MTL - I Became an In-game NPC-Chapter 29 Watch people eat dishes

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The seeds have been buried, Bud occasionally watered, fertilized, and it didn't take much time to finish.

Spirit returned to Mill Village again. He took a look at the system panel. The NPC experience pool accumulated on the day has been passed to his role through the task form. After taking into account the previous counties, he is close to the peak of civilian career.

Out of the cabin, the purple-skinned figure attracted special attention. Players who did n’t know passed by, all smiled and greeted, "Captain!"

"Hello Captain!"

Bud responded nodded, but did not say much.

After absorbing the two forces of Baichuan and Light White Jam, his Sky Dragon team has no rivals in Mill Village. At the same time, the bug general team task status restrictions of the village chief also made the last batch of free players effective.

"The mist is gone, and it's almost time to set off." Bud muttered, there was nothing he could do here.

The initial place in Genesis is generally within the range of the city's day and night, and players need to travel by themselves without any convenient means of teleportation.

"Captain, are you still there?" Hearing news of his appearance here, the happy windmill resting in the village led someone to find him.

"What's the matter?" Bud greeted with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Happy Windmill already knew that his captain had a high temperament and didn't care. "No, I'm going to take the team out to level up. I thought you might have already set off. I just came to see you when you show up."

At this time, there were occasional discussions among the players behind him, "This is the captain of our team? How can they be broken!"

"What's the matter, this is the master. With two sleeves and a breeze, it is really strong without external forces!"

"That's it! The captain is extremely clean, and the character is enough to convince everyone, otherwise you think everyone respects him because of his skill? There are more masters, let's admire only the captain!"

Bard ignored everything in his ears, "Well, I'm getting ready to leave."

I heard that Happy Windmill showed admiration on his slightly embarrassed face, and even the other new players behind him were shocked and calm.

Although it is necessary to trek day and night in the wild, such a thing is not a challenge for Bud, who has three years of internal testing experience.

However, in the eyes of other players, this is no less than the original feat that he broke through the mist alone and rose several levels to catch up with the number one ranking. There are many kinds of wild monsters in the wild, and their habits are unknown. One can be killed if they are not careful. Not to mention that many people here don't know anything about the way of knowing the way. In the future, there are pilots in real life. It is convenient and it also loses many basic Survival Skills.

The crowd followed the way to the village entrance, attracting many other okay players to follow them off. Finally, the happy windmill still couldn't rest assured: "Are supplies enough? Or slowly, a few of them in the starry sky and practice for a while I can also meet the village chief's request to leave the village. Will it be bad then? "

Bard was silent, and the village chief Mir had regulations. Adventurers must try to leave the original place after level 10 full experience. However, the rules for this NPC adventurer are invalid. They are nomads! Besides, this vague rule is to give the village chief a hundred guts, and he dare not use the arrow to block Bud.

Turning his back and no longer paying attention to the team member's slightly hesitant instructions, Bud took a dozen steps, raised his hand to indicate parting, and gradually went away.

"Really leaving alone!"

"Bud, the first person in our village is indeed my captain!"

"This back! Ah, I want to save the screenshot as the background of the system panel, it's so handsome!"

During the discussion, the waves and stars, Baichuan and others rushed to hear the news and witnessed the first adventurer who left the original place. They never thought that Bud might be blocked by a monster on the road and died back to Mir. Village resurrection point, this kind of thing will never happen to their captain!

Leaving Mill village, Bud walked on the grass, faintly there was a footpath under his feet, but it was already covered with weeds and could not see the original appearance.

"The main brain is really unfriendly to the players, and everything has to be adapted to himself." Muttered, Bud already thought that with the development of this group of pioneers in the future, this desolate footpath will gradually become a reality. The look is different, making it easier for the latecomers.

Being able to use the data core to capture system information, Bud naturally does not have the possibility of getting lost. When he saw that he sometimes stopped meditating for a moment, he set off again with confidence.

Through the trace of information gathered around the air, Bud can also find the monsters that threaten him in time and avoid it as soon as possible. The battle is meaningless to him, but it is better to avoid it.

The initial place of the simple system setting is considered. As long as this way is not to die by yourself, the smart point will not encounter insurmountable obstacles. If ordinary players go, it will be a test to fight eight to nine times, but it can be like Like Bud, there is no need for a battle, and it is truly unique to arrive easily.

Go all the way, and it took only half a day for Bud to reach his destination. Blethnia, an extremely important city in the Kingdom of the Winds in the eastern region, has very strong economic, political, and military strength, and Mill Village relies on it. One of dozens of peripheral settlements. "It's back again!" Looking at the towering city gate in front of him, Bud took a long look and sighed. During the internal test, he spent more than half a year in the city. Then, adapt a little bit, until you meet the talented person who is determined to stay away from the city, and rush around in this world of monsters.

Under the huge arches, the sparse flow of people was flowing endlessly under the supervision of the guards. The emerald green vines stubbornly grew up along the corner, and occasionally small white flowers bloomed.

Across the moat along the stone bridge, Bud's figure drowned in the crowd, and it was no different from the others. It was not until the guard passed that the other side looked at him twice.

Lavender skin, tattered attire, "Wanderer?" The other side asked lazily, the black iron-made spear leaned on his shoulder, and the silver-white armor that had been polished for years exudes the coldness of steel.

Bud knows that do n’t look at the gate guards like this, as if the military discipline is not good, but some of them are veterans with more than ten years of experience in the army. Their combat occupation is at level 20 or above.

He simply nodded in recognition of his identity.

"Set points in the city, don't make trouble, you know?" The guard still looked at him more lazily. In the genesis, there were many races, and the Asian race was not unusual. Besides, the other party was so miserable, and their clothes were tattered, really. Not worth the extra attention.

"Hey, boy, where have you come from? Have you heard of those adventurers?" A middle-aged guard with a beard and awake next to him suddenly became interested.

"Mill village."

Hearing this, several guards on duty came near, "Well! I heard that it was also covered by the fog driven by the monster?"

"It was lifted a few days ago." Bud's answers were as brief as possible.

"Well, it is said that it was done by adventurers. It's not bad!"

"What kind of guys are those adventurers? It is said that they have been favored by the creation god?"

The questioned guy's face showed a proud look, "You don't know about it." It seemed that Bud was standing in the way, and the other side waved his hand to drive him away. Indecent gesture, meaning 'I will continue to follow you, don't mess around in the city! ‘

The young man acted according to his words, and behind the elders boasted, "Adventurous! Many years ago from us we have been a great guy, a bard known as the Silver Aria, and I have not dealt with him You guys later listen to me ... "

"I didn't expect to be an acquaintance!" Bud walked on the stone road, and recalled it at the same time, it seems that there is really a guard with a similar face in his memory, standing guard on the wall, watching silently every day he left the city to challenge the monster.

However, the time flow rate inside and outside the system is different. The past events have long been submerged in the long river of Genesis. Bud never thought about going back to it. After all, even Pingyi's body has changed!

Opening the team communication, due to the distance between each other, the personal private chat can no longer be connected. Only this kind of team internal communication can be used, but there are also serious delays. Instant call communication is impossible.

"I have arrived safely. The relevant route points will be sorted out and sent to you later. If there are any problems in the internal development of the team, let the vice captain level leave a message for me."

After sending the message, he raised his head and looked around. It was the intersection of the two roads in front of him. The huge building was very elegant and could be seen almost at the gate of the city. He came straight to this place unconsciously.

The Career Center, also known as the Mansion Hall, is an extremely important building in almost all cities, and countless professions in Genesis can complete the inauguration ceremony here and open new paths.

This is also Bud's first destination. Although the experience slot is still not full, he can't wait, and then decides to take a look.

Seeing a rare guest coming, a service lady inside the door smiled and came forward, and after looking up and down, Bud suddenly changed her face, and said coldly, "You have to pay a gold coin for the entrance."

When does it start to charge here? Bud scratched his head, he remembered that there was no such rule before!

"I'm here to change jobs, not to visit."

There is still a slightly annoying cold expression on his face, "The basic transfer is indeed free, but people like you must still pay a deposit of 1 gold coin, and we will refund it after completing the transfer. The rules are like this Don't make trouble! "

Bud looked at himself along with the disgusting gaze of the other side, and some understood that the other side regarded himself as a local NPC, and that kind of poorly mixed.

He sighed, he only had a small amount of 15 silver, and all his big heads were stored in the account of the team to show fairness. As a result, Bud couldn't really take out a gold now.

Seeing Bard turning around and leaving, the service lady whispered, "The Hall of All Occupations is not the place to receive homeless people!"

"Actually despised by the NPC!" Bard said with a bitter smile. The Wanzian Temple should be free of charge to players. At least he had never encountered a similar thing during the internal test. Man is serving dishes.

But for Bud, his identity is unexplainable, and maintaining a fuzzy boundary between NPCs and players is far more important than 1 gold.

Although his team account has enough money, due to the fact that he cannot directly access it in another place, he left the battle flag to Langzhi Xingkong and kept it with several deputy captains to ensure the development of the team. Absolute power, but still have to go to formal financial institutions.

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
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