MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 110 city

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"Anniling!" The palace lady around the Queen saw her look wrong, and she reached out and held her hand. "You have to pay attention to your body."

The Queen looked at Jiang Luo, and after a long while, he was heartbroken: "Luoer, you let the palace be disappointed."

"After the mother," Jiang Luo, who had slapped two slaps, seemed to wake up. He was kneeling in front of the emperor. "After the mother, my son..."

"You are ridiculous when you are young. I think that you are still young and ignorant. Even if there is anything, there is a prince who will give you a slap. Now the prince is under house arrest in the East Palace. You are under the supervision of the country, and the work is still not stable. You Is it necessary to force the palace to die?" These days, Her Majesty has been cold and cold for her. The couple have been together for decades, but now they have reached this point. The Queen’s heart is not painless, but it is not in front of two sons. .

Although her Majesty does not pay attention to her nephew, this does not mean that her two sons can be unscrupulous.

"It's my fault," the Queen said in tears. "All this blames me."

If she was not worried that the two sons had a dispute over power, deliberately indulging the younger son so that he did not have the right to compete for the throne, it will not become like this now.

She glanced at the second son in front of her, and said to Xie Wan, who stood by the side: "Ning Wang Yu comes with this palace."

Xie Wanzhen walked past Ning Wang and followed the Queen, but did not reach out to help her. The Queen smiled in her heart. Ning Wang’s temperament was still a little bigger. When she was a prince, she was swayed by Hui Wang. This breath was enough for several years, until the emperor died, her waist was straight. . At that time, she could bear with Ning Wang.

It was only after this that she was wrong with her son. She could not say anything to blame.

"The Niangniang, the Fule County Lord is too mad," said the Queen's female singer. "His Royal Highness is the emperor. It is right or wrong to decide what to do with her own woman. Why do she make irresponsible remarks?" ”

"Hey and Luo Er didn't agree with each other since childhood. When they were young, they quarreled and bickered. Luo Er was old and often bullied, so now, the two still can't get together." When it comes to this, the Queen sighs in her heart. She really likes the banquet of the class, that is, the mouth is not forgiving.

It doesn't matter if such a little girl is a small pet. If she is going back to be a daughter-in-law, it is not appropriate.

"The slave feels that she is just taking advantage of the great princess to have a bit of affection for her majesty, and she will report it."

"Shut up," the Queen said, sinking his face. "What about the nobles, can you say that?"

"Slave knows sin!"

After the Xie Wanzhao looked up and looked at the Queen, the Queen's face was not very good, but she was not satisfied with the female officer's words, but did not really punish her.

Seeing this, Xie Wan can't help but sneer, the people in the palace are like this, and the hypocrisy is disgusting. Even if the Queen said that he likes the class, how much can he actually like? This love is definitely not comparable to your majesty.

Thinking of what Ban said to himself, Xie Wanzhen’s mood is very complicated.

She did not expect that at this time, Ban Yi would dare to face Jiang Luo and the Queen, saying that Jiang Luo is a scum.

Ban Yu really thought that the Queen would not be dissatisfied with her? Or to say... she didn't care what the Queen did to see her?

Banyan and Rong Rong walked away along the high palace wall. Banyan pointed to a garden: "When I was playing here, I was pushed by Jiang Luo from behind, and I was all thrown into it. In the grass."

"and after?"

"Later, I smashed Jiang Luo's foot. When I finished, I cried. I cried and smashed the grass on my body. After I knew the Queen and the Queen, I was sentenced to an hour and gave me a lot of rewards. "Ban婳 took back his sight and his eyes were a little pale. "That was the first time I understood that crying is also useful."

"Since then, Jiang Luo often asked me trouble, but as soon as he touched me, I cried, not only crying but also let everyone know that he bullied me," Ban Yi’s eyes drooped and concealed the emotions in his heart. Once, my majesty asked me if Jiang Luo was older than the Prince."

Rong Rong suddenly remembered that he had asked him nine years ago. At that time, he was only fifteen years old. What he said was that he appreciated the Prince more, so he did not know much about the two emperors.

"I said that I don't like the second prince. I only like to play with the prince. The second prince is in my eyes. There is no place like a prince." Banyan took the hand of Rong, and every step went very slowly and very casually. Because there is a person holding her hand around, she doesn't have to worry about wrestling. "After listening to it, not only did I not feel angry, but also praised my temper."

Perhaps in his youth, I also hope that some people say that they only like the Prince and do not want to play with the Second Emperor.

It was only at that time that no one had said so straightforwardly that her words made him psychologically satisfied.

"It’s so smart," Rong said with a smile. "Your Majesty once asked me."

"How do you answer that?"

"I said that I am not familiar with the two emperors."

"Hey." The class grinned. "This answer is good."

The two went out of the palace and saw the streets full of red lanterns. The streets were crowded with people. The class said: "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve."

Rong Rong saw the class look a little lonely, let the groom stop the car and hurriedly jumped off the carriage.

"This is for you," Rong Rong returned to the carriage, and there was a beautiful red lantern in his hand. The lantern had a big blessing on it and a pair of magpies on the other. The magpie spring is a good sign.

"Isn't this fun to play with children?" Banyan took over the lantern, and although his mouth was disgusted, his hand couldn't help but poke a few times on the lantern's magpie.

"Well," Rong Rong gently kissed her cheek, whispered: "In my heart, you are my most precious little daughter, waiting for you like a pearl, can't bear to be half-hearted."

"Hey," Ban said to him whispered, "I don't believe you." However, this does not mean that she does not like to listen.

A beautiful man who is proficient in a chess and calligraphy painting, with a gentle voice talking about love, how can people not be moved?

Rong Rong took her into her arms and whispered: "You will believe."

The carriage slowly moved forward and pressed the wheel marks on the snow. In this world, the warmth of the carriage is like the early spring in the snow, so beautiful.

On the third day of the twelfth lunar month, the third day of the marriage of Banyu was supposed to be the day when the married woman returned to the door, but according to the custom, the New Year’s Eve of the married woman could not return to her family.

When Banyan woke up, the snow outside did not stop. She put on her clothes and finished her face with the niece who was holding the pot. "What about your family?"

"Back to my wife, Hou Ye only went out."

Banyan threw the scorpion back into the basin and got up and walked to the front of the bronze mirror. On such a cold day, Rong Rong went out to do something early in the morning.

"Counter, what do you want to comb today?" Yuzhu and Ruyi went to the back of the class, and the two men saw the look of the county owner a bit lonely, and looked a little cautious when asked.

"Be free," Ban Yi is not very interested. "You look at the comb."

"How can I feel free?" Rong Rong strode in, and the big shackles were still stained with unopened snowflakes. "Today is a good day to go back. I don't want my father-in-law to think that I am not good to you."

He put a wooden box on the dresser. "Look at the things inside, do you like it?"

Banyan didn't look at the wooden box, but looked at Rong Rong with some surprise: "You said that I am going back to my house today?"

Rong Rong heard the words "my family" and knew that there was still only one in the heart of Ban Yi, and that was the Jingting Government. He smiled. "It's natural to go back today. If the palace is so big, what do we mean by the two masters? Back to the father-in-law, not only people are busy, but you can also be happy."

"Yong," Ban said, holding his hand and holding his waist. "You are so good, I like you a little."

"Only one point?"

"So... a little more?"

Wang Qu went outside the study and told the little shout who was outside: "I have something to see Hou Ye, you will report it."

"Mr. Wang," Xiao Yan looked at Wang Qu in surprise. "Hou Ye accompanied the county owner back to her family. You don't know?"

"What are you talking about?" Wang Qu frowned. "Today is New Year's Eve."

Xiaoxiao nodded: "Today is the day when my wife returns to the door. Houye is worried that the wife can't find the jewelry that fits her heart. In the early morning, she asked Du Baowei to return to Houfu to take a whole box of jewelry for the lady to pick it. It’s been almost half an hour, and the small one thought that Mr. Wang, you know this.”

Wang Qu’s heart is awkward. I don’t know if it’s his illusion. Recently, Hou Ye doesn’t seem to want to see him. Many things are not willing to discuss with him. Did he do something that made Hou’s dissatisfaction, he was taking this opportunity to beat him?

He walked out of the study with a heart, and he saw the descendants of the main house moving out the boxes. These boxes also carry the family logo of the class, which is obviously what Mrs. Hou brought from her family.

"Where do you move these?"

"Mr. Wang," Xiao Yan, who moved the things, gave Wang Qu a ritual. "Hou said that the wife is not used to living here, so I moved these things to Houfu and went back to Houfu in a few days. ”

Wang Quwen’s words frowned. For Hou Ye, living in this imperial palace is definitely better than living in Houfu. However, because Fule County is not used to living, he will move out of the palace.

I don’t get used to living, obviously I want to be closer to my own family. A married woman, do not want to take good care of her husband, what is the look of her family? Also confuse Hou Ye to accompany her to her family's New Year, if this is spread out, what will be said outside?

Said Hou Ye feared, or said that Hou Ye was jealous of the class forces, can not lift the head?

In the carriage, Banyan closed his eyes on Rong's knees, and Rong Rong told her the story of the heroine of the rivers and lakes.

"What happened later?" After seeing the woman save the young beast, Ban Yi couldn't help but raise her head. "The year of the beast has become a human being. Do you want to be a man, or will you be enemies, killing the woman?"

Rong Rong pointed to his lips: "You kiss me, I will tell you."

In order to hear the story behind, Ban Yi did not hesitate to sacrifice his own color.

Rong Rong suddenly satisfied, he continued to talk, while watching the look of the class, and not based on the changes in the appearance of the class, to determine the story story below.

"Hou Ye," the groom who drove outside, tapped the window of the carriage. "Is the government office here?"

On the face of Ban Yi, she jumped out and opened the curtain. She looked at her empty palm and showed her helpless smile.

In the Jingting Gong government, Ban Huai and Ban Heng squatted on the table with anger and power. The father and son glanced at each other and sighed.

"When the New Year is over, what sighs you sigh?" Yin’s wearing a purple tuxedo came in and saw the father and son look like this, and couldn’t help but say, “Hey.”

"Mother," Ban Heng sat up straight. "Today is the third day of my sister's marriage. According to the rules, this is the day to go back. Maybe Cheng Anhou will send her sister back."

"You don't think about it," said Yin's face. "If there is no elder in Rongjia, there is no reason for her son-in-law to accompany her daughter to return to her family for the New Year. You..."

"Hou, my wife, Shizi!" A manager ran in with a smile on his face. "The county owner and the aunt came back."

“What are you talking about?” Yin’s likes to look out, “You’re not mistaken?”

"It's true, people are going to two doors at this time."

"I will go see!" Ban Heng jumped up from the stool and blinked and ran out of the door.

Ban Huai looked at Yin's incredulously: "Back, come back?"

Yin's wiped his eyes and turned and hurried out. Ban Huai was busy keeping up, as if he would go away after a while.


On the lotus pond side, Banyan heard the voice of Ban Heng. She looked up and saw the back of the rockery. Ban Heng was waving and waving to her.

"Hengdi," Ban Yi’s face suddenly showed a bright smile, reaching out to Ban Heng.

Ban Heng turned to run here, and there was a beggar at the foot. The man was on the ground, but he quickly climbed up from the ground and hurried to the front of the class.

"Sister!" Ban Heng circled the class for a few laps. Seeing the jewelry on her sister's head was not like bringing her from the class, and she was all exquisite. "Brother."

"Hengdi." Rong Hao smiled back to a ceremony.

"Why don't you be careful," Ban said, taking a shot of Ban Yong's snow-covered robes. "Is there a pain?"

"No pain," Ban Heng took a hand with a snowflake, turned and wanted to put on a skirt for the class. I didn't expect the skirt to be put in the hand. He had to walk side by side with the class." Sister, father and mother are waiting for you in the main house. The family has made dishes you like, and you will have to eat more."

"Okay," Ban said nodded and thought again. "Add another sour bamboo shoot soup, your brother-in-law likes this."

Ban Heng nodded: "Oh." He turned his head and glanced at him, and Rong Rong smiled at him gently.

Entering the main courtyard, Yin and Ban Huai have already stood at the door waiting. After seeing the class, Ban Huai did not wait for the class to give himself a gift. When he went to the front, he asked the class to eat well, sleep well, and the people in the past used it to be dissatisfied.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law." Rong Hao stepped forward to salute the two.

"It’s snowing outside, talking into the room," Yin’s eyelids were red, but her face still smiled. She nodded to Rong Rong. “It’s good to come back, just come back.”

There are still red lanterns and red dragonflies that have not been removed from the yard, just like the day when the class was married.

Rong Rong walked into the house and sat next to Ban Heng. He looked at the Banyan, who was talking to his father-in-law, and showed a gentle smile on his face.

Yin’s look at his expression, and his heart was much more secure. “Yin’s use tea.”

“Thank you for your mother-in-law.” Rong Rong sipped tea and chatted with the classmates. When he chatted, he mentioned the arrangement behind.

"You mean to move out of the palace?" Yin thought for a moment, "You think very thoughtfully, although the palace is given to you by your majesty, but it is not suitable for a long time, at least not right now."

"Xiao Xiao also means this," Rong Xiao smiled at the class, and Ban Yi also looked back at him and smiled. "He also supports me this decision."

Yin’s words were laughed and said: “He is a child’s character, and he’s confused on big things. If you have any decision, it’s good to tell her about it. Everything depends on her.”

“Oh, it’s good,” Rong Rong said, even if he retorted, “not confused.”

Yin did not expect the son-in-law to refute herself for the first time, because she criticized her daughter. She was a glimpse first, then smiled. "You don't have time with her, and you will know it later."

"Some people don't understand even if they get along for a hundred years, but they are different," Rong Rong shook his head slowly and looked more serious than ever before. "I just looked at her and knew that she was the best woman in the world." ”

Ban Huai took her daughter's hand and saw her 钗 ring jewelry is a good thing worthy of the city. The clothes are also the style that her daughter likes. Then she whispers: "Marry it to the family, don't grieve yourself, want to wear it, think Eat and eat. I see Rong Rong is also a good child, so when you eat, he also remembers, this is the way husband and wife get along."

This seems a bit naive, but it is the rationale.

When a person hangs another person in his heart, even if he eats something delicious and sees something interesting, he will want his loved one to share it with him.

This has nothing to do with the value of things, only with the mind.

"He is a good man, that is, the style of dressing is not very easy with me," Ban said. "The clothes are too much."

So when he put on the red groom's gown, the whole person was so beautiful that he could shine, so that she couldn't help but take it out. The scenery of the red and white skin is now delicious.

"When you read a book, you should pay attention to an elegant word in your clothes," Ban Huai advised. "Be a person to be tolerant. You must not contradict him in these matters."

"Do not worry, father," Ban Yi laughed. "Who can be such a stingy person."

At most, she will let the embroidered mother make a few more clothes of other colors, and find a way to let Rong Rong put it on.

The lunch was well prepared, and the class not only prepared what the classmates liked to eat, but also prepared a bunch of “rumors” that Rong Rong liked, or those that were praised by the readers. Although Rong Rong did not really like these things, but the intention of the class members to treat him is to make his heart soft.

"We don't know what you like," Ban Huai and Rong Rong touched the cup, and Weng Yi and the two took a sip. "In the future, you will come over with you again, first send someone to announce, talk about the food you want to eat, we Let the people in the kitchen get ready. There are not many people in the family, and they don't pay attention to the rules outside. It is good to have a meal."

"Xie Yue father." Rong Yu knows that Ban Huai said that it is not a polite word, so it should be down.

After a happy lunch, Rong Rong and Ban Yi went to the front of the class and squatted at them.

"What are you doing?" Ban Huai wants to help, but after decades of swearing, how can he support this young man?

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law," Rong Rong said with a sigh of relief to the two men. "The younger brothers and sisters died early. There are no other family members except the little sister. Now I am the son-in-law of the class. My parents are my parents. This is a must for Xiao Xiao."

After that, he lifted the tea to Ban Huai.

"You are this child." Ban Huai took the cup and raised his face with a cup of tea. Then he took a look at his pocket and found a stack of silver tickets, all of which were stuffed into Rong Rong. "I didn't prepare a red envelope, don't give up."

Ban Heng sneaked a sneak peek at the top of the silver ticket is five hundred two denominations, this stack of silver tickets said that there are also three or five thousand two, he and Rong Rong who is the family son?

"Xie Yue father." Rong Yi did not quit, and put all the silver tickets into his arms.

"Mother, please drink tea."

Yin did not expect that Rong Rong would give her a big gift according to her grandson's grandchildren. She took the tea of ​​Rong Yijing and drank it cleanly, then took out two red seals and put them in the hands of Rong. This was originally prepared for Banyan and Ban Heng, but the son-in-law was so likable, he gave him the red seal first.

“What about me?” Banyan sat on the cushion and watched his father and mother give the silver ticket and the red envelope to Rong Rong. Only when his hands were empty, he immediately snorted. “Parents can’t do this. eccentric."

"You have all taken the money for more than ten years," Yin's hand reached for a handful of guilty. "First this year, give Junpo, wait for your sister and brother to make up."

Ban Yi and Ban Heng:......

Are they both coming?

Rong Rong helped the class, and the silver ticket and the red envelope in the hand were handed over to the class: "My is yours."

Banyan patted his chest: "Hey."

Ban Heng: Oh, this family, only he is not a biological one.

When I came to the class, Rong Rong knew that the New Year’s Eve could be like this.

You don't have to spend time on accepting the worship of the next person, and you don't have to listen to the elders' exhortations. The family sits together and eats the fruits and vegetables to watch the performances of the violinist, singer, storyteller, and dancers. You don't have to pay attention to the rules of respect and respect, you can make jokes unscrupulously, even if your children cross the parents to give the dancers a silver medal, it is not a big fuss.

When the night came, when the fireworks illuminate the entire capital, Banyu looked at the kind face of his parents under the fireworks and reluctantly regained his gaze: "Let's go."

Today, Rong Rong can accompany her to Jingting to celebrate the New Year's Eve. It is already breaking the rules. She is not good enough to let him stay with her class for one night. Fortunately, there is no curfew tonight, even if you go out later, it doesn't matter.

“Where are you going?” Rong Rong took her hand and smiled. “We still have to keep the age together.”

Ban Bang fingertips tremble: "You..."

"I live in your yard tonight," Rong said with a smile. "When I marry you, I have no time to look at what your yard looks like."

The class raised his mouth and smiled: "Okay."

The dazzling bloom, illuminating the face of Rong Rong, the class blinked and the fingertips bent a little, letting Rong Rong wrap her hands in the palm of her hand.

"The country's grandfather, you have a good meal and a blessing."

"Quickly go to the ancestors, this is the intention of your Majesty, can not be wasted." Ban Huai looked at the two dishes of cold dishes, did not hesitate to speak.

"This is..." Yin looked at the two blessings. The two blessings had different handwritings. One was like the writing of the sire, the other was the word of the prince. "The word of the prince?"

Was the Prince not under house arrest in the East Palace?

Rong Rong took one of the blessings and looked at it: "It is indeed the handwriting of the Prince."

"The Prince was released?" Ban Yi felt that the Prince was more reliable.

"I don't know," Rong said with a smile. "It should be like this. It's all New Year's Eve. Your Majesty will not keep the Prince."

His Majesty could not bear to go to Ning Wang.