MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 159 traitor

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A dark and dead realm.

Thousands of miles away, over a remote mountain village.

The vast and vast power and will of the rules enveloped this area, wrapping the phantom of the primordial spirit in the shape of a woman, and left the world through a mysterious trajectory.

Boss Qiao slowly opened his eyes, and the terrifying pressure spread out.


After the transformation, the source of the external demons also expanded the demonic realm he released by more than ten times. The demonic realm with a range of more than 100,000 miles instantly enveloped the entire earth!

"Is this the Demon Venerable..."

Boss Qiao murmured and looked up at the direction where the woman's primordial spirit phantom left, with a hint of complexity in her eyes.

The mysterious and indifferent female voice told him the location information of the reincarnation of the Taiyijing Immortal God of the Taiyin Tianyuan Dao Lineage - 'Wanyan Emperor Zun', so he came.

The other demons all went to find the reincarnation of Youchan, and he was the only one who was sent to capture the reincarnation of the 'Emperor Wanyan'.

The Taiyijing Immortal God is only equivalent to the strength of the Heavenly Demon. With his peak strength, as long as he can confirm the position and catch the reincarnation of a Taiyijing Immortal God, it is naturally very simple. The strength gap of hundreds of times is impossible at all. resist.

He easily caught Emperor Yan that night and dedicated his primordial spirit to 'It', then he got the reward from 'It' and directly broke through to the level of Demon Venerable.

"I actually found the location of the reincarnation of the Immortal God in the Taiyi Realm. That voice... I am afraid it is the Heavenly Dao of Taiyin Tianyuan."

Boss Qiao vaguely understood in his heart: "Let me become a Demon Lord, this is a hole card for the outsider..."

Judging from the information given to him by Demon Ancestor, he naturally understood how strong he was now.

Even the three leaders of Nuwa, Taiqing Tianzun, and Tathagata Buddha, the incarnation strength in the world is slightly inferior to him at this time!

As for the ordinary first-tier powerhouse, it is only a few percent of his strength.

After all, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao Great Power in the first echelon is only a half-immortal mana, and it is basically ten thousand times weaker than him. It is only by relying on the extremely terrifying Heavenly Dao Perfection Realm that it barely narrows the gap with him.

According to what the Demon Ancestor said, the Heavenly Emperor, who was also in the human world, could be stronger than him.

At the beginning of the day, Emperor Tian was the first powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao, and he was reincarnated into the human world. Once the real body used the forbidden technique to intensify the mana, it was naturally much stronger than the incarnation.

"Boss Lin... I owe you the kindness, I haven't paid it back yet..."

Boss Qiao secretly sighed, "I'm sorry... I can only try not to fight with you, but if I can live freely, I really want to see the true face of this world..."

at this time-


A grand and vast voice sounded, and it was the indifferent voice of Zhutian Demon Ancestor: "It's time, let's go back to conquering all the laws of Qingcheng, and then break the great formation of the eternal dragon, and then release those who have been imprisoned in the depths of the human world. The ancient alien demon."


Boss Qiao replied softly, then hesitated for a while, and then said: "If Taichu was reincarnated in Qingcheng to resist, then I..."

Before he could finish his words, Zhutian Demon Ancestor said lightly: "I know that Taichu saved you, and you don't want to be his enemy, so if Taichu goes to Qingcheng, then come and wait for me, for what you call it. freedom, you always have to choose one side, don't you?"

Boss Qiao was silent for a while, then said slowly, "I understand."


Zhutian Demon Ancestor's voice was still echoing around, while Boss Qiao turned his head and looked in the direction of Qingcheng.

At this time, his demon domain has completely shrouded the earth and part of the starry sky, and naturally also enveloped Qingcheng in his demon domain.

He took one step, and in an instant, he crossed a distance of thousands of miles and reached the sky above Qingcheng.

Qingcheng has long been surrounded by various methods, and the chaotic moat enchantment covers the entire Qingcheng, and the power of the formation has been pushed to the extreme.

The reincarnations of the Taiyijing immortals and gods in Qingcheng also immediately discovered his existence, and many immortals and gods were waiting for him.

"Feel sorry…"

Boss Qiao slowly stretched out his hand, and the incomparably huge spiritual power of heaven and earth gathered together, rolling in from all directions and even from space, and quickly formed a huge black lotus with a size of tens of thousands of miles!

The black lotus, which is almost half the size of the earth, is suspended above the earth like this, completely covering all the sky, blooming slowly in space, releasing a terrifying coercion.

The Heavenly Dao greats are almost completely dependent on the Heavenly Dao realm, and their mana is not strong, so the power of the tricks cannot be so vast.

And he is mainly strong on the most extreme cultivation level in the Three Realms, the "power of the devil"!

The most extreme cultivation of the three worlds is the supreme mana, and the power of the devil is ten times stronger. Unless it is the power of the **** of heaven, or the inextinguishable body of the devil, there is no power that can surpass the power of the devil. force.

If he is willing, as long as he attacks with all his strength, the planet under his feet can collapse and disintegrate!

The reincarnations of many immortals and gods in Qingcheng stared at the endless black shadow in the sky, unable to see even a single lotus leaf.

The next moment, this black lotus, which is even bigger than the moon, began to shrink slowly, and in an instant, it shrank a hundred times and a thousand times, only a little bigger than Qingcheng.

Then, the city-sized black lotus slowly reversed, and the blooming lotus heart moved towards Qingcheng below.


As if an asteroid hit the earth, the moment the dark light exploded on the barrier of the city, there was a terrifying explosion, and the entire Eurasian continent seemed to tremble for it. Light.

The terrifying aftermath rolled by. Wherever it passed, the mountains and rivers shattered and the rivers evaporated. Except for Qingcheng, which was protected by the barrier of the city, a thick layer of ground was scraped off for thousands of miles. The continental plate caused the nearby crust to crack open a deep valley-like gap.

Although Qingcheng is still safe and sound, the barrier that protects the city is obviously sunken and seems to be about to collapse and shatter.

With the reincarnation of many immortals and gods in the city continuing to output a large amount of mana, the chaotic color of the protection barrier has been restored as before.



Another terrifying dark light of power fell, and with the explosion that destroyed the sky and the earth, the protective barrier sank again.

Many immortals and gods in the city were reincarnated in shock, and they could only continue to spend a lot of mana to restore the enchantment.

"Feel sorry…"

Boss Qiao sighed silently, and continued to control the black lotus to burst out dark rays of light, constantly impacting the barrier of the city.

The black lotus method he practiced is better at protecting and restraining himself, and is not good at attacking, but after all, it is at the level of Demon Venerable, and no matter how bad he is, it is the power of Demon Venerable.

And even if these methods are brought to the extreme, they are only close to the power of Demon Venerable, barely resisting his attack.

Although the enchantment can be repaired every time, it must consume a lot of mana.

In this Demon Realm, he has infinite power, but what about the practitioners in Qingcheng?

Even if there is a magic pill to replenish mana, there is also the limit of drug resistance. How long can it last with such a depletion of mana?

The Qingcheng Great Array is about to collapse.

"Feel sorry…"

thousands of miles away.

In the heaven and earth transformed by the ancestors of the common people, many heavenly masters also sensed the situation of Qingcheng thousands of miles away, and they all changed.

If this continues, it won't be long before the Qingcheng Great Array will be broken!

And once Qingcheng is breached, under the terrifying power of Demon Venerable, the Great Formation of Fulong will be as fragile as a piece of broken paper, unable to resist at all!

The Wanshifulong Great Array, and other prohibitions that seal the ancient foreign demons in the world, are related to the seal of the mother and the child. If the Wanshifulong Great Array is broken, the other seals will also be broken.

At that time, a large number of demons who were sealed in the world, and even those quasi-demon ancestors were released, that would be bad!

Even the strength of the leaders of the Three Great Dao Lineages is only close to the Demon Venerable. Once the quasi Demon Ancestor appears in this world, no one can stop him!


"Open the sky!"

The combined attack of many great powers can certainly have the upper hand, but the Infinite Demon Ancestor can completely resist the extra advantage with his golden body, which is equivalent to a balanced situation. !

"Qingcheng is about to break down."

Infinite Demon Ancestor's voice drifted from the sky: "Isn't it going to stop it in the beginning?"

Heavenly Dao almighty people understand.

On the outsider side, there are obviously other cards that have not been used, otherwise it would not have been obvious to wait for Taichu to go to Qingcheng to block it.

Once we go to Qingcheng in the early days, I am afraid that we will suffer here!

"Just waiting for Taichu to appear."

Empress Nuwa's face was cold, and then she sent a voice transmission to the young-looking Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun: "Lingbao, let's start."

"I see." Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun slowly closed his eyes and said, "I need some time."

"Okay." Empress Nuwa nodded lightly.

The Supreme Qing Tianzun can't completely concentrate his mind on the incarnation of the human world, which means that he can't use the great supernatural power of the three purities, and can only rely on other heavenly powers to resist.

At this time-


In the sky, a huge black electro-optical dragon burst out from the thundercloud, and it rushed down toward the heaven!

Fuxi immediately transmitted his voice to many heavenly masters: "Although Sanqing cannot form the power of Pangu, it is fortunate that Yang Hui is there, as long as the formation is transformed into a defensive form and defended with all his strength, even if it cannot be completely blocked, I will share it. , it shouldn't be a problem."

The next moment, the strange light of the formation lit up, and many heavenly energies began to instill their power with all their strength, completely converging their own power into the power of the formation, turning it into a layer of chaotic enchantment!

The black electro-optical dragon slammed into the chaotic enchantment, and then collapsed and dispersed into free electro-optics, which were wrapped around the entire chaotic enchantment. The world, and the great masters of heaven are also constantly instilling power with all their might.

"Youchan, why hasn't Lin Zhishui shot yet?" She Xilu asked worriedly in her heart.

"He's waiting." Youchan sighed and said, "However, the Tiandao side obviously has other trump cards, which may be solved, but I don't know what the outsider's trump card is, and they are willing to let Taichu stop the demons in Qingcheng. Honor?"

at this time-

Among the crowd of great powers of the Heavenly Dao shrouded in the power of the formation, not far from She Xilu, the illusory incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West, which seemed to collapse and disappear at any time, suddenly slowly turned her head to look at She Xilu.

Her eyes were extremely cold.

In an instant, the boundless spiritual power of heaven and earth, like a pilgrimage, madly gathered towards the incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West, which was about to dissipate. In just an instant, the incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West was about to collapse and returned to its peak state!

Even though the Heavenly Dao greats are concentrating on maintaining the enchantment to resist the attack of the electric light, they are aware of this.

"Western Queen?"

"What's the matter? Isn't the incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West about to dissipate?"

"Is she pretending?"

"How could... she's a traitor?"

In addition to the expected few Heavenly Dao Great Masters, the other Great Masters couldn't help but be shocked, but at this time, they were resisting the attack of the Thunder of Tribulation and Destruction.

Youchan's spiritual sense has been paying attention to the surroundings, and she immediately noticed the change of the Queen Mother of the West, and quickly shouted in She Xilu's mind: "The Queen Mother of the West is a traitor! Immediately destroy her avatar scroll!"

After the incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West walked out of the scroll, Youchan became more conscious and asked She Xilu to put away the scroll.

This picture scroll is the item that carries the incarnation, and the key to allowing Heavenly Dao to form an incarnation in the world, as long as the picture scroll is destroyed, the incarnation will naturally dissipate.

"it is good!"

She Xilu glanced at the picture scroll in her hand, and immediately activated her mana, directly turning the picture scroll formed of ordinary paper into nothingness!

However, the incarnation of the Queen Mother of the West is still there!

Youchan was stunned.

All the Heavenly Dao Great Masters were startled for a and then they understood in an instant.

"Even if there is no picture scroll, she can form an incarnation in the world!"

"This is a means of combining the heavens and the outsiders, she must be the reincarnation of the demon ancestor!"


"This traitor! He really is acting!"

One by one, the angry reprimands of the almighty gods continued to sound through the voice transmission of the primordial spirit.

On the other hand, the eyes of Empress Nuwa and several other Taoist leaders were still calm, as if they had expected this for a long time.

He was right, it was her.


The Queen Mother of the West's eyes were cold, and she didn't pay any attention to the heavenly masters around who couldn't be distracted. She quickly condensed a sharp edge of 'Tianzhili' on the top of her head, and then urged Tianzhili to slash at She Xilu!

With the strength of She Xilu, which is no match for the Taiyijing Human Immortal, if she can't resist even for a moment, she will be killed and return to 'it'!

A smile appeared in the eyes of the Queen Mother of the West.

She didn't intend to deceive the Heavenly Dao side and did so many dramas, she was just looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill Youchan!

Even if Taichu appeared at this time, he might not be able to catch up!

What's more, even if you can catch up at this time, you can only choose one of two, either to save Youchan, or to stop Demon Venerable from breaking Qingcheng!

No matter which one you choose, it is a huge advantage for the outsider side!

At this moment, a figure flew out from the sleeve of the Nuwa Empress.

It was a loli who looked less than ten years old, and seemed to be a little cute, and fell in front of She Xilu.

The flow of time suddenly slowed down.


"Traitor, you really can't stand it anymore?"

Empress Nuwa glanced at the Queen Mother of the West out of the corner of her eye, and said coldly, "I have never believed you in the first place. If you want this opportunity, then I will give you this opportunity!"

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