MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 135 city

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"Wang Hao, Wang Ye is here."

Shi's mouth coughed a few times: "I know."

When he entered the house with the prince, he saw Shi’s pale face. He was ready to turn and left. He stopped. “Have you seen the doctor?” When Shi’s father was buried, Shi’s suddenly became unwell, and he had to send someone to take her. Send it back.

It’s going to be late, he hesitated for a while, still decided to come and see. Although Shi Shi does not agree with many practices now, after all, the two have been sleeping together for many years, and he can't see her as nothing.

"It’s no big deal, it’s too... I’m worried.” Shi’s looked at the cloak on his body. She had never seen him through this cloak.

"It's okay." The room was quiet, and the Prince and Shishi had already had nothing to say. And the prince knew that Shi’s wife wanted to marry him, but the Prince, the future emperor. He is now a last-generation prince, and the prince who is dying under the management of the new dynasty is not the man she wants.

Shi’s attitude towards the Prince was cold. Suddenly, she felt some grievances. After she married him, who did not praise her dignity and virtuousness, now he is away from her heart. She is now trying her best to calculate and figure out what?

One day couples have a hundred days, they have been married for so many years, is this friendship not there?

However, Shi's character has always been stable. In spite of her dissatisfaction, she will not speak out in front of others.

"Wang Hao," one of the next man ran in shock and stunned, even standing in the corner of the room and the prince did not notice.

"Wang Hao, what you let the little ones buy, didn't buy it."

"What are you talking about?!" Shishi stood up and walked up to the next person. "Are you not saying nothing?"

"The store is too clever, and the subordinates have not expected it. What should we do now?" The next man is lying on the ground, and his look is more ugly than Shi's. This matter is revealed, and they will die.

Shi Shi stood up straight, and after half a sigh, she remembered the prince standing in the corner and opened her mouth to say something, but this fact was so much involved that she did not dare to speak.

And the prince saw from her face that something must have happened that he did not know, and it was very serious. I thought that Shi’s might carry on his daring things, and took a deep breath with the prince, “What happened?”

Wang Ye, I..." Shi’s shoulder twitched gently, and she lowered her eyes and couldn’t look straight into the eyes of the prince.

"There is life under the arm, and the Prince and the Prince enter the palace."

Upon hearing this report, Shi’s body was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

"You tell me, what did you do?!" The prince grabbed her shoulders and stared at Shi's eyes sharply, trying to get an answer from her.

Shi Shi shook his head in fear and burst into tears.

"And the prince," Wang De stepped into the house, ignoring Shi’s crying on the ground, and said with no expression. "There is a life, and Xuan Wangye immediately enters the palace to see."

And the prince loosened Shi's, and got up and finished the whole robes: "Chairs."

In the Great Moon Palace, Banyan let the palace girl re-comb a hair bun, and determined that all the broken hair was hidden inside, and the mood changed from cloudy to sunny.

"The maiden, this flying fairy is so beautiful that you comb it up," Ruyi held the mirror and let the class look at the combed hair, "just like the fairy daughter on the mural."

"Your mouth is still so sweet." Banyan stood up and looked out at the sky that was reddened by the setting sun. He walked out of the inner hall and prepared to go shopping in the Imperial Garden.

Just out of the temple door, she saw Wang De and the prince went to the direction of the royal study room, frowned and turned to the palace behind him. "You are waiting here, I will go and see."

"Mother," said the wishful way, "You are not going to visit the Royal Garden?"

Banyan glanced and smiled: "I have to live in this house for decades, when can't I go to see it? Not to mention that it is too late, and I can't see anything in the Imperial Garden."

If the opinions can't stop, you can only retire and return.

And the prince followed Wang De into the inner hall, and saw Rong Rong sitting in front of the imperial case, and went forward with respect and respect.

In the past, Rong Rong had already shunned his rituals, but today he did not speak, just watching him quietly, as if he was looking at him or measuring something.

After a long silence in the house, Rong Rong finally said: "Give a seat."

The pattern of the royal study has not changed much, but every object inside is newly replaced. For the Prince, it is both familiar and unfamiliar. He turned his hand to the hand, "I don't know what is going on under the slogan, what is it?"

Rong Rong put down the book in his hand, and he was grateful on the surface: "Wang Ye is deeply convinced of the righteousness, and he is willing to give him a meditation. He is very grateful. Since he was enthroned, he did not dare to wait slowly for the prince. If there is any deficiency. I also asked Wang Ye to point out."

And the prince felt that there was something wrong with Rong Rong. He got up and gave a tribute to Rong Rong: "Your Majesty is very good to the minister, and there is no dissatisfaction with the minister."

"Since the prince is not dissatisfied with the shackles, why do you send someone to assassinate the queen, and use the queen to make a bait, and seduce it?!" Rong Rong put the tea on the table on the ground, this is his first time. There is no scruples in the image, and such a big temper is sent in front of outsiders. "Even if you have usurped your throne, you are very dissatisfied with it. You are rushing, but you shouldn’t stop at it!"

And the prince looked at Rong Rong with amazement, what is going on here, what is the assassination?

"Hey, the queen was assassinated?!" and the prince's tone was a little anxious. "How is the queen now?"

Rong Rong glanced at him and sneered: "When the prince is at this time, he remembers to have a friendship with your brother and sister. This world has already been shackled in the sac. If it is not on the face of 婳婳, why not? Leave you a life, and promise you a title. And what of you, what do you do?"

Since the ascent, many former officials of the DPRK have not been reused, but they have not asked for their lives. However, Rong Rong did not think that his dear virtues made these people greedy and let them collude with the Prince again, with the intention of murdering him to regain his position.

"Your Majesty, the minister has no such intention," and the prince stood up. "The great cause has long been thin, and the minister is also self-aware. How can there be a bit of heart? Please tell the minister, how is it?"

This time, he did not call the class a queen, but called his childhood nickname, hehe.

In a hurry, no longer care about etiquette. I don’t understand with the prince. It’s still good before the Ming Dynasty. How come a few hours have passed, so there is such a big thing?

"The queen is not in trouble," Rong Rong did not miss the slightest emotion on the face of the prince. "Wang Ye said that this matter has nothing to do with you, but many of the assassins seized are your old ones. These people are loyal to you until now. They all insist that they are the kings of the king. If the prince is not busy, go to Tianzhu and take a trip."

“We are willing to go.”

The opening of the royal study door, the face of the face is slightly changed: "Hey?"

When I saw the prince and the prince, I was ruddy, not like I was hurt, and I suddenly let go of my heart. He gave the class a ritual, "Wei Wang saw the Queen Empress."

"Wang Ye does not have to be polite," Ban Yi smiled at him.

Rong Rong saw her smile as usual, thinking that she did not hear the words in the study, was preparing to relax, the class opened.

"I also want to go to the dungeon to see, you take me with me."

Rong Rong:...

He turned his head and looked at Du Jiu in the doorway. Du Jiu then shrank his head. The Queen Empress did not let him speak, how dare he make a sound? Your Majesty, you have to work hard to please the Empress, what can they do with these bitter guards?

"I can't go?" Ban Yi raised his eyebrows to see Rong Rong.

"Okay, go together."

Seeing the way the two men get along with the prince, the tight chin loosened a few points.

The dungeon is taken care of by the Dali Temple and the criminals, and all the prisoners are very important prisoners. The guards here are strict, and unless they have the will of their Majesty, the relatives and friends of the prisoners cannot visit.

Ban Yi found that the guards here were all serious, and they also had a bit of fierce anger, and they all read the four characters of "No one enters."

Even if the empress arrives, they are just saluting, not eager to go forward. After entering the inside, Ban Yi looked back at the guards who stood upright and shoulders wide and long legs.

Rong Rong noticed her little movements, pinching her palm and not letting her eyes float.

These men, do you have a good look?

Banyan blinked at him innocently, a look at what you were doing.

Rong Rong was irritated by this look, and pinched her hand a few times before she pressed her heart down.

When I stepped down the stairs, Rong Rong looked at the gorgeous skirt behind her eyes, bent over and lifted her skirt, and waited until the steps were completed before putting the skirt down. He did it extremely naturally, but he made the guards in the dungeon look silly with the prince.

“We have seen the Majesty, met the Empress, and met the Prince.” Liu Banshan greeted him from the inside and noticed the action of the Queen’s Emperor’s skirt, but he concealed it very well, and anyone else watched it. Not his emotions.

“You don’t have to be polite,” Rong Rong said directly. “Where are the assassins being held?”

Liu Banshan looked at his eyes and the prince, and said: "Please come down with the minister."

His Majesty is willing to bring the Prince to come here, indicating that His Majesty still has a little room for the Prince. If this matter is not related to the Prince, it should not be too difficult and prince to look at the Queen’s face.

At this time, the assassins who were detained in the dungeon had no plans to go out alive early, but when they saw that the prince was brought in by the emperor, the expressions on the faces of several people changed. Liu Banshan noticed his expression and his heart sank. It seems that this matter is really related to the prince.

"You..." and the prince saw these assassins, his face was shocked. "I am not letting you leave the capital, have a good time, don't come back?"

"And the prince, have you ever heard of any man who died for money?" An assassin said, "What do you want to give the brothers some money? The king is cruel, but he is generous, silver, house and woman. The brothers are all the same with him. Why do we have to listen to your words and go to those places in the backcountry?"

"Since you have become the prince of the new dynasty, don't worry about our brothers, and we don't want to follow your unscrupulous master."

The prince and the prince looked palely at these assassins. These people were the ones who accompanied him from an early age. They talked because he had an arrow in his back and he had spent more than a year to slow down the gods. There is another one, because he broke three toes and one arm, and several other people are also loyal to him, and he can’t wait to report it. How can these people make this kind of thing for Jiang Luo?

And the prince suddenly remembered the reaction of Shishi before entering the palace. He looked at these people with a sly look. He used a hoarse voice to say: "Is Shih's let you do it?"

Several assassins changed their faces, but the assassin who spoke just spoke again. "And the prince is really interesting. You think that Wang Xiren is old and yellow. When he takes a break, how can he give her this black pot? Well, it’s a night and a couple. Well, you are so ruthless."

The assassin’s words were buried and princes, but every sentence was cleaned up with the prince.

Even if Ban Yi is not interested in conspiracy calculations, I will understand it later. These assassins were summoned in the name of Shi’s cousin. After the assassination, these assassins who were loyal to their cousins ​​were not willing to succumb to him. All of them insisted that they were Jiang Luo’s people.

Anyway, Jiang Luo’s lack of morality has been done so much, and it’s okay to take a bite.

What Banoy can understand, Rong Rong guessed it. He didn't want to see such a scene of master and servant's affection. He said directly, "And the prince, I will take you to see you."

The assassin thought that Rong Rong wanted to let the two brothers of Jiang’s family confront each other and they were relieved.

It seems that Cheng Andi really has some doubts about the king, so they are relieved.

To go to the place where the king is detained, you must go to other places. When passing by the Tianzi No. 7 cell, Banyu saw the middle-aged woman being held inside and stopped.

This person is the old man of the Shuhua Pavilion, and also the landlord of the killer building. After the Chinese costume, she looks old.

The old man also saw the class, she turned her eyes blankly, and she had already set aside her life and death.

The class snorted with a chuckle and lifted his foot. However, after listening to her chuckle, the old man suddenly turned his head and looked at it. He could only see the back of the class that was surrounded by people.

She thought about the evergreen king who was locked in, and couldn’t calm down anymore.

The good-looking man, who doesn’t wash for a long time, doesn’t change his clothes, and it’s no different from the dirty man on the street. Evergreen King once had Zhang Junxiu’s face, but what Ban’s eyes now see is just a man with a knotted hair and a dirty body.

What kind of demeanor, what is extravagant, is turned into a cloud of smoke.

"Changqing Wang," she stood outside the door of the prison, looking at the dark-green king with both hands, and the voice calmed. "I have a doubt in my heart, I don't know if you can help me?"

Rong Rong and the Prince stopped their steps, and Rong Rong looked at the class and did not say anything.

It’s been a long time in the days of the prison, and the whole king of the Evergreens has become sullen and full of nostalgia. He glanced at the class and his voice calmed. "Ask."

"In that year, it would only be said that the eldest elder brother of the emperor was someone who deliberately framed you, or did you play a show?"

"I didn't expect the prostitute to remember this little thing, I just forgot it," Evergreen Wang laughed smugly. "Be born in the royal family, why should you be obsessed with it, and the prostitute still has some heart." It is a blessing."

He stunned his eyes to Rong Rong: "I only hope that the harem will last a long time, will not bury your temperament, let you become like those women, pale and dead."

Rong Rong frowned and did not speak.

"People, the most rare heart, the most worthless is also a heart," Changqing Wang laughed and said, "I hope that a prostitute will never regret this life, a smile."

"Take your words," Ban said with a smile and nodded. "The uncle is alive and well. This dungeon is spacious and breathable. You can get used to it for a few more years."

The smile on the face of Evergreen King froze, and he stared at the class, just like watching a terrible monster.

"The answer to this question, I probably already know in my heart, the uncle of the table does not have to answer for me," Ban Yi smiled like a flower, the eyebrows are bright colors, "Please uncle, take a rest, when you get here, you don't have to worry about it." The battle is intriguing, how good."

Liu Banshan: No, he won't feel good.

And the prince: this mouth of the cousin, as always, has a character.

Rong Rong took hold of Ban’s hand. He did not say any arguments or promises, but he ignored the eyes of everyone around him and firmly and tightly held the hands of Ban’s hand in his palm.

Liu Banshan touched his nose. Here is the Tianmong. It is the place where the heavy criminals are held. As the two emperors, can you not show the majesty of the empress in front of the recidivism?

So hand in hand, sticky, just come out to play.

His majesty has changed, and it is no longer the shackles of the year. Liu Banshan did not know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. When he followed his majesty, his majesty was still the year of the weak crown, but the means of acting were unparalleled, attracting countless people.

When he was young, he heard from his mother that there is no perfect person in this world. If there is, this person must not live too happy.

When he was a child, he didn't understand it. He didn't understand the meaning of his mother until he squatted down and looked at his men and calmly arranged one big thing after another. Under the armpits, planning, step by step, anyone in his eyes is only divided into two categories, one is useful, the other is useless.

The only accident was the Jingting Mansion.

At that time, the Queen Empress was still only a township prince, but she whipped the Yunqing Emperor’s spotted flower, and it was still on the pilgrimage. The literati's mouth is so sharp, the Queen's maiden offended the literati, and what good things are there for her?

But at this time, his majesty stood up. He did not fight with the literati, but helped the Queen's Empress.

At that time, he only thought that this was his intention to hand over a good class, and that Yunqing Emperor loved the class queen, he would help the class queen to argue. Looking back now, I was afraid that I had a good feeling for the Queen of the class at that time.

Later, Du Jiu found that the class and the military commanders had private contacts. Even the military secretary, Zhao Yushen, often sent a message to the class. His maids were Yunqing’s secret agent captain, but they did not hand over the news, but pressed it. Come down.

If Majesty handed this message up, even if the Princess Dachang had the means to clean up the suspicions of Yun Qingdi on the class, the class would not be promoted from the count to the national government, and the class queen could not change from the township to the county.

He only wants to squat the class and use the class in the military command, so he will help the class. It turns out that this is really what he wants. His Majesty not only did not use the network of the class, but even helped the class to clean things up. Even the suspicious Yunqing Emperor did not see anything wrong.

A ruthless person, once emotional, it is a dead wood spring, the old house is on fire. If you don’t destroy it, you willingly give it to one, and that’s not tempting.

Everything has to be counted, the only thing in this life that has not been counted, probably only the feelings of the class queen.

Looking at the men and women in front of the hands, Liu Banshan turned to see the prince, seeing him look even more comfortable than himself.

It is worthy of being a prince, and this ability to adapt is better than him.

The innermost Tianqiang room was locked with a heavy iron door. There was only a small vent on the iron door. From the outside of the door, only the black hole was seen. And the prince’s heart trembled, is the second brother being held in it?

The thick iron door opened, and the prince blinked, only to see that there was an iron cage in the dimly lit room. There was a man sitting in the cage. This person did not move, I don’t know if it was dead or alive.

Liu Banyan lit up two candlelights, and the light in the room was bright.

"Second brother," and the prince saw the person in the cage and took a few steps forward. Suddenly he paused and looked back, and pushed it behind.

However, his small movements were discovered by Jiang Luo, who was locked in a cage. He grabbed the cage and looked at the prince with ecstasy: "Brother, big brother, take me away, beg you to take me away." ”

"I really can't stay here for a moment, you take me away. I won't make trouble with you anymore, no longer fight with you, you can save me."

Seeing him wearing clean clothes with his prince, his face and hands are also clean, and it seems to be many times better than the Evergreen King who is outside. His lips trembled, and after all, he did not open his mouth for Jiang Luo.

Jiang Luojian and the prince did not speak, desperately reaching out to the cage, the man in his twenties, crying and screaming: "Brother, you can't leave me alone, do you want me to die here?"

"His Royal Highness, when the minister is in charge of you, he has never abused you. If you let the Prince of the House misunderstand, do you want to let the ministers die for death?" Liu Banshan walked over with a lantern. It’s like laughing and laughing at Jiang Luo. “Please also ask your Highness to talk about it.”

Jiang Luo saw Liu Banshan, and his whole body was scared. It was this dog thing. He was kept in a dark room all day, and he was not allowed to talk to him, nor did he appear in this room. Every day except for three meals a day and changing clothes, no one appeared, and even if these people appeared, they did not exist when they did not exist.

This kind of means of not killing people is not good, one or two days is good, it takes a long time to know that this is the most painful torture. Sometimes Jiang Luo even suspected that he really did the emperor. Is he really alive, what happened outside, or why the world is so quiet and quiet that people want to go crazy.

Liu Banshan used to be a small official who he did not see in his eyes, but he did not think that this seemingly gentle person had such a strange method of torture.

So when he saw the prince and the timid emotion, it finally collapsed. This is his only hope.

He can't even see the class and Rong Rong, because he knows that the older brother will tolerate him and will certainly let him, even if he did something wrong, as long as he asks for help, crying, the big brother will be soft.

But he forgot that his older brother is not a prince, and this world is not surnamed Jiang, even if the prince wants to save him, there is no way.

And the prince looked at the two younger brothers who were not quite normal. Their lips trembled for a long time, and they couldn’t say a word of pleading.

Those who died in the hands of the second brother have no chance to speak.