MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 162 Break Qingcheng!

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Among the many heavenly powers below, the golden-robed emperor-like celestial emperor slowly raised his head.

He still closed his eyes, like a puppet who had lost himself, and made various actions only by his own spirituality and intuition.

At this time, his spirituality seemed to feel the threat of the Queen Mother of the West—


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth on the earth began to flow towards him continuously, and even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in space was pulled over, and the mighty spiritual energy rushed forward, as if it converged into a huge vortex with a range of tens of thousands of miles.

Many Demon Ancestors and Heavenly Dao Great Masters couldn't help but be taken aback.

The incarnation of Heavenly Dao Great Master is just a condensed incarnation of a half-immortal level. It is just that Heavenly Dao Great Master pursues speed, so there is such a movement, but it is only for a moment.

But now, the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning of the world once again gathered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the movement was much bigger than theirs!

It was even bigger than the movement of the Queen Mother of the West when she formed her incarnation. Obviously, the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning of the world was more skillful in leveraging the rules of heaven!

Both sides are the Heavenly Dao Powers of the first echelon, and their incarnation mana far exceeds them!

"This... is much stronger than what I waited for..."

"In the human world, I can't interfere in the battle between him and the Queen Mother of the West..."

"Even if I wait for the alliance, it's not as strong as their half..."

"Forget it, all of you should focus on the Heavenly Heart Realm. Instead of wasting time here, I might as well go and hunt down the real body of the Queen Mother of the West."

"The Queen Mother of the West has entered the secluded sea of ​​the outside world. I am afraid that the demon ancestors are also protecting her. Let's go back to the Tianxin Realm in the battlefield that we are waiting for."

"Yes, no matter how powerful the incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West is, as long as the real body is affected, there is no way."

Seeing this, many Heavenly Dao greats also understand that they cannot intervene in the war between the world, but as long as they kill the real body of the Queen Mother of the West in the upper realm, it is enough to only affect her real body.

Out of the corner of the Queen Mother's eyes, she glanced at the great powers of heaven, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the demon ancestors on the outsider side: "Everyone, my incarnation in the human world is probably not an opponent in the beginning."

The demon ancestors could not help but fell silent.

Indeed, with the same mana, the same foundation, in the Three Realms, who can defeat the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning?

"I'm afraid I won't be able to help you either." The Infinite Demon Ancestor frowned and said, "You can only try to protect your true body in the Heavenly Heart Realm, but the Heavenly Dao side is so powerful now that I may not be able to defend you. ."

"He wants to beat me, and it's not that easy. I can hold off for a while."

The Queen Mother of the West said: "During this period of time, you need to do a few things. If you can do it, you will have the opportunity to kill his real body."

"Oh? There is still a chance?" The Infinite Demon Ancestor couldn't help but be slightly startled, and immediately said: "Come on."

Yuanshen's voice transmission is the exchange of thoughts. After a long time of communication, the outside world is only a moment in the past.

The Queen Mother of the West pondered for a while and asked, "Who is the sleeping demon ancestor?"

"There is only Ming Ye," said the Infinite Demon Ancestor.

"That's good." The Queen Mother of the West said immediately, "What I need you to do is very simple... First, take action immediately and kill all the existing quasi-demon ancestors and demons in the upper realm, completely annihilated, and not a single one can be left behind. , I can't let a quasi-demon ancestor appear in the upper realm."

"Killing Demon Venerable and Quasi Demon Ancestor?"

Infinite Demon Ancestor frowned slightly, although he didn't understand the purpose of doing this, he still agreed: "Okay."

In this world, the number of foreign demons under the outer demon ancestors is exactly the same as the number of immortal gods of the same level under the heaven.

Once a quasi-demon ancestor dies, the outsider master will consume a trace of the original source of the outsider, allowing a demon with the best qualifications to break through the quasi-demon ancestor on the spot.

Therefore, the Demon Venerable and the Quasi Demon Ancestor must be completely killed to ensure that the quasi Demon Ancestor will not appear in the upper realm.

Fortunately, during the Great Tribulation of Ancient Times, more than 90% of the demons and quasi-demon ancestors were sealed in the human world. Even if the demons and quasi-demon ancestors in the upper realm were killed, it would have no effect.

It's just that once the dozens of quasi-demon ancestors in the upper realm are annihilated, the origin of the outsiders will also suffer a little loss.

"Second, to break through the Qingcheng in the world, crack the Great Array of Fulong Dragons, release the ancient demons that were sealed in the human world, and release those quasi-demon ancestors, so as to have the opportunity to reverse this war on earth." The Queen Mother of the West said. .

"The quasi-demon ancestor?"

The Infinite Demon Ancestor frowned and said: "Do you want to create a large number of quasi-demon ancestors in the world? But with the strength of you and Tai Chu, what is the point of having more quasi-demon ancestors? How can you turn the tide of the battle?"

The other demon ancestors couldn't understand it either.

The power of the quasi-demon ancestor is still only the power of the Demon Venerable, but the height of the realm is comparable to that of the Taiyi Realm, and it is ten times stronger than the Demon Venerable. How can it affect the battle situation at this level?

You must know that when the incarnation mana of the Heavenly Emperor in the early days was only at the level of a half-immortal, his strength was comparable to that of the Demon Venerable. Now the mana of his incarnation has soared a thousand times, so what is the quasi-demon ancestor?

I am afraid that a flick of a finger will be able to kill a group of quasi-demon ancestors.

"Naturally, the quasi-magic ancestor cannot turn the tide of the battle."

The Queen Mother of the West said through a voice transmission: "But... what about the Demon Ancestor? The real Demon Ancestor, even the most ordinary Demon Ancestor like Ming Ye Demon Ancestor, can easily kill the Absolute Beginning by relying on the inextinguishable demon body, right?"

The Infinite Demon Ancestor suddenly understood what the Queen Mother of the West meant, and he couldn't help frowning and said through a voice transmission, "You...want to create a Demon Ancestor in the world?"


The Queen Mother of the West said: "The third thing is to trouble you and the Demon Ancestor of Jie Extermination to kill the sleeping Demon Ancestor of the Underworld Night and completely annihilate it! As long as one seat of the Demon Ancestor is vacated, in this way, the Three Realms will be destroyed. Among them, only the quasi-demon ancestors that still exist in the world can break through to become the real demon ancestors!"

Hearing the words, the ancestor of the demon robber couldn't help but stunned.

The other demon ancestors were also shocked by this horrifying thought.

The Infinite Demon Ancestor also frowned.

Of course he understood what the Queen Mother of the West meant.

There is an upper limit to the position of the demon ancestors of the outsiders. The key to how many ancestors can exist is how many positions of the demon ancestors are willing to be given by the rulers of the outsiders.

Either it is a soul dedicated to the power of heaven, or 'it' creates a demon ancestor by itself, or... if there is a vacancy in the position of the demon ancestor, the outsider master will select a quasi demon ancestor, bestow the supreme outsider law, and allow him to break through. Qualifications.

The reason why the quasi demon ancestor is called the quasi demon ancestor is because he can become a demon ancestor at any time!

As long as there is a vacancy, you can break through immediately!

But... no one knows which quasi-demon ancestor will break through, so as long as the quasi-demon ancestors in the upper realm are wiped out, the outsider ruler will naturally have to choose the quasi-demon ancestor who lives in the human world.

The ruler of the outsider is just the incarnation of the rules of the outsider, adhering to the principle of 'promotion by the best'. At that time, as long as there is a vacancy in the position of the demon ancestor, the quasi demon ancestor with the highest comprehension will be selected in the world, and he will break through to become the demon ancestor on the spot. , and bestowed the inextinguishable demon body formed by the power of the original source!

With that kind of strength, killing the Absolute Beginning Heavenly Emperor is simply an easy task!


The consequence of doing this is to completely annihilate all the demons and quasi-demon ancestors in the upper realm, and the most important thing is...the sleeping demon ancestors will be lost!

It seems that the Ming Ye Demon Ancestor is just an ordinary Demon Ancestor. It is not a big disadvantage to replace a Ming Ye Demon Ancestor with a new Demon Ancestor.

But in fact, the Dark Night Demon Ancestor has been born for such a long time. In the world within his body, he has accumulated a lot of power from chaos, which can stimulate the real power of the indestructible demon body. Once it is annihilated, the accumulated power will be heavy. Back to chaos.

How long will it take for the newly born demon ancestor to have such accumulation?

The price of making the ancestors of the dark night sacrifice is much greater than that of the origin of the heresy.

"Sacrificing the night..."

The Infinite Demon Ancestor pondered for a while and said, "It's not impossible, but... at least we have to make sure that the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty are really one, right? Although it is certain that the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty are one person, it is not sure whether they are really the same. Unity, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, is it really in the world?"

If it is possible to return the Yuan Dynasty, swallow the Yuan Dynasty, and let a foreigner appear at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it is enough to sweep the Heavenly Dao side, and it is naturally worth all the cost.

But... the premise is that the Yuan Dynasty really reincarnated into the human world.

"I have made an oath of heaven, and I can't reveal the slightest bit." The Queen Mother of the West said solemnly.

The Infinite Demon Ancestor asked: "What about the Taiyin God? Let him turn his back on the way of heaven?"

"He is in the realm of heaven, and he has value. For the time being, he can't be allowed to turn his back on the way of heaven." The Queen Mother of the West shook her head slightly: "Anyway, you should go and kill the demons and quasi-demon ancestors in the upper realm first, and break through Qingcheng. Once Qingcheng is broken, it will not be too late to let the Taiyin Lord turn his back on the way of heaven and tell you everything."

"Okay, I'll wait to attack Qingcheng."

The Infinite Demon Ancestor glanced at Tiandao side and said indifferently: "It just so happens that Tiandao side can be distracted from Qingcheng, and will not deal with your real body for the time being."

Yuanshen's voice transmission was over in an instant.

The demon ancestors on the outsider side immediately flew over Qingcheng thousands of miles away.

And the Heavenly Dao greats also noticed this.

It's just... They don't quite understand, what's the point of the outsider attacking Qingcheng at this time?

Even if all the ancient foreign demons sealed in the world are released, I am afraid it will not affect the battle between Taichu and the Queen Mother of the West at all. What is the purpose of doing this?

"Could it be..."

Mother Nuwa's thoughts moved, and she suddenly had a guess, and she immediately said: "The outsider may want to sacrifice the demon ancestor of the dark night, and to create the ancestor of the demon in the world, we must defend Qingcheng!"

Many Heavenly Dao Great Masters also immediately understood, and they couldn't help being surprised, and they also understood the seriousness of this matter.

Once a real demon ancestor is born in the world, there is really no way to save it!

Immediately, many Heavenly Dao greats also flashed and appeared over Qingcheng.

In the sky above Qingcheng, the dazzling Zhu Xian Jianguang continued to attack and kill Boss Qiao, completely suppressing him.

all of a sudden—


Heaven and earth stand still.

One after another, the figures of the demon ancestors exuding terrifying coercion suddenly appeared in the sky above Qingcheng. The terrifying oppressive force made many reincarnations of immortals and gods in Qingcheng stunned.

Almost at the same time, many incarnations of heavenly powers also appeared in the sky.

"Infinite Demon Ancestor, don't even think about breaking Qingcheng."

Empress Nuwa gave a soft drink and entered Qingcheng with many great powers.

Boss Qiao quickly retreated to the Demon Ancestor's camp, and the Sword of Immortal Zhu flew back from outside the city.

"This Qingcheng must be broken." The Infinite Demon Ancestor stared indifferently at Qingcheng below, and said with a voice transmission: "Businessman, your strength is the strongest among us. The Thunder of Tribulation and Destruction of the Demon Ancestor is the master."

"I'm here to weaken the combined attack power of the Heavenly Dao side." The Demon Ancestor said softly, and he turned into a side of heaven and earth again, covering the entire Qingcheng.


There was thunder in the sky, and the dark and dark thunder cloud of annihilation reappeared. Many incarnations of demon ancestors, as well as the power of a demon, were completely instilled in it, and began to produce black electric lights of annihilation, which continued to condense and condense together.

In Qingcheng.

"Fuxi, you come to control the formation, and you can stick to it with all your strength."

Empress Nuwa said through a voice transmission: "As long as you can defeat the Queen Mother of the West until the very beginning, you don't have to worry."

"Leave it to me, these Four Nine Immortal Execution Formations and All Dharma Return Formation Formations can completely form a formation with us, and if they are fully utilized, they are enough to increase the power of our combined attacks again."

Fuxi chuckled lightly, and the Hetu Luoshu in his hand exuded a strange light of Taoism, and immediately united many great powers of the heavens, and even the power of the Four Nine Immortal Executioners and All Laws Returning Formation was also included, turning into a chaotic knot. The world will protect the entire Qingcheng within it.


The next moment, a huge black electric light dragon head protruded out of the thunder cloud of annihilation in the sky, and a low thunderous roar sounded in the sky, and immediately charged straight down towards Qingcheng!

A terrifying explosion sounded, and the black electro-optical dragon slammed into the barrier of Qingcheng, but the barrier trembled a few times without any damage.

"it is good!"

The Heavenly Dao greats suddenly smiled.

Although there is one more demon ancestor on the outsider side, and one less Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of the day, but there are two great formations, the Four Nine Immortal Execution Formation and the All-Faith Guiding Formation, they still have an advantage!

On the side of the outsider demon ancestor, the atmosphere became solidified.

thousands of miles away.

At the beginning of the day, the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West were still absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, trying to reach the limit first.

Whoever can improve to the extreme first will naturally have the advantage first!


Soon, the Queen Mother of the West also noticed Qingcheng thousands of miles away, and found that the combined attack of the outsiders could not shake the shield of Qingcheng.

But she didn't worry, she just absorbed the spiritual power of heaven and earth with all her strength.

At the beginning of the day, the emperor was like a puppet without self, his eyes tightly closed, and he kept absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.


The breath of the Queen Mother of the West was shocked, and the movement of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth finally subsided, and her mana has been raised to the extreme.

She felt her own mana, which was a thousand times stronger than in the past, definitely Da Luo mana!


The Queen Mother of the West didn't hesitate at all, she gave a soft drink, and immediately manifested a phantom of the Jade Pond exuding colorful rays of light, completely containing the space where the Heavenly Emperor was in the beginning!

At the same time, the terrifying edge 'Tian Zhi Li' also flew into it, attacking and killing the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning!

In the Jade Pond, the speed at which the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor absorbed the spiritual power of heaven and earth suddenly slowed down.

The next moment The 108,000 strange light visions behind the Heavenly Emperor of the beginning of the universe flickered, and they turned into an egg-shaped chaotic space that nurtured Pangu before the chaos opened, protecting himself in it.


The sky was slashed on the chaotic space, and the chaotic space was shocked, but it was not damaged.

As soon as the Heavenly Emperor raised his hand in the beginning, one hundred and eighty thousand Dao Qiguang turned into a huge phantom of the beginning of the land, trying to burst this Jade Pond from the inside!


The Queen Mother of the West poured mana into the virtual shadow of Yaochi, and tried her best to trap the Emperor in the beginning.

The phantom of Yaochi was slowly stretched a little by the land of the beginning, but it did not break.

"Okay, I can hold on for a while!"

When the Queen Mother of the West saw this, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

She never thought that she could defeat the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning, just to prevent the other party from continuing to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth so quickly.

Her own strength is not as good as that of the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning. It is only because the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning has not been raised to the limit, so she can trap the other party.

But... even if the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of the day is slow to improve his strength, it can be improved to the limit after a long time.

She also understood that she could only be trapped for a while at most.

Therefore, during this period of time, Qingcheng must be broken in order to turn the tide of the battle!

"But... what about the real body of the beginning?"

The Queen Mother of the West suddenly had some doubts: "His real body has never made a move, and he doesn't even have an ego in his incarnation. He just acts with his own spirituality. If he makes a real move, then I will definitely lose. It seems... It's really to hide." it'?"

Apart from this reason, she couldn't think of anything else.

"We must break through Qingcheng as soon as possible..."

The Queen Mother of the West took a deep breath and glanced at the Heavenly Emperor who was trapped in it, and the real body of the upper realm said through a voice transmission: "The Lord of the Yin, I taught you the methods of leveraging the heavens, do you understand? Go and conquer Qingcheng!"