahara Kisuke is hereby ordered to stop working as an intern member of the supervisory team and become a member of the directly subordinate unit of Yu Mikami."

"All actions must be under the command of the top three seats."


After announcing the appointment, the stealthy maneuver nodded, and disappeared in place with a whoosh.

Kisuke Urahara: "..."

Looking at the direction in which the secret maneuver left, he was like a player who had failed in a boxing ring, kneeling down suddenly, unable to get up again.


Although he officially joined the second team and became the **** of death, Yu Mikami felt that his life seemed not much different from before.

With Ye Yi's connivance, he didn't have much work to do.

Most of the time every day, he and Ye Yi competed and practiced in the second team.

When you are free, let's go to Liuhun Street together and have a drink happily.

After drinking, the two played Broken Bee together.

It's fun.

When he is not in the second team, he is basically with Aizen.

I don't know if it's because someone was able to share the experimental content, or because the material obtained by Xuquan is so good, the progress of Aizen's experiment is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Just yesterday, he formally wrote a set of experimental conclusions.

By fusing the modulated virtual spirits, the power of the **** of death will be greatly increased.

He has already tried this on more than 30 rebels, and the effect is very obvious.

Those with relatively low strength can soar from ordinary gods of death to low-ranking officials.

Those who are strong can even rush directly from the middle seat to the high position.

The only pity is that this operation is irreversible.

So far, all Reapers who have been strengthened, the spirits in their bodies will fall into uncontrollable self-destruction, and finally lose their minds and strangle themselves to death in the cultivation tank.

This picture, for the pure Mikami Yu, is a bit out of SAN.

Aizen has been working so hard recently to figure out the reason, so that he can't even take care of Mikami Yuu's Zanpakuto for a while.

Yu Mikami recalled the setting of Beng Yu in the animation.

Then, he looked at Aizen with sympathy.

If nothing else, Aizen couldn't overcome the problem of virtualization by himself in the end, so hard work would only become useless in the end.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved again.

The road of scientific research is the accumulation of useless work.

The process itself is already a very precious treasure for researchers.

This guy Aizen must have enjoyed it too.

And compared to his leisurely side, the world of corpses and souls is not so stable.

His grandson died, and Tsunayashiro Chizo went completely insane.

At the meeting in Room 46, he tried his best to win over the neutral family, and wanted to take revenge on the Kuchiki family.

However, facing the rotten wood that had been prepared for a long time, his set of operations did not have any effect.

It seems that the blow was too heavy, and Tsunayashiro Chizo gave up Bunto.

Under his instruction, swordsmen who disobeyed the Thirteenth Guarding Team sprung up like mushrooms in all parts of the Soul World.

Yamamoto immediately sent troops to various places to suppress.

However, the soul world is too big.

Eighty districts each in the southeast and northwest.

Even if each district is only the size of a county, it is a behemoth when combined.

It is impossible to cover everything with just four or five thousand gods of death.

Not to mention anything else, just seeing that Aizen's laboratory has been in the West 79th District for so long without being noticed is enough to prove how loose the management of Liuhun Street is.

Under the frenzied attack of the rebels, Liuhun Street fell into chaos.

Many districts with relatively good law and order have also begun to impose curfews.

The Second Division team is naturally also the hardest hit area.

Seriously injured colleagues were gathered in large numbers and treated in the second team.

If it's really hard to do, I will send it to the fourth team.

Mikami Yu also personally led the team and sent people to the fourth team several times.

Mikami Yuu couldn't help frowning as he looked at the covert mobile team member lying on the stretcher with **** cuts.

If this continues, the Soul Soul World will be in chaos.

After pondering for a long time, he turned his head and left.



In the team building, someone shouted.

The corners of Sparrow Minister Jiro's eyes twitched, his blood pressure rose slightly, and then slowly dropped back down.

Without him, get used to it.

In the team dormitory, Yamamoto was holding a brush and writing something on paper.

Seeing Mikami Yu who ran all the way in, he couldn't help frowning.

"Idiot, be more careful, how many times do you want the old man to say it?"

Mikami Yuu shook his head, but didn't answer.

He ran across to Yamamoto and said with a serious face:

"Sensei Yamamoto, I have a sincere suggestion."

Under Yamamoto's puzzled gaze, Mikami Yu raised his thumb.

"According to my observations, this old thing, Tsunayashiro Chizo, must be brewing some huge conspiracy!"

With a deep expression on his face, he wiped his neck with his thumb.